Question Verbs

List/Identify - Listing or identifying is a task that requires no more than a simple enumeration of some factors or characteristics. A list does not require any causal explanations. Do just that, list the responses.

Define - A definition requires a student to provide a meaning for a word or concept. Examples may help to demonstrate understanding of the definition. Students may be instructed to note the term’s significance as part of the definition.

Describe - A description involves providing a depiction or portrayal of a phenomenon or its most significant characteristics. Descriptions most often address “what” questions. You must do more than simply list facts—You must actually describe the reasons. Students need to focus on the details of a process and/or a concept.

Explain - An explanation involves the exploration of possible causal relationships. When providing explanations, students should identify and discuss logical connections or causal patterns that exist between or among various political phenomena. Typically this requires students to show a result. For example if a student were asked to explain how the first amendment addressed Anti-Federalist concerns they would need to first give context by describing the first amendment and the beliefs of the Anti-Federalists and then connect them. Anti-Federalists were concerned with a tyrannical central government with the ability to deprive Americans of civil liberties therefore including a provision in the Bill of Rights allowing Americans to speak out against the government or petition the government without fear of consequence eased their overall concern.

Compare/Contrast - This task requires students to make specific links between/among two or more concepts.

*Always write more not less

*Don’t contradict yourself

*If you know the information you’re solid, if you don’t the reader will know.



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