AP World History


Period 3: 600-1450

AP World History

Discussion Questions


Why can 600-1450 be considered a period?


How is it different from the period before and the one after?


Which new empires emerged during this period?


What new political systems emerged? Give examples.


What impact did the Mongols have? Give examples and be

specific. Did they affect trade?


What was Dar al-Islam and how was it a unifying cultural and

economic force? Where was it centered? Where did it affect?

7. What were the Islamic political structures?

8. What was the caliphate?

9. How was it alike or different from other leaders? Give examples. Know at least TWO caliphates.

10. Give examples of Islamic art, science, and technology. BE SPECIFIC.

11. How did interregional trade change during this time period?

12. Describe the Trans-Saharan trade route.

13. Describe the Indian Ocean trade route.

14. Describe the Silk Roads.

15. Compare and contrast the three major trade routes. Who was involved? What was traded?

16. Which religions had missionaries? How did they spread their religious message? Any particular areas or routes?

17. Describe how people of different religions that came into contact reacted with each other. How about Islam and

Buddhism? Christianity and Islam? Find examples of contact.

18. Why were the Tang and Song's economic revolutions important? What happened?

19. What was significant about the economic initiatives of the Ming dynasty?

20. How did China influence its surrounding areas?

21. What political, economic, and social institutions were developing in Europe during this time?

22. What caused Christianity to divide into eastern and western? What major differences emerged in the religions?

In the cultures?

23. What were the major social, cultural, economic, and political patterns of the Maya, Inca, and Aztecs?

24. How did nomadic migrations affect groups? Be specific with examples from Aztecs, Mongols, Turks, Vikings,

Bantus, and Arabs.

25. What were the consequences of the plague (not just in Europe)? Give both long term and short term effects.

26. How did cities grow and change? Give examples from both western and nonwestern.

27. What is the difference between cultural areas and states? What would be the advantages of studying cultural

history during this time instead of the states?

28. What caused the most change: nomadic migrations or urban growth? Be able to defend both.

29. Was there a world economic network during this time?

30. What were the new opportunities available for women in different parts of the world? What were the

constraints? Give examples from different cultures for both.

31. Compare and contrast Japanese and European feudalism.

32. Compare Islam and Christianity. Be able to discuss religion, culture, and politics.

33. Compare and contrast the Aztec and Inca Empires.

34. How was European contact with the Islamic world different than sub-Saharan Africa? How was it similar?

Period 4: 1450-1750

AP World History

Discussion Questions

35. How was this era different from the era that preceded it? What changed? What stayed the same? 36. What were the major changes in trade? Who was involved? 37. What technological and scientific advances were made during this time period? 38. How did the world become "smaller"? 39. What were the basic political structures found in the world's empires? Who ruled? How did he/she gain power?

Were certain areas different than others? 40. What were the common characteristics found in African Empires? 41. What role did women have during this time period? 42. What slave systems emerged? How were they different from previous systems? 43. What other labor systems were practiced? 44. Which diseases and foods were spread through interaction? How did this affect the population patterns of the

world? 45. What were the major discoveries of the Scientific Revolution? How were they controversial? Compared to other

areas of the world, wre the Europeans slower in discovering some major scientific ideas? 46. What were the cultural centers during this time period? Find examples and comparisons from all areas of the

globe. 47. Why was the Enlightenment so significant to western politics? 48. Explain absolutism. List monarchs from different areas of the world who believed in Divine Right of Kings and

absolutism. 49. Compare two European monarchies to China and Japan's empires. What are the similarities and differences? 50. How did the following interact with the west: Russia, Ottoman Empire, China, Japan, and India? Be very specific. 51. What was the Reformation? What were the basic ideas?

Period 5: 1750-1914

AP World History

52. What caused this period to be different than previous periods? 53. How did global trade change? What new inventions led to this change? 54. What changes in communication took place? 55. What technological advances occurred? What effects did they have on different cultures? 56. Where did the Industrial Revolution start? What role did it have on the growth of a second wave of imperialism?

Why didn't non-western countries benefit as much as western ones? 57. What migrations occurred during this time period? What were the common reasons for migration? 58. Why did the Atlantic Slave Trade end? 59. Why did serfdom end in Europe? 60. How did the role of women change during this time period? How did it stay the same? 61. How did events in Europe affect the Latin American independence movements? 62. What were the major revolutions of this period? How are they alike? How are they different? 63. What is nationalism? How did it affect different parts of the world during this time period? 64. How did democracy increase during this time period? Where did it? Where did it not? Who did not benefit from

democratic movements? 65. Why did Europe, the United States, and Japan seek colonies during this time? 66. What was the White Man's Burden? How did racism affect imperialism? 67. How was Japan and Europe's industrial revolution similar? How different? 68. Compare the American, French, and Chinese revolutions. 69. How did the Ottoman Empire deal with foreign domination? How about China, India, and Japan? 70. How did the west intervene in Latin America? Africa? 71. What was the Meiji Restoration? 72. Who were the Jacobins? 73. What was the Boxer Rebellion? 74. What was social Darwinism?

1914 to Present Big Idea and Discussion Questions

1. How did "globalization" change the world during the 20th century? 2. Describe how the world could be called, McWorld? 3. What were the basic events that made up World War I? 4. What impact did WWI have on non-Western regions? 5. What were the basic events that made up World War II? 6. What impact did WWII have on non-Western regions? 7. Describe the Holocaust? What other 20th century genocides were there? 8. What were the basic events that made up the Cold War? 9. How did the Cold War affect non-Western countries? 10. What was the goal of the League of Nations? 11. What are the goals of the United Nations? How is the United Nations organized and

what are some of its subgroups (such as UNESCO)? 12. What is the Non-Aligned Nations? What are their goals? 13. What role has nationalism played in the 20th Century? Find examples from WWI,

WWII, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union. 14. Explain the process of decolonization in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Refer to

specific events. 15. What was the global impact of the Great Depression? 16. How has technology changed the world's economy? 17. What is meant by the Pacific Rim? What economic impact did it have on the world

during the 20th century? 18. What are multinational corporations? What power do they have? 19. How did the roles of women transform during the 20th century? Use examples from

countries of different regions. 20. What changes took place in art during the 20th century? How did art become more for

the masses than before? 21. What major migrations took place during the 20th century? Name specific examples

(think of people who moved because of war, famine, religious reasons, economic reasons, and communism). 22. What effect has environmental issues had on the world? Name specific environmental concerns from different areas of the world. 23. What accounts for the huge increase in world population? What problems did/does this present? 24. What role did women have in political revolutions and how did those revolutions affect the role of women? (Russian, Chinese, Cuban, and Iranian) 25. What were the patterns of economic development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America? 26. Explain the concept of "West" and "East" as it relates to the Cold War era. 27. Compare high tech warfare with guerrilla warfare. 28. What social and political consequences have resulted from 3rd world economic developments? 29. What were the cultural and political effects of the world wars? 30. Why has the number of international organizations increased? Give examples and trace the history of several.

1914 to Present Big Idea and Discussion Questions

1. How did "globalization" change the world during the 20th century? 2. Describe how the world could be called, McWorld? 3. What were the basic events that made up World War I? 4. What impact did WWI have on non-Western regions? 5. What were the basic events that made up World War II? 6. What impact did WWII have on non-Western regions? 7. Describe the Holocaust? What other 20th century genocides were there? 8. What were the basic events that made up the Cold War? 9. How did the Cold War affect non-Western countries? 10. What was the goal of the League of Nations? 11. What are the goals of the United Nations? How is the United Nations organized and what

are some of its subgroups (such as UNESCO)? 12. What is the Non-Aligned Nations? What are their goals? 13. What role has nationalism played in the 20th Century? Find examples from WWI, WWII,

Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union. 14. Explain the process of decolonization in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Refer to

specific events. 15. What was the global impact of the Great Depression? 16. How has technology changed the world's economy? 17. What is meant by the Pacific Rim? What economic impact did it have on the world during

the 20th century? 18. What are multinational corporations? What power do they have? 19. How did the roles of women transform during the 20th century? Use examples from

countries of different regions. 20. What changes took place in art during the 20th century? How did art become more for the

masses than before? 21. What major migrations took place during the 20th century? Name specific examples (think

of people who moved because of war, famine, religious reasons, economic reasons, and communism). 22. What effect has environmental issues had on the world? Name specific environmental concerns from different areas of the world. 23. What accounts for the huge increase in world population? What problems did/does this present? 24. What role did women have in political revolutions and how did those revolutions affect the role of women? (Russian, Chinese, Cuban, and Iranian) 25. What were the patterns of economic development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America? 26. Explain the concept of "West" and "East" as it relates to the Cold War era. 27. Compare high tech warfare with guerrilla warfare. 28. What social and political consequences have resulted from 3rd world economic developments? 29. What were the cultural and political effects of the world wars? 30. Why has the number of international organizations increased? Give examples and trace the history of several. 31. What is meant by 20th century artistic modernism?

MRS. OSBORN'S APWH CRAM PACKET: Period 1 ? Technological & Environmental Transformations, to 600 B.C.E., chapters 1-3 (5% of the APWH Exam)

Period 2 ? Organization & Reorganization, 600 B.C.E. ? 600 C.E., chapters 4-9 (15% of the APWH Exam)

Climate Climate has been a major factor in determining where people settled. Peopled settled in areas that has climates that would accommodate agriculture and livestock.

Time Periods ? The Paleolithic Age refers to about 12,000 BC. During this time people were nomadic. ? The Neolithic Age refers to the age from about 12,000 BC to about 8000 BC. It is during this time that people settled in communities and civilization began to emerge. ? River Valley Civilizations refers to about 3500 to 1500 BC. The major River Valleys are described below. ? Classical Civilizations refers to about 1000 BC to 600 CE. The major civilizations to emerge were Zhou and Han China, Greece and Rome, and the Gupta Empire.

THE RIVER-VALLEY CIVILIZATIONS Each early civilization developed its own unique ways of life, but they all shared some common characteristics ? Complex irrigation systems ? legal codes ? money ? art and written literature ? More formal scientific knowledge, numbering systems, and calendars ? Intensification of social inequality


MESOPOTAMIA (developed by 3500 BCE)

EGYPT (developed by 3000 BCE)


Cuneiform; Extensive trade with Egypt & the Indus Valley Epic of Gilgamesh Early use of bronze tools, chariots Advanced astronomy; math based on 60 Pessimistic view of the world, perhaps due to irregular, unpredictable flooding of the Tigris & Euphrates rivers Polytheism ? gods powerful/cruel Kings powerful, but not divine RIVERS: Tigris & Euphrates Concerned with decorative arts, shipbuilding, some medical knowledge Less advanced in math & astronomy than Mesopotamians Less extensive trade. Polytheism, with pharaoh as a god Optimistic view of life (regular, controllable flooding of the Nile River) Strong belief in the afterlife; Book of the Dead Hieroglyphics ? complex pictorial language. RIVER: Nile


City-states & warrior kings

Hammurabi's Code

Competition among city-states as well as frequent invasions led to less political stability than in Egypt

Divine kingship ? the pharaoh; highly centralized, authoritarian government

Generally stable government throughout the 3 kingdoms

Extensive bureaucracy; pharaoh's power channeled through regional governors


Job specialization ? farmers, metallurgists, merchants, craftsmen, political administrators, priests

Social classes

Marriage contracts; veils for women; women of upper classes less equal than lower-class counterparts

Smaller nobility than Mesopotamians; fewer merchants Some social mobility through the bureaucracy Priests have high status (only ones that understand the complex hieroglyphic written language) Women ? probably higher status than in Mesopotamia; love poetry indicates some importance placed on male/female relationships

INDUS VALLEY (developed by 2500 BCE)

SHANG CHINA (developed by 1700 BCE)

MESO AND SOUTH AMERICA (developed by 1200 BCE)

Writing system undecipherable Soapstone seals indicate trade with both Mesopotamia & China Cruder weapons than Mesopotamians ? stone arrowheads, no swords Polytheism ? naked man with horns primary god; fertility goddesses Two cities: Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro RIVER: Indus

Oracle bones used to communicate with ancestors Patterns on bones formed basis for writing system; writing highly valued, complex pictorial language with 3000 characters by end of dynasty Uniform written language became bond among people who spoke many different languages Bronze weapons & tools, horse-drawn chariot Geographical separation from other civilizations (Gobi Desert & Himalaya Mts.), though probably traded with the Indus Valley RIVER: Huang He (Yellow) Olmecs in Mesoamerica; Highly developed astronomy; used to predict agricultural cycles & please the gods. Polytheism; religious rituals important, shamans as healers Ritual ball games Irrigation & drainage canals Giant carved stone heads, probably with religious significance Jaguar symbol important

Assumed to be complex & thought to be centralized Limited information, but large granaries, plumbing, and cities designed on grid pattern indicate centralized control

Centralized government; power in the hands of the emperor

Government preoccupied with flood control of the rivers (Huang He & Yangtze)

Job specialization ? bureaucrats, farmers, slaves

Olmecs: apparently not united politically; unusual for ancient civilizations

Chavin: probable political unification; public works operated by reciprocal labor obligations; had a capital city

One female pharaoh ? Hatshepsut Influential wife of pharaoh Nefertiti

Priests have highest status based on position as intermediaries between gods and people.

Differences in house sizes indicate class distinctions

Statues reflect reverence for female reproductive function

Social classes ? warrior aristocrats, bureaucrats, farmers, slaves

Patriarchal society ? women as wives & concubines; women sometimes shamans

Olmec: craft specializations; priests have highest status; most people were farmers

Chavin: priests have highest status; capital city dominated hinterlands; most people were farmers

Chavin in Andean region Polytheism ? statues of jaguar men Square stone architecture, no mortar Well-developed agriculture based on maize Unique geography: lived on coast, in mountains, and in jungle


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