White Plains Middle School

An Introduction to World History AP WHAP/Napp

A Blueprint to the Course:

A blueprint is “a detailed plan of how to do something.” Since World History AP is a student’s first advanced placement course, it is important that students are presented with a clear blueprint for achieving mastery.

1- Attendance and Participation

• Students gain content, skills and increase comprehension by attending class regularly and participating in all class activities.

2- Homework

• A homework syllabus for the year is posted on the “Homework Assignments” page of Ms. Napp’s Social Studies webpage.

• The homework syllabus is titled “WHAP Homework Syllabus 2015-2016”

• Each week students are expected to:

- Read twenty pages in the textbook unless the Princeton Review is assigned.

- Answer 50 to 52 questions or templates for the Princeton Review.

- Rewrite a key word in the question before answering.

- Submit hand-written answers.

- Present homework on Thursday unless there is a holiday in which case homework will be submitted a day earlier.

- Know the policy for late assignments which states that a late assignment loses a letter grade for every day late.

3- Castle Learning

• Students must answer forty Castle Learning questions every week.

• Students will be assigned over thirty Regents examinations.

• Students will answer the same number question for thirty different exams each week and use Ms. Napp’s review packet titled “Two Hundred and Fifty-Seven Facts to Know” – which can be found on the “Sweet Review” page of Ms. Napp’s webpage – to answer correctly.

4- Examinations

• In general, examinations are given every two weeks.

• All examinations are cumulative or include any information previously taught.

• Review sheets will be posted in class prior to examinations.

5- Percentages for Grade

• Examinations – 50%; Homework – 35%; Participation – 15%

6- Important Pages on Ms. Napp’s Social Studies Webpage

• World History AP

- PowerPoint presentations, Flashcards, Review Materials

• Variations

- Content packets, Princeton Review Templates, Practice Examinations

• Concerto

- Content packets and review packets

• Sweet Review

- Review packets

7- Required Materials

• Robert W. Strayer’s Ways of the World: A Brief Global History Textbook

• The Princeton Review: Cracking the AP World History Exam

The Quiz:

|Homework is |Each week, students |

|Assigned weekly |Answer the same number question on multiple Regents |

|Assigned daily |Forty questions in a row on one Regents |

| | |

|Each assignment consists of |Examinations |

|30-32 questions |Cover any information previously presented |

|50-52 questions |Only recent information presented |

| | |

|Homework is |Grades are based on |

|Hand-written |Examinations only |

|Typed |Examinations, homework, and participation |

| | |

|Examinations are administered |Late assignments |

|Once a month |Lose a letter grade |

|Every two weeks |Are not accepted |

| | |

|Students must answer correctly |To answer Castle Learning questions correctly, students may |

|Forty Castle Learning questions every week |Use Ms. Napp’s “Two Hundred and Fifty-Seven Facts to Know” Packet |

|Twenty Castle Learning questions every week |Guess |

| | |

|Castle Learning questions |Students are |

|Can be answered incorrectly |Assigned a textbook and required to buy or borrow a Princeton Review |

|Must be answered correctly |book |

| |Required to buy or borrow a textbook and assigned a Princeton Review |

|A student’s Castle Learning score affects |book |

|The Participation Grade | |

|The Examination Grade |Ms. Napp’s webpage |

| |Has many useful materials |

|The Homework Syllabus is only |Is only for homework assignments |

|Presented in class | |

|Online | |

| | |

|Homework is generally collected | |

|Every Thursday | |

|Any day of the week | |

| | |

| | |

|( | |

The Structure of the Advanced Placement Examination in World History:

70 Multiple-Choice Questions in 55 Minutes

Free Response: Document-Based Question

Free Response: Continuity & Change over Time Question (CCOT)

Free Response: Comparative Question

Previous Knowledge: Sample Questions from the College Board:

|Which of the following occurred as a result of the development of |The spread of Bantu-speaking peoples over southern Africa before 1400 |

|agriculture in societies that previously relied on hunting and |C.E. can be best explained by their |

|gathering? |(A) conversion to Islam |

|(A) Conditions for women improved. |(B) use of cavalry |

|(B) The incidence of disease declined. |(C) centralized political systems |

|(C) Population density increased. |(D) knowledge of agriculture |

|(D) Degradation of the environment lessened. | |

| |4. Before 500 C.E. Judaism and Hinduism were similar in that both |

|Which of the following was an important reason for the fall of the |(A) had written scriptures and an ethical code to live by |

|Roman, Han, and Gupta empires? |(B) spread widely around the Mediterranean |

|(A) A long period of drought that destroyed crops and livestock |(C) promoted teachings about reincarnation |

|(B) The use of slaves in their armies |(D) advocated a monastic life and a rejection of the world |

|(C) Intensified invasions and security issues along their frontiers | |

|(D) A refusal to tolerate Christianity | |

Document from the College Board:

1- Who is speaking in the document?


2- What does the speaker conclude about the Communists? ________________________________________________________________________

3- Provide three examples from the document to support the speaker’s conclusion: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4- What can the reader infer about the grandfather’s view regarding the Communist? ________________________________________________________________________

5- Why can the reader infer this about the grandfather’s view? ________________________________________________________________________

6- Therefore, what is the point of view of the teenager? ________________________________________________________________________

7- What is the point of view of the grandfather? ________________________________________________________________________

8- Why do you think the teenager’s point of view differs from the grandfather’s point of view? ________________________________________________________________________

9- Define a primary source. ________________________________________________________________________

10- Why must historians consider point of view when working with primary sources? ________________________________________________________________________

Change and Continuity:

Change: “To make different in some particular”

Continuity: “The quality of something that does not stop or change as time passes”

2013 Change Over Time

Analyze how political transformations contributed to continuities and changes in the cultures of the Mediterranean region during the period circa 200 C.E. to 1000 C.E.

1- Identify one date when a significant change occurred in this time period in the Mediterranean region.


2- Identify one cultural continuity that occurred in this region during this time period.


3- Write a valid thesis statement for this essay. A valid thesis statement must include one specific change and one specific continuity. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comparative Question: Analyze similarities and differences in methods of political control of the Roman Empire and the Han China.

1- Identify one similarity in methods of political control. ________________________________________________________________________

2- Identify one difference in methods of political control. ________________________________________________________________________

3- Write a valid thesis statement for this essay. A valid thesis statement must include a specific similarity and a specific difference. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Source: Conversation between a teenaged peasant and his grandfather, from an area controlled by Chinese Communists, recounted by Edgar Snow, United States journalist, 1936.

Grandfather, you call villagers joining the Poor People’s league, voting for Communists, having their sons join Communist armies or daughters enroll in schools crimes? These are patriotic acts! Did we have a free school before? Did we ever get news of the world before the Communists brought us radios? Who told us what the world was like? You say the cooperative has no cloth, but did we even have a cooperative before? How about your farm? Wasn’t there a big mortgage on it to landlord Wang? My sister starved to death three years ago, but haven’t we had plenty to eat since the Communists came? You say it’s bitter, but it isn’t bitter for us Young Communist Vanguards when we learn to use a rifle and fight traitors and Japan!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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