AP PSYCHOLOGY - Appoquinimink High School


Summer Reading

Welcome to AP Psychology!. We have a LOT of work to do in order to prepare for the AP test in May. The work begins NOW, with your summer reading assignment. Remember, this is a college-level, elective course – if you can’t be motivated to complete the summer work, you might want to think twice about your choice of taking this course, since this work is indicative of the work you will do throughout the year.

This summer assignment provides the opportunity to go beyond normal “textbook” reading – there will be plenty of that once school starts…

Since AP Psychology is designed to introduce you to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals, the summer reading is intended to provide you with insight to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. Additionally, you will also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice.

This Summer You Have Two Required Assignments

First, purchase or borrow the following book and complete the assignment:

Forty Studies that Changed Psychology by Roger Hock

This book will be used throughout the course along with your class textbook. You can purchase the book online either new or used. We recommend used – it’s a lot cheaper. The edition does not matter. (see if you can find someone that took the class last year – they’ll probably sell it cheap!) YOU WILL BE QUIZZED ON VARIOUS READINGS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR – AT LEAST ONE QUIZ FOR EACH UNIT WE COVER.


• Type a short summary (5 – 7 sentences) for each case study. (most of these case studies are referred to somewhere on the AP Exam so trust us, it’s worth it…)

• Number and skip a line between the summaries.

• Should use 12 inch Arial Font, Single spaced.

Second, read the first chapter of your textbook available at the following link:

…if that is too much to type in, just go to the school website and check out the “home” pages of Mr. Baker or Mr. Thomas, there will be link available there.


• Read the first chapter (which is actually called the “Prologue”.

• Be prepared to take a quiz on this material within the first 10 days of class.

Hint: you might want to wait and read right before school starts in August so that it is fresh in your mind.

Recommended (but not required) Additional Readings

It is also recommended that students purchase one of the AP Psychology Study Guides by Barrons, Kaplan, or Princeton Review.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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