What is Advanced Placement?

The College Board, a nonprofit membership association, sponsors the Advanced Placement Program. AP offers 35 college-level courses and exams in 19 subject areas for highly motivated students in High School. Its reputation for excellence results from the close cooperation among secondary schools, colleges and the College Board. More than 2900 universities and colleges worldwide grant college credit, advanced placement or both to students who have performed satisfactory on the AP exams. Approximately 1400 college institutions grant sophomore standing to those AP students who meet their requirements. Approximately 13,000 high schools throughout the world participate in the AP Program.

Course Description:

Advanced Placement (AP) Human Geography is a college-level course. Human Geography is the study of people from a spatial and ecological perspective. People are central to geography in that their activities help shape Earth’s surface largely through their interaction with the physical environment. Human settlements and structures are part of that tapestry of interaction. It is in that milieu that humans either compete for control of space and resources or work out systems of social, economic and political cooperation. The course is structured to address human geography’s seven core topics: the nature of geography, population, cultural patterns and processes, the political organization of space, agriculture and rural land use, industrial and economic development, and cities and urban land use.

The AP Human Geography Exam:

On May 4, 2021, students will have the option of taking the College Board AP Human Geography exam. The exam will be 2 ½ hours and will consist of two parts; both parts are worth 50% of the grade. The first part will be 60 multiple-choice questions and will be 1 hour in length. The second part will consist of 3 free response (essay) questions. The student must answer all three free response questions taking 25 minutes on each question.

Certain scores can earn students college credit for the course. The AP grade scale is 1-5. Some colleges award credit for scores of 3 (all Texas state schools take a 3), however some only award credit for scores of 4 or 5. Credit is awarded by the college or university, not by the College Board or the AP program. The best source of specific and up-to-date information about an individual institution’s policy is its catalog or Web site.


Title: The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography: AP Edition, 11th Edition. Author: James M. Rubenstein

ISBN #978-0-321-83158-3


All students will receive a calendar every nine weeks. Calendars include all assignments and what date they will have a test. It is the responsibility of the student to utilize the calendar to keep up will all class assignments and test dates.


• 75% Major grades (tests, papers, projects, graded discussions)

• 25% Daily grades (reading quizzes, homework, openers, in-class assignments)

• Students should expect homework almost each night. Typically homework will consist of reading the text and taking notes. On most days a reading quiz will be given over the homework.

• There will be timed essays each six weeks. The essays will each be worth a ½ test grade.

• Since this is a college level AP course, students can expect 2 tests every six weeks. All tests will consist of an objective portion and an essay portion. The difficulty of the tests will be consistent with that of a college level test. Once every six weeks the student will receive one other major grade that is not a test.

• Major grade assignments are accepted one class day late for 25 points off, two days late 50 points off.

• Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. When absent refer to calendar for missed assignments that may be due or any tests that need to be taken. Tests and reading quizzes must be made up within two weeks of returning to school from an absence. Students will receive a zero for any assignment not made up within two weeks.

• Remember: This is an AP course, so students are receiving a higher grade point for this course.

Student Status:

• Be seated and working on the class opener when the tardy bell rings.

• Bring your textbook and all materials for each class.

• Prepare to remain in class.

• Cooperate with teachers and other students.

• Stay on task.


• 3 ring binder (at least 2 inches)

• Dividers for your binder

• 1 spiral notebook

• Blue or black pens

• #2 pencils with erasers

• Map or colored pencils (these are a must)

• Notebook paper

More Information:

If you are interested in finding out more about AP Human Geography, visit ap

I look forward to an exciting year as we study and explore Human Geography!


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