Ven conmigo - Javeriana



Número 2, Junio de 2009

El Diccionario de la Real Academia Española nos enseña que vademécum proviene del latín vade, anda, ven, y mecum, conmigo. Se trata de un “Libro de poco volumen y de fácil manejo para consulta inmediata de nociones o informaciones fundamentales” Al terminar el período académico, los profesores del Departamento de Ciencias Contables de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (sede Bogotá) queremos destacar algunos sucesos recientemente ocurridos y reunirlos en este modesto vademécum, con el ánimo de profundizar nuestra conciencia sobre el permanente cambio de las disciplinas que enseñamos y como un fuerte llamado a la actualización de los programas de las asignaturas de los cuales somos responsables. Los invitamos a venir con nosotros en nuestro esfuerzo de mantenernos al día.











Documentos Nacionales

Consejo Técnico de la Contaduría Pública. Febrero 2009

El Consejo Técnico publica el Concepto 002 de 2009 sobre la Disponibilidad de los papeles de Trabajo de Auditoría, en desarrollo de lo previsto en el Artículo 2 de la Resolución 001 de 2008 expedida por dicho organismo.

El Consejo Técnico publica el Concepto 004 de 2009 sobre la aplicación de estándares internacionales de auditoría en Colombia, en desarrollo de lo previsto en el artículo 2 de la Resolución 001 de 2008 expedida por dicho organismo.


Contraloría General de la República. Marzo 2009


La Contraloría General de la República emitió la Resolución Orgánica 6036 mediante la cual se establecen criterios para emitir la opinión sobre los estados contables de que trata el artículo primero de la Resolución Orgánica No. 5970 del 18 de Junio de 2008.


La Contraloría General de la República emitió la Resolución Orgánica 6035 mediante la cual se modifica el trámite del Informe denominado “Opinión sobre la razonabilidad de los estados contables” en la modalidad de auditoría regular, estipulado mediante Resolución Orgánica No. 6015 del 12 de Diciembre del 2008.


Superintendencia Financiera. Mayo 2008

La Superfinanciera emitió la Circular 014 de 2009 sobre las instrucciones relativas a la revisión y adecuación del Sistema de Control Interno (SCI) de las entidades supervisadas.


Documentos Internacionales

Publicaciones de PCAOB

PCAOB presenta las opiniones del personal de la Junta de Supervisión de los Auditores sobre cómo se pueden aplicar determinadas disposiciones de la Norma de Auditoría No 5. Enero 2009.

La información de esta publicación busca ayudar a aplicar a los auditores las disposiciones de la "PCAOB" o la Norma de Auditoría N º 5. Una auditoría de control interno de los informes financieros que está integrado con una auditoría de estados financieros, a las auditorías de las más pequeñas y menos complejas empresas públicas.

PCAOB propone nuevamente comentarios para la norma de auditoría sobre la revisión de la gestión de calidad (Engagement Quality Review (EQR)). La Junta propuso por primera vez un nuevo estándar en EQR el 26 de febrero de 2008. Marzo 2009

Esta propuesta se centra en la participación y atención del revisor en los asuntos que aumentan la probabilidad de identificar y corregir las deficiencias antes de la emisión del informe de auditoría. "La norma propuesta contribuiría en gran medida a mejorar el actual proceso de EQR de las cuentas en las empresas pública”. Mark W. Olson.

PCAOB emitió una Alerta de Prácticas de Auditoría para informar a los auditores de las empresas públicas sobre las posibles implicaciones de las revisiones sobre la información financiera y las auditorías anuales de las tres normas recientemente emitidas por la junta sobre Contabilidad Financiera. Abril 2009

Esta alerta busca recordarles a los auditores de cuentas sus responsabilidades en la realización de exámenes de la información financiera intermedia y anual de auditorías a la luz de los nuevos proveedores de servicios financieros relacionados con el valor razonable y otras medidas de impedimentos de carácter personal. El aviso será útil a los auditores, ya que la conclusión de sus trabajos relacionados con el primer trimestre de 2009 los prepara para el examen del segundo trimestre y la auditoría de los estados financieros, incluida la auditoría integrada ", dijo Martin F. Baumann, Auditor Jefe y Director de Normas Profesionales.

PCAOB lanzó el concepto sobre la posible revisión a la norma sobre confirmaciones de Auditoría

La Junta busca el comentario público sobre la potencial dirección de un proyecto de establecimiento de normas que podrían resultar en una modificación o un nuevo estándar de auditoría, sobre las confirmaciones de auditoría.


Publicaciones de AICPA

El AICPA publicó Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría N º 116, información financiera intermedia. Febrero 2009.

Este SAS es eficaz para los exámenes de la información financiera intermedia provisional para ejercicios que comiencen después del 15 de diciembre de 2009. Se permite la aplicación anticipada.

El AICPA publicó el proyecto de Declaraciones sobre Normas de Contabilidad y Análisis de Servicios. Abril 2009.

Este documento proporciona el Proyecto de SSARS, Marco y objetivos para la Realización y Presentación de Informes sobre la compilación y revisión; Proyecto SSARS, compilación de estados financieros, y SSARS propuestas, revisión de estados financieros.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría, y hechos posteriores. Abril 2009

Este memorando proporciona antecedentes sobre el proyecto de Declaración de Normas de Auditoría (SAS) y hechos posteriores. Las propuestas de SAS representa la nueva redacción de la SASS sustituida a aplicar las Normas de Auditoría de la Junta (ASB), la claridad y la elaboración de convenios para converger con las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría, auditoría de muestreo (nueva redacción). Febrero 2009

Este memorando proporciona antecedentes de la propuesta de Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría (SAS) El muestreo de Auditoría (nueva redacción). Las propuestas de SAS representa la nueva redacción del SAS N º 39 para aplicar las Normas de Auditoría de la Junta (ASB's) claridad en la redacción de convenios y de convergencia con la Norma Internacional de Auditoría (NIA) N º 530 (nueva redacción), Auditoría de muestreo.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría, auditoría inicial, incluyendo los saldos de apertura. Febrero 2009

Este memorando proporciona antecedentes sobre el proyecto de Declaración de Normas de Auditoría (SAS) Auditoría inicial Contrataciones, incluyendo los saldos de apertura. Las propuestas de SAS representa la nueva redacción del SAS N º 84 para aplicar las Normas de Auditoría de la Junta (ASB), la claridad y la elaboración de convenios para converger con las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de Declaraciones sobre Normas de Auditoría, las pruebas de auditoría (nueva redacción).

Esta Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría (SAS) explica lo que constituye pruebas de auditoría en una auditoría de estados financieros, el auditor y la dirección tiene la responsabilidad de diseñar y realizar procedimientos de auditoría para obtener evidencia suficiente apropiada de auditoría para poder extraer conclusiones razonables en los que el auditor basa su opinión. Este SAS es eficaz para las auditorías de estados financieros para períodos que comiencen a partir del 15 de diciembre de 2010.

El AICPA publicó documento sobre la Materialidad en Planificación y Realización de una auditoría (nueva redacción).

Esta Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría (SAS) se refiere a la responsabilidad del auditor en la aplicación del concepto de importancia relativa en la planificación y la realización de una auditoría de estados financieros. Proyecto de SAS, la evaluación de inexactitudes detectadas durante la auditoría, la importancia relativa se explica cómo se aplica en la evaluación de los efectos de errores identificados en la auditoría y de las inexactitudes detectadas y en su caso, sobre los estados financieros. Este SAS es eficaz para las auditorías de estados financieros para períodos que comiencen a partir del 15 de diciembre de 2010.

El AICPA publicó documento sobre la Evaluación de inexactitudes detectadas durante la auditoría.

Esta Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría (SAS) se refiere a la responsabilidad del auditor de cuentas para evaluar el efecto de los errores identificados en la auditoría y en su caso, sobre los estados financieros. UA sección 508, Informes sobre los estados financieros (AICPA, Normas Profesionales, vol. 1. Este SAS es eficaz para las auditorías de estados financieros para períodos que comiencen a partir del 15 de diciembre de 2010.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de SAS, la planificación de una auditoría (nueva redacción).

Esta Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría (SAS) se refiere a la responsabilidad del auditor para planificar una auditoría de estados financieros. Este SAS se enmarca en el contexto de auditorías periódicas. Consideraciones adicionales en la auditoría inicial se identificarán por separado. Este SAS es eficaz para las auditorías de estados financieros para períodos que comiencen a partir del 15 de diciembre de 2010.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de SAS, Comprensión de la entidad y su medio ambiente y la evaluación de los riesgos de errores materiales (nueva redacción).

Esta Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría (SAS) se refiere a la responsabilidad del auditor para identificar y evaluar los riesgos de errores materiales en los estados financieros a través de la comprensión de la entidad y su medio ambiente, incluido el control interno de la entidad. Este SAS es eficaz para las auditorías de estados financieros para períodos que comiencen a partir del 15 de diciembre de 2010.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de SAS, Realización de Procedimientos de auditoría en respuesta a las cuotas de la Evaluación de Riesgos y Auditoría de las pruebas obtenidas (nueva redacción).

Esta Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría (SAS) del auditor se refiere a la responsabilidad de diseñar y aplicar las respuestas a los riesgos de errores identificados y evaluados por el auditor de acuerdo con la propuesta de SAS, Comprensión de la entidad y su medio ambiente y la evaluación de los riesgos de errores materiales (nueva redacción), en una auditoría de estados financieros. Este SAS es eficaz para las auditorías de estados financieros para períodos que comiencen a partir del 15 de diciembre de 2010.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría, Examen de las leyes y reglamentos en una auditoría de estados financieros. Enero 2009.

Este memorando proporciona a las propuestas de Declaración de Normas de Auditoría (SAS) Examen de las leyes y reglamentos en una auditoría de estados financieros. Esta propuesta sustituirá a SAS N º 54, por los actos ilegales de los clientes (AICPA, Normas Profesionales, vol. 1, UA seg 317). Las propuestas de SAS representan la inclusión de comentarios por parte de la Junta de Normas de Auditoría (ASB's) claridad en la redacción de convenios y la convergencia con la Norma Internacional de Auditoría (NIA) 250, Examen de las leyes y reglamentos en una auditoría de estados financieros.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría, el examen de fraude en una auditoría de estados financieros (nueva redacción) . Enero 2009

Este memorando proporciona antecedentes sobre el proyecto de Declaración de Normas de Auditoría (SAS) Consideración del fraude en una auditoría de estados financieros. Esta propuesta sustituirá a SAS N º 99, Examen de un fraude en el estado financiero de Auditoría (AICPA, Normas Profesionales, vol. 1, AU sec. 316). Las propuestas de SAS representan la nueva redacción del SAS N º 99 para aplicar las Normas de Auditoría de la Junta (ASB's) claridad en la redacción de convenios y de convergencia con las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría (NIA.

El AICPA publicó Proyecto de Declaraciones sobre Normas de Auditoría: i. Requerimiento de de información ii. Otra información en documentos que contienen los estados financieros iii. Otras informaciones en relación con los estados financieros en su conjunto. Enero 2009.

Estas propuestas de SASS reemplazaría SAS N º 8, Otra información en documentos de contenido Estados Financieros Auditados (AICPA, Normas Profesionales, vol. 1, AU sec. 550); SAS N º 29, Información que acompaña a la presentación de informes sobre los estados financieros básicos en Documentos (AICPA, Normas Profesionales, vol. 1, AU sec. 551), y SAS No. 52, Declaración sobre Normas de Auditoría-1987, "de información requerida" (AICPA, Normas Profesionales, vol. 1, AU sec. 558). Las propuestas representan la SASS reformulación del SAS N º 8; SAS N º 29, y SAS No. 52, "de información requerida," para aplicar la Junta de Normas de Auditoría (ASB's) claridad en la redacción de convenios y la convergencia con las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría (NIA).


Publicaciones de IIA

Guías prácticas

Guías de práctica que proporcionan orientaciones para la realización de las actividades de auditoría interna. Entre ellas se incluyen los procesos y procedimientos detallados, tales como herramientas y técnicas, programas, y paso a paso los enfoques, así como ejemplos de productos. Los documentos que aparecen en esta página están reservados para los miembros del Instituto.

|Practice Guides |

|PG Number |Title |IPPF Release Date |

|PG |Formulating and Expressing Internal Audit Opinions |April 2009 |

| | | |

|PG |Auditing External Business Relationships |May 2009 |

|GTAG (Global Technology Audit Guide)  |

|The Global Technology Audit Guides are written in straightforward business language to address a timely issue related to information |

|technology (IT) management, control, and security. |

|PG GTAG-1 |Information Technology Controls |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-2 |Change and Patch Management Controls:  |Jan. 2009 |

| |Critical for Organizational Success | |

|PG GTAG-3 |Continuous Auditing: Implications for Assurance,  |Jan. 2009 |

| |Monitoring, and Risk Assessment | |

|PG GTAG-4 |Management of IT Auditing |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-5 |Managing and Auditing Privacy Risks |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-6 |Managing and Auditing IT Vulnerabilities |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-7 |Information Technology Outsourcing |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-8 |Auditing Application Controls |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-9 |Identity and Access Management |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-10 |Business Continuity Management |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-11 |Developing the IT Audit Plan |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GTAG-12 |Auditing IT Projects |Mar. 2009 |

|GAIT (Guide to the Assessment of IT Risk) |

|The GAIT series describes the relationships among risk to the financial statements, key controls within business processes, automated |

|controls and other critical IT functionality, and key controls within IT general controls (ITGC). |

|PG GAIT |The GAIT Methodology |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GAIT |GAIT for IT General Control Deficiency Assessment |Jan. 2009 |

|PG GAIT |GAIT for Business and IT Risk |Jan. 2009 |


Publicaciones de la IFAC

Teniendo en cuenta las categorías en que la IFAC clasifica cada uno de los Temas de Interés, a continuación se presentan los hechos más importantes en este orden:

Auditoría, Aseguramiento y Servicios Relacionados

En esta categoría, se presenta las revisiones y reformulaciones de las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría

En febrero de de 2009 se completó el proyecto de “The Clarified Standards”

Como producto de este trabajo, se tiene 36 estándares revisados y la norma internacional de control de calidad.

IFAC publica el “Handbook of international standards on auditing and quality control .Edición 2009”. Abril 2009

Este manual reúne todas las normas internacionales de auditoría y la Norma Internacional de Control de Calidad que se han redactado de nuevo por la Junta de Normas Internacionales de Auditoría y Aseguramiento (IAASB) para mejorar su claridad (claridad del proyecto). También incluye un glosario de términos y el Prefacio de Las Normas Internacionales de Control de Calidad, Auditoría, Revisión, fiabilidad y Otros Servicios Relacionados. Entra en vigor el 15 de diciembre de 2009.


En esta categoría, se presenta los estándares internacionales de educación emitidos durante el (2009)

IFAC publica el “Handbook of international education pronouncements. Edición 2009” Febrero 2009.

Este manual reúne para la continuación de referencia sobre información de antecedentes la Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC) y los pronunciamientos sobre la educación y los servicios relacionados emitida por la IFAC el 1 de enero de 2009.

Good Practice Guide: The Education, Training, and Development of Accounting Technicians. Marzo de 2009

Borrador de Exposición y documentos de consulta

La IFAC publicó el Marco propuesto para la Educación Internacional de Normas Contables Profesionales para la exposición de motivos. Publicado en enero 27 de 2009.

Este memorando proporciona antecedentes y una explicación de la propuesta "Marco de las Normas Internacionales de Educación ", (el" Marco "), aprobada para la exposición por la Junta de Normas Internacionales de Educación Contable (IAESB) en diciembre de 2008.

La IFAC publicó la Exposición de motivos sobre IAESB Redacción convenios. Publicado en Marzo de 2009.

Este memorando proporciona información y una explicación de la propuesta de la Junta de Normas Internacionales de Educación Contable (IAESB) Redacción de convenios, (la redacción de convenios) para comentarios expuestos por el IAESB en marzo de 2009.

Pequeñas y Medianas prácticas (SMPs)

Documentos relacionados con la pequeña y mediana empresa

IFAC publica la Guía de Control de Calidad para las pequeñas y medianas empresas, las prácticas. Marzo 2009.

La Guía ha sido encargada por la IFAC para Pequeñas y Medianas Prácticas (SMP) para promover la aplicación coherente de los Estándares Internacionales de Control de Calidad (ISQC) "Control de Calidad para Empresas que realizan auditorías y revisiones de estados financieros, y otros Servicios relacionados con el aseguramiento y Contrataciones.


Publicaciones de la Intosai

Intosai publica Directrices sobre la aplicación de Auditoría Financiera - Introducción Las Normas Internacionales de las Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores.


El Propósito de la Auditoría Financiera Directrices de la INTOSAI en esta sección proporciona la base para el desarrollo de las Directrices de Auditoría Financiera y explica cómo encajan en la estructura de la ISSAI jerarquía de normas y directrices.

Intosai publica una directriz de auditoría financiera basada en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría (NIA) 265 "Comunicar en Deficiencias de control interno a los encargados de Gobernabilidad".


La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC. Exposición Proyecto de Nota de la INTOSAI, páginas 3-4 (ISA 265 adjunta para referencia) .Para comentarios: 4 de junio - 4 de septiembre de 2009.

Intosai publica el Proyecto de Re-exposición de la INTOSAI Nota, páginas 3o-6to (ISA 320 se adjunta para referencia) Para comentarios: 4 de junio .


Esta directriz de auditoría financiera se basa en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría (NIA) 320 "La importancia de Planificación y Realización de una auditoría" elaborado por la Junta de Normas Internacionales de Auditoría (IAASB) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC. Auditoría Financiera Orientación - La importancia de Planificación y Realización de una auditoría.

Intosai publica una directriz de auditoría financiera basada en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría 402, en [revisado y reformulado] "Consideraciones de auditoría relativo a una entidad que utilice un Servicio de Organización".


Esta norma elaborada por la (IAASB) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contables ( IFAC). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC. Exposición Proyecto de Nota de la INTOSAI, páginas 3ra-8o (ISA 402 adjunta para referencia) Para comentarios: 1 de mayo - 31 de julio de 2009 Auditoría Financiera Orientación - Consideraciones relativas a la auditoría de una entidad que utilice un Servicio de Organización.

Intosai publica una directriz de auditoría financiera la cual se basa en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría (NIA) 501 (nueva redacción).


Esta directriz de auditoría financiera se basa en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría (NIA) 501 (nueva redacción), "Prueba de Auditoría - Consideraciones específicas para los elementos seleccionados", elaborado por la (IAASB) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC ). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC.

Exposición Proyecto de Nota de la INTOSAI, páginas 3ra-5a (ISA 501 adjunta para referencia). Para comentarios: 1 de mayo - 31 de julio de 2009 Auditoría Financiera Orientación - Evidencia de Auditoría - Consideraciones específicas para los elementos seleccionados.

Intosai publica una directriz de Auditoría Financiera Orientación - Confirmaciones Externas.


Esta directriz de auditoría financiera se basa en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría 505 -[revisado y reformulado]. Desarrollada por la (IAASB) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de IFAC. Proyecto de la INTOSAI .Nota práctica, páginas 3-4 (ISA 505 adjunta para referencia) Para comentarios: 1 de mayo - 31 de julio de 2009.

Intosai publica una directriz de Auditoría Financiera basada en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría 510, [reformulado] "Auditoría de Contrataciones iniciales - balances de apertura"


Esta Norma desarrolla por la (IAASB) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC. Exposición Proyecto de Nota de la INTOSAI, páginas 3-4 (ISA 510 adjunta para referencia) Para comentarios: 1 de mayo - 31 de julio de 2009.

Intosai publica una directriz de auditoría financiera basada en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría 520 , [reformulado] "Procedimientos analíticos".


Esta Norma desarrollada por la (IAASB) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC. Exposición Proyecto de Nota de la INTOSAI, páginas 3ra-5a . (ISA 520 adjunta para referencia).Para comentarios: 1 de mayo - 31 de julio de 2009 .

Intosai publica una directriz de auditoría financiera se basada en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría 530, [reformulado] "Muestreo de auditoría".


Esta norma elaborada por la (IAASB) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC. Exposición Proyecto de Nota de la INTOSAI, páginas 3ra-5a .(ISA 530 adjunta para referencia). Para comentarios: 1 de mayo - 31 de julio de 2009.

Intosai publica una directriz de auditoría financiera se basada en la Norma Internacional de Auditoría 540, [revisado y reformulado] "Auditoría de las estimaciones contables, incluyendo las estimaciones del valor razonable, y las Formas Conexas de Divulgación"


Desarrolladas por la (IAASB) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contadores (IFAC). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC. Exposición Proyecto de Nota de la INTOSAI, páginas 3o-6to (ISA 540 adjunta para referencia).Para comentarios: 1 de mayo - 31 de julio de 2009.

Intosai publica una directriz basada en una nueva versión no definitiva de la Norma Internacional de Auditoría (NIA) 600, "Consideraciones especiales-Auditorías de Estados Financieros del Grupo (incluida la labor de los componentes Cuentas)"


Desarrollado por la (IAASB ) y publicado por la Federación Internacional de Contables (IFAC). La propuesta de ISA se incluye en la presente Orientación, con el permiso de la IFAC. Exposición Proyecto de Nota de la INTOSAI, páginas 3o-13a (ISA 600 adjunta para referencia) Para comentarios 2 de febrero al 1ro de mayo 2009.


Publicaciones de la Comisión de la Comunidad Europea

La Comisión Europea publica un estudio independiente sobre los costes y los beneficios que se derivarían de la adopción de las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría (NIA) en la UE. Junio 2009

Este estudio analiza el impacto de una adopción puede tener en las sociedades de auditoría, sus clientes, inversores y reguladores de auditoría. La Comisión Europea ha lanzado, en paralelo, una consulta pública sobre la adopción de las NIA en la UE.

La Comisión Europea propone una serie de ambiciosas reformas a la actual arquitectura de los comités de servicios financieros, con la creación de un nuevo Sistema Europeo de Supervisores Financieros (ESFS), integrado por las nuevas autoridades de supervisión europeas, y un Consejo Europeo de riesgo sistémico (ESRC). Mayo 2009

La Comisión invita a presentar comentarios sobre su Comunicación de 15 de julio. Los comentarios deben ser enviados a través de este formulario web.


Publicaciones de la AUASB

The Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) emitió una Guía explicativa: los informes de los auditores. Marzo 2009.

El propósito de esta exposición de Guía es proporcionar información a los auditores de cuentas y garantía de los profesionales de la ASA 800 ASA 700 y serie de normas de abordar los informes de auditoría ( "Normas Internacionales de Información"). Estas normas serán aplicables para los períodos de presentación de informes financieros a partir del 1 de enero de 2010.

The Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) emitió la Declaración de Orientación GS 010 Respondiendo a las preguntas en una Reunión General Anual. Marzo 2009

La Declaración de la presente guía proporciona orientación para ayudar a que el auditor pueda cumplir los objetivos de la auditoría o de aseguramiento de la participación. Incluye exposición de los detalles y procedimientos sugeridos sobre asuntos específicos a los efectos de la comprensión y cumplimiento de las normas AUASB. El auditor ejerce su juicio profesional en el uso de esta Declaración de Orientación.

The Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) emitió Proyecto de Norma de Auditoría ASQC 1 de Control de Calidad para Empresas que realizan auditorías y revisiones de los informes financieros, demás información financiera, y otros de Garantía de Contrataciones. Abril 2009.

Esta propuesta de estándar de auditoría establece los requisitos obligatorios y proporciona la solicitud y otro material explicativo acerca de la empresa en materia de su sistema de control de calidad para las auditorías y revisiones de los informes financieros, información financiera, de seguros y otros compromisos.

The Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) emitió Proyecto de Norma ASA 220 Auditoría de Control de Calidad para una auditoría de un informe financiero y otros históricos de Información Financiera (revisado y redactado de nuevo) (Re-expedición de ASA 220). Abril 2009.

Esta propuesta de estándar de auditoría establece los requisitos obligatorios y proporciona la solicitud y otro material explicativo acerca de la responsabilidad del auditor con respecto a procedimientos de control de calidad para una auditoría de un informe financiero y otro de información financiera histórica. También aborda, en su caso, las responsabilidades de la participación de control de calidad revisor.

The Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) emitió Declaración de Orientación GS 011 de acceso de terceros a documentos de trabajo de auditoría. Abril 2009

La declaración de la presente guía proporciona orientación a los auditores la hora de establecer y acordar las condiciones en las que terceros se concede voluntariamente el acceso a sus documentos de trabajo de auditoría y la documentación relacionada. Esta documentación es necesaria para estar preparados de conformidad con las Normas de Auditoría.

The Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) emitió Proyecto de Norma de Auditoría sobre la revisión Contrataciones Asre 2410 Examen de un informe financiero realizado por un auditor independiente de la Entidad. Junio 2009-06-25

Esta propuesta de estándar de auditoría establece los requisitos obligatorios y proporciona la solicitud y otro material explicativo sobre un examen de un informe financiero por el auditor de la entidad y la forma y el contenido del informe de revisión.


Publicaciones de la Federación Europea de Contadores

La FEE Publica comentario sobre Carta PCAOB No. 2008-007, Reglamentación Materia Docket No. 027, Regla enmiendas, relativas a los plazos de determinados controles de las empresas no-EE.UU, y otras cuestiones relativas a las inspecciones de las empresas. Enero 2009-06-25

El objetivo es promover y fomentar los intereses de la profesión contable en el sentido más amplio que reconoce el interés público en la labor de la profesión.

La FEE Publica comentario sobre Carta PCAOB No. 2008-006: Proyecto de Normas de Auditoría Relacionado a la evaluación del auditor de cuentas de Riesgo y Respuesta a las enmiendas y que se ajuste a las normas PCAOB. Febrero 2009

Este Proyecto de Normas de Auditoría está relacionado a la evaluación del auditor de cuentas de Riesgo y Respuesta a las enmiendas y que se ajuste a las normas PCAOB de 21 de octubre de 2008 (el Proyecto de Normas de Auditoría).

La FEE Publica comentario sobre la exposición Proyecto de Carta de Orientación para el Empleo de 1000 como AA (2008). Marzo 2009

FEE (Federación Europea de Contables) acoge con satisfacción la posibilidad de proporcionarle a continuación con sus observaciones al proyecto de exposición sobre “Accountability” de Orientación para el uso de AA 1000 AS (2008).

La FEE publica respuesta a las consultas de la Comisión Europea sobre las estructuras de control en las sociedades de auditoría y sus consecuencias sobre el mercado de auditoría.

La FEE da la bienvenida a la oportunidad de hacer comentarios sobre la consulta de la Comisión Europea sobre las estructuras de control en las sociedades de auditoría y sus consecuencias sobre el mercado de auditoría.

La FEE prevé que la Comisión Europea en un futuro próximo, adopte las normas de auditoría emitido por la Auditoría y la Junta de Normas de Aseguramiento (IAASB). Abril 2009

Esta Declaración de política tiene por objeto explicar los antecedentes del desarrollo las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría (NIA), explican la IAASB de debido proceso para la elaboración y finalización de las NIA, en el comentario del IAASB recientemente de Claridad de proyecto.





TEXTO APROBADO EN SESIÓN PLENARIA DEL SENADO DE LA REPUBLICA DEL DIA 3 DE JUNIO DE 2009 por la cual se regulan los principios y normas de contabilidad e información financiera y de aseguramiento de información aceptados en Colombia, se señalan las autoridades competentes, el procedimiento para su expedición y se determinan las entidades responsables de vigilar su cumplimiento.


Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios Resolución 0009995


Por la cual se establece la transición para la aplicación del modelo general de contabilidad para las empresas prestadoras de servicios públicos en convergencia con los estándares internacionales de contabilidad.



Nota los numerales 4.2.1 a 4.3.27 contenidos en las páginas número 50 a la 516 que presentaban la traducción de los estándares internacionales de de contabilidad e información financiera nic – niif, fueron eliminados por exigencia expresa de la International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation, titular de la propiedad intelectual y derechos de autor de estos estándares.




SEC report on fair value accounting

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has submitted to the US Congress a 211-page report on 'fair value accounting' by financial institutions. The report, mandated by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, recommends against suspending fair value accounting standards.


First meeting of the Financial Crisis Advisory Group to take place in London

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) announced today that the first meeting of the Financial Crisis Advisory Group (FCAG) will take place in London 20 January 2009.

The FCAG has been set up jointly by the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to consider financial reporting issues arising from the global financial crisis. The group comprises of recognised leaders from the fields of business and government with a broad range of experience in international financial markets. The IASB and FASB announced the group membership on 30 December 2008.

Comments invited on 2009 IFRS XBRL taxonomy

The International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation has invited comments, by 12 March 2009, on the near final version of the IFRS XBRL Taxonomy 2009. The Taxonomy is a translation of International Financial Reporting Standards as issued at 31 December 2008 into XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language).

IFRIC 18 on 'customer contributions'

The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee has issued IFRIC Interpretation 18 Transfers of Assets from Customers. This Interpretation is particularly relevant for the utility sector. It clarifies the requirements of IFRSs for agreements in which an entity receives from a customer an item of property, plant, and equipment that the entity must then use either to connect the customer to a network or to provide the customer with ongoing access to a supply of goods or services (such as a supply of electricity, gas or water).

IASB proposes amendments to IFRICs 9 and 16

Based on decisions reached at the IASB's January 2009 meeting, the Board has issued Exposure Draft ED/2009/1 Post-implementation Revisions to IFRIC Interpretations (Proposed amendments to IFRIC 9 and IFRIC 16). The proposals would amend IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives and IFRIC 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation

IASB updates its 'Who We Are' booklet

The International Accounting Standards Board has published an updated version of IASB and the IASC Foundation – Who We Are and What We Do. This six-page booklet contains a great deal of information about the organisation and its work, including the mission; structure; due process; lists of Board members, IASCF Trustees, and senior staff; funding; use of IFRSs; and contact details. We are grateful to the IASC Foundation for giving us permission to post the booklet on IAS Plus

IASB enhances the IFRS 7 financial instruments disclosures

The IASB has issued Improving Disclosures about Financial Instruments (Amendments to IFRS 7). The amendments require enhanced disclosures about fair value measurements and liquidity risk. Among other things, the new disclosures:

• clarify that the existing IFRS 7 fair value disclosures must be made separately for each class of financial instrument

• add disclosure of any change in the method for determining fair value and the reasons for the change

• establish a three-level hierarchy for making fair value measurements:

o quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1);

o inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (ie as prices) or indirectly (ie derived from prices) (Level 2); and

o inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs) (Level 3).

IASB publishes preliminary views on leases

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have published, for comment, a discussion paper (DP) Leases: Preliminary Views. Comments are requested by 17 July 2009. The DP is available on the 'Open for Comment' Section of the IASB Website. In the DP the IASB and the FASB propose a possible new model for lease accounting. The model is based on the principle that all leases give rise to liabilities for future rental payments and assets (the right to use the leased asset) that should be recognised in an entity's statement of financial position. Below are a few of the boards' preliminary views in the DP

IASB issues derecognition exposure draft

The IASB has invited comment an exposure draft of proposals to improve the IAS 39 requirements for derecognition of financial instruments. Derecognition means removing a financial instrument from an entity's financial statements. This occurs if the entity no longer controls a financial asset or no longer has an obligation to settle a financial liability. The IASB is also proposing to enhance the disclosures currently in IFRS 7, especially in situations where an entity continues to have an ongoing involvement in a financial asset that would be derecognised under the proposals. The derecognition exposure draft (ED/2009/3 Derecognition) is part of the IASB's comprehensive review of off-balance sheet activities; in December 2008, the IASB published ED 10 on Consolidation to tighten the requirements for identifying which entities a company controls, and therefore consolidates. The IASB will hold public roundtables to seek wider views on its derecognition and consolidation proposals (dates to be announced). Comments on the derecognition exposure draft are due by 31 July 2009

IASB proposes a new income tax standard

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) today published for public comment an exposure draft of a proposed new standard on the accounting for income tax. If adopted, the standard would replace the existing requirements in IAS 12 Income Taxes.

The proposed standard retains the basic approach to accounting for income tax, known as the temporary difference approach. The objective of that approach is to recognise now the future tax consequences of past events and transactions, rather than waiting until the tax is payable.

Although the proposed standard retains the same principle, the IASB proposes to remove most of the exceptions in IAS 12, to simplify the accounting and strengthen the principle in the standard. In addition, the IASB proposes a changed structure for the standard that will make it easier to use.

IASCF releases 2009 XBRL IFRS Taxonomy

The IASC Foundation has issued the final IFRS Taxonomy 2009 and published for comment a draft of the Due Process Handbook for XBRL Activities. The taxonomy translates IFRSs as of 1 January 2009 into XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language). XBRL allows companies, regulators, investors, analysts and others to benefit from easier filing, improved access to, and comparison of financial data. Both the 2009 taxonomy and the draft Due Process Handbook for XBRL Activities may be downloaded without charge from the IASB's Website at XBRL/XBRL.htm.

IASB exposure draft on fair value measurement

The IASB has published an exposure draft (ED) of proposed guidance on how fair value should be measured where it is required by existing standards. The ED does not propose to extend the use of fair value measurements in any way. It would add disclosure requirements about how fair values were determined. If adopted, the proposals would replace fair value measurement guidance contained within individual IFRSs with a single, unified definition of fair value, as well as further authoritative guidance on the application of fair value measurement in inactive markets. The IASB's starting point in developing the exposure draft was the equivalent US standard, SFAS 157 Fair Value Measurements as amended. The proposed definition of fair value (FV) is identical to the definition in SFAS 157 and the supporting guidance is also largely consistent with US GAAP

IASB discussion paper on 'own credit risk'

The IASB has published a discussion paper on the role of an entity's own credit risk in liability measurement. The discussion paper (DP/2009/2 Credit Risk in Liability Measurement) is accompanied by a staff paper that describes the most common arguments for and against including credit risk in measuring liabilities. The paper notes that IFRSs require profit or loss resulting from changes in 'own credit' to be booked when debt is fair valued, but that some see the outcome as counter-intuitive (gains recognised in the face of deteriorating credit). The discussion paper addresses this concern and exasmines bases for liability measurement other than fair value. The issue of 'own credit risk' has relevance to a range of IASB projects, in particular in the accounting for financial instruments, insurance, fair value measurement, and provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets.

IASB amends IFRS 2, withdraws IFRICs 8 and 11

The IASB has issued amendments to IFRS 2 Share-based Payment that clarify the accounting for group cash-settled share-based payment transactions. The amendments clarify how an individual subsidiary in a group should account for some share-based payment arrangements in its own financial statements. In these arrangements, the subsidiary receives goods or services from employees or suppliers but its parent or another entity in the group must pay those suppliers. The amendments make clear that:

• An entity that receives goods or services in a share-based payment arrangement must account for those goods or services no matter which entity in the group settles the transaction, and no matter whether the transaction is settled in shares or cash.

• In IFRS 2 a 'group' has the same meaning as in IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements, that is, it includes only a parent and its subsidiaries.


New UK Financial Reporting Faculty

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales has created a Financial Reporting Faculty 'in response to fundamental changes in the financial reporting environment and the increasing complexity of relevant laws and standards'. The goal of the Faculty is to help members keep up-to-date and understand the implications of new standards, regulations, and practice in financial reporting.


Two IFRS-related IVSC exposure drafts

The International Valuation Standards Council has issued two exposure drafts for public comment. Comments are requested by 30 April 2009. Posted on IAS Plus with the kind permission of IVSC:

Proposed revised International Valuation Guidance Note GN 4 Valuation of Intangible Assets (PDF 317k).

Proposed new International Valuation Guidance Note GN 16 Valuation of Intangible Assets for IFRS Reporting Purposes (PDF 255k).


G30 recommendations on fair value account

On 15 January 2009, The Group of Thirty released a report Financial Reform: A Framework for Financial Stability. The report addresses flaws in the global financial system and provides 18 specific recommendations to: improve supervisory systems; enhance the role of the central banks; improve governance practices and risk management; address pro-cyclicality; enhance accounting practices; strengthen the financial infrastructure; and increase coordination internationally.


EU formally adopts 'puttable instrument' amendments

The European Union has published the Commission Regulation (EC) No 53/2009 endorsing the amendments, adopted by the IASB on 14 February 2008, To IAS 32 and IAS 1 titled Puttable Financial Instruments and Obligations Arising on Liquidation.

EU proposes funding for IASCF, PIOB, and EFRAG

The European Commission has issued proposals that would strengthen the financial supervisory structure in Europe and provide an allocation of the EU Budget to provide direct funding of the IASCF, IFAC's Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) – all private-sector bodies involved in the setting of accounting and auditing standards.

EU supervision report criticises IASB

The 'High-level Group on Financial Supervision in the EU' has published its Report that makes 18 detailed recommendations to strengthen supervision of the EU's financial institutions and markets. The report addresses:

• how to organise the supervision of financial institutions and markets in the EU

• how to strengthen European cooperation on financial stability oversight, early warning, and crisis mechanisms; and

• how EU supervisors should cooperate globally.

Throughout the Report, accounting is cited as one of the causes of the current global financial crisis. The Report urges that the IASB or supervisers set limits on mark-to-market accounting:

EC consults on revisions to Accounting Directives

The European Commission has invited comments on simplification of the 4th and 7th Company Law Directives for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs), Concurrently the Commission has proposed giving Member States an option to exempt micro-sized SMEs from the 4th Directive altogether (see our News Report of 26 Feb 2009). The current consultation aims at raising issues relating to the modernisation and simplification of the Accounting Directives.

Accounting systems for small enterprises - Recommendations and good practices

 The importance of internal and external accounting as a source of information for owners and managers of small enterprises and their different stakeholders is steadily growing. It is of crucial importance that the accounting systems applied by small enterprises meet their actual needs, providing necessary information yet avoiding unjustified administrative burden.

It is recognised that appropriate accounting information is important for a successful management of a business whether it is large or small. At EU level, accounting legislation is in place for listed companies, i.e. the International Accounting Standards/International Financial Reporting Standards and for non-listed limited liability companies, the Fourth and the Seventh Company Law Directives i.e. the Accounting Directives. However, at EU level there is no accounting legislation applicable to those enterprises which are not listed or are not limited liability companies; in most cases we would be referring to small enterprises. Because of the importance of appropriate accounting information for owners and managers of small enterprises and their different stakeholders, it is considered important to analyse the various accounting systems applied in Member States in the case of non-regulation at EU level.

European discussion paper on performance reporting

EFRAG and the national standard-setters of Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the UK have published a Discussion Paper on Performance Reporting (PDF 972k) under the PAAinE initiative. Broadly defined, performance is the relationship of the income and expenses of an entity. Traditionally entities reported their performance in an income statement. Under IAS 1(2007), entities report performance either in a single statement of comprehensive income (with a subtotal for traditional profit or loss) or in two statements, an income statement and a statement of comprehensive income. IAS 1 allows flexibilitiy in formats of, and groupings and subtotals in, those statements. The IASB and the FASB have a joint Project on Financial Statement Presentation that encompasses performance reporting. In October 2008, they published a Discussion Paper proposing the structure and format of an entity's financial statements.


IAESB proposes international education framework

IFAC's International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) has invited comments on proposed revisions to the Framework for International Education Standards, which sets out the concepts that underlie the IAESB's International Education Standards (IESs). The proposed framework consists of two parts:

• Part One explains the educational concepts of competence, initial professional development, continuing professional development, and measurement of the effectiveness of learning and development, which will be used by the IAESB when developing the IESs; and

• Part Two describes the nature of the IESs as well as the related IAESB pronouncements and IFAC member body obligations.


Are global accounting standards achievable?

In an article published in the 3 February 2009 edition of La Tribune (the French business daily), Nicolas Veron questions whether there is an appetite around the world for global solutions to the current global economic crisis, or whether regional or national responses are more likely to work. Mr Veron, a research fellow at European 'think tank' Breugel, argues that global solidarity on economic issues is probably out of reach. Instead, the goal should be more modest – to maintain an open economy in which all players have a chance to succeed. Mr Veron suggests that 'fair global competition entails in the short term a curb on domestic preference policies.... It also rests on harmonised international rules in key areas of regulation.'


FASB begins two fair value measurement projects

The US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has added to its agenda two projects intended to improve:

• the application guidance used to determine fair values and

• disclosure of fair value estimates.

The projects were added in response to recommendations contained in the Securities and Exchange Commission's recent study on mark-to-market accounting, as well as input provided by the FASB's Valuation Resource Group.

FASB Codification takes effect 1 July 2009

The US Financial Accounting Standards Board is alerting preparers and auditors of financial reports to a major change affecting U.S. accounting and reporting standards. On 1 July 2009, the FASB Accounting Standards Codification is expected to become the single official source of authoritative, nongovernmental U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP):

• Replacement of existing standards. Pending approval by the FASB, after 1 July 2009, only one level of authoritative GAAP will exist, other than guidance issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). All other literature will be non-authoritative.

• Subsequent issuance of new standards. There will also be an important change in how standards are issued after the Codification becomes GAAP. The FASB will no longer issue Statements of Financial Accounting Standards, Interpretations, FASB Staff Positions, or EITF Abstracts. Rather, all changes to GAAP, regardless of how they would have been issued currently, will be in the form of Codification Updates.

FASB issues two mark-to-market proposals

The US Financial Accounting Standards Board published for comment the two proposed FASB Staff Positions (FSPs) on fair value measurements and impairments of financial instruments that we mentioned in our News Story of 17 March 2009. Comment deadline on both is 1 April 2009. The IASB discussed drafts of these proposals at its Meeting Yesterday.


US Congress is examining 'mark-to-market accounting'

The US House of Representatives Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises will hold a hearing next week on mark-to-market accounting for financial instruments. The hearing will take place on 12 March 2009 beginning at 10:00am in Washington.


G20 leaders support global accounting standards

The Communique Issued by the Leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) (PDF 174k) following their meeting in London on 2 April 2009 calls on "the accounting standard setters to work urgently with supervisors and regulators to improve standards on valuation and provisioning and achieve a single set of high-quality global accounting standards". This recommendation builds on the recommendation in the Final Report of G20 Working Group 1 Enhancing Sound Regulation and Strengthening Transparency (PDF 720k), issued 25 March 2009, which also recommends adoption of a single set of accounting standards globally. The report also recommends greater involvement of representatives of emerging market economies in the IASCF/IASB structure.


Role of national standard setters

IASB Board member Gilbert Gelard spoke about National Standard Setters: A New Role in a Globalising World at the London School of Economics on 11 May 2009. Mr Gelard discussed the importance of global accounting standards, European adoption of IFRSs, 'adopt versus adapt', and how the spreading of IFRSs throughout the world has dramatically changed the national standard setters 'scene'.


SMEGA – Accounting and Financial Reporting Guidelines for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - Level 3 Guidance

The SMEGA Level 3 Guidance is designed for financial statements of smaller enterprises that are often owner-managed and have no or few employees. Such enterprises should generally follow a simplified accruals-based accounting system that is closely linked to cash transactions.1 The SMEGA Level 3 Guidance is intended to meet the needs of users and preparers of financial statements for these enterprises.


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Private Enterprises

This Exposure Draft of proposed accounting standards is issued by the Accounting Standards Board. The Board is composed of persons knowledgeable in the preparation and use of financial statements who are drawn from public practice, business and academe. All members serve as individuals and not as representatives of their employers or organizations.



La Sociedad de Contadores Gerenciales de Canadá presenta un documento actualizado y completo a cerca de las competencias que un contador gerencial debe tener para acreditarse como CMA (certified management accountant)

Este documento desarrolla un mapa de competencias a partir de amplias consultas con diversas partes interesadas, en especial con los empleadores de CMA´s y candidatos a CMA. Procura identificar las competencias específicas que los empleadores esperan de la gestión de los contadores administrativos.

CMA Canadá centra su actividad en lo siguiente:

Protección de la población

La satisfacción de las necesidades de los interesados en el mercado

Asegurar la continua relevancia de la profesión

Se hace una clara diferencia entre un CMA y otro rol dentro de la profesión, en cuanto a la responsabilidad y experiencia en el marco de la rendición de cuentas de las organizaciones en donde presta sus servicios. Teniendo en cuenta la gestión del riesgo y el uso eficiente y eficaz de recursos que son limitados.

Este marco de rendición de cuentas está alineado en dos componentes: El rendimiento y la conformidad. Estrategia, creación de valor y utilización de recursos, son sus elementos principales.

Es un documento esencial para los formadores de contadores con enfoque administrativo y de finanzas, dado que ha sido organizado por competencias y describe la etapa funcional dentro de cada competencia.

Ejemplo de ello es lo siguiente:

“ CMA Competencies

The Map describes the following six functional competencies and four enabling competencies that support the differentiated territory for CMAs as strategic management accounting professionals:

Functional Competencies

F1 Strategic Management

F2 Risk Management and Governance

F3 Performance Management

F4 Performance Measurement

F5 Financial Management

F6 Financial Reporting

Enabling Competencies

E1 Problem Solving and Decision Making

E2 Leadership and Group Dynamics

E3 Professionalism and Ethical Behaviour

E4 Communication

Functional Competencies:

The six functional competencies represent the core value proposition for the CMA profession.

As such, they are the skills that need to be understood in order to meet performance

expectations and organizational goals within the context of a constantly changing environment.

In essence, functional competencies are the goal-driven methodologies by which CMAs shape the performance of their organizations.

The applicability of each of these tools and techniques in a particular situation depends on the circumstances faced by the organization at the time. Therefore, sound judgement is essential in selecting the tools that are appropriate for the given task or question.

Enabling Competencies:

The enabling competencies reflect personal attributes and distinguish CMAs from other

professionals working in the area of strategic management accounting. Variations in the

environment in which the functional competencies are applied require individuals to adjust the requisite enabling competencies in order to perform at expected levels.

Functional and enabling competencies are of equal importance in carrying out specific tasks related to the accountability mandate. Functional competencies are task-dependent, whereas enabling competencies accommodate the context, variability, and individuality associated with the demonstration of competence.

The Entrance Requirements provide details of the foundational body of knowledge and skills required in the CS-1 functional and enabling competencies. Further details pertaining to the Map, including a full description of the four competency stages, can be found on the CMA Canada website: cma-.”


IFAC Board Extends Ian Ball’s Appointment As CEO

(New York/February 25, 2009) - The Board of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has extended Ian Ball's term as Chief Executive Officer until February 2013. Mr. Ball joined IFAC as its Chief Executive in March 2002, having previously served IFAC as Chair of its Public Sector Committee (now International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board) and as a member of its Nominating Committee. Prior to that, Mr. Ball was a Professor of Accounting and Public Policy, an international consultant in public management, an accounting standard setter, and a senior official in the New Zealand Treasury.

"During these challenging financial times, IFAC is pleased to have a seasoned leader who can collaborate effectively with accountancy bodies worldwide, with regulators, with standard setters, and with governments and others in the international community to restore and strengthen the international financial system, while at the same time pursuing our mission and long-term strategies," comments IFAC President Robert Bunting.

During his tenure at IFAC, Mr. Ball has overseen the implementation of the IFAC Reforms, a series of initiatives designed to strengthen international audit, ethics, and accounting education standard-setting processes to achieve convergence to international standards and to ensure that the international accountancy profession is responsive to the public interest. These reforms included the launch of the Member Body Compliance Program, which requires members and associates to promote, incorporate, and assist in implementing international standards issued by IFAC and by the International Accounting Standards Board, and to meet requirements for quality assurance, investigation, and discipline activities.

In addition, under his leadership, IFAC has expanded its support for developing nations, for small- and medium-sized practices and enterprises, for the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board, and for professional accountants in business.

New IFAC Guidance on Corporate Governance Addresses Risks and Organizational Accountability

(New York/February 10, 2009) - As part of its ongoing commitment to support professional accountants in business and their organizations in enhancing governance and in improving organizational performance, the Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has released a new International Good Practice Guidance document entitled Evaluating and Improving Governance in Organizations. The new guidance to professional accountants in business includes a framework, a series of fundamental principles, supporting guidance, and references on how they can contribute to evaluating and improving governance in organizations.

"This International Good Practice Guidance brings together globally recognized and applicable good practice principles on effective governance into an international benchmark for the accountancy profession," says IFAC Chief Executive Ian Ball. "It will help PAIBs and their organizations to further improve their governance structures and processes - something critical to ensuring an organizations viability and accountability."

This guidance is designed to complement existing governance codes, such as the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (2004), issued by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), by encouraging organizations to achieve a balance between conformance with rules and regulations and driving organizational performance. It also focuses on how to create sustainable stakeholder value in the form of good products or services, economic profitability, job security, safety, or other social or economical responsibilities.

A separate document, Preface to IFAC's International Good Practice Guidance, sets out the scope, purpose, and due process of the committee's International Good Practice Guidance series to which this guidance paper on governance belongs.

Both Evaluating and Improving Governance in Organizations and the Preface to IFAC's International Good Practice Guidance can be downloaded free-of-charge from the PAIB section of the IFAC online bookstore at . The PAIB Committee welcomes all feedback, which can be emailed to paib@.

El documento Evaluating and Improving Governance in Organizations. Es una guía de buenas prácticas internacionales que ofrece orientaciones profesionales relacionadas con el gobierno en las organizaciones. Reconoce que existen variedad de culturas por lo cual es necesario adoptar diferentes enfoques de gobierno corporativo. Esta guía se fundamenta en la premisa que algunos factores y comportamientos pueden conducir a mejores resultados y aumentar el beneficio de las partes interesadas.

New IFAC Sustainability Framework Supports Organizations in Improving Products, Lowering Costs, and Raising Good Will

(New York/February 6, 2009) - The Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has developed a comprehensive Sustainability Framework to support professional accountants and their organizations in integrating a sustainable way of thinking and working in all business processes.  The Framework illustrates how a commitment to sustainability can help to further improve an organization's products or services, motivate its people, lower its costs and enhance its reputation.

Designed from four different perspectives – business strategy, internal management, financial investors, and other stakeholders – the new Framework challenges conventional ways of thinking about economic, social and environmental achievements. It also promotes the injection of sustainability leadership into the full management cycle, from making and executing strategic decisions to reporting on performance to all stakeholders.

Roger Adams, chair of the PAIB Committee’s Sustainability Framework Project, highlights the holistic view of sustainability taken by the Framework: “It recognizes the importance of the three main dimensions of sustainability: economic viability, social responsibility, and environmental responsibility, as well as their interconnectivity. We hope that this Sustainability Framework provides the means and motivation for ecisiónal accountants to address sustainability issues with greater vigor.”

“Although the accounting sector itself might be considered a relatively low-impact sector in terms of direct environmental and social impacts, it is the accountant’s involvement in the twin issues of organizational ecisión-making and external reporting that imposes on the accountancy profession the responsibility for understanding, absorbing and articulating the implications of the sustainable development debate,” emphasizes Mr. Adams.

IFAC’s Sustainability Framework is a web-based tool that allows users to easily navigate those sustainability issues that are most important to their immediate roles and to select and use those examples of good sustainability practice that can work in their organizations.

The Sustainability Framework can be accessed free-of-charge on the International Center for Professional Accountants in Business section of the IFAC website at: PAIB.

El marco de conceptos sobre sostenibilidad promulgado por IFAC, pone de manifiesto la importancia de asegurar que las organizaciones visibilicen las prácticas de desarrollo sostenible en dos orientaciones: revertir en lo posible el agotamiento de los recursos naturales lo cual conlleva a que se busquen mejoras en el comportamiento sostenible. Lo anterior requiere cambios radicales en la forma en que se hacen los negocios y en la manera en que se vive nuestra vida. Se busca una mayor responsabilidad. Es un documento de obligada lectura.


El IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) hace un llamado para participar en su 90th Conferencia anual. Invita a suscribir las ponencias que serán presentadas. Web Site:

The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA®) welcomes and encourages academics and practitioners to submit manuscripts and/or presentation proposals for the Applied Research Track of IMA’s 90th Annual Conference and Exposition. This track consists of paper presentations, roundtable discussions, and poster sessions. The goal is to help bridge the gap between academics and management accounting professionals while contributing to the development of knowledge in the profession. Manuscripts accepted for the track will be published as conference proceedings and will be considered for publication in Management Accounting Quarterly.

The deadline for submission is January 12, 2009. Authors will be notified of acceptance no later than January 31, 2009. Presentation opportunities include:

Business & Educators’ Roundtable

The Business & Educators’ Roundtable is a forum designed specifically for research projects focused on business application or education. A major objective of the roundtable session is to provide academics with the opportunity to receive feedback on research projects they are pursuing and to serve as a source for new research ideas and resources. Attending practitioners can obtain insight into the type of projects being pursued by management accounting researchers and have the opportunity to share some of their professional experiences in relation to the topics being discussed.

The format of the roundtable session enables presenters to discuss their papers with two different groups of attendees. (The session is divided into two parts, and attendees participate in two different topics of their choice by changing tables.)

Those planning to submit a paper for inclusion in a roundtable session are asked to submit an indication of interest as soon as possible in order to facilitate organization of this session.

Papers presented at the Roundtable will be published in the Proceedings of the Business & Educators’ Roundtable, IMA 90th Annual Conference and Exposition.

Regular Session Presentations/Topics

IMA welcomes and encourages academics to submit manuscripts and/or presentation proposals for concurrent sessions devoted to applied management accounting research. Consider these sessions as an opportunity to share your research with management accounting professionals and to show how concepts or tools from your research can be applied in practice. Presentations should be oriented toward a practitioner audience.

As a speaker, you will receive a complimentary Conference registration, a $500 stipend to defray costs associated with participation at the Conference, and one night’s hotel stay at the Sheraton Denver Hotel.

Poster Board Sessions

The Poster Sessions offer an opportunity for presenters to discuss their work and interact with Conference participants. Faculty interested in sharing research focused on business application or education as well as novel, innovative, and successful teaching methods are encouraged to submit proposals. Poster presenters not registered for the Conference will receive a complimentary exhibit hall pass.


Papers or abstracts should be submitted electronically to Tara Barker at tbarker@. All submissions should include a cover letter that indicates: Name, academic affiliation, telephone, fax, e-mail address, and physical address of lead contact.

Questions regarding submission content can be directed to Dave Eichelberger,, or Sanjay Gupta,, the Applied Research Track Coordinators, or Raef Lawson, rlawson@, IMA’s Professor-in-Residence.

IMA lanza el IMA Educational Case Journal (IECJ®), una revista trimestral on-line. La misión de esta publicación es publicar casos de enseñanza e investigación relacionada con casos escritos o de enseñanza sobre casos de contabilidad gerencial y otros campos relacionados.

The journal accepts cases covering a wide range of topics, reflecting the diverse skill set required of management accountants today. Cases appropriate for either graduate or undergraduate classes are included. International submissions are welcome and encouraged.

El IMA emite estándar sobre valuación de negocios

Business Valuation (2009). This Statement will familiarize the financial professional with the methodologies in a valuation report and how to perform valuation calculations.

El IMA anuncia la competencia de casos éticos Carl Menconi. El objetivo de dicha competencia es desarrollar y distribuir casos sobre ética en los negocios con aplicaciones especificas para contabilidad gerencial y aspectos financieros

The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) Committee on Ethics is proud to announce the Carl Menconi Ethics Case Competition. The Competition is named in memory of Mr. Menconi who held leadership positions in IMA for many years and who served as the chair of the IMA Committee on Ethics. He also valued education and taught part time at his alma mater, Northern Illinois University.

The objective of the Competition is to develop and distribute cases focusing on business ethics with specific application to management accounting and finance issues. The cases must utilize the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice as a guidance tool/reference. The case should be suitable for either undergraduate or graduate classroom use and/or IMA chapter continuing educational programs. The winning case will be featured in an IMA publication (Strategic Finance or Management Accounting Quarterly) and the case author or author team will be recognized at the IMA Annual Conference in Denver in June 2009.


CIMA: The 2010 new Syllabus. El CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accounting) acaba de publicar un documento en donde se actualiza el contenido, la estructura y el syllabus ofrecido a los contadores que quieran acceder a la certificación CIMA. web site:

The CIMA syllabus has been revised to keep it fresh and up to date for business in a fast changing world. You can download the details in pdf form at the end of this page.

The changes we've made are based on research - particularly with employers. We want to make sure that CIMA continues to provide financially qualified business leaders with broad ranging business and management skills to complement their financial training.

The CIMA qualification remains a global quality standard in management accounting. That means you can be sure that CIMA members across the world are trained to the same demanding standards and have the same range of skills.

The new pillar titles in the new syllabus reflect the breadth and depth of management accounting. The new levels allow tailored learning solutions where flexibility is required. This will help employers attract and retain top talent.

When do the changes start?

The new syllabus will be examined for the first time in May 2010. The two syllabi will not run concurrently. The transition from the 2005 syllabus to the new one will not be complicated. All registered CIMA students who have passed exams (or been awarded exemptions) at the managerial level of the CIMA 2005 syllabus before the end of January 2010 will be credited for equivalent papers at the operational and management level in the CIMA 2010 syllabus.

There will be a new award after operational level - Diploma in Management Accounting - in addition to the Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting after management level.

Test of Professional Competence

CIMA’s unique Test of Professional Competence in Management Accounting brings together practical experience and education. It's the link between being able to ‘do’, not just ‘know’. There will be two parts to the Test of Professional Competence in Management Accounting in the new syllabus: (T4) – this will be Part A Initial Professional Development – Work Based Practical Experience and Part B Case Study Examination. A student will need to complete and pass both sections to pass T4.

Key benefits of change

Brings together theory and practice, maintains business relevance, will help employers attract and retain the top talent, tailored learning solutions – flexible support, global consistency.

CIMA: Las publicaciones gratuitas (full text) más recientes del CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accounting) incluyen entre otros tópicos los siguientes: Web site:

Activity based costing

Category: Topic gateways

Document type: PDF

Publication date: 07/09/2008

Activity Based Costing (ABC) is an approach to the costing and monitoring of activities which traces resource consumption and costing final outputs. A development of the principles of ABC is Activity Based Management (ABM).

Stephanie Edwards compares traditional costing and ABC. She outlines the four steps needed to implement ABC. The topic gateway provides an explanation of ABC in practice, along with a list of the reported benefits and drawbacks of ABC. Case studies are included.

Visit the CIMA Mastercourses Management accounting category page for related CPD courses - including in-house options.

Topic gateways Management and Financial Accounting Financial Accounting

Performance management and metric manipulation in the public sector

Category: Research executive summaries

Document type: PDF

Author: C. Fisher and B. Downes

Publication date: 08/04/2009

Explores the circumstances that might influence managers in the public services, particularly within the National Health Service (NHS), to manipulate the target and performance measures that are used to assess performance.

Research executive summaries Management and Financial Accounting Performance management Productivity measurement

Time estimates as cost drivers

Category: Research executive summaries

Document type: PDF  113Kb

Author: E. Labro and E. Cardinaels

Publication date: 30/03/2009

Studies the determinants of measurement error in time driven costing to obtain an observable true cost benchmark that can assess the error in a costing system.

Research executive summaries

The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards on the perceptions of middle level managers

Category: Research executive summaries

Document type: PDF  206Kb

Author: C. Emmanuel; G. Kominis and S. Slapnicar

Publication date: 11/12/2008

Addresses how reward systems are designed at different companies, located in different EU countries from the viewpoint of the practising managers.

Research executive summaries Management and Financial Accounting Performance management

Don't blame the tools: the adoption and implementation of managerial innovations

Category: Research executive summaries

Document type: PDF  117Kb

Author: L. Daniel, A. Myers and K. Dixon

Publication date: 12/08/2008

Explores the link between the decision to adopt a new management idea or tool and the subsequent implementation process using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as the example.

Research executive summaries Management and Financial Accounting

In-year financial forecasting in the NHS

Category: Technical reports

Document type: PDF 245Kb

Author: CIMA NHS Group

Publication date: 03/08/2007

Financial forecasting was identified in November 2006 as key to effective financial management of NHS organisations by CIMA's NHS Group. To help the NHS finance function improve the accuracy of financial forecasting, this report includes the results of a survey of current forecasting practice and presents recommendations for good practice. It is aimed primarily at finance directors and their staff, but should also be of value to general management and non-executives.

CIMA: el pasado nueve de enero el CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accounting) publicó un documento en donde se evidencia el cambio dramático para la profesión (Contadores gerenciales, específicamente) generado por el uso de sistemas ERP, el documento está disponible de manera gratuita (full text). Acceso al documento completo: web site

Management Accountants: A Profession Dramatically Changed by ERP Systems

Category: Research executive summaries

Document type: PDF 169Kb

Author: S. Grabski, S. Leech and A. Sangster

Publication date: 09/01/2009

Provides further insight into the changes resulting from the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems on the work and the behavior of management accountants.

This research presents the experiences of a limited number of companies, reported to us, by the participants in ERP systems implementation and operation. Some of the companies had successfully implemented their ERP systems a few years ago, while others were still trying to obtain significant value from their ERP system. While the number of participating firms is small, they are from a wide variety of industries and share commonalities with almost any firm. We believe that anyone thinking of implementing (or re-implementing) an ERP system should consider the findings reported in this research, as it suggests that management accountants need to be engaged from the outset in ERP implementations.


Los “Management Accounting  Guidelines – MAGs” en marzo del presente año emiten un documento relacionado con la gerencia del valor que representa un cliente en si mismo.


In today’s rapidly-changing business environment, products and services are increasingly viewed as commodities. New information and communications technologies have made product and process innovations easier to copy. In addition, sophisticated product development methodologies and technologies have dramatically reduced the time it takes to bring a product to market. In many industries, products no longer provide a sustainable source of competitive advantage, and companies are increasingly emphasizing components of the value proposition that extend beyond the product.

Companies now widely recognize that to achieve and sustain competitive advantage, they must become more customer-focused. Many have changed their strategies, structures, and processes, leading to dramatic increases in customer satisfaction. Although these companies may understand much better how to provide value to their customers, they are far less effective in deriving value from these customers. A large and growing body of evidence indicates that most companies have great customer diversity, with some customers being highly profitable to the company and others being enormously unprofitable. The recognition of differences in customer profitability by senior financial managers and the use of available tools are critical to a firm’s ability to derive value from its customer investments.

Before a company can effectively embark on the journey toward improving customer profitability, it must first develop a clear understanding of customer value. The term customer value refers to two distinct concepts: (a) the value the company provides to the customer, through its product and service offerings, brands, and relationships, and (b) the value the customer provides to the company in the form of profit streams, intellectual capital, and other customer assets. Traditionally, these two views have not been well integrated. In some companies, marketing holds a ‘value to the customer’ view while finance holds a ‘value to the company’ view, and the intersection between the two value directions is never explored. Yet, to allocate resources effectively, the two perspectives must be integrated in a manner that balances the value provided to the customer with the benefits received from that customer.

The Customer Value Management Cycle (CVMC) provides a comprehensive approach for integrating these two forms of customer value. It provides companies with a method for differentiating customers (or segments), and determining which provide the greatest value to the firm. In addition, it shows how this knowledge can be used to focus company resources toward providing maximum benefits to these valuable customers.




Decreto No. 1727

Por medio del cual se determina la forma en la que los operadores de bancos de datos de información financiera, crediticia, comercial, entre otras deben presentarla a sus titulares. Específicamente, se establece que para el sector financiero el reporte debe contener el tipo y el estado del contrato, la fecha de inicio de la obligación, los cupos aprobados y utilizados, el saldo a la fecha de corte, el número de cuotas pactadas y pagadas, entre otras. Fecha de publicación: 15 de mayo de 2009

Decreto No. 1729

Mediante el cual se modifica el Decreto No.1143 de 2009, estableciendo como condición para acceder a la cobertura del FRECH que los créditos aprobados antes y después de la publicación de este Decreto sean desembolsados antes del 31 de diciembre de 2010. Adicionalmente, se le otorga al Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público la potestad de señalar eventos de terminación anticipada de los beneficios de la cobertura para los deudores.

Fecha de publicación: 15 de mayo de 2009.

Proyecto No. 09 – 2009

Mediante el cual se modifica el Capítulo XVIII de la Circular Básica Contable y Financiera, sobre las instrucciones relativas a instrumentos financieros derivados y productos estructurados que realicen las entidades sometidas a inspección y vigilancia de la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia.

Proyecto No. 10 – 2009

Mediante la cual se modifica el Capítulo XXV de la Circular Básica Contable y Financiera, sobre operaciones de contado.

Reforma Financiera.

Texto aprobado en Conciliación - Junio 18 de 2009, al proyecto de Ley No. 282 de 2008 cámara, 286 de 2008 senado, “por el cual se dictan normas en materia financiera, de seguros, del mercado de valores y otras disposiciones”.

Manual de Operación SEN:

Mediante el cual se concretan los aspectos técnicos y operativos que se requieren para el funcionamiento seguro y eficiente del SEN. Adicionalmente, se introducen cambios en las reglas de operación de los escalones de negociación, los requisitos de las ofertas, los límites o líneas de crédito, los horarios, entre otras.

Fecha de publicación: 18 de mayo de 2009.

Pruebas de tensión y la estabilidad financiera:

Las pruebas de tensión, o stress testing, son una herramienta fundamental para establecer las potenciales pérdidas que pueden enfrentar las instituciones financieras en un escenario macroeconómico adverso. Las experiencias sueca y colombiana, aunque con matices diferentes, son reconocidas a nivel internacional como casos de éxito en los procesos de capitalización bancaria. En ambos casos se minimizó el costo fiscal y se generaron sistemas de incentivos adecuados para los accionistas.

Fecha de Publicación: Mayo 26, 2009



Credit Risk Spreads in Local and Foreign Currencies Dan Galai and Zvi Wiener.

The paper shows how—in a Merton-type model with bankruptcy—the currency composition of debt changes the risk profile of a company raising a given amount of financing, and thus affects the cost of debt. Foreign currency borrowing is cheaper when the exchange rate is positively correlated with the return on the company’s assets, even if the company is not an exporter. Prudential regulations should therefore differentiate among loans depending on the extent to which borrowers have “natural hedges” of their foreign currency exposures. Fecha de Publicación. 2009 International Monetary Fund.

Banking Stability Measures Miguel A. Segoviano and Charles Goodhart

This paper defines a set of banking stability measures which take account of distress dependence among the banks in a system, thereby providing a set of tools to analyze stability from complementary perspectives by allowing the measurement of (i) common distress of the banks in a system, (ii) distress between specific banks, and (iii) distress in the system associated with a specific bank. Our approach defines the banking system as a portfolio of banks and infers the system’s multivariate density (BSMD) from which the proposed measures are estimated. The BSMD embeds the banks’ default inter-dependence structure that captures linear and non-linear distress dependencies among the banks in the system and its changes at different times of the economic cycle. The BSMD is recovered using the CIMDO-approach, a new approach that in the presence of restricted data, improves density specification without explicitly imposing parametric forms that, under restricted data sets, are difficult to model. Thus, the proposed measures can be constructed from a very limited set of publicly available data and can be provided for a wide range of both developing and developed countries. Publicación. 2009 International Monetary Fund.

SEC Chief Talks New Financial Regulations

Making it easier for shareholders to seat directors on company boards, restricting short-selling in down markets, strengthening oversight of mutual funds, and tightening scrutiny and standards for investment advisers are among the pro-investor initiatives being undertaken by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the agency's chairman said Thursday. Publicación: June 18, 2009.

General Motors Files for Bankruptcy Protection

General Motors filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Monday as part of the Obama administration's plan to shrink the automaker to a sustainable size and give a majority ownership stake to the federal government. Fecha de Publicación: June 1, 2009.

What future for the global financial system? New report explores a near-term outlook and long-term scenarios Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 29 January 2009

The World Economic Forum’s report The Future of the Global Financial System; A Near-Term Outlook and Long-Term Scenarios explores a near-term industry outlook characterized by an expanded scope for regulatory oversight, back to basics in the banking sector, some restructuring by alternative investment firms and the emergence of a new set of winners and losers.

Global crisis now having strong, wide impact on Foreign Direct Investment, study shows

Geneva, 20 May 2009 - While developing and transition economies were quite resilient in 2008 during the downturn in global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows triggered by the economic and financial crisis, they will be increasingly affected in 2009 as international investment continues to decline: this is one of the findings of the UNCTAD study "Assessing the impact of the current financial and economic crisis on global FDI flows". The study updates the organization´s January assessment.

Understanding Value at Risk (VaR) in a High-Volatility Market Environment

A popular measure of risk in the financial industry is value at risk (VaR). Some investors have begun to question its appropriateness as they experience losses in their investments exceeding their VaR estimates. Measurisk, LLC, a J.P. Morgan company, has developed methodologies for computing VaR for portfolios and highlights in this article that the issue may not be with VaR, but rather how it is used and interpreted.

Hard-to-Value Assets in Uncertain Times Fair Value Reporting Best Practices for Limited Partners.

Limited partners (LPs) in private equity, real estate or infrastructure may struggle incorporating the value of illiquid investments into their financial reporting. Fortunately, there are many fair value reporting best practices LPs—and their service providers—may implement now.

Solid Risk Management as a Guiding Principle

Effective risk governance policies are the foundation of risk management at J.P. Morgan. They set the framework for how the firm identifies, measures, quantifies, controls, monitors and reports all types of risks it faces.

Risk management instruments for debt driven conservation efforts: The case of India's Project Tiger - Damodaran,


A. Project Tiger has been India's premier case of conservation success. Since mid 1990s select Project Tiger Reserves in India were chosen for intensive funding by the Global Environment Facility, the International Development Agency (IDA) and the Government of India under the ‘India Eco-Development Project’. This project marked a modest shift towards debt based funding. The GEF Project has become a benchmark for tiger conservation in India both in terms of management outcomes and scale and scope of funding. However in the absence of large-scale budgetary support or self-generating income flows, it becomes difficult for the GEF type of project to be replicated in other tiger reserves of the country. Debt instruments hold promise as enablers of conservation finance. The paper proposes issue of ‘tiger bonds’ to meet the financial requirements of tiger reserves. Though attractive as a debt instrument, a ‘tiger bond’ could nevertheless entail interest rate and default risks. Fecha de Publicación: 27 may 2009

Tribals, Forests and Resource Conflicts in Kerala, India: The Status Quo of Policy Change

- A. Damodaran. One of the constraints in policy analysis of tribal issues in India has been the lack of analytical approaches that have looked at the existential problem of tribal communities in an integrated manner. While restrictive forest policies have played a major role in fomenting tribal unrest in India and other parts of the world, the part played by “poorly designed” development programmes in creating the impasse cannot be ignored. With reference to the District of Wayanad in north Kerala, India, it is argued that natural resource conflicts involving tribal communities have their roots in both restrictive forest policies and misplaced development strategies. While it is true that, in recent times, there has been a serious effort in India to open forests to tribal communities, this has not been accompanied by a change in basic development thinking. It is argued that, for a paradigm change in policy to occur, tribal communities need to be nurtured in forest settings. This is particularly relevant at this juncture, when the ideal of “biodiversity conservation” is considered to be the defining mark of sustainable development in the “natural resource-rich” countries of the South. Fecha de Publicación: 27 may 2009.

What is the riskfree rate? A Search for the Basic Building Block Aswath Damodaran Stern School of Business, New York University

In this paper, we not only provide a framework for deciding whether to use short or long term rates in analysis but also a roadmap for what to do when there is no government bond rate available or when there is default risk in the government bond. We look at common errors that creep into valuations as a consequence of getting the riskfree rate wrong and suggest a way in which we can preserve consistency in both valuation and capital budgeting. Fecha de Publicación: Diciembre 2008

A modified capm valuation model for latin american emerging markets Alfonso HAMARD y Prosper LAMOTHE, 2009.

This paper analyses the systematic risk factors associated to long-term investments in Latin American Emerging Markets in order to estimate the discount rate to be used by an investor localized in a developed market. In order to do so, we review the main valuation approaches based on the CAPM model, focusing in the foreign exchange risk. Due to the high correlation between the emerging markets stock indices, and also to the stochastic nature of the exchange risk, we proposed a modified version of the CAPM that explicitly includes a foreign exchange risk premium in the discount rate. The empirical comparison of the proposed model using 43 stocks included in the stock markets indexes from Brazil, Chile and Mexico, we find that the proposed model outperforms another well-known model by showing a lower prediction error as measured by MAPE, RMSE and U-Theil scores.

Market Risk Premium Used in 2008 by Professors: A Survey with 1,400 Answers. Pablo Fernandez University of Navarra - IESE Business School.

The average Market Risk Premium (MRP) used in 2008 by professors in the USA (6.3%) was higher than the one used by their colleagues in Europe (5.3%). We also report statistics for 18 countries: the average MRP used in 2008 ranges from 4.1% (Belgium) to 10.5% (India). The dispersion of the MRP used was high: the average MRP used by professors of the same institution range was 3.5% and the one of the same country was 6.9%. The average MRP used in 2007 was 1.5% lower than the one used in 2000. 15% of the professors decreased their MRP in 2008 (1.5% on average) and 24% increased it (2% on average). 66% of the professors used a lower MRP in 2007 than in 2000 (22% used a higher one). Most surveys have been interested in the Expected MRP, but this survey asks about the Required MRP. The paper also contains the references that professors use to justify their MRP, and comments from 180 professors that illustrate the various interpretations of what is the required MRP and explain the confusion of students and practitioners about its concept and magnitude. We also report 416 answers from the field: the average MRP used by European Companies in 2008 was 6.4%. Fecha de publicación. April 16, 2009.

201 Errors in Company Valuations. Pablo Fernandez . University of Navarra - IESE Business School.

contains a collection and classification of 201 errors seen in company valuations performed by financial analysts, investment banks and financial consultants. The author had access to most of the valuations referred to in this paper in his capacity as a consultant in company acquisitions, sales, mergers, and arbitrage processes. The errors are classified in six main categories: 1) Errors in the discount rate calculation and concerning the riskiness of the company; 2) Errors when calculating or forecasting the expected cash flows; 3) Errors in the calculation of the residual value; 4) Inconsistencies and conceptual errors; 5) Errors when interpreting the valuation; and 6) Organizational errors. Date posted: April 29, 2008 ; Last revised: May 28, 2009.

Betas Used by Companies and Professors in Europe: A Survey (in Spanish). Pablo Fernandez - Vicente J. Bermejo University of Navarra - IESE Business School.

We report 1,466 answers from European managers and professors institutions. 1,143 respondents use required return and 824 use betas to calculate it. 44.4% of the managers and 8% of the professors do not use beta to justify the required return. Only 2% of the professors and 15% of the managers justify the beta using exclusively personal judgement (named qualitative, common sense, intuitive, and logical magnitude betas by different persons). The paper includes interesting comments from 235 respondents. Date posted: June 15, 2009 ; Last revised: June 22, 2009.

Shareholder Value Creators and Destroyers in the Dow Jones: Year 2008. Pablo Fernandez - Vicente J. Bermejo University of Navarra - IESE Business School.

During 2008, the 30 companies included in the Dow Jones destroyed $1.6 trillion for their shareholders. Only 2 companies (Wal Mart and McDonalds) created value. The top shareholder value destroyers were General Electric ($233 billion) and Microsoft ($178 billion). The market value of the 30 companies was $2.9 trillion in 2008 and $4.4 trillion in 2007. The price of the shares of each company had a big dispersion: on average, the maximum price of the year 2008 was 2.6 times the minimum price. 2008 had 11 of the 20 days with lowest returns in the period 1963-2008, and 8 of the 20 days with highest returns in the same 45-year period. The average return of 2008 was -32.3% (6 companies had returns below -50% and 20 below -20%). However, the investors that bought shares in the years 1987-1998 and 2001-2002 had positive returns on December 2008. Date posted: January 15, 2009.



Decreto 850- 2009 13/03/2009

Por el cual se establecen los porcentajes de componente inflacionario no constitutivo de renta, ganancia ocasional, costo o gasto y el rendimiento mínimo anual de préstamos entre las sociedades y los socios

|Decreto 0672 - 2009 |06/03/2009 |"Por el cual se deroga el Decreto 4270 del 11 de noviembre de 2008" |

Las empresas que tengan existencias de facturas cambiarias de compraventa y cambiarías de transporte preimpresas con resolución de autorización de la DlAN vigente, podrán usarlas hasta agotar las existencias, o hasta cuando se venza la autorización, lo que ocurra primero. En caso de que estas no cumplan con la totalidad de los requisitos exigidos por la Ley 1231 de 2008, éstos podrán ser incorporados al título de forma mecánica por medio de sello, leyenda o manuscrito, sin que por ello las facturas pierdan la calidad de título valor.

Las facturas que no sean utilizadas se entienden anuladas, sin perjuicio de observar las obligaciones sobre conservación de documentos establecidas en la ley.

Circular 00015 - 2009 11/03/2009

Precio promedio de transacciones de los diferentes títulos que se transan en la Bolsa

Decreto 2271 de 2009 - retención en la fuente laboral.

Disminución de la retención laboral por pagos en salud. Disminución para servidores públicos en el exterior. Deducción en la retención laboral por pagos obligatorios de salud. Disminución de la retención para trabajadores dependientes.

Boletín No. 225 - Diferencia en cambio en el IICA.

Sentencias que excluyen de la base gravable del impuesto de industria y comercio ala diferencia en cambio y pactos de reajuste. (Consejo de Estado, radicado No. 16088 de abril 2 de 2009)


Acuerdo 031 de Mayo 18 2009 Suprime anticipo ICA.

Eliminación del anticipo del impuesto de industria y comercio en el municipio de Palmira para el año 2010: Entidades tales como FENALCO, La Andi, la Cámara de Comercio de Palmira, el Comité Cívico Intergremial, dispusieron un comunicado a la Alcaldía Municipal alternativas a los contribuyentes del tributo para el cumplimiento de la obligación en esta vigencia fiscal.  Debido a que el plazo para declarar vence el próximo 30 de mayo y por las diferencias de criterio entre los contribuyentes y la Administración respecto de dicho impuesto, se menciona como una alternativa, la forma de liquidar el anticipo del 15%; sin embargo, esto no será necesario ya que este es eliminado de acuerdo a lo planteado en el Acuerdo Municipal expedido por el Consejo Municipal de Palmira

Sentencia 16466

El no presentarse las declaraciones de impuesto a las ventas, esta no es razón valedera para negar la cancelación de la inscripción en el Registro Único Tributario: Adjunto encontrarán la sentencia No. 16466 del 30 de abril de 2009 del Consejo de Estado, en la que se explica que si el legislador dispuso que los que son responsables del impuesto a las ventas continuarán obligados a declarar siempre y cuando estos no informen a la autoridad tributara el cese de las operaciones, este hecho no podrá alegarse como causal para negar la responsabilidad sobre dicho impuesto el cual es procedente una vez la DIAN reciba y verifique la información.  La cancelación del RUT está condicionada al cumplimiento de la obligación de declarar.

IICA Diferencia en cambio TAC 09-180-70-01

Sentencia del Tribunal Administrativo de Cundinamarca señala que “No obstante, es necesario recabar que la diferencia en cambio como resultado de la devaluación o revaluación de una divisa frente a la moneda nacional no es realmente un ajuste integral por inflación, pero tampoco se trata de un ingreso que debe hacer parte de la base gravable del impuesto en comento” (subrayamos).

Señala “las operaciones contables o aritméticas que se encuentran expresadas en moneda extranjera si bien pueden devenir del ejercicio de alguna actividad industrial, comercial o de servicio (importación, exportación, mutuo, etc.), no por ello constituyen actividad alguna ya que son resultado de un ajuste ordenado por la norma que comporta un mayor o menor valor del activo o del pasivo, pero no genera propiamente en el primer evento un ingreso por el ejercicio o la realización de dichas actividades, que pueda ser gravado con el tributo, ya que el mayor valor se causa al reexpresar el valor de las operaciones teniendo en cuenta su exposición a las variaciones de la tasa de cambio de la moneda nacional, sin que se produzca la percepción efectiva del ingreso por la realización de las operaciones o actividades, como quiera que se genera por el movimiento económico y no por la intervención del sujeto. Es decir, puede ser que la operación (llámese acreencias en moneda extranjera, rendimientos financieros, depósitos en moneda extranjera, entre otras) en sí se encuentre gravada, pero su ajuste por diferencia en cambio no corre la misma suerte atendiendo a que se trata de un ajuste ordenado por la norma que se genera por el movimiento económico y no propiamente por la realización de alguna de las actividades gravadas.

En conclusión, la diferencia en cambio no se trata de un ingreso que debe hacer parte de la base gravable del impuesto en comento.”

Como es una apelación de un proceso proveniente de un juzgado administrativo, es definitiva.

Acuerdo 352-08

Reforma Tributaria del Distrito.



International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting: The Objective of Financial Reporting and Qualitative Characteristics and Constraints of Decision-Useful Financial Reporting Information

Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting: The Reporting Entity

Management Commentary

Measuring and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments in markets that are no longer active

Fair Value Measurement

Proyecto de Norma - Norma Internacional de Información Financiera para Pequeñas y Medianas Entidades

Fundamentos de las Conclusiones sobre el Proyecto de Norma - Norma Internacional de Información Financiera para Pequeñas y Medianas Entidades

Proyecto de Guía de Implementación, Estados Financieros Ilustrativos y Lista de Comprobación de Información a Revelar - Proyecto de Norma - Norma Internacional de Información Financiera para Pequeñas y Medianas Entidades


International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

The Education, Training, and Development of Accounting Technicians

International Standard Setting in the Public Interest

Sustainability Framework

Articles of Merit - 2008 Competition

Evaluating and Improving Governance in Organizations

Developments in Performance Measurement Structures in Public Sector Entities

Guide to Quality Control for Small- and Medium-Sized Practices

Developments in the Financial Reporting Supply Chain - Results from a Global Study among IFAC Member Bodies


Comisión Europea

Micro entities – Impact Assessment

IAS 39 & IFRS 7 "Reclassification of Financial Assets – Effective Date and Transition"

Evaluation of the Application of IFRS in the 2006 Financial Statements of EU Companies

Accounting systems for small enterprises – Recommendations and good practices

Study on the costs and benefits of an adoption of the ISAs in the EU


European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG)

DP - Distinguishing between liability and equity

DP - Pension Accounting

March 2009 European Discussion Paper on Performance Reporting

DP - Revenue Recognition — A European Contribution

Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens (FEE)

Auditing and Assurance - International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)

The Accountancy Profession’s Contribution to the Debate on the Crisis – Dynamic Provisioning for Financial Instruments

Policy Statements on core issues in relation to Sustainability and the accountancy profession - Four Policy Statements on Sustainability

FEE Position on EC Consultation Paper on Review of the Accounting Directives - Cutting Accounting Burden for Small Business / Review of the Accounting Directives

FEE Response to the European Commission’s consultation on control structures in audit firms and their consequences on the audit market


Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) – Canadá

GAAP for Private Enterprises

June 23, 2009. The AcSB has issued a Background Information and Basis for Conclusions document for the April 2009 Exposure Draft, "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Private Enterprise." Comments on the Exposure Draft are requested by July 31, 2009.


International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The Transmission of Financial Stress from Advanced to Emerging Economies

The Systemic Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies and Rated Markets

Current Accounts in a Currency Union

Fiscal Policy Rules for Oil-Producing Countries: A Welfare-Based Assessment

Modeling with Macro-Financial Linkages: Credit and Policy Shocks in Emerging Markets

Where Does the Public Sector End and the Private Sector Begin?

A Multi-industry Model of Growth with Financing Constraints

Development Aid and Economic Growth: A Positive Long-Run Relation

Out of the Box Thoughts about the International Financial Architecture

An Alternative Explanation for the Resource Curse: The Income Effect Channel

Financial Intermediation, Competition, and Risk: A General Equilibrium Exposition

The Persistence of Capital Account Crises

Financial Stress, Downturns, and Recoveries

The Challenge of Reforming Budgetary Institutions in Developing Countries

Global Relative Poverty

Remittances: An Automatic Output Stabilizer?

IT Framework Design Parameters

Accrual Budgeting and Fiscal Policy

The Crisis: Basic Mechanisms and Appropriate Policies

Financial Stability Frameworks and the Role of Central Banks: Lessons from the Crisis

Accounting for Output Drops in Latin America

Social Security Reforms in Colombia: Striking Demographic and Fiscal Balances

Irrational Exuberance in the U.S. Housing Market: Were Evangelicals Left Behind?

Competition in the Financial Sector: Overview of Competition Policies

Procyclicality and Fair Value Accounting

In Search of WTO Trade Effects:Preferential Trade Agreements Promote Trade Strongly, But Unevenly

Are Capital Controls Effective in the 21st Century? The Recent Experience of Colombia

The Value of Institutions for Financial Markets: Evidence from Emerging Markets

Causes, Benefits, and Risks of Business Tax Incentives

Banking Stability Measures


Accounting and finance Volume 49 Issue 2 (June 2009)

Audit committees and earnings quality (p 267-290) - Peter Baxter, Julie Cotter

Impact of International Financial Reporting Standard adoption on key financial ratios (p 341-361) - Anna-Maija Lantto, Petri Sahlström

Accounting and finance Volume 49 Issue 1 , Pages 1 - 219 (March 2009)

Fundamental and technical analysis: substitutes or complements? (p 21-36) Jenni L. Bettman, Stephen J. Sault, Emma L. Schultz

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Volume 22 Issue 5 Published: 2009 | Start Page: 677

Inertia and management accounting change: The role of ambiguity and contradiction between formal rules and routines - Martijn van der Steen (pp. 736-761)

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Volume 22 Issue 4 Published: 2009 | Start Page: 525

Stakeholder perspectives on a financial sector legitimation process: The case of NGOs and the Equator Principles - Niamh O'Sullivan, Brendan O'Dwyer (pp. 553-587)

Currency options trading practices and the construction and governance of operational risk: A case study - Habib Mahama, Chen Yu Ming (pp. 626-660)

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Volume 22 Issue 3 Published: 2009 | Start Page: 309 Special Issue: Accounting and subalternity

Accounting and subalternity: enlarging a research space - Cameron Graham (pp. 309-318)

The preservation of indigenous accounting systems in a subaltern community - Kelum Jayasinghe, Dennis Thomas (pp. 351-378)

Management accounting in less developed countries: what is known and needs knowing - Trevor Hopper, Mathew Tsamenyi, Shahzad Uddin, Danture Wickramasinghe (pp. 469-514)

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Volume 22 Issue 2 Published: 2009 | Start Page: 169

Exploring auditor independence: an interpretive approach - Mohammad Hudaib, Roszaini Haniffa (pp. 221-246)

British public accountants in America: A historical study of social mobility and fluidity associated with élite immigration - Thomas A. Lee (pp. 247-271)

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Volume 22 Issue 1 Published: 2009 | Start Page: 5

Bundling management control innovations: A field study of organisational experimenting with total quality management and the balanced scorecard - Sven Modell (pp. 59-90)

Accounting Education An International Journal, Volume 18 Issue 3 2009

The Customer Is King. Enthroned or In Exile? An Analysis of the Level of Customer Focus in Leading Management Accounting Textbooks - Ken Bates; Mark Whittington Pages 291 – 317

An Exploratory Examination of the Relationship between a Short Form of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and Success in an Introductory Accounting Course: A Research Note - William E. Bealing Jr.; A. Blair Staley; Richard L. Baker Pages 331 – 339

Accounting Education An International Journal, Volume 18 Issue 2 2009

Mapping, Measurement and Alignment of Strategy using the Balanced Scorecard: The Tata Steel Case - George Joseph Pages 117 – 130

A Programme to Expose Students to Senior Executives in the World of Accounting: An Innovative Learning Method - Laurie Webb; Paul De Lange; Brendan O'Connell Pages 183 – 205

Learning to Think: Using Coursework to Develop Higher-order Academic and Practitioner Skills among Final Year Accounting Students - Richard Tonge; Caroline Willett Pages 207 – 226

Accounting Education An International Journal, Volume 18 Issue 1 2009

Accounting Students' IT Application Skills over a 10-year Period - Gregory Stoner Pages 7 – 31

Using the Cohort Model in Accounting Education - Richard S. Sathe Pages 33 – 49

Exogenous and Endogenous Factors Influencing Students' Performance in Undergraduate Accounting Modules - Yilmaz Guney Pages 51 – 73

Moral Intensity and Ethical Decision-making: An Empirical Examination of Undergraduate Accounting and Business Students - Breda Sweeney; Fiona Costello Pages 75 – 97

Accounting Forum Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 89-188 (June 2009)

The origins of the sub-prime crisis: Inappropriate policies, regulations, or both? Pages 114-126 - Mervyn K. Lewis

Stakeholder prioritization and reporting: Evidence from Italy and the US Pages 162-175 - Giacomo Boesso, Kamalesh Kumar

Accounting Forum Volume 33, Issue 1, Pages 1-88 (March 2009)

Financial accounting: Past, present and future Pages 1-10 - Michael John Jones, David Oldroyd

History repeats itself: The acquisition method and nonrecurring charges Pages 11-26 - Nina T. Dorata

Extractive industries accounting and economic consequences: Past, present and future Pages 27-37 - Corinne L. Cortese, Helen J. Irvine, Mary A. Kaidonis

The Accounting Historians Journal

PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP AND OLIGARCHY: THE CASE OF THE ICAEW.Full Text Available By: Noguchi, Masayoshi; Edwards, John Richard. Accounting Historians Journal, Dec2008, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p1-42

CONTRIBUTIONS OF JOSEPH HARDCASTLE TO ACCOUNTING THEORY.Full Text Available By: Romeo, George C.; McKinney, James J.. Accounting Historians Journal, Dec2008, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p145-179

Accounting history February 2009, Volume 14, No. 1-2

Christopher Napier - Defining Islamic accounting: current issues, past roots Accounting History 2009 14: 121-144

Accounting Horizons; Sarasota, Mar 2009; Vol.23, Iss.1

IFRS and the Accounting Consensus - Shyam Sunder. Accounting Horizons. Sarasota: Mar 2009. Vol. 23, Iss. 1; p. 101 (11 pages)

Reconsidering Revenue Recognition - Katherine A Schipper, Catherine M Schrand, Terry Shevlin, T Jeffrey Wilks. Accounting Horizons. Sarasota: Mar 2009. Vol. 23, Iss. 1; p. 55 (14 pages)

The Impact of Client and Auditor Gender on Auditors' Judgments - Anna Gold, James E Hunton, Mohamed I Gomaa. Accounting Horizons. Sarasota: Mar 2009. Vol. 23, Iss. 1; p. 1 (18 pages)

Accounting in Europe, Volume 6 Issue 1 2009

Fair Value Accounting and the Banking Crisis in 2008: Shooting the Messenger - Paul André; Anne Cazavan-Jeny; Wolfgang Dick; Chrystelle Richard; Peter Walton Pages 3 – 24

The Genesis of the 2007 Conseil National de la Comptabilité: A Case of Institutional Isomorphism? - Bernard Colasse; Christine Pochet Pages 25 – 55

CEOs' Reports about Internal Control: A Content Analysis - Bernard Gumb; Christine Noël Pages 81 – 106

Back to the Origins of Positive Theories: A Contribution to an Analysis of Paradigm Changes in Accounting Research - Thomas Jeanjean; Carlos Ramirez Pages 107 – 126

Accounting, Organizations and Society Volume 34, Issues 3-4, Pages 305-548 (April-May 2009)

Reasons for management control systems adoption: Insights from product development systems choice by early-stage entrepreneurial companies Pages 322-347 - Antonio Davila, George Foster, Mu Li

The organizational context of professionalism in accounting Pages 409-427 - Roy Suddaby, Yves Gendron, Helen Lam

Toward a different debate in environmental accounting: The cases of carbon and cost–benefit Pages 499-534 - Larry Lohmann

Accounting, Organizations and Society Volume 34, Issue 2, Pages 151-304 (February 2009)

Information system integration, enabling control and performance Pages 151-169 - Christopher S. Chapman, Lili-Anne Kihn

Environmental uncertainty and managers’ use of discretionary accruals Pages 188-205 - Dipankar Ghosh, Lori Olsen

The impact of auditor rotation on auditor–client negotiation Pages 222-243 - Karl J. Wang, Brad M. Tuttle

Accounting for control and trust building in interfirm transactional relationships Pages 267-283 - Ed Vosselman, Jeltje van der Meer-Kooistra

Publishing in accounting journals: A fair game? Pages 285-304 - Peter Moizer

Accounting, Organizations and Society Volume 34, Issue 1, Pages 1-150 (January 2009)

Management accounting as normal social science Pages 141-150 - Hendrik Vollmer

Accounting perspectives

Proposed Changes in Lease Accounting and Private Business Bankers' Credit Decisions.Citation Only Available By: Durocher, Sylvain; Fortin, Anne. Accounting Perspectives, 2009, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p9-42

A Balanced Scorecard for State U's Facilities Management Division? Citation Only Available By: Sheehan, Norman T.; Vaidyanathan, Ganesh; Kalagnanam, Suresh. Accounting Perspectives, 2009, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p69-75

The Accounting Review; Sarasota, May 2009; Vol.84, Iss.3

Accounting Transparency and the Asset Substitution Problem - Katrin Burkhardt, Roland Strausz. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 3; p. 689 (24 pages)

Appropriate Audit Support System Use: The Influence of Auditor, Audit Team, and Firm Factors - Carlin Dowling. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 3; p. 771 (40 pages)

Assurance on Sustainability Reports: An International Comparison - Roger Simnett, Ann Vanstraelen, Wai Fong Chua. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 3; p. 937 (31 pages)

Corporate Governance and Internal Control over Financial Reporting: A Comparison of Regulatory Regimes - Udi Hoitash, Rani Hoitash, Jean C Bedard. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 3; p. 839 (29 pages)

Do Direct Cash Flow Disclosures Help Predict Future Operating Cash Flows and Earnings? Steven F Orpurt, Yoonseok Zang. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 3; p. 893 (43 pages)

Do Strategic Reasoning and Brainstorming Help Auditors Change Their Standard Audit Procedures in Response to Fraud Risk? Vicky B Hoffman, Mark F Zimbelman. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 3; p. 811 (27 pages)

The Accounting Review; Sarasota, Mar 2009; Vol.84, Iss.2

Former Audit Partners on the Audit Committee and Internal Control Deficiencies - Vic Naiker, Divesh S Sharma. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: Mar 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 2; p. 559 (29 pages)

Industry Specialization by Global Audit Firm Networks - Elizabeth Carson. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: Mar 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 2; p. 355 (28 pages)

Nonfinancial Performance Measures as Coordination Devices - Stanley Baiman, Tim Baldenius. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: Mar 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 2; p. 299 (32 pages)

The Accounting Review; Sarasota, Jan 2009; Vol.84, Iss.1

Do Managers Time Securitization Transactions to Obtain Accounting Benefits? Patricia M Dechow, Catherine Shakespeare. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: Jan 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 1; p. 99 (34 pages)

Financial Statement and Projection Preparation in Start-Up Ventures - Gavin Cassar. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: Jan 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 1; p. 27 (25 pages)

Objective versus Subjective Indicators of Managerial Performance - Madhav V Rajan, Stefan Reichelstein. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: Jan 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 1; p. 209 (29 pages)

The Demand for Financial Statements in an Unregulated Environment: An Examination of the Production and Use of Financial Statements by Privately Held Small Businesses - Kristian D Allee, Teri Lombardi Yohn. The Accounting Review. Sarasota: Jan 2009. Vol. 84, Iss. 1; p. 1 (25 pages)

Advances in Accounting Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 1-124 (June 2009)

Do markets react to required and voluntary disclosures associated with auditor realignments? Pages 1-12 - George R. Aldhizer III, Dale R. Martin, James F. Cotter

An assessment of the learning benefits of using a Web-based Learning Environment when teaching accounting Pages 13-19 - Ilias G. Basioudis, Paul A. de Lange

Auditors' Efficiency Motivated Evaluation Pages 20-27 - Anna M. Cianci, James Bierstaker

Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal

EFFECT OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ON MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING: THE CASE OF CHINESE CELLULAR PHONE TERMINAL UNIT MANUFACTURERS.Full Text Available By: Nishimura, Akira. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal, Dec2008, Vol. 3 Issue 1, p87-105, 19p, 7 charts, 4 diagrams, 5 graphs;

Auditing; Sarasota, May 2009; Vol.28, Iss.1

An Examination of the Effects of Auditor Rank on Pre-Negotiation Judgments - Ken T Trotman, Arnold M Wright, Sally Wright. Auditing. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 28, Iss. 1; p. 191 (13 pages)

Audit Committee Financial Expertise, Litigation Risk, and Corporate Governance - Jagan Krishnan, Jong Eun Lee. Auditing. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 28, Iss. 1; p. 241 (21 pages)

Covariation Assessments with Costly Information Collection in Audit Planning: An Experimental Study - Ananda R Ganguly, Jacqueline S Hammersley. Auditing. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 28, Iss. 1; p. 1 (27 pages)

Do Client-Prepared Internal Control Documentation and Business Process Flowcharts Help or Hinder an Auditor's Ability to Identify Missing Controls? - James Lloyd Bierstaker, James E Hunton, Jay C Thibodeau. Auditing. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 28, Iss. 1; p. 79 (16 pages)

Financial Restatements and Shareholder Ratifications of the Auditor - Li-Lin Liu, K Raghunandan, Dasaratha Rama. Auditing. Sarasota: May 2009. Vol. 28, Iss. 1; p. 225 (16 pages)

Australian Accounting Review año - volumen – número 2009 - 19 – 48

Interpreting the Public Interest: A Survey of Professional Accountants - Davenport, Laura - Dellaportas, Steven

From Member of the Company to Registered Auditor: The Role of the External Auditor in Corporate Governance - Baker, C Richard

Bank Accounting & Finance April 2009

Litigation related to subprime mortgages: a review of accounting concepts; subsequent events do not necessarily provide evidence regarding fair-value measurements and assumptions as of the balance-sheet date.

SEC report to Congress supports use of fair-value accounting: the SEC staff analyzed a sample of 50 financial institutions to understand the effects of fair-value accounting standards on each financial institution.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the U.S. banking industry: the increasing divergence of return on assets and return on equity between registered and nonregistered banks began significantly in 2002.

Bank Accounting & Finance February 2009

Global accounting convergence and U.S. financial institutions: the convergence of accounting standards is critical to the future of global capital markets.

The regulators' primer on surviving a liquidity crisis: the Basel Committee focuses on 17 principles for managing and supervising liquidity risks.

The changing landscape for internal auditors in financial institutions: technology to improve the audit function grows in importance.

Controlling risk with a data governance framework: how people, processes and technology must come together for an entity to properly use and manage data.

Behavioral Research in Accounting; Sarasota, 2009; Vol.21, Iss.1

The Effect of Documentation Structure and Task-Specific Experience on Auditors' Ability to Identify Control Weaknesses - Christopher P Agoglia, Cathy Beaudoin, George T Tsakumis. Behavioral Research in Accounting. Sarasota: 2009. Vol. 21, Iss. 1; p. 1 (17 pages)

The Effects of Cognitive Style and Feedback Type on Performance in an Internal Control Task - Stephanie Bryant, Uday Murthy, Patrick Wheeler. Behavioral Research in Accounting. Sarasota: 2009. Vol. 21, Iss. 1; p. 37 (22 pages)

The British Accounting Review Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages 71-140 (June 2009)

Internal audit: A comfort provider to the audit committee Pages 90-106 - Gerrit Sarens, Ignace De Beelde, Patricia Everaert

The value relevance and reliability of reported goodwill and identifiable intangible assets Pages 120-137 - Firas N. Dahmash, Robert B. Durand, John Watson

The British Accounting Review Volume 41, Issue 1, Pages 1-70 (March 2009)

Emerging themes in management control: A review of recent literatura Pages 2-20 A.J. Berry, A.F. Coad, E.P. Harris, D.T. Otley, C. Stringer

Contemporary Accounting Research Vol. 26 Issue 1 - Spring2009

Taxable Income as a Performance Measure: The Effects of Tax Planning and Earnings Quality.Citation Only Available By: AYERS, BENJAMIN C.; JIANG, JOHN (XUEFENG); LAPLANTE, STACIE K.. Contemporary Accounting Research, Spring2009, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p15-54, 40p;

The Audit Committee Oversight Process.Citation Only Available By: BEASLEY, MARK S.; CARCELLO, JOSEPH V.; HERMANSON, DANA R.; NEAL, TERRY L.. Contemporary Accounting Research, Spring2009, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p65-122, 58p;

Does Client Importance Affect Auditor Independence at the Office Level? Empirical Evidence from Going-Concern Opinions.Citation Only Available By: CHAN LI. Contemporary Accounting Research, Spring2009, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p201-230, 30p;

Accounting Data and Value: The Basic Results.Citation Only Available By: OHLSON, JAMES A.. Contemporary Accounting Research, Spring2009, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p231-259, 29p;

Critical Perspectives on Accounting Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 445-552 (May 2009)

Globalisation and the internationalisation of accounting: New technologies, instrumentalism and harmonisation Pages 445-447 - Glen Lehman

An unprecedented privatisation of mandatory standard-setting: The case of European accounting policy Pages 448-468 Eve Chiapello, Karim Medjad

The new global accounting community: Rationale for dialogue to establish its accountability? Pages 509-527 - Jean Raar

Critical Perspectives on Accounting Volume 20, Issue 3, Pages 293-444 (April 2009)

Democracy, sustainability and dialogic accounting technologies: Taking pluralism seriously Pages 313-342 Judy Brown

Accounting colonization: Three case studies in further education Pages 343-378 Helen Oakes, Anthony Berry

Accounting for great expectations: Lessons from the new media surge for critical management theory Pages 418-444 Wolf Heydebrand

Critical Perspectives on Accounting Volume 20, Issue 2, Pages 141-292 (March 2009)

The rise of regulatory capitalism and the decline of auditor independence: A critical and experimental examination of auditors’ conflicts of interests Pages 267-288 Carolyn Windsor, Bent Warming-Rasmussen

Current Issues in Auditing Vol. 2 Issue 2 – 2008

Management's Discussion and Analysis: Implications for Audit Practice and Research.Full Text Available By: Cohen, Jeffrey R.; Gaynor, Lisa Milici; Holder-Webb, Lori L.; Montague, Norma. Current Issues in Auditing, 2008, Vol. 2 Issue 2, pA26-A35, 10p

The SEC's XBRL Voluntary Filing Program on EDGAR: A Case for Quality Assurance.Full Text Available By: Boritz, J. Efrim; Won Gyun No. Current Issues in Auditing, 2008, Vol. 2 Issue 2, pA36-A50, 15p;

European Accounting Review, Volume 18 Issue 2 2009

The Relationship of Budgetary Participation and Reliance on Accounting Performance Measures with Individual-Level Consequent Variables: A Meta-Analysis - Klaus Derfuss Pages 203 – 239

Institutional Logics, ICT and Stability of Management Accounting - Timo Hyvönen; Janne Järvinen; Jukka Pellinen; Tapani Rahko Pages 241 – 275

Accounting and Control, Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Venturing into New Research Opportunities - Antonio Davila; George Foster; Daniel Oyon Pages 281 – 311

The Multiplicity of Controls and the Making of Innovation - Silvana Revellino; Jan Mouritsen Pages 341 – 369

European Accounting Review, Volume 18 Issue 1 2009

Does the Balanced Scorecard Add Value? Empirical Evidence on its Effect on Performance - Fabien De Geuser; Stella Mooraj; Daniel Oyon Pages 93 – 122

Accounting and the Truth of Earnings Reports: Philosophical Considerations - Norman B. Macintosh Pages 141 – 175

ICFAI Journal of Accounting Research

Accounting Issues on the Measurement and Bookkeeping of Research and Development Expenditures within the European Research Area.Full Text Available By: Ginoglou, Dimitrios; Tahinakis, Panayiotis; Mylonakis, John; Protogeros, Nicolaos; Koumpis, Adamantios. ICFAI Journal of Accounting Research, Apr2009, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p30-46, 17p;

The Activity-Based Costing Method: Development and Applications.Full Text Available By: Wegmann, Gregory. ICFAI Journal of Accounting Research, Jan2009, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p7-22, 16p, 2 charts, 7 diagrams, 1 bw;

The International Journal of Accounting Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 113-218 (June 2009)

Reversing an impairment loss and earnings management: The role of corporate governance Pages 113-137 - Rong-Ruey Duh, Wen-Chih Lee, Ching-Chieh Lin

The International Journal of Accounting Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 1-112 (March 2009)

Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards and auditor choice: New evidence on the importance of the statutory audit Pages 33-55- Christopher Hodgdon, Rasoul H. Tondkar, Ajay Adhikari, David W. Harless

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 65-116 (June 2009)

The value impact of strategic intent on firms engaged in information systems outsourcing Pages 79-96 -Mark Beasley, Marianne Bradford, Bruce Dehning

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 1-64 (March 2009)

The use of Web sites as a disclosure platform for corporate performance Pages 1-24 - Denis Cormier, Marie-Josée Ledoux, Michel Magnan

Towards the global adoption of XBRL using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Pages 46-60 - E. Bonsón, V. Cortijo, T. Escobar

International Journal of Auditing Vol. 13 Issue 2 - Jul2009

Do Lengthy Auditor Tenure and the Provision of Non-Audit Services by the External Auditor Reduce Audit Report Lags?Citation Only Available By: Ho-Young Lee; Mande, Vivek; Son, Myungsoo. International Journal of Auditing, Jul2009, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p87-104, 18p, 6 charts;

International Journal of Auditing Vol. 13 Issue 1 - Mar2009

Identifying Organizational Drivers of Internal Audit Effectiveness.Citation Only Available By: Arena, Marika; Azzone, Giovanni. International Journal of Auditing, Mar2009, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p43-60, 18p, 8 charts, 1 diagram

The Effects of Internal Audit Report Disclosure on Investor Confidence and Investment Decisions.Citation Only Available By: Holt, Travis P.; DeZoort, Todd. International Journal of Auditing, Mar2009, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p61-77, 17p, 3 charts, 1 diagram

International Journal of Digital Accounting Research; Huelva, 2008; Vol.8, Iss.14

Accounting for Collaborative Supply Chain Relationships: Issues and Strategies - Steve G Sutton, Georgia Smedley, Vicky Arnold. International Journal of Digital Accounting Research. Huelva: 2008. Vol. 8, Iss. 14; p. 1 (22 pages)

Issues in Accounting Education Vol. 24 Issue 2 - May2009

IFRS and Collegiate Accounting Curricula in the United States: 2008 A Survey of the Current State of Education Conducted by KPMG and the Education Committee of the American Accounting Association.Full Text Available By: Munter, Paul; Reckers, Philip M. J.. Issues in Accounting Education, May2009, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p131-139, 9p, 10 charts;

The Revised Model Tax Curriculum.Full Text Available By: Dennis-Escoffier, Shirley; Kern, Beth B.; Rhoades-Catanach, Shelley C.. Issues in Accounting Education, May2009, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p141-156, 16p, 3 charts;

Instructional Case: Estimating Learning-Curve Functions for Managerial Planning, Control, and Decision-Making.Full Text Available By: Stout, David E.; Juras, Paul E.. Issues in Accounting Education, May2009, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p195-217, 23p, 1 chart, 1 diagram, 5 graphs, 6 bw;

Issues in Accounting Education Vol. 24 Issue 1 - Feb2009

Teaching Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis.Full Text Available By: Blocher, Edward J.. Issues in Accounting Education, Feb2009, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-12, 12p, 1 chart, 4 diagrams;

The Effect of Professional Context on Accounting Students' Moral Reasoning.Full Text Available By: Fleming, Damon M.; Romanus, Robin N.; Lightner, Sharon M.. Issues in Accounting Education, Feb2009, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p13-30, 18p, 3 charts;

Assessing Information Technology General Control Risk: An Instructional Case.Full Text Available By: Norman, Carolyn Strand; Payne, Mark D.; Vendrzyk, Valaria P.. Issues in Accounting Education, Feb2009, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p63-76, 14p, 3 charts, 1 diagram;

Issues in Social & Environmental Accounting

Social and Environmental Accounting and Reporting: From Ridicule to Revolution? From Hope to Hubris? - A Personal Review of the Field.Full Text Available By: Gray, Rob. Issues in Social & Environmental Accounting, 2008, Vol. 2 Issue 1, p3-18, 16p;

Sustainable Management: An Accounting Issue?Full Text Available By: Svensson, Göran. Issues in Social & Environmental Accounting, 2008, Vol. 2 Issue 1, p145-154, 10p;

Journal of Accounting and Economics Volume 47, Issue 3, Pages 191-294 (June 2009)

The impact of conservatism on management earnings forecasts Pages 192-207 - Kai Wai Hui, Steve Matsunaga, Dale Morse

Effect of derivative accounting rules on corporate risk-management behavior Pages 244-264 - Haiwen Zhang

Earnings quality: Some evidence on the role of auditor tenure and auditors’ industry expertise Pages 265-287 - Ferdinand A. Gul, Simon Yu Kit Fung, Bikki Jaggi

Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change Volume 5 Issue 2

Five easy pieces: a case study of cost management as organizational change - Shahid Ansari, Jan Bell (pp. 139-167)

Performance management, budgeting, and legitimacy-based change in educational organisations - Carolyn Fowler (pp. 168-196)

From physical to accounting control: a study of accounting change resistance - Imam Wahyudi (pp. 228-242)

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 167-264 (May-June 2009)

Investor perceptions of an auditor’s adverse internal control opinión Pages 231-250 - Thomas J. Lopez, Scott D. Vandervelde, Yi-Jing Wu

Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance

Impact of Excess Auditor Remuneration on the Cost of Equity Capital around the World.Full Text Available By: HOPE, OLE-KRISTIAN; TONY KANG; THOMAS, WAYNE B.; YONG KEUN YOO. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Spring2009, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p177-210, 34p, 7 charts

Control Divergence, Timeliness in Loss Recognition, and the Role of Auditor Specialization: Evidence from around the World.Full Text Available By: CHEE YEOW LIM; TAN, PATRICIA M. S.. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Spring2009, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p295-332, 38p, 6 charts;

Carbon Business Accounting: The Impact of Global Warming on the Cost and Management Accounting Profession.Full Text Available By: RATNATUNGA, JANEK T. D.; BALACHANDRAN, KASHI R.. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Spring2009, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p333-355, 23p, 3 charts;

Earnings Restatements, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and the Disciplining of Chief Financial Officers.Full Text Available By: COLLINS, DENTON; MASLI, ADI; REITENGA, AUSTIN L.; SANCHEZ, JUAN MANUEL. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Winter2009, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p1-34, 34p, 7 charts;

How Does Regulation Fair Disclosure Affect Pre-Fair Disclosure Selective Disclosers?Full Text Available By: YAN SUN. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Winter2009, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p59-90, 32p, 6 charts, 2 diagrams, 1 graph;

Audit Opinion and Disclosure of Audit Fees.Full Text Available By: KAM-WAH LAI. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Winter2009, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p91-114, 24p, 9 charts;

Do Auditors Price Audit Committee's Expertise? The Case of Accounting versus Nonaccounting Financial Experts.Full Text Available By: KRISHNAN, GOPAL; VISVANATHAN, GNANAKUMAR. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Winter2009, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p115-144, 30p, 7 charts;

Journal of Accounting Education Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 179-244 (December 2008)

The importance of accounting education research Pages 180-187 - Susan P. Ravenscroft, James E. Rebele, Kent St. Pierre, Richard M.S. Wilson

Accounting and business students’ approaches to learning: A longitudinal study Pages 188-201 - Joan A. Ballantine, Angus Duff, Patricia McCourt Larres

Incorporating real-options analysis into the accounting curriculum Pages 213-230 - David E. Stout, Howard Qi, Yan (Alice) Xie, Sheen Liu

Alternatives for addressing major challenges in teaching introductory auditing courses Pages 231-244 - Brian Ballou, James Cashell, Dan L. Heitger

Journal of Accounting Research

Incentive Contracting and Value Relevance of Earnings and Cash Flows.Citation Only Available By: BANKER, RAJIV D.; HUANG, RONG; NATARAJAN, RAMACHANDRAN. Journal of Accounting Research, Jun2009, Vol. 47 Issue 3, p647-678, 32p

Initial Evidence on the Role of Accounting Earnings in the Bond Market.Citation Only Available By: EASTON, PETER D.; MONAHAN, STEVEN J.; VASVARI, FLORIN P.. Journal of Accounting Research, Jun2009, Vol. 47 Issue 3, p721-766, 46p

Accounting Conservatism and the Efficiency of Debt Contracts.Citation Only Available By: GIGLER, FRANK; KANODIA, CHANDRA; SAPRA, HARESH; VENUGOPALAN, RAGHU. Journal of Accounting Research, Jun2009, Vol. 47 Issue 3, p767-797, 31p

Depreciation Rules and the Relation between Marginal and Historical Cost.Citation Only Available By: RAJAN, MADHAV V.; REICHELSTEIN, STEFAN. Journal of Accounting Research, Jun2009, Vol. 47 Issue 3, p823-865, 43p

Market and Political/Regulatory Perspectives on the Recent Accounting Scandals.Citation Only Available By: BALL, RAY. Journal of Accounting Research, May2009, Vol. 47 Issue 2, p277-323, 47p

Accounting Standards, Financial Reporting Outcomes, and Enforcement.Citation Only Available By: HOLTHAUSEN, ROBERT W.. Journal of Accounting Research, May2009, Vol. 47 Issue 2, p447-458, 12p

Financial Globalization, Governance, and the Evolution of the Home Bias.Citation Only Available By: KHO, BONG-CHAN; STULZ, RENÉ M.; WARNOCK, FRANCIS E.. Journal of Accounting Research, May2009, Vol. 47 Issue 2, p597-635, 39p

Do Industry-Level Analyses Improve Forecasts of Financial Performance?Citation Only Available By: Fairfield, Patricia M.; Ramnath, Sundaresh; Yohn, Teri Lombardi. Journal of Accounting Research, Mar2009, Vol. 47 Issue 1, p147-178, 32p

The Going-Concern Market Anomaly.Citation Only Available By: Kausar, Asad; Taffler, Richard J.; Tan, Christine. Journal of Accounting Research, Mar2009, Vol. 47 Issue 1, p213-239, 27p

Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

Scale Effects in Capital Markets-Based Accounting Research.Citation Only Available By: Barth, Mary E.; Clinch, Greg. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Apr/May2009, Vol. 36 Issue 3/4, p253-288, 36p

An Empirical Investigation of the True and Fair Override in the United Kingdom.Citation Only Available By: Livne, Gilad; McNichols, Maureen. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Jan/Feb2009, Vol. 36 Issue 1/2, p1-30, 30p

Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance (Wiley)

Resource consumption accounting: Manager-focused management accounting.Citation Only Available By: White, Larry. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance (Wiley), May/Jun2009, Vol. 20 Issue 4, p63-77, 15p, 8 diagrams

How strategic budgeting can control cost while improving performance.Citation Only Available By: Taylor, Audrey. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance (Wiley), Mar/Apr2009, Vol. 20 Issue 3, p53-58, 6p, 2 charts, 1 diagram, 1 graph

Business combinations: New accounting guidance.Citation Only Available By: Ciesielski, Jack T.; Weirich, Thomas R.. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance (Wiley), Jan/Feb2009, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p69-81, 13p

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting

An Analysis of the "Going Concern Assumption": Text Mining from Japanese Financial Reports.Full Text Available By: Shirata, Cindy Y.; Sakagami, Manabu. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 2008, Vol. 5, p1-16, 16p, 6 charts, 2 diagrams

Appearance of New Terms in Accounting Language: A Preliminary Examination of Accounting Pronouncements and Financial Statements.Full Text Available By: Garnsey, Margaret R.; Fisher, Ingrid E.. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 2008, Vol. 5, p17-36, 20p, 13 charts;

Conceptual Model for Continuous Organizational Auditing with Real Time Analysis and Modern Control Theory.Full Text Available By: Santos, Carlos; Sousa, Pedro; Ferreira, Carla; Tribolet, José. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 2008, Vol. 5, p37-63, 27p, 6 charts, 16 diagrams

The Role of XBRL in Enhanced Business Reporting (EBR).Full Text Available By: Bonsón, Enrique; Cortijo, Virginia; Escobar, Tomas. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 2008, Vol. 5, p161-173, 13p, 5 diagrams;

Developing Accounting Course Materials as Dynamic Content.Full Text Available By: Kinsun Tam. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 2008, Vol. 5, p221-229, 9p, 1 diagram, 2 bw;

Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting

Managerial Ownership Structure and Earnings Management.Full Text Available By: Chi-Yih Yang; Hung-Neng Lai; Boon Leing tan. Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting, 2008, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p35-53, 19p

Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 1-84 (2009)

Tax risk management and the multinational Enterprise Pages 14-28 Haroldene F. Wunder

Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting Volume 20 Issue 2 (Summer 2009)

Capital Budgeting and Political Risk: Empirical Evidence (p 105-134) - Martin Holmén, Bengt Pramborg

Journal of Management Accounting Research

The Assignment of Decision Rights in Formal Information Systems.Full Text Available By: Ozbilgin, Mehmet; Penno, Mark. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 2008, Vol. 20, p83-105, 23p

Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research

The Effect of the CEO/CFO Certifications on Earnings Management.Full Text Available By: Liu, Caixing; Yang, David. Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, Fall2008, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p83-105, 23p

Redefining Assets: A Proposal for the Conceptual Framework.Full Text Available By: Gore, Richard; Samuelson, Richard A.. Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, Fall2008, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p106-134, 29p, 1 chart

Can Ethical Position Contribute to Our Understanding of Fraud Detection?Full Text Available By: Norman, Carolyn Strand; Wier, Benson; Achilles, Wendy W.. Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, Fall2008, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p135-164, 30p, 4 charts, 1 graph

Management Accounting Quarterly

Measuring the Costs of Responding to Business Risks.Full Text Available By: Ballou, Brian; Heitger, Dan L.; Schultz, Thomas D.. Management Accounting Quarterly, Winter2009, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p1-11, 11p, 3 charts, 1 color

The Proposed Financial Reporting Overhaul and Business Valuation.Full Text Available By: Largay III, James A.; Weaver, Samuel C.. Management Accounting Quarterly, Winter2009, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p24-37, 14p, 13 charts, 1 color

Management Accounting Research Volume 20, Issue 2, Pages 85-164 (June 2009)

Interorganizational cost management in the exchange process Pages 85-101 - Henrik Agndal, Ulf Nilsson

Why is research on management accounting change not explicitly evolutionary? Taking the next step in the conceptualisation of management accounting change Pages 146-162 - Tobias Johansson, Sven Siverbo

Managerial Auditing Journal Volume 24 Issue 6

Strategy, control activities, monitoring and effectiveness - Adebayo Agbejule, Annukka Jokipii (pp. 500-522)

The association between auditor quality and human capital - Yu-Shu Cheng, Yi-Pei Liu, Chu-Yang Chien (pp. 523-541)

The audit expectations gap and the role of audit education: the case of an emerging economy - Javed Siddiqui, Taslima Nasreen, Aklema Choudhury-Lema (pp. 564-583)

Managerial Auditing Journal Volume 24 Issue 5

Measuring audit quality in an era of change: An empirical investigation of UK audit market stakeholders in 2002 and 2005 Angus Duff (pp. 400-422)

The effect of performance feedback and client importance on auditors' self- and public-focused ethical judgments - Anna M. Cianci, James Lloyd Bierstaker (pp. 455-474)

Managerial Auditing Journal Volume 24 Issue 4

The impact of audit quality on earnings predictability - Khaled Hussainey (pp. 340-351)

Paradigm shift in information systems auditing - Munir Majdalawieh, Issam Zaghloul (pp. 352-367)

Managerial Auditing Journal Volume 24 Issue 3

Information intensity, control deficiency risk, and materiality Akhilesh Chandra, Thomas G. Calderon (pp. 220-232)

The association between insider trading surrounding going concern audit opinions and future bankruptcy - Jonathan Stanley, F. Todd De Zoort, Gary Taylor (pp. 290-312)

Managerial Auditing Journal Volume 24 Issue 2

The future of the external audit function Ian Fraser, Chris Pong (pp. 104-113)

Crunch time for bank audits? Questions of practice and the scope for dialogue - Margaret Woods, Christopher Humphrey, Kevin Dowd, Yu-Lin Liu (pp. 114-134)

Travelling audit's fault lines: a new architecture for auditing standards David J. Hatherly (pp. 204-215)

Managerial Auditing Journal Volume 24 Issue 1

Establishing a baseline for assessing the frequency of auditors' comments concerning perceived client integrity - Richard A. Bernardi (pp. 4-21)

A comparison of auditor and non-auditor performance evaluations: Are accountants harsh critics? - Steve Buchheit, William R. Pasewark, Jerry R. Strawser (pp. 22-38)

Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal; Denton, Fall 2008/Winter 2009; Vol.27, Iss.3

INCREMENTAL ROLE OF NON-FINANCIAL METRICS IN PREDICTING PERFORMANCE AND MARKET VALUATION OF THE U.S. OIL AND GAS COMPANIES -Santanu Mitra, D Larry Crumbley. Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal. Denton: Fall 2008/Winter 2009. Vol. 27, Iss. 3; p. 73 (27 pages)

Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management Volume 6 Issue 3

Accounting and everyday life: towards a cultural context for accounting research - Ingrid Jeacle (pp. 120-136)

The future of interpretive accounting research: The contribution of McCracken's (1988) approach - Sylvain Durocher (pp. 137-159)

Implementing IFRS in local government: value adding or additional pain? - Robyn Pilcher, Graeme Dean (pp. 180-196)

Research in Accounting Regulation Volume 21, Issue 1, Pages 1-78 (April 2009)

The association between financially expert independent directors and the accounting for employee stock options Pages 1-10 - Ling Jiang, Kenneth R. Ferris, Edward N. Coffman

Understanding the changes in accounting thought Pages 11-18 - Rebecca Toppe Shortridge, Pamela A. Smith

CFOs’ and public accountants’ perceptions of material weaknesses in internal control areas as required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley act Pages 48-55 John E. McEnroe

Review of Accounting and Finance Volume 8 Issue 2

What caused the 1987 stock market crash and lessons for the 2008 crash - Ryan McKeon, Jeffry Netter (pp. 123-137)

Fraudulent financial reporting, corporate governance and ethics: 1987-2007 -Lawrence P. Kalbers (pp. 187-209)

Review of Accounting and Finance Volume 8 Issue 1

Portfolio strategies using EVA, earnings ratio or book-to-market: Is one best? - Kenneth Leong, Marco Pagani, Janis K. Zaima (pp. 76-86)

Why are firms with entrenched managers more likely to pay dividends? - Hoje Jo, Carrie Pan (pp. 87-116)

Review of Accounting Studies

Are special items informative about future profit margins?Citation Only Available By: Fairfield, Patricia; Kitching, Karen; Tang, Vicki. Review of Accounting Studies, Sep2009, Vol. 14 Issue 2/3, p204-236, 33p

On the relation between expected returns and implied cost of capital.Citation Only Available By: Hughes, John; Liu, Jing; Liu, Jun. Review of Accounting Studies, Sep2009, Vol. 14 Issue 2/3, p246-259, 14p

Explicit relative performance evaluation in performance-vested equity grants.Citation Only Available By: Carter, Mary; Ittner, Christopher; Zechman, Sarah. Review of Accounting Studies, Sep2009, Vol. 14 Issue 2/3, p269-306, 38p

Dynamic performance measurement with intangible assets.Citation Only Available By: Corona, Carlos. Review of Accounting Studies, Sep2009, Vol. 14 Issue 2/3, p314-348, 35p

Are analysts’ earnings forecasts more accurate when accompanied by cash flow forecasts? Citation Only Available By: Call, Andrew; Chen, Shuping; Tong, Yen. Review of Accounting Studies, Sep2009, Vol. 14 Issue 2/3, p358-391, 34p

The robustness of the Sarbanes Oxley effect on the U.S. capital market.Citation Only Available By: Hansen, Bowe; Pownall, Grace; Wang, Xue. Review of Accounting Studies, Sep2009, Vol. 14 Issue 2/3, p401-439, 39p

Experimental evidence of how prior experience as an auditor influences managers’ strategic reporting decisions.Citation Only Available By: Bowlin, Kendall; Hales, Jeffrey; Kachelmeier, Steven. Review of Accounting Studies, Mar2009, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p63-87, 25p, 7 charts, 3 graphs



Congreso de la República

Ley 1273 de enero 05 de 2009

Por medio de la cual se modifica el código penal, se crea un nuevo bien jurídico tutelado - denominado "de la protección de la información y de los datos"· y se preservan integralmente los sistemas que utilicen las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, entre otras disposiciones.

Informe de conciliación al proyecto de ley numero 165 de 2007 Cámara, 203 de 2008 Senado

Por la cual se regulan los principios y normas de contabilidad e información financiera y de aseguramiento de información aceptados en Colombia, se señalan las autoridades competentes, el procedimiento para su expedición y se determinan las entidades responsables de vigilar su cumplimiento.

Ponencia para Segundo Debate al Proyecto de Ley 206 de 2008 Senado.

Por medio de la cual se fortalece el ejercicio del Control Fiscal.

Informe de Conciliación al Proyecto de Ley 340 de 2008 Senado, 112 de 2007 Cámara

Por la cual se definen principios y conceptos sobre la sociedad de la información y la Organización de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones - TIC, se crea la Agencia Nacional de Espectro y se dictan otras disposiciones.

Informe de Conciliación al Proyecto de Ley 286 de 2008 Senado, 282 de 2008 Cámara

Por el cual se dictan normas en materia financiera, de seguros, del mercado de valores y otras disposiciones.

Ponencia para Primer Debate al Proyecto de Ley 052 de 2008 Cámara.

Por medio de la cual se reglamenta el derecho a la información.

Informe de Conciliación al Proyecto de Ley 195 de 2007 Senado, 333 de 2008 Cámara

Por medio de la cual se dictan normas en materia de protección de la competencia.

Informe de Conciliación al Proyecto de Ley 036 de 2007 Cámara, 225 de 2007 Senado

Por la cual se reglamenta el ejercicio profesional de la archivística, se dicta el Código de Ética y otras disposiciones.

Ponencia para Primer Debate al Proyecto de Ley 303 de 2008 Cámara.

Por la cual se modifica el Código Penal y se dictan otras disposiciones para el control del contrabando y el facilitamiento del contrabando en la lucha contra el lavado de activos y la financiación del terrorismo.

Ponencia para Primer Debate al Proyecto de Ley 274 de 2009 Senado.

Por la cual se dictan disposiciones para el ejercicio de la función de vigilancia, inspección y control de la Superintendencia de Puertos y Transporte y se establece el régimen sancionatorio.

Ponencia para Primer Debate al Proyecto de Ley 161 de 2008 Senado.

188 DE 2008 SENADO Y 285 DE 2009 SENADO, ACUMULADOS, por la cual se dictan disposiciones relativas a la vigilancia y Seguridad Privada en Colombia

Ponencia para Primer Debate al Proyecto de Ley 259 de 2009 Senado.

Por la cual se unifica el precio máximo del dinero o tasa de interés de usura y se modifica su actual cálculo por un sistema más racional y económico

Ponencia para Primer Debate al Proyecto de Ley 270 de 2009 Senado.

Por medio de la cual se toman medidas extraordinarias para reactivar la economía, crear empleo y enfrentar la crisis nacional e internacional

Ponencia para Segundo Debate al Proyecto de Ley 082 de 2008 Senado.

por medio de la cual se actualiza el Decreto 3466 de 1982 y se dictan otras disposiciones


Gobierno Nacional

Decreto No. 2020

Por medio del cual se reglamenta el artículo 28 de la Ley 1258 de 2008.

Decreto No. 1925

Por medio del cual se reglamenta parcialmente el artículo 23 de la Ley 222 de 1995, y demás normas concordantes, en lo relativo a conflicto de interés y competencia con la sociedad por parte de los administradores de la sociedad.

Decreto No. 1713

Por el cual se dictan disposiciones relacionadas con las operaciones realizadas por las entidades sometidas a inspección y vigilancia de la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia con títulos valores con espacios en blanco.

Decreto No. 1520

Por el cual se modifica el Decreto 4881 del 31 de diciembre de 2008.

Decreto No. 1193

Por el cual se acepta una renuncia y se hace un encargo.

Decreto No. 4739

Por el cual se modifica la composición de la Junta Central de Contadores.

Decreto No. 4708

Por medio del cual se deroga el parágrafo 2°, del artículo 2° del Decreto 1878 del 29 de mayo 2008. 


Consejo Técnico de la Contaduría Pública

Proyecto de orientación sobre libros

Tarifa de honorarios profesionales

Presentación de estados financieros con base en estándares internacionales de contabilidad e información financiera ias/ ifrs


Junta Central de Contadores


ACUERDO 010 DE 2009 16 DE ABRIL DE 2009

Emisión de conceptos por parte de la Junta Central de Contadores

ACUERDO 009 DE 2009 26 DE MARZO DE 2009

Renovación tarjeta profesional


Contaduría General de la Nación

Resolución 142 2009/04/21

"Mediante la cual se requiere modificar el Manual de Procedimientos del Régimen de Contabilidad Pública.

Resolución 141 2009/04/21

"Por la cual se modifica la vigencia de la Resolución 669 de 2008 y se precisa su ámbito de aplicación.


Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios

Resolución SSPD9995 de 2009

Por la cual se establece la transición para la aplicación del modelo general de contabilidad para las empresas prestadoras de servicios públicos en convergencia con los estándares internacionales de contabilidad.


Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia - Circulares

|020 |Junio 12 |Cambia los instructivos y formatos aplicables a la ponderación de activos por nivel de riesgo y al cálculo del |

| | |patrimonio técnico y de la relación de solvencia de las sociedades comisionistas de bolsa de valores con |

| | |ocasión de la reforma integral de las operaciones con instrumentos financieros derivados. Anexo. |

|019 |Junio 12 |Modifica los Capítulos XIII-1 y XIII-5 Controles de Ley de la Circular Básica Contable y Financiera (Circular |

| | |Externa 100 de 1995) y de sus correspondientes formatos. Anexo. |

|018 |Junio 12 |Expide nuevos formatos, con su respectivo instructivo, aplicables a las operaciones con instrumentos |

| | |financieros derivados básicos realizadas por las entidades sometidas a inspección y vigilancia de la |

| | |Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia y derogatoria de los formatos sobre “Valoración de derivados” y |

| | |“Subyacente de derivados” de que trata el Anexo I de la Circular Básica Contable y Financiera. Anexo. |

|017 |Junio 12 |Modifica algunas proformas (formatos y/o instructivos) obrantes en el Anexo I de la Circular Básica Contable y |

| | |Financiera, con base en los cambios contables realizados para los instrumentos financieros derivados. Anexo. |

|016 |Junio 12 |Modifica el Capítulo XIII-08 de la Circular Básica Contable y Financiera sobre posición propia, posición propia|

| | |de contado y posición bruta de apalancamiento de los intermediarios del mercado cambiario (IMC), así como al |

| | |Instructivo de la Proforma F.0000-32 (formato 230). Anexo. |

|014 |Mayo 19 |Imparte instrucciones relativas a la revisión y adecuación del Sistema de Control Interno (SCI) de las |

| | |entidades supervisadas. Anexo. |

|012 |Abril 30 |Modifica el Plan Único de Cuentas de las Compañías de Seguros, el Capítulo 16-1 sobre Unidades de validación de|

| | |la Circular Externa 100 de 1995 y el instructivo del formato 290. Anexos. |



Congreso de la República

Informe de conciliación al proyecto de ley numero 112 de 2007 Cámara, 340 de 2008 Senado, por la cual se definen principios y conceptos sobre la sociedad de la información y la Organización de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones – TIC, se crea la Agencia Nacional de Espectro y se dictan otras disposiciones. Junio de 2009


Contaduría General de la Nación

Las tecnologías de la información al servicio de la contabilidad pública

Bogotá D.C., 24 de junio de 2009.


Durante los últimos años la revolución de la información a través de las tecnologías, como el Internet, han contribuido a que el sector público sea cada vez más sensible a las influencias internacionales y nacionales, lo que ha propiciado que la información fluya de un país a otro, de un municipio a otro, superando día a día esas barreras físicas y facilitando la transparencia de las soluciones contables, de una manera rápida y sencilla. Precisamente este será uno de los temas que se abordarán en el VI Congreso Nacional de Contabilidad Pública que este año se realizará durante los días 15, 16 y 17 de julio en el Centro de Eventos y Convenciones Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada.


Information Systems Audit and Control Association and Foundation (ISACAF)

Information Security and Risk Management Conference 28–30 September 2009

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Over the years the role of the IT security professional has evolved from the key responsibility of securing an enterprise's information to today's expanded role that includes managing the associated risk. In response to this trend, ISACA® created, and is pleased to introduce, the Information Security and Risk Management Conference. An adaptation of the Network Security Conference and the Information Security Management Conference that combines elements of each to be an all-encompassing security event, The Information Security and Risk Management Conference merges network security, information security management and risk management. Attendees can earn up to 32 continuing professional education (CPE) hours; 18 for the conference, and 7 for each day of a workshop.

Conferencia Latinoamericana de Auditoria, Control y Seguridad (Latin America CACSSM)

Innovación. Que sea parte de TI.

Haga planes en su agenda para asistir a la 14ª Conferencia Anual Latinoamericana de Auditoría, Control y Seguridad de Tecnología de la Información (Latin America CACSSM), que se celebrará en la ciudad de San José en Costa Rica. Latin America CACS goza de gran prestigio en toda Latinoamérica por proporcionar una cobertura detallada de los aspectos técnicos y administrativos actuales relacionados con gobierno, control, seguridad y aseguramiento de tecnología de la información. Expertos en la industria y conferencistas de clase mundial reúnen gran experiencia y conocimiento en las mejores prácticas, seguridad de sistemas, procesos y herramientas de auditoría, así como en otros temas que afectan no sólo a los profesionales de un área geográfica determinada, sino a todos los profesionales de TI en todo el mundo. Ésta es una oportunidad extraordinaria para hacer contactos en el mundo de los negocios y descubrir las distintas formas de resolver problemas similares. Además, puede obtener hasta 40 horas de educación profesional continua (CPE).


International Accounting Standard Board – (IASB)

IFRS Taxonomy 2009

On 2 April 2009, the IASC Foundation published the final IFRS Taxonomy 2009

The IFRS Taxonomy 2009 is a complete translation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as of 1 January 2009 into XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language), a language that is used to communicate information between businesses

IASC Foundation releases new support materials for the IFRS Taxonomy 2009 and also Arabic and Spanish translations

19 June 2009

The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) Foundation today announced the release of new support materials specifically developed to aid understanding and use of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy 2009.


Securities Exchange Commission

US SEC posts final ruling on public company reporting in XBRL

Interactive Data to Improve Financial Reporting

April 13, 2009

SUMMARY: We are adopting rules requiring companies to provide financial statement information in a form that is intended to improve its usefulness to investors. In this format, financial statement information could be downloaded directly into spreadsheets, analyzed in a variety of ways using commercial off-the-shelf software, and used within investment models in other software formats. The rules will apply to public companies and foreign private issuers that prepare their financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (U.S. GAAP), and foreign private issuers that prepare their financial statements using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Companies will provide their financial statements to the Commission and on their corporate Web sites in interactive data format using the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). The interactive data will be provided as an exhibit to periodic and current reports and registration statements, as well as to transition reports for a change in fiscal year. The new rules are intended not only to make financial information easier for investors to analyze, but also to assist in automating regulatory filings and business information processing. Interactive data has the potential to increase the speed, accuracy and usability of financial disclosure, and eventually reduce costs.



Formula Specification 1.0  

June 22, 2009. A suite of specifications related to formulas was RECOMMENDED by XBRL International on 2009-06-22 

Recommended Specification is a work that represents consensus within the XBRL International community and has its stamp of approval.  The International Steering Committee considers that the ideas or technology specified by a Recommendation are appropriate for widespread deployment to promote the mission of XBRL International.  The current Base Specification is 2.1 and all users are strongly encouraged to use this latest version.  Versions earlier than 2.1 are no longer supported or maintained by XBRL International:  no errata corrections will be issued for them

XBRL International supports US Securities and Exchange Commission final rule for filing of public Company financial statements and mutual funds using XBRL

NEW YORK, NY – December 17, 2008 – XBRL International, Inc. (XII), a global business reporting consortium that develops and maintains the XBRL reporting standard and framework, announced today that it supports the US SEC mandate for public companies submitting their financial statements in XBRL and mutual fund reporting. XBRL () is an XML-based technology that enables financial and business information to be exchanged quickly, efficiently and costeffectively over the Internet. XBRL allows regulators, analysts, financial service companies and investors to easily access and re-use the public company information they need for decision making. XBRL is now mandated or used in regulatory filing programs in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States.


Aracely del Socorro Sanchez Serna

Braulio Adriano Rodríguez Castro

Carol Faisuil Ortega Algarra

Dennis Fabián Bejarano Rodríguez

Fabiola Torres Agudelo

Gabriel Rueda Delgado

Germán Eduardo Espinosa Flórez

Germán Gustavo Benitez España

Hernando Bermúdez Gómez

Marcos Ancisar Valderrama Prieto

Maria Victoria Uribe Bohorquez

Martha Liliana Arias Bello[pic][pic]


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