Syllabus Template

EDUC 635 Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents Syllabus

Spring 2010, Monday 4:15-6:50 pm

Room #WPH B26

Instructor: Hiroshi M. Sasaki, Ph.D. E-mail: antihiro@

Office: WPH 1005 Phone: 562-756-6211 Office Hours: M 3-4

Masters Office: WPH 602 Phone: 213.740.3255 Hours: M-F 9-7pm

|Rossier School of Education Theme: |

|“The Rossier School of Education focuses on redefining excellence in urban education through research, teaching and service in the areas of |

|leadership, learning, accountability and diversity.” |

|Course Overview |

|Counseling children and adolescents requires knowledge and skills that are qualitatively different from those required for counseling adults. A |

|review of diagnoses unique to children, as well as disorders that manifest differently in children than in adults is provided. Therapeutic |

|issues unique to children will be discussed. Effective interventions for children and adolescents will be demonstrated and practiced. |

|Course Objectives |

|Students will identify presenting issues most commonly found in child and adolescent clients. |

|Students will demonstrate knowledge of psychiatric disorders that are unique to children and adolescents. |

|Students will articulate how some clinical disorders manifest in children through symptoms that are different from those found in adults with the|

|same diagnosis. |

|Students will be able to discuss and demonstrate empirically validated interventions that are effective in treating childhood disorders and |

|clinical issues. |

|Students will conceptualize child clients utilizing appropriate forms and sources of information, as well as critical thinking based on sound |

|counseling theory and empirically validated intervention. |

|Students will articulate an understanding of multicultural issues that are embedded in working with children and their families. |

|Students will demonstrate an awareness of the appropriateness of including or excluding others in the treatment of a child client. |

|Students will explain how their chosen theoretical orientation will be effective in working this children and adolescents. |

|Students will demonstrate an understanding of the laws and ethics that apply to the treatment of children and adolescents in the state of |

|California, and how those guidelines will affect their work with their clients. |

|Students will demonstrate self-evaluation skills, writing skills, oral presentation skills, and critical thinking skills. |

|Course Requirements |

|Class Involvement and Participation (10%): |

|Students’ professionalism/preparation, attendance, and active participation in the class are critical to students’ learning and success in the |

|class. The interactive nature of the class encourages the sharing of individual ideas and reactions related to the course content. Students who |

|miss class or are late to class, without a documented excuse, will lose 3 points per occurrence from their total grade. |

| |

|Quizzes (10%): |

|Expect impromptu quizzes at the beginning of class based on the reading or material covered previously in class. Students who miss the class or |

|come late will not be able to make up these quizzes. Absences excused prior to class will be taken into consideration should a quiz be given |

|that day. |

| |

|Oral Presentation—Application of intervention to case study (30%): |

|Students will choose an intervention (PCIT, play therapy, CBT, etc., but not TF-CBT) of interest covered in class. Your dyad or triad will read |

|journal articles, manuals, and any other supporting materials, as well as view any available video demonstrations to gain an in-depth |

|understanding of that intervention and therapeutic approach with children. If you attend an in-person training or participate in an online |

|training for this type of intervention, you will receive extra credit on their assignment. Choose a case vignette (movie clip, pop culture |

|relationship, a vignette of students’ own choosing) to which they will apply this intervention. Present the case, and an in-class demonstration |

|of the intervention, lasting no more than 30 minutes. The presentation should include: 1) demographic information about the client, including |

|important developmental information (milestones reached, etc.); 2) pertinent family information and history family stressors (who lives with |

|child, changes in home environment, support systems, psychiatric histories, etc.); 3) relevant physical health information; 4) presenting issues;|

|5) appropriate diagnosis or categorization of clients’ problem/situation; 6) conceptualization using students’ theoretical orientation; 7) goals|

|with client (and family, if appropriate—include information about who will be included in treatment [family members, school personnel, etc.]); 8)|

|explanation of intervention to be used and any strategies from theoretical orientation embedded in that intervention; 9) demonstration of |

|intervention in role play; and 10) realistic prognosis for the client. |

| |

|Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Training (10%): |

|In addition to being exposed to various theoretical modalities for working with children and adolescents, students are required to complete |

|Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) for childhood sexual abuse training, available for free at . This |

|will take approximately ten (10) hours: students will be expected to have completed the training by the last day of class; proof of completion |

|may be submitted by printing out a copy of certificate of completion. TF-CBT is an empirically supported therapy developed by Cohen, Mannarino, |

|& Deblinger (2006), combining principles of cognitive behavior therapy and trauma treatment. While successful completion of this training does |

|NOT mean that you are "certified" to deliver TF-CBT or are competent in the use of TF-CBT, you will leave this course with a powerful set of |

|tools to use for supervised interventions with distressed children and their families. |

| |

| |

|Literature Review Paper (40%): |

|Students will prepare a 5-6 page paper that reviews the literature regarding the efficacy of their intervention of choice (students can use the |

|same intervention they chose for their presentation, if they choose). Papers should include: 1) a brief history of the development and evolution |

|of the intervention (including who developed the intervention, why, and how it has been used over the years, etc.); 2) What populations and |

|presenting problems are addressed using this intervention and why; 3) What does the literature say about outcomes using this intervention (e.g., |

|is it effective, statistical differences, clinical significance, etc.; 4) Students’ conclusions about the effective and ethical use of this |

|intervention in practice. Six to Seven peer reviewed journal articles (at least three of which with experimental designs—random assignment, |

|control groups, etc.) should be included in this paper. |

| |

|Extra-Credit: |

|Proof of attendance of an in-person training or participation in an online training of on one of the interventions covered in class (in addition |

|to TF-CBT for childhood sexual abuse). Acceptable proof is a certificate of completion from a reputable continuing education course, along with |

|a 2 page write-up of your experience and your conclusions about the intervention. If you enjoyed the training in TF-CBT for childhood sexual |

|abuse, you can choose to complement your experience with a 6-hour training in TF-CBT for childhood traumatic grief (accessible from the TF-CBT |

|training site: after successful completion of the TF-CBT training, click on the CTGWeb tab). Upcoming trainings will be announced throughout the|

|semester. |

|Textbooks and other materials |

| |

|Required: |

|Axline, V. (1964). Dibs in search of self. NY: Ballantine. |

|Bronson, P., & Merryman, A. (2009). Nurtureshock: New thinking about children. NY: Hatchette. |

|Geldard, K., & Geldard, D. (2008). Counselling children: A practical introduction. 3rd edition. London: Sage. |

|Webster-Stratton, C. (2005). The Incredible Years: A troubleshooting guide for parents of children aged 2-8 years. Revised edition. |

|Wilmshurst, L. (2005). Essentials of child psychopathology (Essentials of behavioral science series). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (available free via |

|USC’s e-books) |

| |

|Recommended: |

|Axline, V. (1979). Play therapy. NY: Ballantine. |

|Cohen, J.A., Mannarino, A.P., & Deblinger, E. (2006). Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents. NY: Guilford. |

|Lieberman, A. F., & Van Horn, P. (2008). Psychotherapy with infants and young children: Repairing the effects of stress and trauma on early |

|attachment. NY: Guilford. |

|Class Participation |

|Small group discussions will occur at every class meeting and students are expected to participate fully in them. Students are also encouraged to|

|ask questions and actively participate in both planned and impromptu class discussions so long as the discussion forwards the purpose of the |

|class. Effort invested during class time will reduce the effort necessary outside class. |

|Grading |

| % of grade |

|Quizzes 10.0% |

|Class Participation and Professionalism 10.0% |

|Completion of CF-CBT training and write-up 10.0% |

|Oral presentation—Application of Intervention to Case Study 30.0% |

|Theoretical Orientation Paper 40.0% |

|Extra Credit (2.5%) |

|100.0% |

|A = 94%-100% A- = 90%-93% B+ = 87%-89% B = 84%-86% |

|B- = 80%-83% C+ = 77%-79% C = 74%-76% C- = 70%-73% |

|A Note Regarding Sample Psychological Testing Materials |

|Ethical counselors maintain the security of tests and other testing materials (ACA Ethics Code, E.10), just as ethical psychologists have a |

|mandate to protect test materials (APA Ethics Code, 9.11). Students will be provided with some sample child assessment materials. You are asked|

|return all sample testing materials, unless you believe these will be helpful to you in the future and you will be able to maintain test security|

|(i.e., shredding them if you are finished, not showing them to non-professionals, not using them without proper training and supervision). |

|Grades |

|All Master’s degree students should be submitting B, B+ or A- work. Students receiving a C, should consult their professors immediately for |

|feedback about making significant changes in their approach to their courses. Students receiving a D or below are not working at the graduate |

|level, and should seriously consider whether their current life circumstances are conducive to successfully completing a Master’s degree at this |

|time. Master’s level students should not expect to get an A as a matter of course. A’s are reserved for outstanding achievement, reflecting |

|exceptional understanding, insight, and writing (i.e., profound command of the course content with an exceptionally high level of scholarship and|

|excellence). Only a few students will receive A’s at this level because you have reached a new, and much higher, standard of performance at the |

|master’s level, and there is always room to improve. If you receive an A in a class, you know you have gone far above and beyond what is |

|expected of you. If you receive a B, you have met our expectations. |

|Writing Skills |

|All papers should be professional documents, written in scholarly language. They should be type-written, in APA format, with sub-headings. Make|

|sure you address all parts of the assignment. Please have a colleague give you feedback on writing errors and clarity before you turn it in. |

|Your grade will be affected by your demonstration of writing skills (e.g., clarity, grammar, syntax, insight, mastery of course content, use of |

|APA style, etc.). If you know writing is a challenge for you, please use the writing center on campus to help you develop this skill early in |

|your program and before you submit your papers. You can also use online writing centers found at |

|. If your paper does not meet the appropriate standards for graduate level writing,|

|you will be docked 10% of the total points for the assignment, and may be required to provide proof of use of the writing center for all future |

|papers in this course. |

| |

|Late Assignments |

|In order to be fair to everyone in class, assignments should be turned in within the first 10 minutes of class on the date they are due. Any |

|assignments turned in after that point will lose one full letter grade (10%), and an additional 10% for every week they are late, unless the |

|student has been excused by the instructor. Please inform the instructor before class if you must miss class or if an assignment will be late, |

|due to an emergency. Whenever possible, students should arrange to have their work turned in on time by one of their colleagues or via e-mail. |

|If this is not possible, in the case of documented excusable absence, students may make arrangements with the instructor to make up missed work |

|or turn in late assignments. If an emergency situation prevents students from completing all requirements in the course, students should see the|

|instructor about how to proceed with retaking the course at a better time. Students should provide written documentation to validate emergencies|

|(e.g., doctor’s note). |

| |

|Students must hand in all assignments by the end of the final exam time in order to receive a passing grade for this course. If all assignments |

|are not handed in, students will receive a failing grade for the course regardless of how they well they did on other assignments. |

|Academic Accommodations |

|Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each |

|semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in|

|the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) |

|740-7766. |

|Incompletes |

|IN – incomplete (work not completed because of documented illness or some other emergency occurring after the twelfth week of the semester; |

|arrangements for the IN and its removal should be initiated by the student and agreed to by the instructor prior to the final exam); IX – lapsed |

|incomplete. |

|Conditions for Removing a Grade of Incomplete. If an IN is assigned as the student’s grade, the instructor will fill out the Incomplete (IN) |

|Completion form which will specify to the student and to the department the work remaining to be done, the procedures for its completion, the |

|grade in the course to date and the weight to be assigned to the work remaining to be done when computing the final grade. A student may remove |

|the IN by completing only the portion of required work not finished as a result of documented illness or emergency occurring after the twelfth |

|week of the semester. Previously graded work may not be repeated for credit. It is not possible to remove an IN by re-registering for the course,|

|even within the designated time. |

|Time Limit for Removal of an Incomplete. One calendar year is allowed to remove an IN. Individual academic units may have more stringent policies|

|regarding these time limits. If the IN is not removed within the designated time, the course is considered “lapsed,” the grade is changed to an |

|“IX” and it will be calculated into the grade point average as 0 points. Courses offered on a Credit/No Credit basis or taken on a Pass/No Pass |

|basis for which a mark of Incomplete is assigned will be lapsed with a mark of NC or NP and will not be calculated into the grade point average. |

| |

| |

|Academic Dishonesty () |

|Plagiarism is the use of others’ ideas, writings, research, drawings, etc. in a paper without appropriate acknowledgment. Paraphrasing (putting |

|the material in your own words, etc.) is usually acceptable as long as the original reference is cited, and you do not imply that the ideas or |

|thoughts are your own. You must always use quotation marks and a citation when using someone else’s words verbatim. |

| |

|Cheating is defined as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain academic credit for work by the use of any dishonest, deceptive, or |

|fraudulent means. Action will be taken if an instructor suspects a student of cheating. |

| |

|When working with other students, be sure you turn in your own original work with your own original thoughts. Each student’s work should be |

|unique and reflect his/her own thought processes. |

Spring 2010 Course Schedule

Reading Key: A = Axline; B= Bronson; G = Geldard; W = Wilmhurst; WS = Webster-Stratton; BB = available on BlackBoard. Recommended readings are in parentheses ().

| | | | | |

|Week |Date |Topic |Readings (due before class) |Assignments due |

| |1/11 | | | |

|1 | |Briere Video: “Therapy with Adolescent Trauma Survivors” |Note: videos will be available on BlackBoard | |

| | |Video intro: syllabus, goals, requirements. |starting 1/11 | |

| |1/18 | | | |

|2 | |MLKJr Day – NO CLASS |W: Ch.1 & 3 |Discuss Briere video on |

| | |Psychotherapy with children |G: Ch.1 to 8 |BB discussion board |

| | |Issues unique to childhood mental health | | |

| |1/25 | | | |

|3 | |Legal & ethical considerations |W: Ch.2 |(Quiz will cover two |

| | |Child counseling skills |G: Ch.9 to 16 |weeks all reading to |

| | |(Sign-up for presentations) |BB: Minor Consent |date) |

| | | |B: Preface, Intro, Ch.1 | |

| |2/1 |Empirically Supported Treatments vs. Common Factors Research. |W: Ch.5, 6, 9, 13 & 14 | |

|4 | |Cultural considerations. Childhood disorders: Mood, eating, |BB: Castelnuovo, 2004 | |

| | |anxiety & PTSD. |(BB: Seligman, 1995) | |

| | | |B: Ch.3 | |

| |2/8 |Childhood disorders: ADHD, Somatoform, Attachment, substance |W – 4, 7, 8, 10 | |

|5 | |abuse, behavior, elimination. Intro to Dibs. |BB: Elim. Disorder chapters | |

| | | |B: Ch. 2 | |

| |2/15 |Presidents’ Day Holiday – no class |A: Ch.1-6 | |

|6 | | |B: Ch.4-5 | |

| |2/22 |Childhood Disorders: Pervasive developmental disorders, mental|W – 11 & 12 | |

|7 | |retardation, learning disabilities |A: Ch.7-12 | |

| | | |B: Ch.10 | |

| | | |(BB: Sattler - FBA) | |

| |3/1 | | | |

|8 | |Interventions: Play Therapy, part 1. |BB: Van Velsor, 2004. |Oral Presenations: |

| | |The Child’s Worldview |BB: Oaklander, 1997. | |

| | |Child-Directed Play |A: Ch. 13-16 | |

| | | |G: 17 &18 | |

| | | |WS: Intro, Ch.1 | |

| |3/8 | | | |

|9 | | |A: Ch. 17-24 |OP: |

| | |Interventions: Play Therapy, part 2. |G: 19 to 28 | |

| | |Art Therapy and Gestalt Art Therapy |WS: Ch.2 | |

| | | |B: Ch.9 | |

| | | |(BB: Ray et al, 2001) | |

| |3/15 |( SPRING BREAK ( | | |

|10 |3/22 |Interventions: Play and Behavioral Therapy Integration, part |WS: Ch.3 to 10 |OP: |

| | |1: The Incredible Years (IY) |G: Ch.29 to 31, & p. 269-306 | |

| | | |B: Ch.8 | |

|11 |3/29 |Interventions: Play and Behavioral Therapy Integration, part |WS: Ch. 11 to end | |

| | |2: IY, continued; Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) |BB: Bell & Eyberg, 2004 |OP: |

| | |VIDEO: Intensive Behavioral Therapy for Autism |(BB: Brinkmeyer & Eyberg) | |

| | | |B: Ch.6 | |

|12 |4/5 |Interventions: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, part 1: TF-CBT, |BB: TF-CBT Brief |OP: |

| | |CBT for Anxiety |(BB: Cohen et al, 2000) | |

| | | |BB: Coping Cat | |

| | | |B: Ch.7 | |

|13 |4/12 |Interventions: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, part 2: |BB: Briere, ITCT [A or C] |PAPER DUE |

| | |Integrated Therapy for Complex Trauma; Dialectical Behavioral |BB: DBT chapter |OP: |

| | |Therapy | | |

|14 |4/19 |Child-Parent Dyadic Psychotherapy | | |

| | | |BB: Lieberman & Van Horn |OP: |

|15 |4/26 |Interventions: Multisystemic Therapy |BB: Henggler & Lee, 2003 | |

|15 | |Motivational Interviewing |BB - M.I. |TF-CBT due |

| | | |(BB: Miller, 1995: MET) |OP: |

| | |No Final Exam | | |

Note: Readings are subject to change/update, particularly in the last five weeks. However, rest assured that you will have plenty of notice; if necessary, a revised syllabus will be posted on BlackBoard.


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