AP Psychology – Guided Reading

AP Psychology – Guided ReadingUnit 8A – Motivation SECTION – MOTIVATIONAL CONCEPTSWhat is motivation? Instincts and Evolutionary PsychologyWhat is an instinct?What are some human instincts? How do most psychologists view human behavior though? Drives and IncentivesWhat is the drive-reduction theory? How is it related to homeostasis?What are incentives? Examples? Optimum ArousalWhat is meant by optimum arousal?Yerkes-Dodson law – difficult or challenging tasks cause arousal to be lower, and easy tasks cause arousal to be higher.Incentive theories – external stimuli “push” people to positive incentives and “pull” people away from negative incentives. A Hierarchy of MotivesAccording to Abraham Maslow, what is a hierarchy of needs?SECTION – HUNGER The Physiology of HungerDescribe A.L. Washburn’s study.How does glucose influence hunger motivation?What is the role of the lateral hypothalamus (sides of the hypothalamus)?What is the role of the ventromedial hypothalamus (lower mid-hypothalamus)?Know the following appetite hormones:InsulinLeptinOrexinGhrelinObestatinPYY What is a set point?What is basal metabolic rate? The Psychology of HungerWhy, when depressed, many crave starchy, carbohydrate-laden foods?How can culture affect taste?What is unit bias?Describe the following eating disorders:Anorexia nervosaBulimia nervosaBing-eating disorderObesity and Weight ControlWhat are some social effects of obesity?What is the role of fat cells in obesity?Why does someone who becomes fat require less food to maintain the weight? In regards to genetics, the specifics of our _______________ predispose the size ofour _____________ .When losing weight, what is some advice to be successful? SECTION – SEXUAL MOTIVATION The Physiology of SexWhat is the sexual response cycle?What is the refractory period?What is estrogen?What is testosterone? The Psychology of SexMany studies confirm that men become aroused when:But, so do:It has been said that the ______________ is our most significant sex organ.Adolescent SexualityList the reasons why American teens have a higher rate of teen pregnancy than European teens.What are four predictors of sexual restraint? Sexual OrientationWhat is sexual orientation?Most of today’s psychologists view sexual orientation as:What does it mean that homosexual people do appear more often in certain populations?What did researcher Simon LeVay find as he studied sections of the hypothalamus? What were the findings in regards to hormone-derived sexual scents?Describe the twin study findings in regards to genetic influences. SECTION – THE NEED TO BELONGWhat is meant that human beings have a deep need to belong. Complete the Multiple Choice Questions at the end of Unit 8A on Myers’ pages 364-365. _____6. _____11. _____ _____7. _____12. _____ _____8. _____13. _____ _____9. _____14. _____ _____10. _____15. _____Unit 8B – Emotions, Stress, and HealthSECTION – THEORIES OF EMOTIONWhat are emotions?What is the James-Lange theory of emotion?What is the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion?What is Stanley Schachter’s and Jerome Singer’s two-factor theory of emotion?SECTION - EMBODIED EMOTION What is the link between emotional arousal and the sympathetic nervous system? What is the role of the parasympathetic nervous system? Physiological Differences Among Specific EmotionsWhat are some physiological differences among specific emotions? Those watching fearful faces show more activity in their _________________, the emotional control center in the brain’s limbic system.Some tendency for negative emotions to be linked to the ____________________________ and positive emotions to the _________________ .Positive moods tend to trigger more: Cognition and EmotionThe __________________ sends more neural projections up to the ______________ than it receives back.What have researchers Zajonc and LeDoux demonstrated?What does it mean highly emotional people are intense partly because of their interpretations?SECTION – EXPRESSED EMOTIONExperience can sensitize us to:What facial parts are the most revealing?Fear and anger read mostly from the ___________, and happiness from the ____________. Gender, Emotion, and Nonverbal BehaviorWhen given “thin slices” of nonverbal cues ____________________ generally surpass ________ at reading people’s emotional cues.What is empathy and who has more of it? Culture and Emotional ExpressionThe meaning of gestures varies with _________________. Give a couple examples.Do facial expressions have different meanings in different cultures? Explain your answer?Although cultures share a universal facial language for basic emotions, they differ in: The Effects of Facial ExpressionsExpressions not only communicate emotion, they also:What is facial feedback?Natural mimicry of others’ emotions helps explains why:SECTION – EXPERIENCED EMOTIONAccording to Carroll Izard, what are the 10 basic emotions? FearHow is fear adaptive? How is fear learned?The _____________________ plays a key role in associating various emotions, including fear, with certain situations. AngerHow can anger harm us?What is catharsis? Does it work? Explain.What are the two ways to handle our anger? HappinessPeople who are happier perceive the world as:What is the feel-good, do good phenomenon?What is well-being?What is the diminishing returns phenomenon?What is the adaptation-level phenomenon? What is relative deprivation? SECTION – STRESS AND HEALTHWhat is health psychology? Stress and IllnessWhat is stress? Be sure to understand what stressors are.How can stressors have positive effects? When can stressors threaten us?What stress hormones are released from the adrenal glands?What is the additional stress response system?What is Hans Selye’s general adaptation syndrome? Briefly describe the 3 phases. What are the three major types of stressors? Stress and the HeartHow does stress contribute to coronary heart disease?What is the difference between a Type A personality and a Type B personality? Stress and Susceptibility to DiseaseDefine psychophysiological illness.What are lymphocytes?How does stress affect cancer? ................

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