FRQ Project.docx - Ms. Andrawis' Global History

AP Euro Review: The FRQ ProjectDue Wed, April 30thYou and a partner will be randomly assigned a unit from the AP Euro curriculum.Your project has two parts:Part I. Using the list of past FRQ essay prompts, create a list of keywords, concepts, and people (identifications!) that your classmates must know to be able to tackle those FRQs. Define those identifications using the 6 Ws (when, where, who, what, why, so what?).You will share that list of definitions in our class folder on google drive. All students will be given access to that folder.Part II. Choose ONE FRQ prompt from that unit and create a powerpoint that you and your partner will present to the class that outlines a response to that prompt.Your powerpoint must include:a title page identifying the topic and question (one slide)an awesome thesis statement that answers the question (one slide)a bulleted outline of the evidence that supports the thesis statement (several slides)a page with the the authors names (so I know who to grade)Tips:Your presentation should be 10-15 minutes. Include image and maps related to your evidence.Make your font large and easy to read.Do not include too much text on one slide. Do not “read” your powerpoint to the class. Explain what is on each slide and how the evidence connects to the thesis, paraphrase, and draw their attention to key points. (You reading from your powerpoint is so boring for your audience. They can read!)You will share the powerpoint in our folder in google drive, so that everyone will have access to study from them. We will present the powerpoints in class starting on April 30th. You will go in the order of your unit.Unit 2. The Renaissance, the rise of the New Monarchs, and the Age of ExplorationTo what extent and in what ways did women participate in the Renaissance? Analyze the influence of humanism on the visual arts in the Italian Renaissance. Use at least THREE specific works to support your analysis. Using examples from at least two different states, analyze the key features of the “new monarchies” and the factors responsible for their rise in the period 1450 to 1550. Discuss the economic policies and institutions that characterized mercantilist systems from 1600 to 1800. Analyze the effects of the Columbian exchange (the interchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World and the New World) on the population and economy of Europe in the period 1550 to 1700. Explain how advances in learning and technology influenced fifteenth- and sixteenth-century European exploration and trade.Analyze the impact of TWO cultural and/or technological developments on European education in the period 1450 to 1650. Evaluate the changes and continuities in women’s public roles during the Renaissance. Analyze the factors that contributed to the increasing centralization of Spain and the factors that contributed to the continuing fragmentation of Italy in the period 1450–1550.Analyze various ways in which technological developments contributed to the expansion of state power in the period 1450 to 1600. ? Unit 3. The Reformation, Counter Reformation, and Religious WarsContrast Renaissance Florence with Reformation Geneva with respect to religion, government, and everyday life. Analyze various ways in which the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) represented a turning point in European history. Analyze the impacts of the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation) on the social order of sixteenth-century Europe. Compare and contrast the economic factors responsible for the decline of Spain with the economic factors responsible for the decline of the Dutch Republic by the end of the seventeenth century.Evaluate the influence of Renaissance humanism on Catholic reforms and the Protestant Reformation. How and to what extent did the methods and ideals of Renaissance humanism contribute to the Protestant Reformation? Analyze the aims, methods, and degree of success of the Catholic Reformation (Counter-Reformation) in the sixteenth century. Analyze the reasons for the decline of the Holy Roman Empire as a force in European politics in the period 1517 to 1648. Explain why Europe saw no lasting peace in the period between the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 and the Peace of Paris in 1763. Analyze the various Protestant views of the relationship between church and state in the period circa 1500–1700. Analyze various ways in which religious reform in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries influenced the arts. ? Unit 4. Political Philosophy and Organization in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Analyze the factors that prevented the development of a unified German state in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Louis XIV declared his goal was “one king, one law, one faith.” Analyze the methods the king used to achieve this objective and discuss the extent to which he was pare and contrast the ways that seventeenth-century absolute monarchs and twentieth-century dictators gained and maintained their power. Explain the reasons for the rise of the Netherlands as a leading commercial power in the period 1550-1650.Analyze the ways in which European monarchs used both the arts and the sciences to enhance state power in the period circa 1500–1800. Compare and contrast the economic and social development of Russia with that of the Netherlands in the period 1600–1725. Describe and analyze the impact of the rise of Russia on international relations in Europe in the period from 1685 to 1815. Britain and France were engaged in a geopolitical and economic rivalry during the eighteenth century. Identify the factors that contributed to this rivalry, and assess the results for both countries over the period 1689 to 1789. ? Unit 5. Science, Philosophy, and Society in the 16th Through 18th Centuries Analyze how economic and social developments affected women in England in the period from 1700 to 1850. Analyze the economic, technological, and institutional factors responsible for western Europe’s domination of world trade from 1650 to 1800.How and to what extent did the Commercial Revolution transform the European economy and diplomatic balance of power in the period from 1650 to 1763 ? Analyze the intellectual foundations of religious toleration in eighteenth-century Europe. Describe and analyze the influence of the Enlightenment on both elite culture and popular culture in the eighteenth century. Identify features of the eighteenth-century Agricultural Revolution and analyze its social and economic consequences.Assess the impact of the Scientific Revolution on religion and philosophy in the period 1550 to 1750. Compare and contrast the political ideas of Hobbes and Locke. Analyze the extent to which Frederick the Great of Prussia and Joseph II of Austria advanced and did not advance Enlightenment ideals during their reigns.Analyze the methods and degrees of success of Russian political and social reform from the period of Peter the Great (1689–1725) through Catherine the Great (1762–1796).Describe and analyze the changes that led to Europe’s rapid population growth in the eighteenth century.Analyze how Galileo, Descartes, and Newton altered traditional interpretations of nature and challenged traditional sources of knowledge.Analyze the impact of the major developments of the Commercial Revolution on Europe’s economy and society in the period 1650 to 1789. Analyze the ways in which the ideas of seventeenth-century thinkers John Locke and Isaac Newton contributed to the ideas of eighteenth-century Enlightenment thinkers. Describe the challenges to royal authority in eastern Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and evaluate the effectiveness of those challenges. ? Unit 6. The French Revolution and Napoleonic EraIdentify the grievances of the groups that made up the Third Estate in France on the eve of the French Revolution, and analyze the extent to which ONE of these groups was able to address its grievances in the period 1789 to 1799.How and to what extent did Enlightenment ideas about religion and society shape the policies of the French Revolution in the period 1789 to 1799 ?Analyze the ways in which the events of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic period (1789–1815) led people to challenge Enlightenment views of society, politics, and human nature. Assess the ways in which women participated in and influenced TWO of the following. The Renaissance The Reformation The French RevolutionAnalyze how the political and economic problems of the English and French monarchies led to the English Civil War and the French Revolution. Analyze various ways in which government policies during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era contributed to a greater sense of French national identity in the period 1789 to 1815.? Unit 7. Post-Napoleonic Politics and Society (1815 to 1848)Analyze the shifts in the European balance of power in the period between 1763 and 1848. Analyze three examples of the relationship between Romanticism and nationalism before 1850. Compare and contrast political liberalism with political conservatism in the first half of the nineteenth century in Europe. Analyze the extent to which conservatives in continental Europe were successful in achieving their goals in the years between 1815 and 1851. Draw your examples from at least two states. ? Unit 8. The Industrial Revolution and ReactionDiscuss the impact of industrialization and urbanization on working-class families from 1750 to 1900. Analyze the impact of science and technology on European society in the period from 1800 to 1900.Analyze the problems and opportunities associated with the rapid urbanization of western Europe in the nineteenth century. Analyze artistic and literary responses to industrialization over the course of the nineteenth century. Compare and contrast Enlightenment and Romantic views of the relationship between God and the individual. To what extent did Romanticism challenge Enlightenment views of human beings and of the natural world?Compare and contrast Enlightenment and Romantic views of nature, with reference to specific individuals and their works. Analyze the differences between the political ideals expressed in the visual arts of the Renaissance (fifteenth–sixteenth centuries) and the political ideals expressed in the visual arts of the Neoclassical/Romantic period (eighteenth–nineteenth centuries). Analyze the development of the various forms of European socialism in the 1800s. ? Unit 9. The Rise of Nation-States and ImperialismContrast the impact of nationalism in Germany and the Austrian Empire from 1848 to 1914.Analyze the effects of nationalism on the Austrian Empire in the period 1815 to 1914.Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the unification of Italy and of Germany, respectively.To what extent did the structure of Russian government and society affect its economic development in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? “In the second half of the nineteenth century, most European governments were conservative.” To what extent is the quotation above an accurate statement? Use specific examples from at least TWO countries.Referring to specific individuals or works, discuss the ways in which TWO of the following expressed the concept of nationalism in the nineteenth century. Artists Composers WritersAnalyze how industrialization and imperialism contributed to the development of consumer culture in the period 1850–1914. Analyze the differences between the motives that shaped European colonial expansion in the period 1450–1750 and the motives that shaped European colonial expansion in the period 1850–1914. ? Unit 10. The Age of Mass Politics and the Birth of Modern European ThoughtHistorians speak of the rise of mass politics in the period from 1880 to 1914. Define this phenomenon and analyze its effects on European politics in this period. Analyze anti-Semitism in Europe from the Dreyfus affair in the 1890’s to 1939. Analyze the major factors responsible for the rise of anti-Semitism in nineteenth-century pare and contrast the relationship between the artist and society in the Renaissance/Reformation period to the relationship between the artist and society in the late nineteenth century. In the period 1815-1900, political liberalization progressed much further in western Europe than in Russia. Analyze the social and economic reasons for this difference. Describe and analyze responses to industrialization by the working class between 1850 and 1914.Analyze the ways in which TWO of the following groups challenged British liberalism between 1880 and 1914. Feminists Irish nationalists Socialists European women’s lives changed in the course of the nineteenth century politically, economically, and socially. Identify and explain the reasons for those changes. Analyze the ways in which the theories of both Darwin and Freud challenged traditional European ways of thinking about religion, morality, and human behavior in the period circa 1850–1950.In the late nineteenth century, millions of workers and intellectuals proclaimed themselves socialists, yet few worked toward the violent revolution predicted by Karl Marx. Analyze the major factors that account for this phenomenon. Analyze the ways in which the rise of the middle class affected family structure and gender roles in Europe in the 1800s. Analyze the differences between the impact of Newtonian physics on European culture and the impact of Darwinian biology on European culture. ? Unit 11. World War I and the Russian RevolutionAssess the extent to which the economic and political ideals of Karl Marx were realized in postrevolutionary Russia in the period from 1917 to 1939. Compare and contrast the extent to which the French Revolution (1789–1799) and the Russian Revolution (1917–1924) changed the status of women. Analyze how the Balkan crises from 1903 to 1914 and the crises in central and eastern Europe from 1935 to 1939 threatened Europe’s balance of pare and contrast the crises in state authority that precipitated the French Revolution in 1789 and the February and October Revolutions in Russia in 1917. Analyze the ways in which the policies of Joseph Stalin transformed the policies of Vladimir Lenin. ? Unit 12. The Interwar Period and World War IIAnalyze the participation of European women in the economy and in politics from 1914 to 1939. Use examples from at least TWO countries. Analyze the factors that led to the rise of right-wing authoritarian regimes in continental Europe in the interwar period (1919 to 1939).Analyze the ways in which technology and mass culture contributed to the success of dictators in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Analyze various ways in which ideology shaped the foreign policy of Nazi Germany in the period 1933 through 1945. Considering the period 1933 to 1945, analyze the economic, diplomatic, and military reasons for Germany’s defeat in the Second World pare and contrast the victorious Allied powers’ treatment of Germany after the First World War with their treatment of Germany after the Second World War. Analyze the reasons for the similarities and differences. Analyze the impact of the rise of militarism and the Second World War on the lives of European women. In your answer consider the period 1930 to 1950. Compare and contrast the relationship between artists and society in the Baroque era and in the twentieth century. Illustrate your essay with references to at least TWO examples for each period. ? Unit 13. The Cold War, Decolonization, and the Emergence of a New EuropeAnalyze various factors that contributed to the process of decolonization in the period 1914 to 1975.Analyze the factors responsible for decolonization since the Second World War. Describe and analyze economic policies in Eastern and Western Europe after 1945. Considering the period 1953 to 1991, analyze the problems within the Soviet Union that contributed to the eventual collapse of the Soviet system. Analyze three reasons for the end of Soviet domination over Eastern Europe. Analyze the long-term and short-term factors responsible for the disintegration of communist rule in TWO of the following states: CzechoslovakiaEast GermanyHungary Poland Considering the period 1918 to 1948, analyze the political and diplomatic problems faced by TWO of the following newly created Eastern European states. Austria Czechoslovakia Hungary Poland ? Unit 14. Post-War Culture, Demography, and Economy Compare and contrast the social and economic roles of the state in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe (before 1789) to the social and economic roles of the state in Europe after the Second World War. Analyze the factors working for and against European unity from 1945 to 2001. Contrast late-nineteenth-century European attitudes and policies about race to those after 1950. Analyze the economic and social challenges faced by Western Europe in the period from 1945 to 1989. Compare and contrast how TWO of the following states attempted to hold together their empires in the period circa 1850 to 1914. Austria-Hungary Russia Ottoman Empire Compare and contrast the goals and achievements of the feminist movement in the period circa 1850–1920 with those of the feminist movement in the period 1945 to the present. Analyze the political and economic effects of changing population patterns in Western Europe in the period circa 1950 to the present. Cite specific examples from at least TWO countries. Analyze the ways in which Western European nations have pursued European economic and political integration from 1945 to the present, referring to at least two nations.Analyze the factors that led to the expansion of women’s participation in the paid workforce in Europe over the course of the twentieth century. Analyze the factors that led to the expansion of the welfare state in Western Europe in the mid-twentieth century. ................

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