Each household is allowed a visitor for a period not to ...

Each household is allowed a visitor for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days in a calendar year. The visitation can be a total of 14 days whether they are consecutive, recurring, or sporadic days within a calendar year.

Any person making recurring visits of 14 days and nights within a calendar year without written consent of management will be counted as a household member after properly qualifying.

Violation of the Visitation Policy will be treated as a violation to of the Community Rules and Regulations Section 37 (Form F-14) and may lead to eviction.

A. Residents are permitted to have a guest(s) visit his/her residence. However, a person making recurring, overnight visits or one continuous visit of 14 days and nights without the written consent of management within a calendar year will be counted as a household member. If the visitor remains in the unit over the 14 days this could result in termination of the lease, and the resident will be notified in writing that the visits are in violation of the Lease Agreement. Written requests for visits beyond 14 days and nights in a calendar year must be submitted to Management and will be considered only in extenuating circumstances.

B. Resident’s guest(s) is subject to the terms of the Lease Agreement, Community Rules and Regulations, and Federal Regulations. The resident accepts responsibility for the guest’s action(s) while the guest(s) is on the apartment community’s property.

C. Guest(s) who intentionally defy the terms of the Lease, Community Rules and Regulations, or Federal Regulations will be presented a letter of trespass and declared a trespasser. Future visits to the property by the guest(s) will result in an arrest by local law enforcement officers for illegal trespass.

D. If Management suspects a guest has exceeded the permissible time frame for visitation, then Management will require proof of residency (elsewhere) be provided by the guest (i.e. signed lease with guest’s name, homeownership information, utility bill in guest’s name, legal document addressed to guest at an official residential address sent through USPS or other similar means). Failure to provide necessary documentation could result in termination of tenancy.

E. If a claim is made that a resident, resident’s guest or resident’s service provider is registered as a sex offender on any state’s lifetime registry, the owner/agent will investigate the charges. The resident must participate in the owner/agent’s investigation. If it is discovered that the resident’s guest or service provider is subject to a state lifetime sex offender registry or if the sex offender is considered a threat to public safety, the guest or service provider will be banned from the property. After being notified that the guest or service provider is banned from the property, if the resident invites or allows guest or service provider to visit or stay at the property, the owner/agent will initiate termination of tenancy against the resident.


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