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AP WORLD HISTORY Course Description and RequirementsInstructors:Emily ForswallElizabeth Pennyeforswal@epenny@ “The AP World History course is structured around the investigation of seven course themes in nine chronological content units from 1200 C.E to the present. The course framework also includes he essential component of historical thinking skills and reasoning processes. This course will encompass a multitude of civilizations across time and around the world. It is important that we appreciate every perspective and culture that is examined. What is important to one people may not be to another. Furthermore, over a space of time thoughts and ideas change. What is unique of humanity is that multiple civilizations, events, and people at any period share a great deal in common across the species. For a full course description at the College Board web-site please follow the link below. many students AP World History will be their first experience in an AP class. We encourage your son/daughter to enroll in such courses given your child meets the requirements, adheres to all the expectations listed below, and works to achieve a passing score of 3 or better on the AP exam. The AP World History course is rigorous. Advanced Placement courses at DeBakey HSHP conform to the College Board requirements and standards. Instruction and materials have been specifically designed to assure your child’s success on the AP exam, given your child make a concerted effort in the following areas described below:COURSE REQUIREMENTS: .-TEXT BOOK: Students will have access to AP Modern World AMSCO as an online copy. For students who are easily distracted by the internet, we do recommend that a hard copy be purchased, any edition is satisfactory. Please find the book below through . Three-Ring Binder: The three-ring binder is required. Our course content also includes numerous primary and secondary articles to be analyzed and applied to varied writing activities. 29396483175Divide your binder into the 9 Content and Time Units to include all varied content to the left of this box.UNIT 1, UNIT 2, UNIT 3, UNIT 4, UNIT 5, UNIT 6, UNIT 7, UNIT 8, UNIT 900Divide your binder into the 9 Content and Time Units to include all varied content to the left of this box.UNIT 1, UNIT 2, UNIT 3, UNIT 4, UNIT 5, UNIT 6, UNIT 7, UNIT 8, UNIT 9 AMSCO Unit Reviews 18288002603500 Vocabulary and Concepts Writing: SAQs, LEQs and DBQs Supplemental Resources Graphic Organizers and MapsGrading Policy (Subject to Change): Tests/Essays/Projects: 40%There are typically 2 assessments and 1 project per 6 weeks cycle.Quizzes/CFUs: Quizzes assess if students are reading and understanding required material. Quizzes may be unannounced and may be given at any point throughout the class period. Furthermore, Quizzes can be open ended or close ended. Written vs. M/Cs and T/Fs.Daily Work: 60%All assignments and readings assigned to the class or homework can be categorized as daily work. Much of this is completed in pairs and groups. Unit Reviews are classified here too.General Classroom Policies and Procedures:School Related Absences: School related absences DO NOT give the student extra time to turn in assignments. Assignments are due before the student leaves school or the day before that absence. If the assignment is not turned in on the due date it will be graded as a late assignment. Make-up Work and Tests: Students are required to make-up any missing work or test within 3 class periods from the day that they missed. Arrangements must be made with the instructor to make up the test before or after school as make-up tests will not be administered during class time. If the make-up work or test is not completed within the allotted time period, the maximum grade given will be a 75%.NOTE: Should any circumstance or situation arise outside of the classroom that may interfere with your ability to fully participate in class please advise and counsel with your teacher. It is the goal of the social studies department that you are successful. Electronic use policy: All devises are used at the teacher’s discretion.Late Work: All assignments are due ON TIME. Late work will be accepted up to one day late with a maximum grade of a 70%. After that day, the student will be given a zero. If work is turned in after one day, the highest possible grade is a 50% (per teacher discretion). All work must be complete, partially completed work will not be accepted. Re-Take Policy: If a student receives a failing grade on any of the major 55 question simulated AP Exam tests students are required to do test corrections and extra credit to earn a 75%, this is obligatory. Tutoring: We are available and encourage students to seek assistance. EXPECTATIONS required of a College Board CourseStudents are required:to read and take notes every night. Students are quizzed on reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. to do test corrections in tutorials during or after school. Just passing with a 70 or better is NOT acceptable to our department. Understanding one’s mistakes will prevent them on the actual AP exam. to be organized and have a strong work ethic. to actively contribute fairly to group assignments, discussions and projects.to maintain a 75% or better in the course throughout the year. to sit the AP Simulated Practice Exam in April.to sit the AP World History Modern exam in May.This course is not a magnet course it is an Advanced Placement College Board Course. It is extensive, demanding, analytical and very time consuming. There is no substitute for reading the book and doing the work in class and at home. Your child will have to put aside at least 1 hour of reading and note taking every week night. Furthermore, they will have to complete other systematic assignments that were started in the classroom but need to be finished as homework.We are proud to say that this course does more than prepare your student for the AP World History Exam. Because exams administered by the College Board in the area of social studies are aligned, they will have acquired the skills to advance and be successful in AP US History as a junior. With hard work and dedication this course will allow students to attain the skills crucial to success both in the halls of higher learning. To finalize, we are dedicated to our students and feel our program ensures success. This dedication needs to be reciprocated. It is imperative that parents and students understand that success is achieved only through hard work and a sincere commitment to the course. Parents:After reviewing the above information, please provide me with your signature and contact information on the attached sheet indicating you and your child understand the requirements for this course. Please email me or call the school and leave a message if you have any questions regarding this content. Furthermore, if you have anything important to share with me about your child feel free to contact me. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PARENTSChecking your student’s grades: As per HISD policy, teachers are not permitted to share student data over email, unless solicited by the parent; this includes information about your student’s grades. Using the parent portal on HISD Connect by PowerSchool, parents can access information 24/7 about students’ schedules, grades and attendance. After viewing said information weekly please do contact me if you have any questions regarding your student’s success in my class.Academic Integrity: All students are held accountable to the campus’s Academic Honor Code as well as HISD policies regarding academic integrity/cheating. To supplement these policies, we would like to remind students that cheating, copying, talking during assessments, having a phone out, and plagiarizing will not be tolerated in this course. All assignments, handouts, notecards, homework, etc. are expected to be completed INDIVDUALLY by the student, unless EXPLICITLY stated in the assignment instructions. It should be noted that academic dishonesty extends to any student aiding another student by providing test answers, quiz answers, assignment answers, or any disclosure of in-class activities including taking pictures of assessments prior to the other student having received the activity/information directly from the teacher. Any student displaying academic dishonesty will face the full consequences of their actions. In like manner, the student will receive a “P” in conduct and a zero on the assignment. There will not be an opportunity to make up the assignment. Academic Integrity applies to ALL parties involved, not simply the individual receiving assistance. (If a cell phone or smartwatch is present during ANY assessment, the student in possession of it will receive an automatic zero).Please check the HUB and your student’s agenda frequently for announcements, homework, project rubrics, changes to any pacing, etc. It is included with my contact information listed above. Thank you for your time, we of the social studies department look forward to a stimulating, productive and amazing yearAP World History Course Description and RequirementsSignatures PageTo be completed digitally, please follow the link below and found on my HUB page.Google Form Link HereSTUDENTS: Please complete the relevant information on the google form link provided to you above.PARENTS: Please include all possible contact information for all parents/guardians. It is important to us to be able to contact you about your child’s progress. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name: ________________________________________________________________ Class Period: _______Student Independent Phone#: _________________________Student Email(s): 1. ________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _____________________Parent Name 1: ______________________________________________Parent Phone#: _________________________Parent Email(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________Parent Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________Parent Name 2: ______________________________________________Parent Phone#: _________________________Parent Email(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________Parent Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________ ................

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