Exam #1 AP Human Geography



Time—55 minutes (70 Questions)

Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements is followed by five suggested answers or completions. Select the letter that is the best answer in each case and then fill in the corresponding oval on the answer sheet.

|1. Which of the following remains a legacy of Napoleon’s rule in France? | |5. Modern political revolutions were characterized by |

| | | |

|the Bank of France | |the unopposed rule of absolute monarchs |

|a university system | |the influence of Enlightenment ideals |

|the Civil Law (Napoleonic) Code | |peasants and urban workers refusing to protest |

| | |the destruction of traditional religion |

|I only | | |

|I and II only | |6. The Congress of Vienna led to which of the following? |

|I, II, and IV | | |

|I, II, and III | |the restoration of the monarchy in France and the Netherlands |

| | |the division of eastern Europe among Great Britain, Italy, and Germany |

|2. The Revolutions of 1848 | |The partitioning of Africa into European colonies |

| | |The prohibition of the French from re-establishing a standing army |

|forced the king of Prussia to withdraw reforms | | |

|were minimal disturbances across isolated portions of Europe | |7. Who was the principal architect of the Congress System that prevailed in |

|was started because the French king decided to enact reforms not agreed on by | |Europe during the first half of the 1800s? |

|other nations | | |

|reflected the frustration of the lower classes at the negative social and | |Napoleon |

|economic effects of the Industrial Revolution | |Metternich |

| | |Bismarck |

|3. The Enclosure Acts affected the Industrial Revolution by | |von Holbrook |

| | | |

|educating peasants and turning them into skilled workers. | |8. Which of the following BEST reflected the living conditions of the Industrial|

|driving peasants off their land and thereby creating the workforce needed for | |Revolution? |

|factories and mines. | | |

|bankrupting wealthy landowners and convincing them to turn to manufacturing. | |housing was quite comfortable for immigrants |

|setting land aside for new factories and mines. | |health care prevented the spread of disease in tenements |

| | |crime spread relatively unchecked & pollution was widespread in densely populated|

|4. What was the first major trade to be fully power-driven and industrialized? | |areas |

| | |factories closed in the winter time to create free time for factory laborers |

|(A) the textile industry | | |

|(B) the canning of food | | |

|(C) the production of rubber | | |

|(D) the cotton production industry | | |

|9. Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the French Revolution of | |13. Which of the following was a social effect of the Industrial Revolution? |

|1789? | | |

| | |humans become part machine through random evolutionary mutation |

|It failed to instill a sense of nationalism in France. | |on the assembly line, independent thought was widely encouraged |

|Women gained universal suffrage as part of the revolution. | |the middle class bourgeoisie is prevented from owning businesses |

|The revolution turned radical with the involvement of peasants. | |the birth of the proletariat – an urban working class |

|It succeeded in strengthening France’s economy. | | |

| | |14. Of the following regions, which defied the common pattern of growing Western|

|10. How did industrialization affect the Atlantic slave trade? | |domination in the nineteenth century? |

| | | |

|Reliance on machines caused the slave trade to end somewhat earlier than it | |The Ottoman Empire |

|otherwise would have. | |Russia and Japan |

|Industrialization rapidly brought to a close the slave trade in the United States| |Latin America |

|and Britain. | |Africa |

|Steam power allowed the British and U.S. navies to end the slave trade by 1861. | | |

|Industrialization of the textile industry revived slavery in the Americas for | |15. The Latin American struggles for independence were caused in large part by |

|several decades | | |

| | |Napoleon’s wars against Europe left the power authority of Spain and Portugal in |

|11. Which of the following BEST summarizes the reform movements of the | |doubt |

|Industrial Revolution? | |British naval destruction of the Spanish Armada |

| | |a decrease of Amazonian vegetation |

|capitalism should not be checked by government intervention | |the frustration of the Spanish hierarchy that all governmental jobs were |

|reform more possible in Russia than in the United States due to autocratic | |dominated by Creoles |

|structure | | |

|parliaments started passing laws that limited hours, child labor and worsened | |16. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of British rule of India? |

|working conditions | | |

|the number of people with influence – aristocracy and middle class – increased | |spread of Christianity |

|pressuring the government to act on behalf of the workers | |building of roads and canals |

| | |rate of urbanization increased |

|12. Which of the following MOST accurately describes Latin America’s | |all castes exposed to British education |

|relationship with Europe? | | |

| | |17. Africa was able to be colonized in the 19th-century because |

|Europe had no influence on Latin America | | |

|Europe had little influence on Latin America | |history let it happen. |

|The United States stayed completely out of Latin American affairs | |Africa asked for assistance in industrializing |

|A huge European influence continued both economically and politically | |the region was mapped and transportation innovations allowed for exploration |

| | |Europe's vast population overwhelmed Africa |

|18. Though most Latin American nations gained independence from Europe, | | |

| | | |

|Mexico and Brazil remained under control of Spain until World War I. | |23. Which BEST explains the British East India Company's ability to govern India|

|constitutional law oftentimes proved a failure, establishing a precedent for | | |

|caudillos rising to power. | |size of corporation |

|religious leaders refused to recognize any of the new governments. | |ability to work with local rulers and manipulate regional divisions |

|reformers and liberals chose to refrain from further attempts to extend political| |centralized authority ruled from London |

|and economic opportunities. | |British hesitancy to put down insurrections that might harm regional power |

| | | |

|19. What was the chief result of the Mexican-American War? | |24. Which of the following statements BEST describes the similarities between |

| | |the economies of the African continent and Latin America in the latter part of |

|The U.S. gained huge amounts of territory, including California | |the nineteenth century? |

|Mexico reclaimed Texas with the unforgettable phrase: “Remember the Alamo” | | |

|The U.S. installed the Habsburg emperor Maximilian as ruler of Mexico | |Latin Americans and Africans resisted the intervention of foreign capitalists. |

|The U.S. set Mexican slaves free | |African colonies and Latin American nations both had middle classes that |

| | |supported industrial development. |

|20. Who were the caudillos? | |Neither area had developed an infrastructure to transport goods and raw |

| | |materials. |

|Latin American cattle ranchers | |The economies of both regions depended heavily on exports. |

|Liberal politicians who safeguarded constitutional rule in Latin America | | |

|Conservative strongmen who established dictatorships throughout Latin America | |25. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement regarding Egypt in the |

|Wealthy plantation owners | |19th century? |

| | | |

|21. The product that eventually opened China to European trade was | |Although the British controlled the Suez Canal, the Egyptians remained free of |

| | |debt to Europe |

|tea | |Britain wanted to control the Suez Canal to expedite trade with India |

|opium | |Muhammad Ali industrialized Egypt enabling it to gain autonomy from the Ottoman |

|timber | |Empire |

|porcelain | |Egypt's government became heavily influenced by Europe |

| | | |

|22. The Taiping Rebellion | |26. The Boer War |

| | | |

|was a reaction to foreign rule | |saw the native Boers fight the Dutch |

|was the fifth deadliest war in world history | |resulted in the creation of a new Zulu state |

|resulted from peasants wanting to implement a Communist system | |resulted as the Dutch moved into Zulu controlled land |

|was politically caused by an emerging middle class that looked to Enlightenment | |eventually put all of South Africa under control of the Dutch |

|ideas | | |

|27. Which of the following is NOT a reason the Manchu Emperor of China outlawed | | |

|the Opium Trade in 1839? | | |

| | | |

|unfair trade balance | |32. Which of the following nations was the most attractive military model for |

|decline in Chinese values | |19th-century Ottoman government officials? |

|workers became too effective | | |

|fear of ever increasing influence of the West | |France |

| | |Mexico |

|28. Why did Europe begin to ignore the Ottoman Empire by the 1800s? | |Great Britain |

| | |The United States |

|European military was inferior to that of the Ottomans | | |

|Europe wanted to keep it held together because it was weak and predictable | |33. Which of the following resulted from the Opium Wars? |

|Geographical boundaries prevented invasion | | |

|The region had already implemented radical social reforms | |China granted outside powers greater access to |

| | |its ports. |

|29. Japan successfully industrialized for all of the following reasons EXCEPT | |China agreed to outlaw opium consumption. |

| | |China ceded Hong Kong to Great Britain. |

|Japan already had access to the technology of the Industrial Revolution | |China allowed Germany to annex Taiwan. |

|The Japanese sent diplomats and members of the upper class to the West to train | | |

|private banks took a leading role in funding entrepreneurs | |I only |

|the increasing dominance of the zaibatsu | |I and II only |

| | |I and III only |

|30. A woman who subscribed to the “cult of true womanhood” in the idea of | |I, II, and IV |

|“separate spheres” would | | |

| | |34. How did Japan avoid being colonized by Western powers in the late 1800s? |

|contradict her husband if she knew the correct course of action | | |

|was free to explore her sexuality | |The samurai class sealed Japan off from the West and successfully resisted |

|be able to fight in the military if properly trained | |external pressure. |

|be comfortable staying at home to care for her husband | |Japan formed a regional power alliance with China and Korea. |

| | |Japan’s emperors began a campaign of Westernization and industrialization. |

|31. Which of the following statements would Marxists oppose? | |Japan convinced Western powers that it had no natural resources worth taking. |

| | | |

|Economic competition is inherently unfair. | |35. The Russo-Japanese War |

|Free-market capitalism leads to inequality. | | |

|An iron law of wages dictates that employers should exploit workers. | |resulted in a loss by the Japanese to the newly unified power of the Russian |

|Violent revolution by peasants is necessary. | |Empire. |

|36. The Congress of Vienna | |pushed Japan and Russia towards increased isolationism and resistance of Western |

| | |ideas. |

|attempted to maintain peace in Europe by preventing any one nation from becoming | |marked the first time in the modern era that a non-Western nation had defeated a |

|too powerful or weak | |Western power. |

|punished France by decreasing their borders to pre-medieval size | |began with a surprise attack on the naval base of Pearl Harbor in a day that will|

|formed moderate democracies in major European states | |live in infamy. |

|attempted to divide Europe amongst the Prussians and the British | | |

| | | |

|37. Which of the following is NOT true about the cycle of revolutions? | |40. Which of the following did NOT happen during the Meiji Restoration? |

| | | |

|the initial stages are planned by the liberal nobility and wealthy middle class | |The regime allowed labor unions to form. |

|the radical phase becomes too radical leading to a conservative backlash | |An industrial working class grew rapidly. |

|the revolution almost always ends in a democracy | |The samurai class lost its traditional privileges. |

|the initial reforms aren’t usually enough so the revolution becomes more radical | |The middle class expanded and gained influence. |

| | | |

|38. Which of the following is an accurate depiction of politics in Europe | |41. Napoleon was successful in |

|between 1815 and 1848? | | |

| | |defeating Moscow |

|aside from French’s mini-revolutions, the remainder of Europe prevented social | |making himself king of all of Europe |

|rebellions | |conquering Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal |

|the monarchies of Western Europe attempted to maintain control while controlling | |turning the Holy Roman Empire into Germany |

|the lower classes | | |

|though Russia allowed serfs to leave their land, they could only vote in local | |42. Which of the following was NOT a cause of the French Revolution? |

|elections | | |

|the lower classes gradually became more content with their status | |the American Revolution |

| | |economic policies of Louis XVI |

|39. Which of the following statements about the Industrial Revolution in the | |leisure expenditures of Marie Antoinette |

|19th-century is FALSE? | |inability to collect taxes from the Third Estate |

| | |poor harvests and unemployment |

|Worker satisfaction diminished as jobs became repetitive, unskilled, and | | |

|dangerous. | |43. Which of the following changes to France was NOT attributed to Napoleon? |

|It reduced differences between the social classes by creating a society of | | |

|relative equals. | |creating an empire that stretched across Russia |

|Women and children were desired in the labor force because of their subservience | |censored speech and the press |

|and size. | |created the Bank of France |

|It contributed to a dramatic change or even breakdown of family and village life.| |developed the Napoleonic standardized law code that exists in France to this day |

| | | |

|45. The French Revolution can be considered a success because | |44. The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth |

| | |and early nineteenth centuries shared which of the following? |

|the old royal family was put back into power | | |

|it did away with all forms of absolute monarchy | |massive limitation of civil rights to minorities |

|set the precedent that the masses had to have political influence | |reliance on Christian teachings to define revolutionary demands |

|it resulted in universal male suffrage | |economies that desired freedom from European control |

|tempered the spread of nationalism to European nations | |the desire of a majority of revolutionary leaders to create a politically united |

| | |hemisphere |

|46. What effect did nineteenth-century industrialization have on Europe’s | | |

|aristocratic class? | | |

| | | |

|Industrialization made the aristocratic class more powerful | | |

|Industrialization had very little effect on the aristocratic class | |Base your answers to questions 49 and 50 on the passage below and on your |

|Industrialization weakened the power and prestige of the aristocratic class | |knowledge of World History. |

|Industrialization strengthened the power and prestige of the aristocratic class | |“It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke |

| | |and ashes had allowed it; but as matters stood it was a town of unnatural red and|

|47. What is the demographic transition that occurred during the Industrial | |black like the painted face of a savage. It was a town of machinery and tall |

|Revolution? | |chimneys, out of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever|

| | |and ever, and never got uncoiled. It had a black canal in it, and a river that |

|the shift in populations concentrations from Eurasia to the Americas | |ran purple with ill-smelling dye. . . .” |

|the rural-to-urban migration | |— Charles Dickens, Hard Times |

|the decrease in death rates in plantation economies | | |

|the shift from low birth rates to high birth rates in industrialized countries | |49. The author of this passage is describing conditions caused by the |

| | | |

|48. “Last summer the American barbarians arrived in the Bay of Uraga with four | |French Revolution. |

|warships, bearing their President’s message. Their deportment and manner of | |Scientific Revolution. |

|expression were exceedingly arrogant and the resulting insult to our national | |Industrial Revolution. |

|dignity was not small.” | |Commercial Revolution. |

| | | |

|The passage above is a local observer’s account of | |50. Which problem is the subject of this passage? |

| | | |

|the diplomatic mission to China by Lord Macartney | |Lack of unions. |

|the arrival of Russian vessels in Hawaii | |Urban pollution. |

|Admiral Perry’s mission to open Japan to North American commercial interests | |Economic inequality. |

|Stephen Decatur's mission to Tripoli to secure the release of Americans captured | |Lack of child labor laws. |

|by pirates | | |

|53. Which of the following developments in the Western Hemisphere most directly | |51. During the French Revolution the Jacobins favored the establishment of a(n) |

|resulted from the French Revolution? | | |

| | |empire |

|the expansion of the slave trade | |radical republic |

|the extension of the plantation economy in the Caribbean | |absolute monarchy |

|the British conquest of Quebec | |representative democracy |

|the successful slave rebellion in Haiti | | |

| | |52. Which of the following is the BEST explanation for why Western people were |

|54. The first Mexican Revolution was led by | |able to conquer or control many non-Western people during the era of New |

| | |Imperialism? |

|a Peninsulare priest from Mexico City | | |

|a Creole priest that led Mestizos and Native Americans | |Europeans made use of superior technology that allowed conquest. |

|French revolutionaries intent on transforming the region | |Europe’s absolute rulers were able to command expeditions efficiently. |

|an overweight Northern European from the Arctic who passed out presents | |Christianity supported more aggressive behavior than other religions. |

| | |European geographic superiority created the precedent for an underlying military |

|55. Which of the following was NOT a cause of economic difficulty for Latin | |advantage |

|American nations in the 19th-century? | |58. What type of government was instituted in Japan by the Meiji Restoration? |

| | | |

|rapid industrialization | |a democracy |

|failure to diversify economies | |an oligarchy |

|reliance on slave labor to survive | |a shogunate |

|importation of manufactured goods | |a monarchy |

| | | |

|56. What did Rudyard Kipling mean in his poem about the “White Man’s burden”? | |59. Which of the following is a correct statement regarding the relationship |

| | |between industrialization and imperialism? |

|the responsibility to civilize people in non-industrialized areas fell to | | |

|Europeans | |Only absolute rulers practiced imperialism. |

|the disadvantages that industrialization brings to the lower classes of European | |Imperialist nations turned to manufacturing in the countries they controlled. |

|nations | |Competition among industrialized nations was a major motivation for imperialism. |

|the conflicts caused by trade routes that opened up the world’s oceans | |Imperialist countries always encouraged industrialization in their colonies. |

|the health and financial risks that Europeans take when they travel to foreign | | |

|lands | |60. Which of the following pairs of countries ended coerced labor in the decade |

| | |of the 1860s? |

|57. Which of the following is the best example of a “Banana Republic” that | | |

|emerged during the era from 1750-1914? | |France and China |

| | |Germany and Japan |

|France | |Brazil and Great Britain |

|China | |Russia and the United States |

|The Ottoman Empire | | |

|Brazil | |61. Which of the following BEST describes how nineteenth-century European |

| | |industrialization affected European women’s lives? |

|63. Which of the following contributed most to the growth of nationalism in the | | |

|period 1750 to 1914? | |Most women gained access to higher education. |

| | |As the century progressed, more single women began to enter the workforce |

|European imperialism | |Married women rarely combined wage work and family duties. |

|Advances in scientific knowledge | |Women came to dominate the agricultural workforce as men moved to cities. |

|The spread of social welfare legislation | | |

|The pressure of rapid population growth | |62. Which of the following groups of nations competed for colonial empires in |

| | |Africa in the last half of the nineteenth-century? |

|64. “I contend that we are the first race in the world and that the more of the | | |

|world we inhabit the better it is for the human race...I contend that every acre | |Germany, Belgium, and the United States |

|added to our territory provides for the birth of more of the English race, who | |France, Italy, and the Netherlands |

|otherwise would not be brought into existence.” | |France, Belgium, and Great Britain |

| | |Japan, Portugal, and Germany |

|Cecil Rhodes' statement is consistent with which of the following? | | |

| | |[pic] |

|Marxism | |67. In the cartoon above who is trying to join this club? |

|Liberalism | | |

|Mercantilism | |China |

|Social Darwinism | |Japan |

| | |Korea |

|65. Which of the following was NOT an economic motivation for imperialism? | |Manchuria |

| | | |

|Cheap raw materials from overseas colonies were needed to sustain | |68. After the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Japan changed its policy toward contact|

|industrialization. | |with the outside world by |

|Overseas colonies offered markets for manufactured goods. | | |

|Very little actual wealth flowed out of European colonies in Africa and Asia | |seeking Western industrial expertise and equipment |

|Overseas colonies offered a haven for the settlement of surplus populations. | |becoming increasingly isolationist |

| | |forming an alliance with China |

|66. One key difference between the Ottoman Empire and the Tokugawa Shogunate in | |expelling foreign missionaries and traders |

|the early nineteenth century was that | | |

| | |69. Late-nineteenth-century Japanese industrialization differed from |

|while the Ottoman Empire established Christianity as its state religion, the | |late-eighteenth-century British industrialization in that Japan’s |

|Tokugawa banned Jesuits. | |industrialization |

|the Tokugawa emperor was more powerful than the Ottoman sultan. | | |

|the Tokugawa Shogunate adapted European ideas to create a powerful military, | |was sponsored by the state |

|while the Ottomans succumbed to European influence | |used women in early factories |

|both the Ottoman Empire and the Tokugawa Shogunate had no influence from Europe. | |was not based on fossil-fuel power |

| | |centered on exporting agricultural goods |

| | | |

| | |70. Which of the following does NOT accurately reflect the changing role of |

| | |women due to the Industrial Revolution? |

| | | |

| | |by 1900, most working women were single |

| | |women were usually paid less than men |

| | |poor women actually had more job opportunities |

| | |upper class women more restricted to their home than in previous eras |



Part A

(Suggested writing time—35 minutes)

Percent of Section II score—50

Directions: The following is based on the accompanying Documents 1-7. (The documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise.) Write your answer on the lined pages of the Section II-free response booklet.

This question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical documents.

Write an essay that:

▪ Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents.

▪ Uses all or all but one of the documents.

▪ Analyzes the documents by grouping them in as many appropriate ways as possible. Does not simply summarize the documents individually.

▪ Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors’ points of view.

▪ Identifies and explains the need for at least one additional type of document.

You may refer to relevant historical information not mentioned in the documents.

1. Using the documents, analyze African actions and reactions in response to the European Scramble for Africa. Identify an additional type of document and explain how it would be helpful in assessing African actions and reactions.

Historical Background: In the three decades after the Berlin Conference on Africa (1884-1885), European powers occupied and colonized areas in Africa, a process later termed the Scramble for Africa.








(Suggested planning and writing time—25 minutes)

Percent of Section II score—50

Directions: You are to answer the following question with an essay that:

▪ Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate historical evidence.

▪ Addresses all parts of the question.

▪ Makes direct, relevant comparisons.

▪ Analyzes relevant reasons for similarities and differences.

2. Compare and contrast the roles of women in TWO of the following regions during the period from 1750 to 1914.

East Asia          Sub-Saharan Africa

Latin America     Western Europe




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