Career Assessments for Career Development

Career Key Worksheet-GaCollege411

Career Assessments for Career Development

Go to the home page of

If a first time user, you must create an account. Ask your teacher if they or the county has already created an account for you. If so, use that log in information. Once you log in with the teacher or county created information, you will be able to change your password. Make sure you make it something that is professional and something that you will remember year after year. For example: our students all use their passwords from their county log in for their Gacollege411 password. That way they will remember it each year.

If you are not a first time user of , then you are to sign into your account with your account name and password.

Now go to “Career Planning” at the top of the screen, then to “Learn About Yourself”

Click on “The Career Key”

If you have completed this assessment in the past it will state “You previously completed the career key on ______ date”

You are to click on the get started button and after you have completed your assessment compare your answers to your previous session.

First Section:

You are now to select all the careers that you do or might have an interest in the future.

Salesperson – in a store to sale merchandise to a customer

Chemist – in a lab mixing chemicals

Airplane Pilot – flying a plane

Laboratory Technician – in a lab performing test but following orders from someone else

Bookkeeper – in an office working with numbers and figures

Research Scientist – in a lab conduction experiments as research

Mechanical Engineer – drawing and designing mechanical items

Chemical Technician – in a lab following orders from a chemist

Singer – performing vocals

Physical Therapist – works with people to help them recover full use of some part injuried

Sales Manager – in charge of sales and the salespeople in a department or store

Bank Examiner – using accounting to verify that all transactions are correct within the bank

Truck Mechanic – diagnosing and repairing engines

Astronomer – studies the sky and things in it

Bus Driver – driving a bus

Biologist – working with living material – plants and animals

Lawyer – defending, prosecuting in a court of law or advising legal issues

Librarian – in charge of a book collection and checking those out to customers

Apartment Manager – in charge of an apartment complex, repairs, leasing and payments,

Teacher – in a school educating students

Insurance Clerk – filing papers in an office for an insurance agent

Nurse – performing patient care in a medical facility

Novelist – writing books

Musician – performing music with voice or instruments

Tax Expert – working with people or companies and calculating income taxes

Social Worker – works with people to make their situations better

Fish & Game Warden – enforcing laws to protect game and animals

Bank Teller – cashing checks and making deposits for customers

Artist – drawing or painting

Counselor – helping and offering advice to others

Business Teacher – teaching computer science and business

Insurance Sales Agent – sales insurance policies to customers

Speech Therapist – diagnosis and helps with speech problems

Radio/TV announcer - spokesperson for the media

Court Stenographer – types up all words in the courtroom

Restaurant Manager – in charge of the restaurant including ordering, scheduling and meals

Actor/Actress – performs designated tasks on stage or on film

Carpenter – building things from wood

Dancer – performs movements on stage or on film

Farmer – working with plants, animals or both on land

Electrical Engineer – designing electrical systems for things

Clothes Designer – Fashion designer – creating new fashions

Second Section:

Now select some of your interest. An interest is something that you like or enjoy.

Third Section:

How do you see yourself? Select traits or characteristics that you think you are at this time.

Fourth Section:

Now select your values. Values are things that are important to you.

Fifth Section:

You will get your results: Realistic, Investigative, Artist, Social, Enterprising, or Conventional.

In your career notebook list your results with their number scores.

Save your results to your portfolio.

Click on your highest area and you will find a list of careers that match your answers at this time. In your career notebook list five careers that you would like to know more about in the future.

You may save any of the careers to your portfolio too if you would like.

For this assessment: You need to have written your results and scores along with five careers from your highest areas into your career notebook.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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