Cv Patrick Roumanoff

1 Patrick ROUMANOFF Nationality: Australian/French

4 Gloucester Street

North Balgowlah

NSW 2093

04 14 150 630 patrick@

Application Architect


Currently employed by Macquarie Group, ITG BFS, I have over 15 years experience in analysis, design, development and implementation of web based and rich client N-Tiered applications using Java technologies (J2EE, J2SE) with extensive skills in the following:

Expert skills in analysis and design of various web applications at system / business levels using workflow, J2EE design patterns, object oriented analysis, use-case analysis and ORM.

Extensive programming skills in Java technologies (J2EE, J2SE): EJB, Servlets, JSP, JPA, spring, JNDI, SWING, RMI, CORBA, XML (DOM, SAX, JAXP), Applet, Mail api,

Extensive programming skills in thin client rendering for web applications using HTML/DHTML, JavaScript, XSLT, TagLibs, Struts, AJAX

Experience in developing various component Tests and automated testing using, Junit, Cactus, DBunit and profiling/performance tuning using Jmeter.

Extensive experience in security issues: firewall, ssh, ssl, https, digital certificates, PKI

Experience in using maven, ant, Log4j for deployment and logging.

Development and administrative skills in Oracle, DB2 and MySQL

In addition to working in Australia, I have worked in both France and the USA.

Technical Skills

Languages: Java, groovy, C/C++, SQL, PL/SQL, HTML, scripting (bash, perl), scala

Distributed Objects: EJB, CORBA, RMI, spring, ActiveX, COM/DCOM

OO design/process: Design patterns, UML, XP, agile development

Technologies: J2EE, Servlet/JSP, Struts, JPA, Maven, Ant, jUnit, XML, LDAP, Wiki

Security: PKI, firewall, IDS, SSL, SSH, DMZ, S/MIME, PGP

Application Server: Tomcat, WebLogic, JBoss, WebSphere

Version Control: CVS, subversion, TeamWare, SCCS

Database: Oracle, Sybase, MySQL

IDE: Eclipse, jEdit, NetBeans, jBuilder, IntelliJ, BEA Workshop

OS: Windows (XP, 2K, NT), Unix (Solaris, Linux), MacOS X

Office: MS Office (COM), OpenOffice (Java)

Open Source: used to be maintainer of a french mirror,

tutorials published on


- 1997 : Preparation of a PhD Thesis in formal method (Theoretical computer science) at the VERIMAG laboratory in Grenoble, France. Title:« Design and implementation of tools to help synchronous and reactive system verification. »

- 1995 : Masters in Theoretical Computer Science at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris and at the Ecole Polytechnique

- 1994 : Masters of Mathematics at University Paris VII (Denis Diderot).


. Date December 2006 – Today

Client Macquarie Group Limited – ITG BFS – Sydney CDB

. Role Technical Architect – permanent employee.

. Mission Acting as the technical architect for ITG BFS Architecture. Design and maintain a developer toolkit providing a consistent one click install to developer workstations. Successfully implemented an online technical forum. Technical PoC for projects. Code Reviews. Defining technical standards. Implementing an Application Portfolio Management tool. Local Sharepoint expert.


. Environment Enterprise Architecture, Sharepoint, eclipse RCP, PDF Forms, WebMethods, SOA.

Date October 2004 – November 2006

Client Macquarie Bank Limited – ISD FSG MPW – Sydney CDB

Role Application Architect / Senior Developer – contractor.

Mission Successfully managed a team of 4 developers, implementing one of the first Rich Client application within MPW using the eclipse RCP framework, from technology choices to successful delivery.

Implementation, testing and deploying intranet web applications, including a custom build CRM and a commission allocation engine . Performance tuning, clustering, unit testing, UML, QA process, toolkit evaluations.

Environment J2EE, Tomcat, WebLogic, Struts, Maven, jUnit, jMeter, Oracle, PL/SQL, Eclipse,XSL.

Date October 2002 - August 2004

Client Banque Patrimoine et Immobiler (Paris based bank specialising in mortgages)

Role Application Architect

Mission Evolution of a front-office web application (extranet), Specification of user requirements, design and implementation for mortgage simulations, automated credit checks, loan approval workflow, performance tuning.

Environment WebLogic, Struts, Hibernate, Oracle, DB2, J2EE, C++, jUnit

Date April 2002 - October 2002

Client Novartis Pharma SAS (Leading International Drug Company – mission based in Paris)

Role Application Architect

Mission Specification of user requirements, design and implementation of an intranet application to be used for global project management.

Environment Apache, WebLogic, Tomcat, Struts, servlet/JSP

Date November 2000

Client NewsBourse (French financial newspaper)

Position Projet Manager

Mission User requirement specification, analysis, design, implementation and hosting for a financial trading news Web site, on going maintenance and upgrade for a year.

Environment Windows NT, Linux, apache, PHP, MySQL, Hosting provider

Date April 1998 - August 2001

Client Crédit Agricole Indosuez (Leading french retail bank)

For more than three years I successfully occupied a range of roles for this bank:

Role Consultant (6 months)

Mission Recommendations and security analysis for a secured infrastructure based on smart card for a family of internet transactional web sites

Environment PKI, LDAP, Netscape Enterprise Server, Java, JSSE, SmartCard, secured transaction, WebSphere, Solaris

Role Lead Technical Architect (18 months)

Mission Internet Architect, technology survey, Wap FX service proof of concept, developer helpdesk (50 persons)

Role Senior Software Engineer (13 months)

Mission Design and implementation of tools to spread real time information (quotes and news) to delocalised entities, network problematic, authentication, flux integration within Excel and a web interface.

Environment Extranet, Java, WAP, JSP, Servlet, Excel, Visual C++, ActiveX, CORBA, TibCo, SQL, Sybase, Windows NT, Solaris

Date December 1997 - March 1998

Client Schlumberger

Role Software Engineer

Mission Implementation of a tool to acquire and analyze physical and chemical data of oil samples

Environment Visual C++, Access

Date September 1993 - December 1996 – part Time and then Full Time

Client Ecobilan (Paris, France) and Ecobalance (Washington, DC, USA)

Role Software Engineer

Mission Specification of user requirements, and implementation, design of calculus algorithms on graphs, pre sales

Environment Visual C++, Object Store, Visual Test, Visual Source Safe


Date September 2007

Client Macquarie – ISD FSG

. Mission Instructor and course author for a class on advanced CVS for developper

Date March 2007

Client Macquarie – ISD FSG

. Mission Instructor and course author for a class on the Spring Framework for java developper

Date January 2004

Client INRIA (National Institute of Research in Computer Science and Automation)

Mission Instructor and course author for a class on Jakarta Struts web applications

Date November 2003

Client Cadextan (IT consulting company, group SUNGARD)

Mission Instructor and course author for 12 professionals: introduction to EJBs

Date September 2003

Client Université Paris V

Mission Guest lecturer, giving a series of lectures on Java technologies for a degree course

Date Novembre 2002

Client CVF (Leading French company in development of telecommunication services)

Mission Instructor and course author for 3 classes of 8 professionals: from c/c++ to java

Date September 2001

Client Foc@l-Net (IT consulting company)

Mission Instructor and course author for a class of 12 professionals: from object concepts to EJBs

Date February & April 2001

Client Idoine Conseil (IT consulting company)

Mission Instructor and course author for a class of 20 professionals: from object concepts to EJBs


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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