MLA Style - TRAILS Archive

APA Style

Book with 1 author

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication). Title of Book Italicized. Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style

Book with 2 to 6 authors

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital., Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. & Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication). Title of Book Italicized. Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style

Book with 7 or more authors

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital., et al. (Year of Publication). Title of Book Italicized. Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style

Book with Editor

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital.(Ed.). (Year of Publication). Title of Book Italicized. Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style

Book with Corporate Author

Organization Name. (Year of Publication). Title of Book Italicized. Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style

Book with no author

Title of Book Italicized. (Year of Publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style

Article in Encyclopedia

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication). Title of Article. In Title of Book Italicized. (Vol. Volume #, pp. Page #s) Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style

Chapter/Article in an Edited Anthology

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication). Title of Article. In First Inital of Editor. Middle Inital of editor. Last Name of editor, (Ed.), Title of Book Italicized. (pp. Page #s) Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style


Last Name, First Initial. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication). Title of Pamphlet Italicized. Place of Publication: Publisher.

APA Style

Journal Article 1 Author

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication). Title of Article. Title of Journal Italicized, Volume # (Issue #), Page #s.

APA Style

Journal Article 2-6 Authors

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. & Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication). Title of Article. Title of Journal Italicized, Volume # (Issue #), Page #s.

APA Style

Journal Article 7 or more Authors

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. et al. (Year of Publication). Title of Article. Title of Journal Italicized, Volume # (Issue #), Page #s.

APA Style


Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication, Month spelled out Date). Title of Article. Title of Magazine Italicized, Volume #, Page #s.

APA Style


Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Publication, Month spelled out Date). Title of Article. Title of Newspaper Italicized, p. Page #s.

APA Style

Interview Conducted by the Researcher

The APA style does not include interviews as part of bibliographic references.

APA Style

A Film or Video Recording

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Role Ie: Writter Director, Producer) & Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Role Ie: Writter Director, Producer). (Year of Release). Title of Film or Video[Motion picture]. Country: Distributor.

APA Style

Periodical from database

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. & Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Posting or Revision). Title of Article. Title of Periodical Italicized. Volume # (Issue #), Page #s. Retrieved Month Day, Year You accessed the site, from Name of Subscription Service such as EBSCO online database.

APA Style

Online Newspaper

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. & Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Posting or Revision, Month Day). Title of Article. Title of Newspaper Italicized. Retrieved Month Day, Year You accessed the site, from

APA Style

Online Magazine

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. & Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Posting or Revision, Month Day). Title of Article. Title of Magazine Italicized, Volume # (Issue #), Page #s. Retrieved Month Day, Year You accessed the site, from

APA Style

Online Journal

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. & Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Posting or Revision). Title of Article. Title of Journal Italicized, Volume # (Issue #), Page #s. Retrieved Month Day, Year You accessed the site, from

APA Style

Web Page

Last Name, First Inital. Middle Inital. (Year of Posting or Revision, Month Day). Title of Web Page Italicized. Retrieved Month Day, Year You accessed the site, from Title of Web Site:


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