On Monday we will be holding a “Socratic Seminar” in class ...


Pre-AP 9

We will be holding a “Socratic” Seminar in class. Below are definitions and examples of each of the questions that will be helpful in your preparation for this assignment. Please come up with questions in each category for the book. The more thoughtful the questions, the better the seminar! Good Luck.


        Write a question about the text that will help everyone in the class come to an agreement about events or characters in the text. This question usually has a "correct" answer.

Example:  What happened to Equality once he entered the forbidden forest?


         Write an insightful question about the text that will require proof and group discussion and "construction of logic" to discover or explore the answer to the question.

          Example: Why is Piggy’s appearance such a handicap to him despite the fact that he is clearly the most logical thinker?


       Write a question connecting the text to the real world. 

        Example:  Would you have conformed to Jack’s views and join the savages for “self-preservation” purposes? Explain why or why not.


          Write a question dealing with a theme(s) of the text that will encourage group discussion about the universality of the text.

Example: In reference to Macbeth, is ambition a character flaw?


Write a question that demonstrates how a literary device like characterization, setting, symbol, irony, or point of view is used in the text.

Example: How does Rand parallel the damaging consequences of absolute conformity through two of her settings?

Socratic Seminars require a student moderator. The moderator’s job is to keep the dialogue moving along if it stalls, becomes fixated on a single point for too long or simply becomes unproductive. The idea is to encourage the “volunteers” to explore certain ideas, so it’s important that the moderator is well versed in the novel being discussed. The moderator helps participants build on each others responses and when the topic is exhausted he/she calls on someone new to offer a new question.

Please see me in the morning (before first hour) if you are interested in acting as a student moderator for the seminar.

As teacher, I do not react to students comments but provide feedback at the end of the seminar. I do my best to hold all comments until the end. I also concentrate on recording student responses for a final grade based on (a) initial questions asked, (b) providing initial response to a posed question and (c) secondary responses that further develops the dialogue. “That was an interesting point,” does not count as a valid response and will receive no credit unless you build on it and further the discussion.

Good luck!


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