APA Style Tutorial Quiz - Weebly

APA Style Tutorial Quiz

Winter Quarter 2012

You will need information from both the online APA tutorial and your APA manual to complete this quiz. If I were you, I’d print this quiz and have it in front of you when you watch the tutorial. The questions follow the slides very closely. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems.

1. APA style was developed by social and behavioral scientists to do what? They wanted to increase the ease of reading comprehension.

2. List the 8 main sections found in an APA research paper?

a. Title Page

b. Abstract

c. Introduction

d. Method

e. Results

f. Discussion

g. Reference

h. Appendices

3. What size font is called for in APA style formatting? 12

4. What kind of typeface is preferred in an APA style manuscript? Times New Roman

5. What size line spacing is used in the entire APA style manuscript? Double Spaced

6. How far do you indent the first line of every paragraph? 5-7 spaces or ½ in

7. What is page 1 of your manuscript called? Title page

8. How many levels of “headings” are used in APA style? 5

9. APA style uses what citation system? Author-date

10. List two places where references need to be cited. Reference page & beside quotes or information that is not you own

11. All citations should be listed in the references list with the exception of what? Personal communication and classical work

12. What paragraph style is used in the reference list? Hanging indent paragraph style

13. What 4 primary components are contained in a reference list citation?

a. Author name or names

b. Publication

c. Title of work

d. Publication date

14. What is a digital object identifier (DOI)? A system with manages information that provides persistent identification (APA Manual – Section 3.01)

15. List 5 forms of personal communications (APA Manual – Section 6.20)

a. Private Letters

b. Memos

c. Some electronic communications

d. Personal interviews

e. Telephone conversation

16. What is the maximum length of a title for your manuscript (# of words)? (APA Manual – Section 2.01) 12 words

17. What is the preferred typeface for APA publications? (APA Manual – Section 8.03) Times New Romans

18. What size margins are used in APA style writing? (APA Manual – Section 8.03) 1in (2.54) at least

19. The running head should be a maximum of how many characters including spaces? (APA Manual – Section 8.03) 50

20. What kid of type case is used in the running head? (APA Manual – Section 8.03) Upper case

Please email me this document so I can correct your answers. You need a score of 80% to pass. That means you have to get 16/20 correct. If you score less that 80% I will return the quiz to you for correction.

Thanks, Nora


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