July 28, 2004

May 2015

To: AP United States History Students

From: Mr. Woznicki

Re: Introduction and Supplies

Dear APUSH Student:

I hope you have a great summer vacation but before you leave I wanted to let you know some of the expectations and supplies you will need next year for AP U.S. History. You are about to enter into a very rigorous class and this summer assignment is designed to help you get a head start, which will ultimately help you become successful on the AP Exam in May of 2016.

Just to let you know, this class will demand a lot of reading (nightly) and writing (daily). Forty percent of the AP Exam consist of 55 multiple choice questions in 55 minutes, and the remainder includes 4 Short Answer Questions (SAQ’s), 1 Document Based Question (DBQ) and 1 Long Essay Question (LEQ) in 140 minutes. In order to cover the necessary information, you will play an enormous part by reading through, not only the textbook but also many primary sources. For this reason there is a required summer assignment/reading list below. All assignments listed are due the first day of school: MONDAY, August 10th

Summer Assignments

Assignment #1- Get Supplies. Prepare Notebooks. See list of supplies and directions below.

Assignment #2- In your OUT OF CLASS NOTEBOOK, read and outline according to format attached CHAPTER #1 and #31 from your textbook, America’s History, 8th Edition by Henretta. You will also need to complete the essential questions packet for Chapter 1. I will provide a copy of these chapters for you to use.

Assignment #3- Get the book Love & Hate in Jamestown John Smith, Pocahontas, and the Start of a New Nation by David A. Price. Read it and complete the following assignment:

There are 7 themes of AP US History (see Handout for list and description). You are to create a concept board (see Handout) with 4 of the 7 themes that are found throughout the book. For each theme, provide at least 3 examples from the book where the theme is evident (examples cannot be from the same chapter and should be spaced out within the book). Each example may only be 1 sentence in length and each theme needs at least 1 picture with it. You do not need to quote the book, just summarize the passage. Make sure the example on your poster board is representative of your theme.

How to get started: Your center bubble should be titled Love & Hate in Jamestown by David Price. The 4 bubbles leading off of the center should be titled with the AP US History themes you are using. Each of the 4 thematic bubbles should then be linked to 3 examples (no more than 1 sentence each) from the book where that theme can be found. You should include a descriptive picture of each theme or one of the examples from the book. After each example/sentence, include the page number in parentheses where your example can be found in the book. Your concept board needs to be on a poster board

APUSH Supplies List (GET ASAP!!!)

A. 1 five subject Notebook (300+ pages). *college ruled. This will be your out of class notebook

B. 2”-3” -3 Ring Binder with college ruled paper (70-100 sheets). This will be your in class notebook.

C. Blue or black pens (other colors will not be permitted).

D. Colored Pens, Pencils, Crayons, and Markers (for illustrated manuscripts)

E. Highlighters. (Set of 4 different colors)

F. 1 piece of poster board for your Love & Hate in Jamestown Concept Board

**If cost is an issue please email me immediately.


1. Get your materials.

2. Clearly label the front of the notebook (out of class notebook) with your name, my name (Mr. Woz), APUSH, and Out of Class Notebook.

3. Cut out words and pictures from magazines that represent you, and glue them to the front cover. You may include cut-out pictures from family and friends as well to give me a feel for what you are about.

4. You will decorate the inside cover with quotations and images as we progress through American History. Feel free to add some this summer!

5. On the first page of your notebook, label at the top “Table of Contents”.

6. In the upper right hand corner, number this page 1.

7. Turn the page. In the upper left corner on the back of page 1, label this page 2.

8. Continue to number all pages in your notebook. Once you have numbered all pages in your out of class notebook, you will then prepare your in class notebook.

9. Clearly label the front cover of your in class notebook with Your Name, my name (Mr. Woz), APUSH, and In-class Notebook.

10. Write the dates below on the first couple of pages in your in-class notebook. Make sure you leave a space (2-3 lines is fine) between each date to leave room for information about the date. You will build a time line of important people, places and events that took place during these specific years as we progress through AP US History. You will realize that TIME MATTERS in APUSH!!!

1492, 1494, 1588, 1607, 1619, 1620, 1624, 1637, 1649, 1650s – 1670s, 1676, 1692, 1736, 1754 – 1763, 1765, 1766, 1770, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1776, 1777, 1781, 1783, 1788, 1791, 1793, 1798, 1800, 1803, 1814, 1820, 1824, 1828, 1831, 1836, 1840, 1845, 1846 – 1848, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1854, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1863, 1865, 1865-1868-1870(amendments), 1869, 1876, 1877, 1882, 1887, 1890, 1896, 1898, 1901, 1906, 1913, 1914, 1917, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1932, 1933, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1945, 1949, 1950s , 1954, 1955, 1957, 1960, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967,1968, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2011

*Once you have finished placing the dates in your in-class notebook, you are done!

Again, I welcome you to my APUSH course and I look forward to seeing you August 10th. Don’t worry—we will get through this together!!!

If you have any questions or comments email me at: Joshua.woznicki@

Remember: “Success in May 2016 starts today!!!”


Josh Woznicki

Cortez High School

APUSH Historical Themes

The following 7 themes address broad, recurring concerns in U.S. History. They help students think about how political, economic, and cultural institutions, along with foreign relations, developed and changed over more than five centuries. The themes also include the study of interactions with the natural environment, effects of internal and external migration on people, and changes in national and group identities.

Identity (ID) - The formation of both the national identity and group identities. Think about what develops the “American Character.” Think about how identity relates to gender, class, ethnicity, religion, or regions. Throughout American history, in regard to Identify, there has been surprising continuity but also change over time in response to events.

Work, Exchange, and Technology (WXT) – This theme focuses on the development of the American economy from a primarily agricultural era to a highly industrialized and service economy. Students should understand the role of technology and innovation, various labor systems, and how government policies influenced the economy. This theme also explores how markets and international trade affected the development of the U.S. economy.

Peopling (PEO)- This themes focuses on how and why people moved to and within the United States, the impact that these patterns had on American society, the values and cultural traditions that American Indians and migrants each had, and the conflicts that arose out of these differences.

Politics and Power (POL) – This themes focuses on how government evolved from the colonial period to the present. Also, how changes in citizen participation affects the political process. Students must understand the conflicts over power between various groups.

America in the World (WOR) – This theme explores the development of the United States from its origins in the global context of the Atlantic World of the 16th Century through the emergence of the United States as a world leader in the 20th Century. Students need to understand this development, as well as domestic debates over foreign policy and the impact policy decisions. This theme also explorers the economic, labor, and migration impact of international development.

Environment and Geography- Physical and Human (ENV) – This theme focuses on the interaction of Americans with their environment. Students need to examine how geography and climate contributed to regional differences, the origins and changing debates over the use and control of natural resources and the human made environments created by technology.

Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture (CUL) – This theme explores many sides of American life, including ideas, beliefs, values, science, artistic expression, and popular culture. Students should be able to explain why and how cultural components both hold constant and change over time, as well as conflicts between beliefs of different groups.

*For the Jamestown Assignment, you are looking for examples of themes within the context of the time period covered within the book. Throughout the year you will build and understanding of both themes and their connections to the larger framework of American History. What we will refer to as the BIG Picture

APUSH Name: ______________________

Chapter 1-Colliding Worlds 1450-1600- Essential Questions

Directions: Answer Questions in Complete Sentences. Answer ALL parts of Question. Be sure to answer fully and explain (fill the lines).

1. Identify causes: What factors allowed for the development of empires in central Mexico and the Andes?


Page 14- America Compared- Use the Docs to answer the questions

2. What benefits and dangers does Morton attribute to the practice of Indian burning? How did he and his fellow colonists respond to the practice?


3. Since Europeans did not practice widespread burning in the Indian manner, they achieved deforestation only slowly, through many years of backbreaking labor. Thinking comparatively about European and Native American approaches to landscape management, how would you assess the benefits and challenges of each approach?


4. Explain consequences: How did landscape, climate, and resources influence the development of Native American societies?


5. Understand points of view: How did Native Americans conceptions of the spiritual world influence their daily lives?


6. Compare and Contrast: In what ways were the lives of Europeans similar to and different from those of Native Americans?


7. Trace change over time: How did the growth of commerce shift the structure of power in European societies?


8. Trace change over time: How did the growing influence of the Christian Church affect events in Europe?


9. Compare and Contrast: How do the states of the savanna compare to those of the Americas and Europe?


10. Place events in context: Why were west African leaders eager to engage in trade with Europeans?


Pg. 26-27- Thinking like a Historian: Use the docs and artifacts to answer the questions

11. What can you infer about cultural values among Mississippian peoples from source 1? About the cultural values of the Spanish and Portuguese from sources 5 and 6? What can’t you infer from these objects?


12. How does de Soto describe the native peoples he encounters in Florida (source 2)? How does that compare to the traits of the African kingdoms that Lopez comments upon in source 3? Why might the king of Sofala prefer a Portuguese alliance to subjection to Monomotapa?


13. What does source 4 suggest about Benin relations with the Portuguese?


14. Identify causes: How did Europe’s desire for an ocean route to Asia shape its contacts with Africa?


15. Trace change over time: How was the African slave trade adapted to European needs?


Pg. 32-33- American Voices- Use the docs to answer the questions

16. Both Diaz’s account and that of the Aztec elders were written in retrospect, and both reflect their author’s awareness of the impending conquest. Compare the tone of these accounts. How does each reflect the author’s knowledge of what is to come?


17. Why does Moctezuma pay “great reverence” to Cortes? Why does Cortes return the honor? What is the strategy of each leader?


18. What is Diaz’s explanation for the easy entry of the Spanish into the city? What explanation is suggested by the elder’s account?


Big Idea-Use your knowledge gained through the entire chapter to answer the following:

19. How did the Political, Economic, and religious systems of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans compare, and how did things change as a result of contacts among them?


APUSH Themes- Bagpipe Chart- Complete using material from your assigned chapter. MUST include at least 5 Examples for each Theme. Bullet points are fine.

|Belief Systems | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|America in the World- | |

|Global Context | |

| | |

| | |

|Geography & Environment- | |

|Physical/Human | |

| | |

| | |

|Peopling- Movement and | |

|Migrations | |

| | |

| | |

|Identity- Gender, Class, | |

|racial, ethnic identities| |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Politics | |

|& Power | |

| | |

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| | |

|Economy- Work, | |

|exchange/trade, and | |

|technology | |

| | |

| | |

Chapter Timeline- Create a Timeline with 10 Essential Events from the Chapter Material. Make sure to include the year on top and the event with short description on bottom.

Identify and Explain historical connections between the events you choose to include on your timeline:


Summer Assignment Grading

Assignment #1

Notebook Preparation must be completed and presented on the first day of school. I will need to see that you have done all required parts neatly and completely.

____/40pts- Out of class Notebook Cover decorated neatly and creatively with Student Name, APUSH and teacher name (Mr. Woz)

____/40pts-Table of Contents Created & pages numbered

____/40pts- At least 2 historical quotes with author on inside cover of Out of Class Notebook

____/40pts- In class Notebook labeled, timeline created and (1492 & 1494) filled in with multiple people, place and events

Assignment #2

Chapter Outlines for Chapter 1 & 31 must be completed according to attached format and turned in on the first day of school. You MUST follow format exactly! Also, make sure you write neatly in blue or black ink only. Chapter 1 Essential Questions will also be due on the day we return.

400 Points

Assignment #3

Love & Hate in Jamestown Concept Board must be completed and turned in the first day of school. The grading will be done as follows:

12 examples (10 points each) _______ /120

-grammar and spelling is correct

-page numbers are provided for each example

- no quotes are from the same chapter or section of the book

*You may use the prologue

At least 4 pictures provided (1 for each theme or example) _______/40

Neat and clean presentation on poster board _______/20


ALL ASSIGNMENTS must be complete by August 10th, 2015. Failure to complete the required assignments will result in a failing grade to start AP U.S. History.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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