AP Physics Daily Problem #1

AP Physics Daily Problem #41

The Superman ride at Magic Mountain advertises a maximum speed of 100MPH.

Determine the kinetic energy in Joules of a 3000kg car traveling at maximum speed.

Determine the minimum height of the tower in meters.

AP Physics Daily Problem #42

A 10.0kg block is pushed 8.0m across a rough floor ((k=.20) by a force of 30.0N

Determine the work done on the block by the 30N force.

Determine the friction force opposing the motion of the block

Determine the work done by the block on the floor.

Using energy methods only, determine the speed of the block after it travels the 8m.

AP Physics Daily Problem #43

A 30kg block rests on a rough horizontal surface with (k = 0.20. It is connected by a massless cord to a 10kg block which is hanging freely from the edge of the table. The 30kg block moves 5m after the system is released.


(k = 0.20

What is the friction force?

How much work is done on the surface by the 30kg block?

What is the change in potential energy of the 10kg block?

What is the speed of the system after it moves 5m? Use energy methods only!

AP Physics Daily Problem #44

A cannon fires a 100kg projectile at 100m/s, at an angle of 20 degrees above the horizon from the top of an 80m cliff. .

Determine the kinetic energy of the shell when fired..

Determine the potential energy of the shell (relative to the bottom of the cliff) when fired

Determine the kinetic energy of the shell just before it impacts.

Determine the speed of the shell at impact.

Without using kinematic equations, determine the shell’s angle of impact

AP Physics Daily Problem #45

A vehicle traveling at 30m/s suddenly encounters a 20 degree hill. The vehicle is coasting with no power input.

If there is no friction, how far up the hill will the vehicle go before it stops?

If, at the base of the hill, the driver locks up the brakes, and the tires have a (k of 0.80, how far up the hill will the car go before it stops?

AP Physics Daily Problem #46

A spring of coefficient 2.0x105N/m is compressed 15cm. A car of mass 1000kg is placed against the compressed spring and the spring is released.

Determine the force on the car right after the spring is released.

Determine the initial acceleration of the car.

Determine the elastic potential energy in the spring before it is released.

Determine the speed of the car after it leaves the spring.

AP Physics Daily Problem #47

A mass of 2.0 kg is dropped vertically 5.0m onto a spring (k=78400N/m) which then compresses. Assume earth gravity and neglect friction.

Determine the Kinetic Energy of the mass when it contacts the spring.

Ignoring the continued loss of gravitational potential energy by the mass, determine the distance the spring compresses.

Is the loss of gravitational potential energy while the spring is compressing significant, or can it be neglected in solving this problem? Show mathematical evidence to support your conclusion.

AP Physics Daily Problem #48

A 2kg block is placed against a spring (k=500N/m) compressed a distance of 30cm at the bottom of a 45 degree ramp The ramp has a (k of 0.3

Determine the EPE of the spring before it is released..

Find an equation to determine the distance the block slides up the ramp (d) in terms of m, x, k, (k, g, θ. Don’t put any numbers into the equation yet!

Find the distance that the block slides up the ramp from the release point before it stops.

Will the maximum speed of the block be at the position where the spring is fully extended? Justify your answer.

AP Physics Daily Problem #49 (1961-1)

A 20.0kg object hangs from the ceiling at the end of a rope 3.0m long. A force F, applied so that it is always perpendicular to the rope is used to raise the object slowly to a point 1.5m below the ceiling, as shown in the figure below.

When the object is 1.5m from the ceiling, what is the magnitude of force F?

How much work has been done to raise the object from rest at the equilibrium point to 1.5m below the ceiling?

The object is then released from rest at this point 1.5m below the ceiling. What is the tension in the rope when the object swings through the equilibrium point?

AP Physics Daily Problem #50 (whew!)

A 1000kg car has an engine capable of producing 200hp (150kW) continuously Neglect friction while solving the following problems.

On level ground, what is the maximum speed the car can attain in 5.0s?

How much time would be required to climb up a 1000m pass?

What is the maximum speed at which the car can climb a 6 degree grade?




100m/s. 20( above horizon




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