Level - Polytechnic University of the Philippines

QAR FormRevised, Sept. 2014QUARTERLY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT__________to__________20______________________________COLLEGE/CAMPUSDirection: Please do not leave any item unanswered (Type N.A. or Not Applicable if necessary). Strictly follow the prescribed format in accomplishing this form. Provide necessary and appropriate supporting document/s (e.g. Research Abstract, MOS, MOU, S.O., Certificates, etc.) as attachment for each accomplishment. This form should be duly signed by the Head of Unit/Department and approved by the Sector Head.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/HIGHLIGHTS OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS (Please consider highlights of accomplishments in the following Major Final Outputs (MFOs): MFO 1 – Higher Education Services; MFO 2 – Advanced Education Services; MFO 3 – Research Services; MFO 4 – Extension Services; Support to Operations (STOs); and General Administration and Support Services (GASS))B. INSTRUCTIONCURRICULUM New Program/s Offered (Please no abbreviation)Course/ProgramDate Approved byAcademic Council(mm/dd/yyyy)Board of Regents(mm/dd/yyyy)Curriculum Development/EnhancementCourse/ProgramSpecify Development/Enhancement Made(e.g.: Change in the Subject Code and Description from_____________ to______________) or (Inclusion of additional subject, __________________________)Date Approved byAcademic Council(mm/dd/yyyy)Board of Regents(mm/dd/yyyy)Phased Out Curricular Program/sCourse/ProgramDate Approved byAcademic Council(mm/dd/yyyy)Board of Regents(mm/dd/yyyy)Accreditation Status by ProgramCourse/Program(Indicate all program offerings)Present Accreditation Level or StatusDate Accredited(mm/dd/yyyy)Schedule of Accreditation for the current year(mm/dd/yyyy)Pls. check () ifIndicate if Phase 1, 2, preliminary survey visit, re-visit, etc.Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4STUDENTSOutstanding Achievements, special Awards and Recognitions Received (Inside and Outside PUP)Inside PUP (University Wide)Name of Student(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Nature of Achievement/ Award/RecognitionConferring BodyPlaceDate(mm/dd/yyyy)Outside PUPName of Student(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Nature of Achievement/ Award/RecognitionLevel(International, National, Regional, Provincial, Municipal, Barangay)Conferring BodyPlaceDate(mm/dd/yyyy)Professional/Licensure Examination PerformanceTopnotchers/PlacersName(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Type of Professional/Licensure ExaminationPlace/Rank(1st, 2nd, etc.)Date of Examination(mm/dd/yyyy)National and PUP Rate of Passing in Professional/Licensure ExaminationsType of Professional/Licensure ExaminationDate of Examination(mm/dd/yyyy)NationalPUPNo. of ExamineesNo. of PassersPassing RateNo. of ExamineesNo. of PassersPassing RateOther Recognition (based on PRC result only)Top Performing SchoolCategory(i.e. with 25-50 examinees, etc.)Type of ExaminationDate(mm/dd/yyyy)Graduates in preceding school year engaged in employment within 6 months of graduationCourse/Program(1)Total number of graduates(2)Total number of surveyed graduates(3)Number of graduates engaged in employment within 6 months(4)Percentage (4)/(3)*100TOTALGraduates in preceding school year employed in jobs related to their line of preparation (Please accomplish the form below (Profile of Graduates) as supporting document)Course/Program(1)Total number of graduates(2)Total number of surveyed graduates employed(3)Number of employed graduates related to their undergraduate program(4)Percentage(4)/(3)*100TOTALPROFILE OF GRADUATESName of Surveyed Graduates(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Course/ProgramNature/Type of WorkStatus of employmentCheck () if job/work is related to their undergraduate programYesNoStudents’ survey on timeliness of education delivery/supervision (For graduate School, OU (Master’s Degree Programs only) and College of Law)Course/Program(1)Total number of surveyed students/ total number of retrieved survey forms(2)Total number of students who rate timeliness of education delivery/supervision as good or better(3)Percentage(3)/(2)*100Attendance in Seminars, Leadership Training and Other Student Development Programs (International, National, Local)Name of Student(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Title/Theme/TopicSponsorLevelPlease check () ifVenueDate(mm/dd/yyyy)InternationalNationalLocalNetworking and LinkagesName of Students Involved(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Name of Agency/Company/OrganizationNature of Business/Service(i.e. Educational Institution, Government Agency, Telecommunication, Travel Agency, Hotel and Hospitality Service, Food Service, BPOs, NGOs, POs, etc.)Nature of Networking or LinkagesPlease indicate if:Academic Linkages, Benefactors,Research and Extension Linkage,Educational and Cultural Exchange,Government Agencies Partners, National/Institutional Membership,Non-Government Organizations Partners, OJT/Training Stations etc.Level(International, National, regional, Local)Duration(Indicate inclusive period)Contact PersonNameTel. No.Address Students’ Involvement in Inter-Country MobilityName of Students Involved(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Course/Year and SectionPurpose of TravelHost Country and Institution/Organization/agencyInclusive DateStudent Extension Programs/ProjectsName/Title of ActivityName of Student/s Involved(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Clientele/Beneficiary/ies(Name of group, community, organization, etc.)Number of beneficiariesDate(Pease indicate inclusive period)Percentage of beneficiaries who rate the extension program as very good or outstanding(i.e. 85%=85/100)Very GoodOutstandingOther Statistical DataRate of Drop-out – (No. of Drop-outs / No. of Total Enrolment Per Semester Per Program)Course/ProgramNo. of Drop-outsNo. of Total EnrolmentRate of Drop-outsAverage Class Size–(No. of Total Enrolment / No. of Sections Per Semester Per Program)Course/ProgramNo. of Total EnrolmentNo. of SectionsAverage Class SizeTOTALFACULTY (Please provide necessary attachment/s as supporting document/s)Profile of Newly-Hired Faculty Member/sName(Surname, First Name, M.I.)GenderDate of Birth(mm/dd/yyyy)Please do not abbreviateBachelor’s Degree (Please indicate Major Course)Master’s Degree (Please indicate if with thesis or non-thesis)Name of School (State the accreditation level of the program)Doctoral DegreeName of School (State the accreditation level of the program)Subject/s Being TaughtFaculty Members (including Newly-Hired) Graduated in Advanced Education during the current year (Please do not abbreviate)Name of Faculty(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Name and Address of SchoolDegree/ Program(Please indicate if with thesis or non-thesis)Example: Master in Educational Management (non-thesis)Start of Enrolment (Semester and School Year)Sate the accreditation level of the programScholarship Grant, if anyRecipient of Thesis/Dissertation AidsType of Grant (i.e.: Local Scholarship, Study Grant, etc.)SponsorType of Aid and Research TitleSponsoring AgencyFaculty Members (including Newly-Hired) Currently Enrolled in Advanced Education (Please do not abbreviate)Name of Faculty(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Name and Address of SchoolDegree/ Program(Please indicate if with thesis or non-thesis)Example: Master in Educational Management (non-thesis)Start of Enrolment (Semester and School Year)No. of Units CompletedNo. of Units Currently EnrolledScholarship Grant, if anyRecipient of Thesis/Dissertation AidsType of Grant(i.e.: Local Scholarship, Study Grant, etc.)SponsorType of Aid and Research TitleSponsoring AgencyStatus(Data Gathering, Writing the Research Report, Completed, etc.)Faculty Outstanding Achievements/Awards (International, National, Local)Name of Faculty Member(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Nature of Achievement(No abbreviation please)Awarding/Conferring BodyLevelPlease check () ifPlaceDate(mm/dd/yyyy)InternationalNationalLocalOfficership/Membership in Professional Organization/sName of Faculty Member(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Position(No abbreviation please)Name of OrganizationLevelPlease check () ifOrganization’s AddressInclusive DateInternationalNationalLocalAttendance in Training, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops, Conventions, etc. Name of Faculty Member(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Title/Theme/TopicSponsor of Training, Seminar/s, etc.LevelPlease check () ifVenueInclusive DateInternationalNationalRegionalLocalNetworking and LinkagesFaculty Members Involved(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Name of Agency/Company/OrganizationNature of Business/Service(i.e. Educational Institution, Government Agency, Telecommunication, Travel Agency, Hotel and Hospitality Service, Food Service, BPOs, NGOs, POS, etc.)Nature of Networking or Linkages(Please indicate if: Academic Linkages, Benefactors, Research and Extension Linkage, Educational and Cultural Exchange, Government Agencies Partners, National/Institutional Membership, Non-Government Organizations Partners, Faculty Development/Training, Consultancy, OJT/Training Stations etc.)Level(International, National, Regional, Local)Duration(indicate inclusive period)Contact PersonNameTel. No.AddressADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL (Please provide necessary attachment/s as supporting document/s)Attendance in Training, Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, etc.Name of Personnel(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Title/Theme/TopicSponsor of Seminar/s, etc.LevelPlease check () ifVenueInclusive DateInternationalNationalRegionalLocalInvolvement in Other Services/Linkages/NetworkName of Personnel Involved(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Name of Partner Agency/Company/Organization/DepartmentNature of Business/Service(i.e. Educational Institution, Government Agency, BPOs, NGOs, POs, etc.)Nature of Involvement(Please Indicate If:Instruction, Training, Research, Consultancy, Linkages, Network)Level(International, National, Regional, Local)Duration(Indicate Inclusive Period, i.e. June 15 to August 31)Contact PersonNameTel. No.AddressOfficership/Membership in Professional OrganizationName of Personnel(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Position(No abbreviation please)Name of OrganizationLevelPlease check () ifOrganization’s AddressInclusive DateInternationalNationalLocal Outstanding AchievementName of Personnel(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Awards ReceivedConferring Body/AgencyLevelPlease check () ifPlaceDate(mm/dd/yyyy)(no abbreviation please)InternationalNationalRegionalLocal List of Personnel Currently EnrolledName of Personnel(Surname, First Name, M.I.)SchoolDegree/MajorStart of Enrolment (Semester/School Year)MEANS OF SUPPORT(Ex. Financial Assistance, Scholarship Grant, Self-supporting)BENEFACTOR(Name of Sponsor/Agency/Organization/ etc.)(no abbreviation please) List of Personnel Who Graduated During the Current School YearName of Personnel(Surname, First Name, M.I.)SchoolDegree/MajorSemester/School Year MEANS OF SUPPORT(Ex. Financial Assistance, Scholarship Grant, Self-supporting)BENEFACTOR(Name of Sponsor/Agency/Organization/ etc.)(no abbreviation please)C. RESEARCH, PUBLICATIONS AND INVENTIONS RESEARCH SERVICES (Please provide research abstracts and keywords for every research output)Research Activities During the Year*Researcher(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Title of ResearchPlease check () ifPlease check () ifFunding AgencyAmount of FundingDate Started(mm/dd/yyyy)Target Date of Completion(mm/dd/yyyy)STATUS(Pls. specify if: Data Gathering; Analysis; Writing Research Report, etc.) IF RESEARCH IS COMPLETED, PROCEED TO THE NEXT TABLEBasic ResearchApplied ResearchResearch ProgramResearch ProjectResearch StudyResearch Program involves a team of investigators and spanned up to specific period of research activity with considerable amount of (internal or external) funding. Relatively long term typically eighteen months to three years.Research Project (not part of the research program) identifies and defines a specific problem, theme, issue, or question. Relatively short term; typically three to six months.Research Study (not part of the research project), also known as a clinical trial or research experiment, is a way for scientists and researchers to collect and study information about a specific topic or concept.Continuation table for Completed ResearchesTitle of ResearchActual Date of Completion(mm/dd/yyyy)Reason/s for not meeting the target date of completionTitle of Awards Received/ Publisher/Conference Organizer/ Conferring BodyPls. check () if Disseminated or Presented inIndicate the Title, place, date of the fora/ conference where the research output was presentedPls. check () if Published inTitle of Journal, Vol./Issue/ Page No., Place and Date of Publication, Copyright No.Pls. indicate if a, b, c or d (see choices below) * and if patented or submitted for patenting, pls. specify patent number and date or date of submission for patentingInternational fora/conferencesNational fora/conferencesRegional fora/conferencesLocal fora/conferencesInternational JournalCHED-accredited journalNational JournalLocal JournalCHED-Accredited JournalsHumanities DilimanPhilippine Humanities ReviewPhilippine Studies Historical and Ethnographic ViewpointsCNU Journal of Higher EducationThe Philippine Journal of Veterinary MedicineThe ThresholdThe Philippine Agricultural ScientistPhilosophiaThe Philippine Journal of Crop ScienceSocial Science DilimanThe Asia-Pacific Education ResearcherPhilippine Computing JournalDLSU Business and Economics ReviewRecoletos MultidisciplinaryAsian and Pacific Migration JournalTambara Asia Life SciencesPRISMThe Asian International Journal of Life Sciences DaluyanPhilippine Journal of ScienceAsian Journal of HealthPhilippine Political Science JournalMindanao Journal of Health and TechnologyACTA Medica PhilippinaPhilippine Journal of Psychology Journal of Environmental Science and ManagementAGHAMTAOThe Philippine Scientific JournalThe Philippine StatisticianPlaridelBukidnon State University Research JournalKasarilan * a. Applied for Patentingb. Patent-in-processc. Patented or Commercializedd. Adopted by industry/small and medium enterprises/LGU/Community-based Organizations Research Output as Cited by Book Author(s) for the Quarter of Current Fiscal YearName of Researcher/s(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Title of Research Output(Pls. indicate the year of completion)Author(s) Who Cited the Research OutputTitle of Book Where the Research Output was CitedPage No.Place/Date PublishedName and Address ofPublisher(No abbreviation please)Research Output as Cited by Other Researcher/s for the Quarter of the Current Fiscal YearName of Researcher/s(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Title of Research Output(pls. indicate the year of completion)Researcher(s)/Author(s) Who Cited the Research OutputTitle of Research/Article Where the Research Output was CitedTitle of Journal (If research/article was published)Vol./Issue/Page No.Place/Date PublishedName and Address of PublisherREFEREED PUBLICATIONS (Actual Output For The Quarter Of The Current Fiscal Year) 2.1 BOOKS/JOURNALS/MODULES OR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSName of the Faculty/Personnel involved (Surname, First Name, M.I.)Nature of Involvement or RoleTitle of PublicationDate Started(mm/dd/yyyy)Date Completed (mm/dd/yyyy)Editors/ Referees (Name and Profession)Vol./Issue/Place/Date of Publication/Copyright No.Please check () Level of PublicationBookJournalModule or Instructional materialInternationalNationalLocalFACULTY INVENTIONS (Inventions may include those that resulted from researches conducted. Inventions should include only those which have been invented by researchers. An invention may be utilized for development of technology, for service provision, or as an end-product in itself or it may also be commercialized for selling to other end-users. Please provide a copy of the abstract for each patent.)INVENTIONS FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEARName of Inventor/s(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Nature of Invention/s(IT Product, Equipment, Machinery, etc.)Please check () status of inventionDate Started(mm/dd/yyyy)Date Completed(mm/dd/yyyy)Utilization of InventionName of Commercial ProductPatent No.Date(mm/dd/yyyy)On-goingcompletedDevelopmentServiceEnd-Product or CommercializedD. LIST OF RECOGNIZED EXTENSION SERVICES (Extension service is a set of activities aimed to transfer knowledge or to provide services to the community. The extension program is conducted not as a part of academic requirement but as an outreach towards the improvement of the community’s quality of life. Please attach Board Resolution/Action approving the Extension Program/Photocopies of MOA/Certificates, etc.)Extension Programs/ProjectsName of Extension, Classifications, and PartnershipsName/Title of Extension ProgramClassification (Please refer to attached classifications)Specify ifTraining, Technical Advisory or Outreach ProgramName of Involved Faculty/Personnel(Surname, First Name, M.I.)Nature of participation(Consultant,Speaker, Resource Person, Adviser,Facilitator, Organizer)If in partnership with other agencies/institutions/organizations (pls. specify the name of Local Government unit (LGU), NGOs, POs, industry, small and medium enterprises, and local entrepreneur)Source of FundingAmount of FundingDuration of Request for Community InvolvementCitation/Recognition ReceivedDate of request received(mm/dd/yyyy)Date of Action taken on the request(mm/dd/yyyy)TitleConferring BodyYear ReceivedName of Extension, Number of Trainees/Beneficiaries and Persons trained weighted by length of trainingName/Title of Extension ProgramNo. of Trainees/ Beneficiaries* (Pls. specify if professionals, students, out-of-school youth, barangays, organization, etc.)Inclusive Date/Period of trainingNo. of Hours/ Days **No. of Persons Trained Weighted by Length of Training***% of trainees/beneficiaries who rate services rendered as good or better(Pls. indicate the total number of trainees who rated/evaluated the training program)Ex: 25 trainees rated the TP from the total of 30 trainees =25/30% of persons given training or advisory services who rate timeliness of service as good or better(Pls. indicate the total number of trainees who rated/evaluated the training program)Ex: 25 trainees rated the TP from the total of 30 trainees = 25/30*Please indicate the actual number of trainees/beneficiaries. For example: 48 students and 10 faculty members or 15 Barangay officials/employees and 35 residents.**For Extension Programs on continuing basis, please indicate actual number of beneficiaries and number of training hours.***Weight x No. of persons trained Table for WeightsLENGTH OF TRAININGWEIGHTLess than 8 hours0.58 hours or 0ne day12 days1.253-4 days1.55 days or more2CLASSIFICATIONS OF EXTENSION PROGRAMS:Entrepreneurship and livelihood assistanceProduct creation/innovation/development/utilization/commercializationPackaging, marketing and distributionAccounting and fund managementSavings mobility and capital formation/generationOthers, pls. specify7. Education and ResearchValues formation/Good citizenshipFunction literacyTeacher TrainingCurriculum Development & PlanningScience Education/ResearchOther Educational Training/s, pls. specifyOrganizational Development/Capability Building and Special Pilot ProjectsOrganizational formation and development Leadership and management of pilot projectsOthers, pls. specify8. Human Resource Development and Consultancy ServiceHRD Training Consultancy Management SeminarsProfessional Development SeminarsOthers, pls. specifyEnvironmental Protection and SustainabilityWaste management/pollution controlReforestation/green revolutionOrganic farming/gardeningBeautification and landscapingClimate change advocacyOthers, pls. specify9. IT and Technical-Vocational Training/s I.T. TrainingsT-shirt PrintingPC RepairOthers, pls. specifyNutrition and WellnessHerbal/traditional medicineDisease prevention and cureDiet managementHealthy lifestyleSports, aerobic and physical development/exercisesMedical and Dental MissionsOthers, pls. specify10. Engineering worksSurveyingWeb developmentTroubleshootingSoftware developmentNetworkingElectrical wiringAuto-MechanicAircon/Refrigeration RepairOthers, pls. specifyCommunication/Information dissemination and advisory servicesUse of tri-mediaAdds and other propaganda materialsOthers, pls. specify11. Instructional Materials Development & ProductionBrochuresPamphletsJournalModule productionAudio-video productionOthers, pls. specify.6. Leadership and Good GovernanceBarangay Officials Leadership TrainingSangguniangKabataan Leadership TrainingOthers, pls. specify12. Linkages and Networking13. Arts and Culture14. Advocacy Works15. Feeding Programs, Relief Operations and the likeNote: In filling up, please indicate other extension programs not specified in the given munity Engagement (partnership with Local Government Unit (LGU), NGOs, POs, industry, small and medium enterprises, and local entrepreneur in developing, implementing or using new technologies relevant to agro-industrial* development)List of Active Linkages/Partnerships covered by MOAClassification of Agro-industrial* TechnologyPlease check () Nature of Linkage or PartnershipInclusive PeriodPlease check () if in partnership withDevelop the technologyImplement the technologyUse the technologyLGUIndustry, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), or Local Entrepreneur/sNGOs and POs* Agro-industrial 1. Agriculture7. Engineering 2. Fisheries 8. Food and Nutrition 3. Environmental Sciences9. Health Sciences 4. Entrepreneurship 5. Science 6. Technology Adoptors Engaged In Profitable Enterprises (Trainees or extension clients of the SUC who have adopted and utilized technologies disseminated by the institutions in business enterprises that are profitable as shown by positive cost and return analysis.)Name of AdoptorNature of Business EnterpriseCost and Return AnalysisDemonstration Projects (Income generating projects that serve as cases show to students and other clientele that are viable based on positive return of investment analysis)Name of ProjectInternal Rate of Return**Internal Rate of Return (IRR) – Rate of growth that a project is expected to generate. Projects with higher IRR values are preferred over those with lower IRRs.Awards Given by Reputable OrganizationsTitle of AwardConferring BodyPlace and DateLevelPlease check () ifInternationalNationalRegionalLocalE. AWARDS RECEIVED BY THE UNIVERSITY THROUGH YOUR COLLEGE/BRANCH/CAMPUS ACHIEVEMENT/SAwards Given by Reputable OrganizationsTitle of AwardConferring BodyPlace and DateLevelPlease check () ifInternationalNationalRegionalLocalF. SUPPORT TO OPERATION (STO) - Support services provided to students, faculty and personnel within your area of responsibility/mandate of your office.Number and Percentage of Students, Faculty and Personnel Who Rated Non-academic Related Services as Good or BetterSpecific Services(Pls. provide brief description of the functions/services/activities)Number of Students/Faculty/Personnel who rated the services provided Percentage of Students/Faculty/Personnel who rate the services as good or betterQualityTimelinessCourtesyFor Students: For Faculty: For Admin. Personnel:TOTAL:Number and Percentage of Faculty and Personnel enabled to Pursue Studies/Training Nature of UndertakingNumber of Faculty/PersonnelPercentage(No. of faculty/personnel enabled to pursue studies/training over Total No. of faculty/personnel within your area of responsibility)Faculty enabled to pursue studies/trainingPersonnel enabled to pursue studies/trainingTotal:Submitted by:Approved by:____________________________________________________________________________________________Name, Designation and Signature of the Head of the OfficeSector Head/Vice PresidentDate:____________________Date: ______________________ ................

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