Unit 1: Foundations - Mr. Burnett

Unit 1: Foundations: 8000 BCE – 600 CE

Expectations (Revised August 22)

|Date |Day |Class Topics |Homework |

|August 15 |Monday |Course Syllabus |Read/notes pages 6-16 |

| | |Reading Expectations |Paragraph: Question 1 |

| | |Using Blackboard |Review Manual Map IDs. – p.11 |

| | | |10 key words |

| | | |Create/organize binder |

|August 16 |Tuesday |Geography and Climate |Read/notes 16-29 |

| | |Periodization |20 key words |

| | |Issues involving civilization |Online Stearns – multiple choice and true/false |

| | |Connection/diffusion vs. independent invention |quizzes |

| | | | |

|August 18 |Thursday |Developing agriculture and technology |Read/notes 34-50 |

| | |Nature of village settlements |Paragraph: 2, 3, or 4 |

| | |Impact of agriculture on the environment |20 key words |

| | |Key stages of metal use |Online Quizzes |

| | | | |

|August 22 |Monday |Mesopotamia |Read Chapter 3/Complete Study Guide |

| | |Egypt | |

| | |Indus | |

| | |Shang | |

| | |Mesoamerica | |

| | |Comparing Civilizations | |

|August 24 |Wednesday |Classical civilizations: India |Bhagavad Gita – Summary, Read Chapter 1, In Pictures |

| | |Classical civilizations: China |Upanishads – Intro + Your Section |

| | | |Two Buddhist Parables |

| | | |One of the Buddhism overviews |

|August 26 |Friday |Hinduism |Paragraph: 8-14 |

| | |Buddhism |Analects – Choose 5 quotes and read one story |

| | | |Dao de Jing – Intro + Your Section |

|August 30 |Tuesday |Daoism |Read Chapter 4/Complete Study Guide |

| | |Legalism |Online Quizzes |

| | |Confucianism | |

|September 1 |Thursday |Classical Civilizations: Greece |Work on key terms |

| | |Classical Civilizations: Rome |Prepare outline for exam |

| | | |Epic of Gilgamesh |

| | | |Mount Sinai |

| | | |The Beatitudes |

| | | |Jesus Christ’s Discussion of Judaism |

|September 5 |Monday |Judaism |Read Chapter 5/Complete Study Guide |

| | |Christianity |Work on key terms |

|September 7 |Wednesday |Collapse of Empires |Complete key terms |

| | | |Study for exam |

September 9th – Unit Test – Multiple Choice + In-Class Essay

Homework September 9th – Take Home Essay


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