AP American History - Weebly

AP American History scherer227.

L. Scherer

Unit 1: THE COLONIAL ERA (approx. 2 weeks)

Homework Assignment Sheet

Since this is your first syllabus (assignment sheet), we need to go over a few details so that your assignments will always be done correctly. First of all, every assignment you complete must have the following heading on your loose-leaf. Write it exactly as I have done here:

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|Your Name |

|Mrs. Scherer |

|AP US History – Period |

|Date |

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|Unit # __ / A.S. # ___ |

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Follow the directions for each assignment carefully. Outline when asked; summarize means in your own words.

Length, quality of writing, grammar, penmanship and spelling all count towards higher grades!!!!

Each Time Line Entry must provide a detailed description of the event: who, what, when, where AND explain the significance of the event: “This event was significant because………..” this is the why and how or the analysis of the event.

TIMELINES: Each assignment sheet will contain a list of words/identifications.

You must create a handwritten timeline each unit based on these words to be graded two days before each test.

Reason: #1 to help you prepare for each exam by creating a chronology of the events from the unit and identifying cause and effect,

#2 – create a habit in which you begin studying for an exam far in advance of the night before (.


|1607 |Chesapeake |The first permanent settlement in North America by English settlers located in the Chesapeake |

| |Bay/Jamestown |Bay region of what is today Virginia. Originally founded under the charter of the Virginia |

| |Settlement |company, its inhabitants of entrepreneurs were ill prepared for the difficulties and hardships |

| | |that befell the settlers. |

Great Review book for this class can be found at: or contact other students from last year to see if they have a copy of this book!!! United States History Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination.


AP American History scherer227.

Unit 1: THE COLONIAL ERA (approx. 2 weeks)

Homework Assignment Sheet


1. The early colonial background (1601-1750)

2. Puritanism and It’s influence on early american culture

3. colonial conflicts: causes and consequences


Identifications for your Review Timeline: MUST BE HANDWRITTEN – NO EXCUSES

1. On the left hand side write DATE, draw a line and write EVENT- DESCRIPTION.

2. Any person on your identification list should be referred to in your description of events if it so applies.

3. The list below does not appear in any specific chronological order.

|1588 Spanish Armada |1620 Mayflower Compact Separatists (Pilgrims) |

|Walter Raleigh |Protestant Reformation |

|1607 Chesapeake Bay “Jamestown” Settlement |John Calvin |

|John Smith |Predestination |

|Powhatan |Protestant Work Ethic |

|Joint-stock company |John Winthrop |

|1608 The “Starving Time” |“City Upon a Hill” |

|1619 House of Burgesses |Massachusetts’s Body of Liberties |

|1634 George Calvert |Anne Hutchinson |

|1649 Maryland Act of Toleration |Roger Williams |

|William Berkley |Liberty of Conscience |

|1689 Leisler’s Rebellion |Rhode Island |

|1676 Bacon’s Rebellion |Half-Way Covenant |

|1763 Paxton Boys Rebellion |1730 Great Awakening |

|1767 Regulator’s Rebellion |Jonathan Edwards |

|Oliver Cromwell and Puritan revolution |1732 Poor Richard’s Almanack |

| |1735 John Peter Zenger Trial |

| |1636 Harvard and Yale Universities |

| |William Penn |

| |1701 Society of Friends |

Key Concepts:

1:1 Before the arrival of Europeans, native populations in North America developed a wide variety of social, political, and economic structures based in part on interactions with the environment and each other.

1:2European overseas expansions resulted in the Columbian Exchange, a series of interactions and adaptions among societies across the Atlantic.

Assignment #1: Due: Thursday 9/5

Topics: Pre-Columbian America

Required Reading:

American Pageant: Pages 4 – 24

➢ Portrait of America Pages 1 - 15 “The American Holocaust”

Answer the following questions in depth: (Grade 15/15)

Period 3: #1, 3, 5

Period 4: #2, 4, 6

➢ Work on Identifications

Assignment #2: Due: Wednesday 9/11

Topics: Comparing Colonies

Required Reading:

American Pageant: Pages 4-105

Grade: 75 points

|Directions: |

|Use your text book pages 43-59, 62-76 and 78-98 and the internet for any information you can find related to your topic. |

|Create a Google Power-point with your group that follows the directions below for your colony. Since you will share the Google power point with your partners you |

|can work on this at home with other members from your group. |

|Be as creative as possible with Catchy Slogans, Maps, Charts, Pictures and even Props the day you present!! |

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|The year is 1760 and the Society of American Pioneers (SOAP) is looking for a site for their first ever convention. Its decision will have a large impact on the |

|local economy, especially since many members considering relocating permanently to the new world. Your mission is to help them make their decision by preparing a |

|brief (3 minute) presentation reviewing some of the major events since 1607 and touting the advantages of your colony . Also, you are all responsible to take |

|notes on each other’s report the day of the presentation. |

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|Group One: Chesapeake (Virginia and Maryland) |

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|Members: (approx. 5 students) |

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|Mission: To stress the advantages of Virginia and the disadvantages of your main rival, Massachusetts. |

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|Group Two: New England (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut) |

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|Members: (approx. 5 students) |

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|Mission: To stress the advantages of Massachusetts and the disadvantages of your main rival, Virginia. |

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|Group Three: The Dissenters (Dutch New Netherland, Quaker Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Carolinas, and Georgia) |

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|Members: (Approx. 3 each) |

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|Mission: To stress the advantage of colony assigned to you and the disadvantages of your two many rivals, Massachusetts and Virginia. |

Assignment #3: Friday 9/13

Topics: New England and the Puritans

Required Reading:

American Pageant: Chapter 5 pages 78-98

1. Outline pages 78-98 using the Harvard Outline Format.

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|Further details |

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|Title |

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Assignment #4: Due: Tuesday 9/17

Topics: The Great Awakening

Required Reading:

American Pageant:

1. Quiz on Textbook Reading Chapters 1-5/ pages 4-105

2. Answer the following essential questions based on your notes from class and your textbook readings. Each answer should be about a paragraph (5-7 sentences) in length. Grade: 5 points each = 40 points

a) How did European exploration affect the lives of Native Americans?

b) How did labor systems evolve from the time of Columbus arrival to the establishment of the 13 colonies?

c) How were the first English settlements founded?

d) What factors led to the development of slavery in Colonial America?

e) How has Puritanism shaped American values? Give examples

f) How did the Great Awakening influence Colonial life? Give examples

g) How did geography affect the development of the 3 Colonial regions? Identify specific geographic features of the 3 colonial areas and their impact.

h) How democratic was Colonial America?

Assignment #5: Due: Thursday 9/19 and Friday 9/19

1. TIME LINE: is due in Thursday 9/19 (50 points) I do not take any late assignments.

2. TEST ON UNIT ONE: multiple choice and 1 Long Essay

Required Reading:

All class notes and handouts

American Pageant: Pages 4 – 105

Amsco Review Book: Chapters 1, 2, and 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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