APA Version 6 Template

Title with Twelve Words Maximum Recommended

Author’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Author Note

The first paragraph of the author note gives the complete departmental affiliation.

The second paragraph gives changes of affiliation (if any).

The third paragraph gives acknowledgments. If there are special circumstances, put them before the acknowledgments.

The fourth paragraph gives the complete mailing address for correspondence and ends with an email address and no period.


Your abstract goes here. It should be from 150 to 250 words. It is a concise, yet complete, summary of the article. For more details on what goes into the abstract, see pages 25-27 of the publication manual. The style for this paragraph is called “Default No Indent.”

Title with Twelve Words Recommended

This is the introduction to your paper. It is in the “Default” style.

The introduction explains what problem you are addressing and why it is important. It also reviews relevant past research. Show how the previous work is connected with your work. The introduction ends with your hypotheses and the rationale for them. For more details on what goes into the introduction, see pages 27-28 of the publication manual.


The paper continues without a page break. The paper should be continuous up until the references section, which begins on a new page. You may need subheadings in your method section. The following lines are styled in the proper manner for each of the APA heading styles.

APA Heading Level 1

APA Heading Level 2

APA heading level 3.

APA heading level 4.

APA heading level 5.

You will sometimes need to quote a source at length; this is known as a block quote. The following paragraph is in block quote style.

Block quotes are indented from the left side of the page. They have no first line indent. If your block quote is more than one paragraph, subsequent paragraphs have an indent.


American Psychological Association (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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