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Battle of the Brains Video Question Sheet

1. Susan is the ____________. Gary flies the ________. Alex is the __________.

2. What is the “granddaddy” of intelligence tests? _________

3. Nathan’s IQ is _____.

4. What letter describes our general intelligence? __

5. Stella is an ________.

6. _______ did the best in the IQ test. He is a quantum _________.

7. Robert _____________ complains that the IQ test is the same as it was 100 years ago.

8. The cork/bottle problem tests ___________ intelligence. Who came closest to solving the cork/bottle problem?_____________

9. The sock test measures ___________ intelligence.

10. Seth’s kids are smart. The nature perspective says we inherit our parents’ _________, but the nurture perspective says it’s how our parents __________ us.

11. The painting also measures ____________ intelligence.

12. Who won the painting competition? _________

13. What machine studied Nathan’s brain? ______ (it studied magnetic impulses) What did they find? _________________________________

14. What is emotional intelligence? _____________________________


15. All seven scored __________ average in EQ.

16. Describe a high EQ person _________________

17. Who scored the highest? ________________

18. Howard ____________ believes we have ___________ intelligences.

19. The goggle test tests ___________________ intelligence. Who won? ___________________

20. According to research in Scotland, the IQ may predict your ____________________________________________.

21. Who tied for 1st place for the big prize?____________ and ________.


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