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AP Psych Nuts & Bolts

Keep yourself organized by….

A. Class, Binder & Notebook Organization:

The AP Psychology course has numerous handouts, outlines and class notes. Therefore, as an organizational tool, use a 3 ring binder at least 2 inches thick (you may need one for each semester). You will also need 18 subject dividers to store all of the materials. It is important to maintain this notebook organization on a daily basis! These binders will be graded per unit for neatness, organization and completion. All student materials will be on notebook paper or on handouts.

The following are ideas of what should go in your sections:

← Syllabus and Binder Check

← Tab A: NUTS and BOLTS, Resources, handouts, etc.

← Tab B: Vocab Tab

← Tab C: Who’s Who? Theorist Tab

← Tab D: 40 Studies That Changed Psychology

← Tab E: Psychology Bridge and Actions (3 per 1st semester/ 2-2nd semester)

← Tabs 1 through 15: Sections for each unit

← Unit Overview

← Unit Notes

← Unit Work/Worksheet

B. Vocab: Operational Definitions

← The purpose of operational definitions is to explain a concept in easy words.

← The definitions must be measurable.

← Others may not agree with your definition yet they are able to understand it AND measure it!

← Define vocabulary in 5 words or less.

← Do not use sentences.

← Use your own words.

← Keep a long list in your Vocab Tab. Double Check your Vocab Lists from each unit!

← Example: Teenager - a teenager by operational definition is - an individual between the ages of 13-18


C. Theorists: Who’s Who of Psychology?

← For each unit you will be assigned a list of theorists to research. You may use your book, google, etc to help you in your research.

← The template can be found online on my webpage.

← You must mark the theorist in your units every time they appear on the list: Example: Freud: See Unit 1 (even if it is in Unit 5).


D: The Forty Studies That Changed Psychology Worksheet

← See 40 Studies handout for questions (in Nuts and Bolts Tab)

E. Psychology Bridges and Actions: Templates online

← See “Psychology Bridge and Action” handout (in Nuts and Bolts Tab)

← 2 Bridges + 1 Action= 1st semester

← 1 Bridge + 1 Action= 2nd semester

← Template can be found online also.

F. How to study effectively for AP Psychology

Underline all new vocabulary in your notebook. If there are terms that are unclear, look them up in the Psychology text & record them in your notes. If you are unable to find a satisfactory explanation, make a note to ask the teacher at the beginning of the next class. Use operational definitions and remember to stay with the 5 word or less rule.

• Remember to incorporate the class demonstrations into the notes.

• Highlight any concepts that the teacher said that you would definitely need to know for the next test, or on which the teacher spent a significant amount of time.

• Create a study sheet for test review, include vocabulary and test ideas from the notes, remember to limit these to one page.

• Many students find it productive to type the daily lecture notes that evening. Keep the handwritten copy for credit/notebook checks.

• It is very important to study as the unit progresses, do not wait until the end of the unit to “start” to study. Do not procrastinate!!!!

• In order to learn, it is essential to understand the material, ASK QUESTIONS!

G. Test Corrections:

You will have the opportunity to correct your tests for a 1/3 of a point back to your overall test score. You will have a two week window after taking the test to come in during ac lab or after school. You may use your book and your notes to help in this process. All missed points need to be corrected by highlighting the correct answer on your scan tron and by writing a statement about why the answer is the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper. When doing corrections you need to check out your test folder with Mrs. Rice. AT NO POINT are you allowed to leave the room with TEST MATERIALS. Once you are finished with corrections you will need to hand your test folder back to Mrs. Rice with the test in the folder.


H: Unit Book Notes: Taking notes EFFECTIVELY will positively impact your understanding of psychology (which will help test scores and AP score!)

You have two options when taking notes:

← Option 1: Guided Readings (found online)- Use book to fill in the missing information on the guided reading. The guided readings must be handwritten! You may NOT SHARE OR COLLOBORATE with a PARTNER.

← Option 2: Unit AP OBJECTIVE notes (on back of unit overviews): You may use the AP OBJECTIVES and phrase them as headings in your notebook. You will use these headings as your guide to reading the chapter. These notes may be typed however even typed you should have at least a ½ page of notes per Objective. You may NOT SHARE OR COLLOBORATE with a PARTNER.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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