AP Human Geo Chapter 10 Development

#How is Development Defined and Measured? P 336-3421People working in the oil fields, people transporting oil, those working in oil refineries, oil exporters, international oil corporations, gas station owners represent an example of the links connecting producers and consumers in a world market. This is an example ofAnswer: 2Sophisticated technology, high skill levels, extensive research and development and high salaries tend to be associated with processes that take place in what segment of the global commodity chain?Answer: 3What does the word “development” imply?Answer: 4Complete this sentence: Modern notions of development are related to the Industrial Revolution andAnswer: 5What are the 2 indexes most used by economists to compare the economic welfare of countries?Answer: Answer: 6What does GNP measure?Answer: 7What does GDP measure?Answer: 8What does GNI measure?Answer: 9What is the most common way to standardize GNI data?Answer: 10Define “formal economy.”Answer: 11What is the key component of survival in countries with low per capital GNP?Answer: 12Even if the Gross National Product (GNP) index is used to measure the well-being of a country, what does it fail to show?Answer: 13High levels of development can be determined by measurement of access to railways, roads, airline connections, telephones, and radio and television. What are all of the above called?Answer: 14What does dependency ratio measure?Answer: 15Who is the author of the modernization model?Answer: 16What is the major assumption of Rostow’s Model of development?Answer: 17List the five stages of Rostow’s model of development.Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4: Stage 5: 18Describe the economic activities and characteristics of each stage of Rostow’s model of development.Stage 1 : Stage 2 : Stage 3 :Stage 4 :Stage 5 :How Does Geographical Situation Affect Development? AND What are the Barriers to and the Costs of Economic Development? p342-35819What is the term that is used to describe the concept of major world powers that continue to control the economies of the poorer countries?Answer: 20What are theories called which hold that economic disparities are built into the global economic system?Answer: 21What major developmental theory have structuralists developed as an alternative to Rostow’s model of economic development?Answer: 22El Salvador abandoned its currency, the Colon, in favor of the U.S. dollar. What is this process called?Answer: 23Why are geographers drawn to use Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory?Answer: 24What are the three basic dimensions of human development according to the United Nations Human Development Index? the 8 Millenium Development Goals adopted by the United Nations to improve the conditions of people in countries with the lowest standards of human development. economic occupation do young girls trafficked from the periphery to wealthier regions most often work in?Answer: 27What are structural adjustment loans?Answer: 28What two organizations are charged with identifying and loaning structural adjustment loans?Answer: Answer: 29What is neoliberalism?Answer: 30What is malaria?Answer: 31What is the age group most affected by malaria?Answer: 32According to figure 10.10, malarial endemicity in 2003 was highest in what region of Africa?Answer: 33What hampered the economic development of the African states of Malawi and Zimbabwe ?Answer: 34What are export processing zones/EPZs?Answer: 369What are the export processing zones/EPZ in Mexico called?Answer: 37What are the EPZs called in China?Answer: 38What was the economic treaty signed in 1992 by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico called?Answer: 39Explain the term “desertification.”Answer: 40Fill in the blank: Desertification in Africa is a particular problem because more than _______ of the continent is arid or semi-arid.Answer: 41Hotels in tourist areas of peripheral countries are usually owned by ________.Answer: How Do Political and Economic Institutions Influence Uneven Development Within States? p358-36842Many tourist areas in peripheral regions are beach resorts. In 2004, Southeast Asia’s beaches were ravaged by what natural disaster?Answer: 43The flooding of the 9th ward in Hurricane Katrina in 2005, was in part the result of what government decisions put in place decades before the actual hurricane?Answer: 44Establishment of government quotas on imports to U.S., such as T-shirts, has led to ______________.Answer: 45When government policies favor one region over another, what is the likely result?Answer: 46Where do both periphery and core governments prioritize the creation of wealth?Answer: 47Nigeria, Pakistan, and Brazil established new post-colonial capitals away from what geographic locations?Answer: 48Who built Port Gentile, in Gabon?Answer: 49Explain the concept of “Islands of Development.”Answer: 50Describe NGOs.Answer: 51Finish this sentence; Some countries have so many NGOs operating within them that they serve as what the Economist calls, ______________________.Answer: 52What are “microcredit programs?”Answer: ................

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