Valley High School

Clark High School

Course Syllabus for AP Physics 2

Instructor: Mr. Bean



Program Expectations: AP Physics 2 is a laboratory course which meets the requirements for Nevada high school graduation and for college entrance. Students will be prepared to take the AP Physics 2 Exam in the spring.

Course description: AP Physics 2 is a second-year course following AP Physics 1 or Honors Physics. The course is designed to be the equivalent of introductory college physics courses for biological science majors. The mathematical level will be similar to AP Physics 1 (trigonometry). Students will also be prepared to take the AP Physics 2 exam.

Materials needed: Textbook: Giancoli, Douglas: Physics. 6th edition.

Scientific calculator

Metric ruler

Blue/black pens and pencils

Loose-leaf notebook paper


We will be preparing for the mechanics AP Physics 2 exam, with the following topics:

Fluid Mechanics


Electricity and Magnetism


Atomic and Nuclear Physics

Students are responsible for the material covered in AP Physics 1 - those topics are important background for this course.


Semester grade determination: The semester grade will be calculated according to the following weights: Quarter 1,2 40%

Fall Semester Exam 20%

Quarter 3,4 45%

Spring Semester Exam 10%

Quarter grades will be approximately 60% tests and quizzes, and the other 40% from homework, labs, and participation. Quarter and semester grades will be curved. Grades will be posted periodically to keep students aware of their progress.


Some lab procedures will be dictated to the students, while other labs will require individual teams to determine their own goals, hypotheses, and procedures. Not all labs will require a formal report, but all procedures, notes, data, and analysis should be preserved in a binder or notebook. This will serve as evidence to a college that sufficient lab work was done in the course.

Non-Lab Work:

Classes will include lecture, demonstrations, problem-solving, and class discussions. Students are expected to participate in discussions and problem-solving activities. Students are also encouraged to interrupt lectures with questions.

Introductory problems are often done as a class, and then we progress to doing problems in small groups and individually. Some problems will be presented by students to the class.

Attendance: Any student with more than six unexcused absences in a semester may be denied credit.

Homework: Homework will be assigned approximately weekly, and will usually consist of problems from the textbook. Students are allowed to help each other on the homework, but copying another student’s work is not allowed. If a mistake by one person is thoughtlessly copied onto other students’ work, all students involved will receive a zero for the assignment. Additionally, the first such incident will earn a citizenship grade of no higher than “N” for the quarter, and two incidents will earn a “U.” No recommendation letters will be written for students who have had two copying incidents in one year.

Late work: Late work must be placed in the make-up basket against the front wall. If the work is late due to student fault, it will receive 60% credit. No late work will be accepted more than two calendar weeks after it was originally due, after the quarter ends, or during final exam weeks.

Make-up procedures: It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the teacher to determine what work was missed during the absence, within three school days of the student’s return.

Extra credit: Rarely, an extra credit assignment may be offered to the class, for anyone who wishes to do it. Extra credit will not be given to individual students who wish to make up for work that they chose not to do.

Web page resources: On my.chuckbean there are guides for labs and solving problems for the class. There are also some short essays for solving a variety of mental math calculations.


Discipline Policy: The following is a non-exhaustive list of inappropriate student behaviors:

a. Loud and/or excessive talking

b. Discourteous behavior toward a teacher or classmates

c. Not recognizing the authority of the teacher or substitute and/or not following instructions (insubordination)

d. Talking to anyone other than the teacher during testing periods or other evidence of cheating. Grade will result in a zero.

e. Any use of profanity/obscenity

f. Engaging in any action which proves to be distracting to others or disruptive of the classroom environment

g. Sleeping

h. Use of cell phones, MP3 players, games, or similar devices.

i. Major infractions will be dealt with according to CCSD regulations

Consequences for minor discipline violations:

1st offence: Verbal warning

2nd and 3rd offences: 20-minute after-school detention and/or parent notification, at the teacher’s discretion.

4th and later offences may result in a Dean’s referral.

Attendance/Tardy Policy:

A signed note from a parent or legal guardian is necessary to excuse an absence. If a student has more than six unexcused absences in a semester, the student may be denied credit for the course.

A student is tardy if he/she is not in his/her assigned seat when the bell begins to ring. If a student is more than thirty minutes absent, he/she will be marked absent. Students who are tardy will not be allowed entrance to the class without a form from the tardy patrol or another valid pass.

AP Physics 2

Course Expectation Signatures

Name: ________________________________

(please print)

Period: ________

I have read the AP Physics 2 course expectations and I understand that I must take responsibility for my academic advancement as well as my behavior.

Student signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________

I have reviewed these expectations with my child and will notify you should I want a copy of the course expectations for my records.

Parent/guardian signature: ______________________ Date: ___________

Daytime phone number ____________________

Please write any questions or comments you have for Mr. Bean below. Puedo leer español.


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