Referencing Assignment



▪ To make sure that all students understand the need and appropriate format for referencing research materials.

▪ To learn the APA method of referencing.


Using the following passage, complete these tasks:

1. Write a complete reference for the text.

2. Make a direct quotation.

3. Paraphrase something from the passage.

4. Cite a fact from the passage.

5. Make a statement that requires no reference to the passage.

Janus Aspen Series. Janus Aspen Growth Portfolio Annual Report. December 31, 2004. Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP. Denver, Colorado.

On Page 2, Blaine Rollins, the portfolio manager, includes the following paragraph in his report on “Investment Strategy in this Environment:”

During the 12 months ended December 31, 2004, value stocks outperformed growth stocks, a trend that is now in its fourth year, and small-cap stocks outperformed large-cap stocks, a trend that is in its fifth year. Within the same timeframe, Janus Aspen Growth Portfolio Institutional Shares returned 4.57% and the Service Shares advanced 4.25%, compared to a 10.88 gain for the Portfolio’s benchmark, the S&P 500 Index. During the period, Maxim Integrated Products, Cisco Systems, and Univision Communications were three key holdings that did not meet our performance expectations, and because of the Portfolio’s substantial weighting in each, the trio accounted for 2.79% of its underperformance. While I deeply regret falling short of the Portfolio’s performance goals for the year, I do not regret my decision to invest in these companies. Each has been holding for a number of years and each has delivered strong returns for the majority of the Portfolio’s shareholders.

6. Sign the following statement

I have read and understood the CSUN policy on academic dishonesty, printed in the schedule of classes. I verify that all of the work I submit in the course will be my own (in the case of individual assignments) or of my group (in the case of group assignments) and that all references to other sources will be properly cited.



Intentionally or knowingly representing the word, ideas, or work of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.

Direct Quotation: Every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks, or by appropriate indentation or by other means of identification, and must be promptly cited. Proper citation style is outlined by the APA style sheet . . . .

Paraphrase: Prompt acknowledgement is required when material from another source is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in your own words. To acknowledge a paraphrase properly; one might state: “to paraphrase Lock’s comment . . .” and conclude with a citation identifying the exact reference. A citation acknowledging only a directly quoted statement does not suffice to notify the reader of any preceding or succeeding paraphrased material.

Borrowed Facts or Information: Information obtained in one’s reading or research which is not common knowledge among students in the course must be acknowledged. Examples of common knowledge might include the names of leaders of prominent nations, basic scientific laws, etc.

Materials which contribute only to one’s general understanding of the subject may be acknowledged in the references and need not be immediately cited. One citation is usually sufficient to acknowledge indebtedness when a number of connected sentences in the paper draw their special information from one source. When direct quotations are used, however, quotation marks must be inserted and prompt acknowledgement is required. (p. 553)

Note that the Accounting Department Chair will consider the use of anyone else’s notes or items taken from a solution manual for your class preparation to be cheating. It will be considered plagiarism if you copy materials from a textbook, a solution manual, use material from other students, or take material directly from a website. Further, when you research materials and use that research in a written assignment that is handed in, you must provide proper citation.


APA, 5th ed., p. 259

Reference Style No. 48

Report from a private organization

Use this form for issue briefs, working papers, and other corporate documents, with appropriate number for retrieval in parentheses.

Employee Benefit Research Institute. (1992, February). Sources of health insurance characteristics of the uninsured (Issue Brief No. 123). Washington, DC: Author.

Citation for paraphrased material

(Employee Benefit Research . . . , 1992)

Citation for a direct quote

(Employee Benefit Research . . . , 1992, p. 5)


Janus Aspen Series. (December 31, 2004). Janus Aspen Growth Portfilio Annual Report. Denver, CO: Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP.

Direct Quotation

“Within the same timeframe, Janus Aspen Growth Portfolio Institutional Shares returned 4.57% and the Service Shares advanced 4.25%, compared to a 10.88 gain for the Portfolio’s benchmark, the S&P 500 Index” (Janus Aspen Series, 2004, p. 2).


Despite the positive performance trends over the past four years for value stocks and small-cap stocks, the Janus Growth Institutional and Service Shares Portfolios fell below their benchmarks by at least 5% (Janus Aspen Series, 2004).

Cite a Fact

“During the period, Maxim Integrated Products, Cisco Systems, and Univision Communications were three key holdings that did not meet our performance expectations, and because of the Portfolio’s substantial weighting in each, the trio accounted for 2.79% of its underperformance” (Janus Aspen Series, 2004, p. 2).

Make a Statement That Requires No Reference to the Passage

Overall, the stock market is performing below expectations.


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