Finding reliable and relevant resources is an important step in writing a good research paper. To produce a high-quality essay, you must access sufficient academically-suitable research resources.

For Step Two of the ISP, compile an Annotated Works Cited list in MLA format. Gather at least five varied, current (within the last 5-7 years), Canadian academic sources relevant to your ISP topic.

Use the following template to construct your Annotated Works Cited list in MLA format. Complete an annotation for each of your (at least five) sources.

|Complete bibliographic reference (See Green Student Research Guide for MLA format, pp. 58-60.) |

| |

|Author’s qualifications (education, profession, publications, associations) |

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|Brief description of the specific information present in the source |

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| |

|Author’s point of view, perspective, or thesis (objective or biased?) |

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|Statement about the specific usefulness/relevance of the resource to your research |

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Earl Haig Secondary School Library Information Centre

1. On a separate sheet of paper, write your revised thesis. The revisions should be based on the feedback you received on your proposal.

2. Submit the Annotated Works Cited List (and rubric) with your revised thesis and with the marked ISP Proposal in a two-pocket ISP folder. Please no duo-tangs, plastic assignment protectors, or manila file folders.

DUE DATE: _____________________________________________

Sample entry on an Annotated Works Cited List (MLA format)


Doe, Jane. The Story of Jane Doe. Random House, 2003.



The Story of Jane Doe. Random House, 2003.

Note: If there is no author, list by first main word of the title; in the case of this

book, under “S”.

Jane Doe is an alias used by a woman who was sexually assaulted by the “balcony rapist” in 1986. She is a teacher, a lecturer, and an arts and culture worker. Through a recounting of her experiences, Jane Doe is highly critical of the criminal justice system in general, and the police in particular. She believes that the system discriminates against women, especially women who have been the victims of rape. The book covers Jane Doe’s experiences from the initial attack, through the police investigation, to the 11-year long lawsuit. There is a heavy bias in this book against the police as Jane Doe herself is the victim, and she is giving her personal account of events. The resource will be very useful to my essay on feminist jurisprudence, especially in the section that discusses the discrimination faced by victims of sexual assault in the criminal justice system.

Sample entry on an Annotated Works Cited List (MLA format)


Bowal, Peter. “Harassment at Work.” LawNow, January/February 2007,

pp. 37-38.



“Harassment at Work.” LawNow, January/February 2007, pp. 37-38.

Note: If there is no author, list by first main word of the title; in the case of this

article, under “H”.

Peter Bowal is a Professor of Law with the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta. In this article, he explains that there are few Canadian laws, except in Quebec,

that protect workers and businesses against psychological harassment in the workplace. He describes psychological harassment as a form of violence and discrimination. He supports his point of view with factual information such as statistics on workplace bullying and its effects on both employees and employers, relevant provincial and federal human rights legislation, and current policies in unionized and non-unionized workplaces. There is little bias in this article as Peter Bowal is a law professor explaining that the lack of Canadian legislation that directly addresses workplace harassment has serious consequences for employees and employers. I will use the statistics given in this article in my essay on labour law, specifically in the section that discusses the lack of protection for employees’ mental health and well-being in the workplace.


NAME: ______________________ DATE RECEIVED: _________

TOPIC: _____________________________________________


|Sources | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Sufficient, relevant, |more than five sources |at least five sources |sources are somewhat |fewer than five sources |

|suitable |excellent variety of |good variety of sources |varied |limited variety of |

|sources |sources | |some sources are current |sources |

| | |most sources are current |some sources are Canadian| |

| |all sources are current |most sources are Canadian|and/or relevant to |few sources are current |

| | |and/or relevant to |Canadian law |few sources are Canadian|

| |all sources are Canadian |Canadian law |some sources are suitable|and/or relevant to |

| |and/or relevant to |most sources are suitable|for academic research |Canadian law |

| |Canadian law |for academic research |some sources are relevant|few sources are suitable |

| | |most sources are relevant|to ISP topic |for academic research |

| |all sources are suitable |to ISP topic | |few sources are relevant |

| |for academic research | | |to ISP topic |

| | | | | |

| |all sources are relevant | | | |

| |to ISP topic | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(Thinking -- | | | | |

|10 marks) | | | | |


|Annotations | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Content |annotations for sources |annotations for sources |annotations for sources |annotations for sources |

| |are complete and detailed |are mostly complete |are somewhat complete and |are incomplete and vague |

| | |and detailed |detailed | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(K/U – 10 | | | | |

|marks) | | | | |

|Annotations | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Mechanics of Writing |few minor errors are |some minor errors are |a few major and minor |several major and minor |

|(grammar, punctuation, |evident and meaning is |evident, but do not |errors are evident, but do|errors are evident and |

|and spelling) |clear |interfere with the |not interfere with the |occasionally interfere |

| | |reader’s understand-ing |reader’s understand-ing |with the reader’s |

| | | | |understand-ing |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(C – 5 marks) | | | | |

|Format | | | | |

| | | | | |

|MLA Format |MLA format used |MLA format used |MLA format used |MLA format not used |

| | | | | |

| |no errors in format |few errors in format |some major errors in |many major errors in |

| | | |format |format |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(C – 5 marks) | | | | |

|Revised Thesis |thorough revision of |considerable revision of |some revision of thesis |no revision of thesis |

| |thesis |thesis | | |

|(Thinking – | | | | |

|5 marks) | | | | |

|(1 mark) Annotated Works Cited List, Revised Thesis, and Rubric submitted with |

|the marked ISP Proposal in a two-pocket ISP folder. |


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Checklist for MLA Format Works Cited List

• Title reads Works Cited, is centred on the page, and is in the same style and size of font as the rest of the document.

• Sources are arranged alphabetically by last name of author. If no author, list by first main word of the title. Articles (a, an, the) are not main words.

• Works Cited page is double-spaced throughout.

• Second, third, etc., lines are indented.

• Titles of books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and web sites are italicized.

• Article titles are in “quotation marks”.

• All significant words in titles are capitalized.

• If there is more than one author, additional authors are listed by their first name followed by their last name. (Commas are used to separate more than two authors – “and” separates the last author mentioned.)

• Include URLS for websites but do not use hyperlinks; n.d. used for “no date”

• Correct punctuation is used within each entry on the source list.

The following information must remain intact on every handout printed for distribution. Permission to copy for classroom use only. ©2005 by T. Antoniou and R. Hall @ Earl Haig Secondary School, Library Information Centre (May 11, 2005)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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