The Gilded Age

Unit III: Biology and PsychologyAdvanced Placement PsychologyMr. Landry2011-2012Major Concepts to KnowBackground & HistoryNeurons: structure & functionNeurotransmitters: major ones & their function Nervous system: parts & function - Central Nervous System & Peripheral Nervous System The Brain: major parts & their functionsEndocrine system: function, major hormones & major glandsBackground & History Phrenology (why important)NeuronsKnow:What they are What their three main functions areWhat their basic structure is & the function of each structureMajor types: Sensory (afferent), & Motor (efferent), Interneurons Sensory receptor (what they are/function) Effector cells (what they are/function)Neuroanatomy – parts of the neuronKnow:The function of eachHow each part worksThe location of eachMake sure you know the alternative names for each of the partsDendritesSomaAxon hillockAxonsMyelin sheathNodes of Ranvier Terminal Branches/axon branches Axon Buttons Synaptic vesicleSynapse Neuron functioningKnow: How a neuron functions (charge in the axon vs. outside, its role in neuron functioning, etc.) Route of the neural impulse from dendrite to axon button, major functions involved, what exactly is going on, etc.All or none lawExcitatory signal/neural impulse Inhibitory signal/neural impulse ThresholdIntensity of signal (how do we tell an intense stimulus from a weak one)Resting potentialSelective permeableAction potentialRefractory periodSodium Potassium pumpPre-synaptic neuronPost-synaptic neuron Stopping action of neurotransmitters Reuptake (know what it is, how it works, purpose, etc.)AgonistAntagonistsNeurotransmitters Know:What are theyWhat the major ones Are they inhibitory/excitatory What their functions are? What disorders are associated with each (lack of/excessive)Binding with neuroreceptors Acetylcholine (ACH)DopamineGama-aminobutric acid (GABA)SerotoninNorepinephrine (noradrenalin)GlutamateEndorphinsAgonist (what they do, etc.)Antagonists (what they do, etc.)Withdrawal Tardive dyskinesia Nervous system Know the parts & the functions of each Central Nervous systems (Spinal cord & Brain)Neural networksPeripheral nervous system (know parts and function of PNS)Somatic nervous systemAutomatic nervous systemHomeostasis Neural networks “Fight or flight”Sympathetic nervous systemParasympathetic nervous systemThe BrainKnow:What the major functions of eachIf the part is made up of other parts, what those parts areIf the part is part of something else, know what that something else isMyelencephalonMetencephalonMesencephalonDiencephalonTelencephalonHindbrainMidbrainForebrainBrainstemMedulla oblongataPonsReticular formationCerebellumInferior ColliculiSuperior ColliculiPituitary glandThalamusHypothalamusLimbic SystemAmygdalaHippocampus Cingulate gyrusBasal gangliaCaudate nucleusCerebral Hemisphere CerebrumOlfactory bulbCortexCerebral CortexGyri - ridgesSulci – valleysGlial cellsLeft hemispheresRight hemispheresCorpus callosumLobesFrontal lobeParietal lobeOccipital lobeTemporal lobePrimary motor cortexAssociation areas (function)Frontal lobe (which association functions associated with)Temporal lobe (which association functions associated with)Broca’s areaWernick’s areaAngular gyrus PlasticitySplit brainAphasiaLesion Localization of brain functionsRedundant systems Imaging What is the difference between each one (pros/cons of each)?Which ones can detect only activity, the structure, or both?EEG (electroencephalograph) CAT/CT scan (computerized axial tomography) PET scan (position emission tomography) MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) f-MRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)Endocrine systemWhat is its purpose?What are the major hormones & their functions?What are the major glands & hormones associated with each? How are hormones different from neurotransmitters?HormonesMajor hormonesMajor glandsTestosteroneEstrogenProgesteroneAdrenal glandPituitary glandThyroid glandGonadsOvariesTestesMisc. SectionKnow what each one isExplicit memory/learningImplicit memory/learningStimulus Homeostasis Mnemonic: afferent neuron arrives and an efferent neuron exitsSR -> A -> CNS -> E -> EStimulus converted to electrical impulse Moves along afferent cells to CNSCNS makes decisionMoves from CNS along efferent cellsFrom efferent cell to effector cellFRQ termsAcetylcholineAction potential Adrenal glandsAmygdalaAssociation areasAutomatic nervous system AxonBiological psychologyBrainstemBroca’s areaCentral Nervous SystemCerebellumCerebral cortexCorpus callosumC(A)T Scan DendriteElectroencephalogramEndophinsEndocrine systemFrontal lobeGlial cell HormonesHypothalamusInterneuronsLesion Limbic systemMedullaMotor cortexMotor neurons MRIMyelin sheathNerves Neural network Nervous systemNeuronNeurotransmitterOccipital lobeParasympathetic nervous systemPerieal lobe Peripheral Nervous SystemPET ScanPituitary glandPlasticityReflex Reticular formationSensory cortexSensory neurons Split brainSomatic nervous system Sympathetic nervous systemSynapse Temporal lobe ThalamusThresholdWernicke’s areaVocabulary: Due the day of the testAfferent neuronAgonistAll or None LawAntagonistsAphasia Arousal Effector cellEfferent neuronExcitatory (neuron/neurotransmitter) Explicit memoryImplicit memoryInhibitory (neuron/neurotransmitter)Phrenology Refractory periodResting potentialReuptake Sensory receptorStimulusPrevious test question breakdown: Versions A & BBackground information: 1, 31Psychological perspectives: 2 -7, 24Psychological subfields: 8 - 11Major concepts/questions in early psychology: 12-13, 17 - 21Early Schools & Views of Psychology: 14-16Important People: 14, 16, 22 - 23, 25 - 26, 28 - 37Early History & Evolution of Psychology: 27, 33 Theories related to the limitations of intuition & common sense: 38 – 43, 47 Scientific method: 44 – 47Methods of research – General: 48Methods of research – Descriptive: 49 – 58Correlation: 57 – 72Experiments: 73 – 85Statistics: 84 - 100Reading assignment due datesAssignmentTopics covered“A” Day due date“B” Day due dateReading/FRQ’s (Unit III: Biology of Psychology) 57-61*Neurons: parts*Neurons: functions Monday, September 19Tuesday, September 20Reading/FRQ’s (Unit III: Biology of Psychology) 61-68*Neurons: functions, continued *Neurotransmitters*Parts of the nervous systemWednesday, September 21Thursday, September 22Reading/FRQ’s (Unit III: Biology of Psychology) 69-80*Windows to the Brain*Parts of the brainFriday, September 23Monday, September 26Reading/FRQ’s (Unit III: Biology of Psychology) 80-96*Association areas*Misc. concepts related to the brain*EndocrineTuesday, September 27Wednesday, September 28n/aCatch-up day, video-clips, review, etc.Thursday, September 29Friday, September 30Test/outline/vocab: unit IIIMonday, October 03Tuesday, October 4 ................

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