1) What is an annotated bibliography?

• Includes a regular citation, in proper format (APA)

• Also includes a brief (100 word) description or explanation of the resource

• Paragraph is written in full sentences

2) What is the purpose of annotated bibliography?

• To inform the reader about the relevance, accuracy and quality of the source cited

• To learn more about your topic; you must carefully read the resource and understand it fully in order to comment on it

3) How do I write an annotated bibliography?

• Follow the checklist on the attached pages to learn how to summarize, assess and reflect

4) What does it look like when I’m complete?

Here is a sample of an annotated resource:

Sewell, W. (1989). Weaving a program: Literate programming in WEB. New York:

Van Nostrand Reinhold.

Sewell explains the code language within these pages including certain lines of code as examples. One useful idea that Sewell uses is to explain characters and how they work in the programming of a Web Page. He also goes through and describes how to make lists and a title section. This will be very useful because all Web Pages have a title section. This author also introduces Pascal, which I am not sure if I will include in my manual but after I read more about it I can decide whether this will be helpful to future users. This book will not be the basis of my manual but will add some key points, which are described above.

All resources will be listed one after the other, in alphabetical order of author’s last name.


After you have listed your resource in proper citation format (see attached list), you must include the three following topics, in sentences:


What is the point of the resource? What topics are covered? What is the main argument? If someone asked you what the resource is about, what would you say?


Is the source a useful one? How does it compared with other sources in your annotated list? Is the information reliable? What is the goal of this source? Is the information biased or objective? What audience is the resource intended for?


Was this source helpful to you? How does it help shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research? Has it changed how you think about your topic?

RESOURCE #1: ________________________________________________________



ANNOTATIVE NOTES: _________________________________________________








RESOURCE #2: ________________________________________________________



ANNOTATIVE NOTES: _________________________________________________








RESOURCE #3: ________________________________________________________



ANNOTATIVE NOTES: _________________________________________________








RESOURCE #4: ________________________________________________________



ANNOTATIVE NOTES: _________________________________________________









– a selection of examples; for more examples, see TDSB Student Research Guide, or online at


One author:

Goldman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam.

More than one author:

Gilbert, S., Smith, T. & Jones, W. (1985). The Norton anthology by women: the tradition

in English. New York: Norton.

By an editor(s):

David, J. & Lecker, R. (Eds.). (1982). Canadian poetry: volume one. Toronto: General



Likens, G. (2001). Acid rain. In World Book (Vol. 1, pp. 416-422). Chicago: World Book.

Newspaper article:

Roseman, E. (1997, December 10). Retirement planning pays off. Toronto Star, B3.

ONLINE PERIODICAL (newspaper, magazine, academic journal)

From database:

Lanken, D. (1996, March-April). When the earth moves. Canadian Geographic, 73, 64-

66. Retrieved November 10, 2000, from EBSCO online database.


From database:

Smith, G. (2001, January 1). Spiders. In World Book Online. Retrieved March 10, 2001,

from World Book Online database.


With a date of posting:

Schrock, K. (2001, November 10). Kathy Schrock’s guide for educators. Retrieved

January 6, 2002, from

With no date of posting:

Lederman, L. (n.d.). Topics in modern physics-Lederman. Retrieved December 1, 2001,



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