AP Human Geography – Syllabus

AP Human Geography – Syllabus

Ms. Anna Lee Walters

Paxon School for Advanced Studies


Contact Ms. Walters: waltersa@ mswaltersaphug.

Course Description:

The goal for the course is for students to become more geoliterate, more engaged in contemporary global issues, and more informed about multicultural viewpoints. They will develop skills in approaching problems geographically, using maps and geospatial technologies, thinking critically about texts and graphic images, interpreting cultural landscapes, and applying geographic concepts such as scale, region, diffusion, interdependence, and spatial interaction, among others. Students will see geography as a discipline relevant to the world in which they live; as a source of ideas for identifying, clarifying, and solving problems at various scales; and as a key component of building global citizenship and environmental stewardship.

Course Organization:

BIG IDEA 1: PATTERNS AND SPATIAL ORGANIZATION (PSO) Spatial patterns and organization of human society are arranged according to political, historical, cultural, and economic factors.

BIG IDEA 2: IMPACTS AND INTERACTIONS (IMP) Complex relationships of cause and effect exist among people, their environments, and historical and contemporary actions.

BIG IDEA 3: SPATIAL PROCESS AND SOCIETAL CHANGE (SPS) A spatial perspective allows for a focus on the ways phenomena are related to one another in particular places, which in turn allows for the examination of human organization and its environmental consequences.

Units of Study:

Unit 1- Thinking Geographically Unit 5- Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes

Unit 2- Population and Migration Patterns and Processes Unit 6- Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes

Unit 3- Cultural Patterns and Processes Unit 7- Industrial and Economic Development Patterns

Unit 4- Political Patterns and Processes and Processes

Course Expectations:

Along with attending an Advanced Studies High School, this is an Advanced Placement course. College credits are awarded to those who pass the AP Exam at the end of the course. The expectations for this class are at the same level as a college class.

Important Date:

Please make sure to be at school on Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 for the AP Human Geography Exam. The exam will begin promptly at 12:00 in the Gym.

Recommended Materials (one is sufficient):

BARRON’S AP Human Geography Test Preparation Book

McGraw Hill 5 Steps to a 5 AP Human Geography- 2017-2018

Cracking AP Human Geography Princeton Review

AMSCO Human Geography Test Preparation Book (Class Set)


Grades will be based on a weighted system according to the following:

Exams: 30%

Quizzes: 25%

Classwork/Homework: 25%

Projects: 20%

** Please check Focus and the class website often. Grades are updated regularly & upcoming assessments are listed on the website.

Attire and Behavior:

The student code of conduct will be enforced. Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off while in class. A final reminder, students will adhere to the dress code while in the classroom and at school.

Students will adhere to the classroom discipline policy. Consequences are in place for those who do not, and rewards are in place for those who do.


1. Students are to bring a 3 ring binder to class. Dividers are to be labeled as followed: 1- Thinking Geographically 2- Population/Migration 3- Culture 4- Political 5- Agriculture 6- Urban Geo 7- Industry/Economics

2. Students are also responsible for bringing their textbook/test prep materials,

3. paper,

4. and writing utensils to class every day.

5. Students will also need many index cards (appr. 500) throughout the school year. Dividers or binder pencil cases are recommended to hold the cards.


Come to class. As you will see there is a direct correlation between class attendance and higher grades. It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve details about make up work. I WILL NOT COME TO YOU; you must come to me for the information needed to complete missing or late work. You can check my website and the missed work folder.


Take home assignments will usually consist of uncompleted work assigned during a work period in class. Any other homework will consist of studying on a weekly basis, completion of notecards, and projects.

Late Work: ** Assignments are due on the due date. For typical assignments, students will receive 50% credit one class period late and no points beyond that point.

Make ups:

The student will have one day for each day missed to make up assigned work during their absence. If an assignment was made before the absence that assignment will be due the day of return to class. If the student misses a quiz, test, or FRQ, the assessment must be made up within one (1) week of date assigned. Failure to do so will result in a score of a zero (0) on the assignment/assessment. The “must be made up by” date is under the assignment description in Focus.


It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher for tutoring, help, and make-up work. The student must also be in constant awareness of their grade in class by checking the online portal, or by asking the teacher. The student is responsible for turning in assignments on time.

*Conference: To schedule a parent teacher conference, you must contact the guidance department.

*Tutoring: I am available for tutoring on A days during lunch and by appointment.

Cheating and Plagiarism

The student code of conduct will be enforced. Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated. All projects and research reports are checked for cheating and plagiarism. There are no warnings in the classroom. Cheating and plagiarism classify as Class II offenses which stay on the student’s permanent academic record.

Extra Credit Opportunities

There will be numerous extra credit opportunities through the year. Each quarter will vary. These will be posted on my website and the whiteboard in the classroom.

How to be successful in AP Human Geography this year:

1. You must be organized

2. You must have excellent time management skills

3. Come to class prepared. Preparedness includes having basic materials, any assignments ready, and ready to be tested.

4. Use the class website often to check on dates, assignments, changes, power points, etc.

5. Have the end in mind. The whole purpose of this course is to achieve college credit. You must pass the AP exam at the end of the year to reach this goal. Remember this each day all year.

How to get in touch with Ms. Walters

Email: WaltersA@

Class website: MsWaltersAPHuG.

**PLEASE READ** What will AP Human Geography be like for your student?

This course will be tough in many different aspects. The reading level is very rigorous; at a college level. Your student may struggle with reading at some point. Helping them with vocabulary will be extremely important! This course will require your student to study a lot. They should be reviewing and/or studying every night. This course will also require your student to be mature and open-minded of other people, cultures, religions, habits, customs, etc… Many topics covered this year are controversial, including sex, birth control, population planning, gender, sexual orientation, female genital mutilation, religious extremism, socioeconomic status, food rights, nationalism, genocide, child and adult trafficking, drug use, migration, and development. Your student will be required to learn about these topics from an education perspective. They may come home wanting to extend the classroom conversation and lesson and gain your perspectives. Please share your experiences and knowledge with them!

By signing below and returning this page to Ms. Walters, you agree to the following statements:

** I have read this syllabus and understand the course description, objectives, and expectations.

** I am fully aware that this is an Advanced Studies High School and a college level Advanced Placement class.

** I am aware that the date set for the AP Human Geography Exam is Tuesday, May 5th at 12 PM, and I will do everything in my power to be at school and ready to test.

** I am aware of the supporting materials available to purchase for this course.

** The work load and responsibilities of this course are understood and will be performed to expectations.


Parent/Guardian name (print) _______________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian name (sign)_________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian contact information:

Phone #- Email-

Student name _____________________________________________________________________________

Additional Resources- Parental Consent

During the year, we will be adding many additional resources to enhance the learning of each topic. Being a college-level course, there are quite a few topics that revolve around different cultures of people, including religion, language, race, and ethnicity. Some of these topics provide controversial information, conversations, and real-world applications. The resources used are to supplement information being taught on these topics.

Below are the common resources used/watched throughout the year.

Websites: Documentaries (*Time Permitting*):

– used for TedTalks Food, Inc.

What The Health- Netflix

*Parts of* Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown- Netflix

– primary channels used The Devil’s Playground (Amish life)

are: Crash Course, Keith Hughes, Team Edge, Chefs Table – Netflix mini food documentaries

TedxYouth, TED Talks, CGP Grey, and Our Planet/Planet Earth/etc. for enviornmentalism

Wonder Why Guns, Germs, and Steel

Videos/Movies (*Time Permitting*):

Mulan- about gender inequalities, agriculture, and war in China. Rated PG

Coco- about the Hispanic culture and traditions. Rated PG

The Good Lie- about Sudanese Refugees. Rated PG-13

Hotel Rwanda- about the Rwandan Genocide. Rated PG-13

Lion – about migration and culture in India. Rated PG-13

Black Panther – about African culture, politics, and society. Rated PG-13

By signing below, you permit your student to take part in these additional educational resources in class to enhance their learning on these topics.


Additional Resources Consent

Parent Name (Print) _____________________________________________________________

Parent Name (Sign) ______________________________________________________________

Student Name (Print) _____________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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