
Name: ________________________________________Persuasive Essay RequirementsPersuasive essays are a common form of writing in college courses. For this reason, you will be required to write a 3-4 page essay persuading the reader on a topic of your choice. Guidelines:Three to four pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point, one-inch marginsAPA-formatted cover page and APA-formatted documentAPA-formatted reference page, annotatedWritten in third-person (no “I” or “You” statements)At least one source to support each main point with proper APA in-text citationsDate:Location:Activity:Monday, March 3Room 604Logical fallacies; Persuasive essay requirements; Topic brainstormTuesday, March 4Room 604Internet source evaluation; APA formatting; Block quotes; Annotated bibliographyWednesday, March 5PC LabCreate APA-formatted cover page; Find one reputable source to use & develop reference page. Due Thursday.Thursday, March 6LMC Develop thesis statement and three to four main points (due Friday); Outline essayFriday, March 7LMC ClassroomBegin rough draft of persuasive essay & annotated bibliographyMonday-Tuesday, March 10-11PC LabContinue drafting persuasive essay & annotated bibliography; Print hard copy to have in class tomorrowWednesday, March 12LMC ClassroomPeer Edit rough draft & revise; Submit 2nd draft to by Thursday noon; Sign up for conferencesThursday, March 13N/ANo School; 2nd drafts due by noon to Friday & Monday, March 14, 17LMC ClassroomConferences with Mrs. CarlsonTuesday, March 18LMC ClassroomRevise and print final draft of persuasive essay (Due Tuesday by 3:30 p.m.)—Hard copy and Hand in hard copy and submit to *Tentative* Persuasive Essay Schedule:Persuasive Essay FormatI. APA Cover Page II. Introductiona) Lead to introduce main idea: statistics, quotes, rhetorical questions511426068949Essay Must Include:Concession/ CounterargumentBlock QuoteAppeals to logic, emotion, and authority0Essay Must Include:Concession/ CounterargumentBlock QuoteAppeals to logic, emotion, and authorityb) Brief overview of background informationc) Thesis statement (Strong statement of what you intend to prove)III. Body Paragraph (MEL-Con Format)TransitionFirst point/ Main ideaEvidence (fact, quote, statistic, paraphrase, etc.) and in-text citation.Link to thesis statement Repeat c & d with new evidenceIV. Body Paragraph (MEL-Con Format)TransitionFirst point/ Main ideaEvidence (fact, quote, statistic, paraphrase, etc.) and in-text citation.Link to thesis statement Repeat c & d with new evidenceV. Body Paragraph (MEL-Con Format)TransitionFirst point/ Main ideaEvidence (fact, quote, statistic, paraphrase, etc.) and in-text citation.Link to thesis statement Repeat c & d with new evidenceVI. Body Paragraph (optional) (MEL-Con Format)TransitionFirst point/ Main ideaEvidence (fact, quote, statistic, paraphrase, etc.) and in-text citation.Link to thesis statement Repeat c & d with new evidenceVII. Conclusiona) Transitionb) Restate thesis (in other words)c) Review of each topic sentenced) Call to actionVIII. Annotated Reference Page (four to eight sources required)APA Citations for every source used in paperDescription of source and information used from it ................

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