2020-2021 AP Multiple-Choice Rescore Service Form


AP Multiple-Choice Rescore Service Form

For a fee of $30 per exam, you may request to have your multiplechoice answer sheet rescored by hand. The resulting score is compared with the originally reported score. In the event of a difference, the new score will prevail, and all score recipients will be notified. You will receive a letter confirming the results of the rescore six to eight weeks after your request is received.


?AP? scores of 1?5 represent the composite score of the two exam sections. Raw scores for the individual multiple-choice or freeresponse sections are not available. The free-response section is not rescored.

?Multiple-choice rescores may result in higher or lower scores than first reported. Results are final and will automatically be rereported to all designated score recipients.

?You cannot appeal or reorder a multiple-choice rescore.

By signing this form, you confirm that you agree with the terms and conditions on this form. You also certify that you are the person (or the parent/guardian of the person) whose personal information is being provided for this service.

Provide the information requested, and mail or fax this form to the appropriate address or fax number below. Please print all of the fields except "Signature." We must receive your request for this service by October 31 of the year you took the AP Exam(s).

TEST-TAKER INFORMATION (Please print clearly.)

Last Name

First Name


Street Address



Zip/Postal Code Country

Phone Number



Signature (Signature of student or parent/guardian required for processing request)


PAYMENT INFORMATION Indicate your method of payment

below. Return this completed form with your payment. (Note the mailing address for each method.)

Check/Money Order made payable to College Board: Mail check/money order to College Board, P.O. Box 21535, New York, NY 10087-1535.

Charge my credit card: Mail credit card payments to AP Services, P.O. Box 6671, Princeton, NJ 08541-6671 or fax 610-290-8979.

Check one: American Express


MasterCard Visa

Name on Credit Card Card Number

Exp. Date ? 2022 College Board. College Board, AP, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of College Board.

Fill in the circle(s) next to the exam(s) for which you are requesting the multiplechoice rescore service.

Exam Code Exam Name

07 13 20 25 28 31 32 34 35 36 37 40 43 48 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 66 68 75 80 82 83 84 85 87 89 90 93

U.S. History Art History Biology Chemistry Chinese Language and Culture Computer Science A Computer Science Principles Microeconomics Macroeconomics English Language and Composition English Literature and Composition* Environmental Science European History French Language and Culture Human Geography German Language and Culture Government and Politics: U.S. Government and Politics: Comparative Latin Italian Language and Culture Japanese Language and Culture Calculus AB Calculus BC Music Theory Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Physics 1 Physics 2 Psychology Spanish Language and Culture Spanish Literature and Culture Statistics World History: Modern*

*If your school participated in the 2022 digital pilot for AP English Literature and Composition and AP World History: Modern, this service is not available for these digital exams.



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