Montgomery County Public Schools

Summer 2019Mr. GoetzAP Physics C Summer AssignmentWelcome to AP Physics C! About half of you have taken Honors Physics last year while the other half has taken chemistry – either way, this summer assignment is intended to ensure all of you have the same basic background before class starts in the fall. Theoretically, Honors Physics students should have an easier time with this assignment but some topics may need to be reviewed in greater detail. The emphasis on problem solving in AP Physics C is much greater than in Honors Physics.OverviewThe summer assignment is to complete certain questions in Chapters 1-3 of the student workbook which follows along with our textbook (You will get this on the first day of school). Please print out the following pages. (Since it is about 30 pages, feel free to print 2 pages per sheet if you’d like.) Most of the questions are making sketches, drawing diagrams and writing brief descriptions so don’t be intimidated by the number of pages!Chapter 1 – Concepts of Motion (all) Chapter 2 – Kinematics in One Dimension (pages 1-11)Chapter 3 – Vectors (all)If you were in Honors Physics, chapters 1 and 2 should sound somewhat familiar. If you were in chemistry, don’t panic – with a little self-study you can get right up to speed! Summer AssignmentChapter 1 – Concepts of Motion # 1-5, 10-18, 21-28, 30-34, 38Chapter 2 – Kinematics in One Dimension #1-16Chapter 3 – Vectors #1-31Need some extra help with these?I have also uploaded powerpoints for each of these chapters to help understand the topics better. Of course, you can also use resources such as Khan Academy or Hyperphysics if you prefer. First Week of ClassOn the first day of school you will hand in all the workbook questions. This will be graded as a large homework assignment so is not graded for correctness.On the first Friday of class, we will have a quiz which will have some of the exact questions taken from these questions. Thus, it is imperative you at least make an effort to do all the sections even if you do not have a complete understanding.ConclusionIf you have any issues or questions, you can email me at Charles_J_GoetzIII@ during the summer. I don’t check it every day but will do my best to get back to you quickly. Other than that, have a great summer and get ready for a phantastic year of physics! ................

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