AP Human Geography – Mr

AP Human Geography –Name_____________________________________________0372745Chapter 12: Introduction 00Chapter 12: Introduction Unit Seven: Cities and Urban Land Use1. Identify the following:a. Serviceb. Settlement2. Why is it both easy and difficult to determine the optimal location for a service?-1110490Key Issue 1: Where Did Services Originate? 00Key Issue 1: Where Did Services Originate? 3. Contrast the employment of workers in the tertiary sector of the economy in MDCs to that in LDCs.4. List and describe the services provided by the three subdivisions of the service sector of the economy.4a.4b.4c.5. Point out three changes in the pattern of employment in the U.S. between 1970 and 2000.5a.5b.5c.5. Define clustered rural settlement. 6. Describe the following types of clustered rural settlements:a. Circular Rural Settlements:b. Linear Rural Settlements:c. Early Retail and Producer Services7. What is a dispersed rural settlement?8. What was the enclosure movement and how did it affect Great Britain?left53340Key Issue 2: Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern? 00Key Issue 2: Why Are Consumer Services Distributed in a Regular Pattern? 9. What does Walter Christaller’s central place theory explain?10. Define the followinga. Market Areab. Rangec. Threshold11. How would the profitability of a location be determined?12. How is the best location in a linear settlement determined?13. How is the best location in a nonlinear settlement determined?14. Explain the nesting pattern of services and settlements.15. Contrast the rank-size rule to the primate city rule.right315595Key Issue 3: Why Do Business Services Locate in Large Settlements? 00Key Issue 3: Why Do Business Services Locate in Large Settlements? 16. Name the four possible hearths of urban settlements.a.b.c.d.17. Discuss the importance of Athens as a city state.18. Discuss the impact of the Roman Empire on urban settlements.19. Discuss the rebirth of urban life in the eleventh century.20. From the fall of the roman empire in A.D. 476 to the late 1700s where were most of theworld’s largest cities?21. Describe why business services are clustered in modern world cities.22. Describe why consumer services are clustered in modern world cities.23. Describe why public services are clustered in modern world cities.24. Name and list the characteristics of each of the four levels of cities that play a major role inthe global economy.a.b.c.d.25. Contrast basic and nonbasic industries. left44450Key Issue 4: Why Do Services Cluster Downtown? 00Key Issue 4: Why Do Services Cluster Downtown? 12.26. List and describe three types of retail services that concentrate in the CBD.a.b.c.27. Describe three ways that high land costs influence CBD.a.b.c.28. Describe the types of activities excluded from the CBD.29. Compare and contrast European CBDs to American CBDs. (Point out two similaritiesand two differences.)Similarity 1:Similarity 2:Difference 1:Difference 2:30. What does the expression the “suburbanization of retailing” mean?31. Discuss the suburbanization of factories and other offices. ................

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