Pre-AP Physics Mid-term Review Part 1 - Denton ISD

Pre-AP Physics Fall Semester Final ReviewKey TermsBe able to identify the following terms if given a multiple choice, matching, diagram/picture/graph situations. Be sure you know these!ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITYACCURACYAVERAGE ACCELERATIONAVERAGE SPEEDAVERAGE VELOCITYCENTRIPETAL FORCECENTRIFUGAL FORCECOMPONENTCONSTANT ACCELERATIONCONTACT FORCECONSERVATIONDERIVED UNITDISPLACEMENTDISTANCEELASTIC COLLISIONEQUILIBRANTEQUILIBRIUMFORCEFORCE OF GRAVITYFREE-BODY DIAGRAMINELASTIC COLLISIONINERTIAINSTANTANEOUS ACCELERATIONINSTANTANEOUS VELOCITYINTERACTION PAIRINVERSE RELATIONSHIPKILOGRAMLINEAR RELATIONSHIPLONG-RANGE FORCEMETERMOMENTUMNET FORCENEWTON'S FIRST LAWNEWTON'S SECOND LAWNEWTON'S THIRD LAWPARABOLAPARALLELOGRAMPRECISIONPROJECTILERESULTANT VECTORSCALAR QUANTITYSECONDSYSTEMTERMINAL VELOCITYTRAJECTORYUNIFORM MOTIONVECTOR QUANTITYVECTOR RESOLUTION Write 54300 in scientific notation: 5.43x104Write 0.00075 in scientific notation: 7.5x10-4Write 8.5x10-2 in regular notation: 0.085Write 75 x 104 in regular notation: 750,000Convert the following 53.2 cm to m: 0.532m245 g to kg:0.245Convert 54 km/hr to m/s.: 15m/s Convert 12 m/s to km/hr.: 43.2 km/hrFind the components for each of the following vectors. You must show your work!A = 50 @ 25 above the +x axisB = 60 @ 15 left of –y axisC = 100 @ 45 above the -x axis Ax = ___45.32_______Ay = ____21.13______Bx = ____15.53______By = _____57.96_____Cx = ____-70.71______Cy = ___70.71_______Find R and for each of the following: Show all work. You must include a picture of your resultant triangle X component 112: theta=7.63degreesx component 12 theta=69.44Y component 15 R=113 y component 32 R=34.18Complete the table below using Figure 1.time0 - 33 - 1111 – 1414 - 1616 – 1919 –2424 – 2626 - 30velocity (m/s)0 m/s-1 m/s3 m/s0 m/s-4 m/s0 m/s-1 m/s0 m/s30219659271000 The following are multiple choice questions that I will pull fromWhich of the following is the tendency of an object to maintain its state of motion?accelerationc. forceinertiad. velocityWhen a basketball player jumps to make a shot, once the feet are off the floor, the jumper’s accelerationdepends on the launch speedc. is usually greater for taller playersvaries with body orientationd. is gravity; no more, no less Acceleration isdisplacementc. velocitythe rate of change of displacementd. the rate of change of velocityThe Law of Inertia states that an objectat rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an outside forcewill continue moving at the same velocity unless an outside force acts on itwill continue moving in a straight line unless an outside force acts on itthat is not moving will never move unless a force acts on itall of the aboveHow does acceleration of an object change in relation to its mass? It is…directly proportionalc. acceleration does not depend on mass at allinversely proportionald. acceleration & mass will have the same effectA ball tossed vertically upward rises, reaches its highest point, and then falls back to its starting point. During this time, the acceleration of the ball is alwaysin the direction of the motionc. directed upwardopposite its velocityd. directed downwardA duck waddles 2.5 m east and 6.0 m north. What are the magnitude and direction of the duck’s displacement with respect to its original position?3.5 m at 19° north of eastc. 6.5 m at 76° north of east6.3 m at 67° north of eastd. 6.5 m at 72° north of eastWhen you look at the speedometer in a moving car, you can see the car’s instantaneous speedc. instantaneous accelerationaverage speedd. average accelerationThe horizontal component of a projectile moving at constant velocity may be affected by gravityc. inertiafrictiond. forcesIf a car speeds up from 20 m/s to 60 m/s in 2.5 seconds, what is the car’s acceleration?16 m/s2c. 9.8 m/s232 m/s2d. 2.5 m/s2Which of the following forces is an example of a contact force? gravitational forcec. electric forcemagnetic forced. frictional forceAt the instant a ball is thrown horizontally with a large force, an identical ball is dropped from the same height. Which ball hits the ground first?the horizontally thrown ballc. neither-they both hit the ground at the same timethe dropped balld. neither-they both can not hit at the same timeIf you pull horizontally on a crate with a force of 150 N and the crate does not move, the friction force must be 150 N. Now, if you pull with 250 N so that the crate slides at constant velocity, the friction force is more than 150 N but less than 250 Nc. more than 250 N250 Nd. cannot be determinedWhich of the following is a value for the acceleration of objects in free fall?8.9 m/s2c. 98 m /s29.8 m/s2d. 980 m/s2The magnitude of the force of gravity acting on an object isfrictional forcec. inertiaweightd. massA ball thrown into the air at some angle between 10° and 90°. At the very top of the ball’s path its velocity isentirely verticalc. both vertical and horizontalentirely horizontald. zeroAcceleration due to gravity is also callednegative velocityc. free-fall accelerationdisplacementd. instantaneous velocityAn object moves horizontally at constant speed but is subject to a vertically downward acceleration. The path of the object isstraight horizontalc. curved or parabolic straight vertical d. straight diagonalIn the absence of air resistance, the angle at which a thrown ball will go the farthest is75 degreesc. 45 degrees60 degreesd. 30 degreesWhat causes a moving object to change direction?accelerationc. inertiavelocityd. forceFor the winter, a duck flies 10.0 m/s south against a gust of wind with a velocity of 2.5 m/s. What is the resultant velocity of the duck?12.5 m/s southc. 7.5 m/s south25 m/s southd. 4 m/s southA change in the force of gravity acting on an object will affect the object’smassc. weightfrictional forced. inertiaWhat is the mass of a person that weighs 600 N?6000 kgc. 60 kg 600 kgd. 6 kgA string attached to an airborne kite was maintained at an angle of 40 degrees with the ground. If 120 m of string was reeled in to return the kite back to the ground, what was the horizontal displacement of the kite?110 mc. 77 m84 md. 92 mSuppose a small plane can fly at 200 km/hr relative to the surrounding air. Suppose also that there is a 40 km/hr tailwind. How fast does the plane’s shadow move across the ground?240 km/hrc. 160 km/hr200 km/hrd. 40 km/hrA coin released at rest from the top of a tower hits the ground after falling 1.5 seconds. What is the speed of the coin as it hits the ground? (Disregard air resistance, g = 9.8 m/s2)15 m/sc. 31 m/s21 m/sd. 39 m/sAccording to Newton’s second law, when the same force is applied to two objects of different masses,the object with greater mass will experience a great acceleration and the object with less mass will experience an even greater acceleration.The object with greater mass will experience a smaller acceleration and the object with less mass will experience a greater acceleration.The object with greater mass will experience a greater acceleration and the object with less mass will experience a smaller acceleration.The object with greater mass will experience a small acceleration and the object with less mass will experience an even smaller acceleration.The most appropriate SI unit for measuring the length of an automobile is thecentimeterc. meterkilometerd. millimeterA measure of the quantity of matter isdensityc. forceweightd. massAt what point in its path does a projectile have its minimum speed?when it is thrown c. at the tophalf-way to the topd. as it nears the groundThe acceleration produced by a net force on an object isdirectly proportional to the magnitude of the net forcein the same direction as the net forceinversely proportional to the mass of the objectall of the aboveIf you want to know the answers to this review, where could you look? On my website-YES b. at Walgreens-NOc. Under my desk-NOWhen something falls to the ground, it accelerates. This acceleration is called the acceleration due to gravity and is symbolized by the letter g. What is the value of g on the earth’s surface?0 m/sec/secc. about 9.8 m/sec/secabout 5 m/sec/secd. about 20 m/sec/secA toy car is given an initial velocity of 5.0 m/s and experiences a constant acceleration of 2.0 m/s2. What is the final velocity after 6.0 s?10.0 m/sc. 16 m/s12 m/sd. 17 m/sA 10 N falling object encounters 4 N of air resistance. The magnitude of the net force on the object is0 Nc. 6 N4 Nd. 10 NA hiker travels south along a straight path for 1.5 h with an average velocity of 0.75 km/hr, then travels south for 2.5 hours with an average velocity of 0.90 km/hr. What is the hiker’s displacement for the total trip?1.1 km to the southc. 3.4 km to the south2.2 km to the southd. 6.7 km to the south“Centrifugal forces” are an apparent reality to observers in a reference frame that arerotatingc. an inertial reference frameat restd. moving at constant velocityIf a net force is acting on an object, then the object is definitelyat restc. being acceleratedmoving with a constant velocityd. losing massThe baseball catcher throws a ball vertically upward and catches it in the same spot as it returns to the mitt. At what point in the ball’s path does it experience zero velocity and nonzero acceleration at the same time?midway on the way upat the top of its trajectorythe instant it leaves the catcher’s handWhich of the following is the cause of an acceleration or a change in an object’s motion?speedc. forceinertiad. velocityWhich of the following is an example of projectile motion?a jet lifting off a runwaya bullet being fired from a gundropping an aluminum can into the recycling bina space shuttle orbiting earthIn the absence of air friction, the vertical component of a projectile’s velocity does not change as the projectile moves. This statement isalways truec. always falsesometimes trued. does not matterA canon with a barrel velocity of 100 m/s launches a cannonball horizontally from a tower. Neglecting air resistance, where will the cannonball be 1 second later?50 m downrangec. 100 m downrange98 m downranged. 490 m downrangeA jogger runs 10.0 blocks due east, 5.0 blocks due south, and another 2.0 blocks due east. Assume all blocks are of equal size. What is the magnitude of the jogger’s displacement?14.0 blocksc. 11.0 blocks8.0 blocksd. 13.0 blocksA ball is thrown straight upward at 20 m/s. Ideally (no air resistance), the ball will return to the thrower’s hand with a speed of40 m/sc. 10 m/s20 m/sd. 0 m/sA dolphin swims 1.85 km/hr. How far has the dolphin traveled after 0.6h?1.1 kmc. 0.63 km2.5 kmd. 3.7 kmWhich of the following is a physical quantity that has a magnitude but no direction?vectorc. resultantscalard. frame of referenceWhat are the centripetal acceleration and centripetal force of a 0.3 kg ball on a 1.4 meter long string that is spinning at a rate of 2.5 m/s?9.8 m/s2 and 9.8 Nc. 1.78 m/s2 and 0.54 N8.9 m/s2 and 2.67 Nd. 4.46 m/s2 and 1.34 NThe horizontal component of a projectile’s velocity is independent of the vertical component of its velocityindependent of the range of the projectileindependent of both the vertical and horizontal(there is not enough information to answer the question)Speed isa measure of how fast something is movingthe distance covered per unit of timealways measured in terms of a unit of distance divided by a unit of timenone of the aboveall except dIdentify the following quantities as scalar or vector: the mass of an object, the number of leaves on a tree, wind velocityvector, scalar, scalarc. scalar, vector, scalarscalar, scalar, vectord. vector, scalar, vectorWhich of the following is the motion of objects moving in two dimensions under the influence of gravity?horizontal velocityc. paraboladirectrixd. projectile motionA tin can whirled on the end of a string moves in a circle becauseonce the can starts moving, that is its natural tendencythere is a force on the can pulling it outwardthere is an inward force acting on the canall of the aboveCentripetal acceleration is directedaway from a central pointc. tangent to the end of a circletoward a central pointd. around the circumferenceSuppose you take a trip that covers 240 km and takes 4 hours to make. Your average speed is960 km/hrd. 120 km/hr480 km/hre. 60 km/hr240 km/hrIf you whirl a tin can on the end of a string and the string suddenly breaks, the can willfly directed away from youc. fly off, tangent to its original pathfly directly toward youd. spiral away from your handWhat is the shape of the path of a projectile?a wavy linec. a hyperbolaa parabolad. projectiles don’t follow a predictable pathObjects that are falling toward Earth movefaster and fasterc. at a constant velocityslower and slowerd. slower then fasterWhich of the following is an example of a vector quantity?velocityc. volumetemperatured. massA skateboarder rolls 25.0 m down a hill that descends at an angle of 20.0degrees with the horizontal. Find the horizontal and vertical components of the skateboarder’s displacement.8.55 m & 23.5 mc. 23.5 m & 73.1 m23.5 m & 8.55 md. 73.1 m & 26.6 mA car travels in a circle with constant speed. The net force on the caris directed forward, in the direction of travelis directed toward the center of the curveis zero because the car is not acceleratingA girl pulls on a 10 kg wagon with a constant force of 30 N. What is the wagon’s acceleration?0.3 m/s2c. 30 m/s23.0 m/s2d. 300 m/s2Which statement about the acceleration of an object is correct?The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net external force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the objectThe acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net external force acting on the object and directly proportional to the mass on the objectThe acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to the net external force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.The acceleration of an object is inversely proportional tot eh net external force acting on the object and directly proportional to the mass of the object.A marble accelerates from rest at a constant rate and travels for a total displacement of 44 m in 20.0 seconds. What is the average velocity of the marble?1.1 m/sc. 4.4 m/s2.2 m/sd. 0.0 m/sKevin Carpenter throws a perfect spiral to Trey Cook at an angle of 45 degrees from the horizontal. It leaves his hand with a velocity of 15m/s. What are the vertical and horizontal components of the football’s velocity?10.61 m/s & 10.61 m/sc. 45 m/s & 15 m/s43.47 m/s & 43.47 m/sd. 9.8 m/s & 0 m/sIn projectile motion, the horizontal component of a projectile’s velocity is independent of the accelerationthe initial velocitythe angle of the trajectorythe vertical component of the velocityAn arrow is shot horizontally at a target 5 meters away with a velocity of 5 m/s. The target and bow are both 3 meters above the ground. Will the arrow fall short, hit the target head on, or go above and past the target and by how much?a. fall short by 2 mc. fall short by 1.1 m b. hit dead ond. go past by 2 mWhich of the following has the greatest momentum?tortoise with a mass of 270 kg moving at a velocity of 0.5 m/selephant with a mass of 300 kg at restturtle with a mass of 91 kg moving at a velocity of 1.4 m/sroadrunner with a mass of 1.8 kg moving at a velocity of 6.7 m/sWhen comparing the momentum of 2 moving objects, which of the following is correct?the object with the higher velocity will have less momentum if the masses are equalthe more massive object will have less momentum if its velocity is greateryou can’t compare the momentum of 2 objectsthe less massive object will have less momentum if the velocities are the sameA baseball is pitched very fast. Another baseball of equal mass is pitched very slowly. Which of the following statements is correct?The slow-moving baseball is harder to stop because it has less momentumThe fast-moving baseball is harder to stop because it has more momentumThe slow-moving baseball is harder to stop because it has more momentumThe fast-moving baseball is easier to stop because it has more momentumA roller coaster climbs up a hill at 4 m/s and then zips down the hill at 30 m/s. The momentum of the roller coasteris greater up the hill than down the hillis greater down the hill than up the hillremains the same throughout the rideis greatest before it startsThe change in an object’s momentum is equal tothe mass of the object divided by the time of contactthe product of the mass of the object and the time intervalthe product of the force applies to the object and the time intervalthe time interval divided by the net external forceA force is applied to stop a moving shopping cart. Increasing the time interval over which the force is appliedrequires a greater forcec. requires a smaller forceb. requires the same forced. doesn’t change the forceA softball with a mass of 0.11 kg moves at a speed of 12 m/s. Then the ball is hit by a bat and rebounds in the opposite direction at a speed of 15 m/s. What is change in momentum of the ball?-1.3 kg*m/sc. -0.33 kg*m/s-3.0 kg*m/sd. 9.8 kg*m/sA ball with a mass of 0.15 kg and a velocity of 5.0 m/s strikes a wall and bounces straight back with a velocity of 3.0 m/s. What is the change in momentum of the ball?-0.30 kg*m/sc. -0.15 kg*m/s-1.2 kg*m/sd. 9.8 kg*m/sA moderate force will break an egg. However, an egg dropped on the road usually breaks, while one dropped on the grass usually does not break because for the egg dropped on the grass, the change in momentum is greaterc. the time interval for stopping is greaterthere is no change in momentumd. the change in momentum is lessA large moving ball collides with a small stationary ball. The momentumof the large ball decreases, and the momentum of the small ball increasesof the small ball decreases, and the momentum of the large ball increasesof the large ball increases, and the momentum of the small ball decreasesIf I am traveling at a constant speed of 40 mi/hr in a circle, am I accelerating? a. nob. yes c. maybeWhat is how fast something is moving and in what direction?a. Speedc. Displacementb. Velocityd. DistanceWhat is the time rate of change of velocity?a. Deltac. Accelerationb. Distanced. RelativeWhat are the units for velocity?a. m/s2c. mb. m/sd. sWhat are the units for acceleration?a. m/sc. mb. m/s2d. sBe able to work problems like the following: Draw diagrams when necessary. Show all work, solve, and have the correct units. Do on your own sheet of paper to practiceAn egg falls out of a nest in a tree that is 7 meters high. How long is the egg in the air? 1.195 sIf you check my website, I will post all the answers to this review so that you can use it to study.What is the displacement of a ball rolling at constant velocity of 3.2 m/s after 6 seconds? 19.2 mYou leave your house and travel due south for 6 km, then turn due west for 12 km and return due east for 4 km. What is the magnitude and direction of your displacement? 10km SWA racecar traveling at 125 km/h hits the brakes and slows to 85 km/h in 3.6 s. What is the racecar’s average acceleration? -3.09 m/s2Calculate the force required to move a 45 kg box at 3.7 m/s2. 166.5 N What is the weight of the box? 441 NA balloon supports a sign with a mass of 15 kg. What is the tension in the string holding the balloon to the sign?147NAn astronaut drops a feather from 1.2 m above the surface of the moon. If the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.62 m/s2, how long does it take the feather to hit the moon’s surface? 1.22 sAn airplane travels at 360 km/h due north. If it encounters a 70 km/h headwind, (coming from the head), at what speed does the shadow of the plane move across the ground? 430 km/hrA child goes down a waterslide accelerating at 2.6 m/s2. How fast will the child be traveling when they land in the pool below if they splash into the water after 4 seconds? Assume she started from rest. 10.4 m/sA ball rolls down a curved track on a lab table, and leaves the table horizontally with a speed of 27m/s. If the table is 1.2 m high, how far will the ball land from the edge of the table? (Range) 13.36 mVectors have two parts. They are ___Magnitude___ and __Direction__.A bus traveling at 30.0 km/h, speeds up at a constant rate of 3.5 m/s2 , What velocity does it reach 6.8s later?32.13 m/sA car accelerates at a constant rate from 15 m/s to 25 m/s while it travels 125 m. How long does it take to achieve this speed?6.25 sA bike rider accelerates constantly to a velocity of 7.5 m/s during 4.5 s. the bike’s displacement during the acceleration was 19 m. What was the initial velocity of the bike?A jet airplane goes from rest to a velocity of 85 m/s in a distance of 140 m. What is the airplane’s average acceleration (m/s2)? 25.80 m/s2An airplane starts from rest and accelerates at a constant 3.00 m/s2 for 30.0 s before leaving the ground. How far did it move? 1350 mA stone falls freely from rest for 10 s. Calculate the stone’s velocity after 10s and the stone’s displacement during this time? v=98 m/s d=490mA helicopter is steadily descending at 7 m/s when a bag is dropped from the helicopter. After 5 s, what is the bags velocity? How far has the bag fallen? How far below the helicopter is the bag?v= 56 m/s d=157.5md=122.5 m below the helicopterBe sure to study any MOMENTUM PROBLEMS we’ve gone over as well! ................

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