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Return to Practice

Practice Assessment Document (PAD)

(Child Nursing)

Student Name______________________________________________________

Start Date__________________________________________________________

Practice Placement __________________________________________________

Practice Hours to be completed_______________________________________


This Assessment of Practice Document records the student’s progression and achievement of their practice competencies throughout the programme. It also provides information concerning the roles and responsibilities within the assessment process.

This Assessment of Practice Document includes:-

• Glossary of terms

• A step by step guide to the Assessment Process

• Practice Learning Agreement

• Roles and Responsibilities

• Learning Contracts

• Criteria for Assessment

• The assessment of practice document (APD)

Records of

• Formative discussion

• Summative discussion

• Tripartite discussions

Flow charts to illustrate

• Practice Assessment Process

• ‘Assessing my student’s progress’

Process for Raising and Escalating Concerns

• Form PIR (1)

Glossary of Terms

|Independent Practice |The ability to practice at the level described within the competency |

| |statement without direct supervision, whilst recognising the limits of |

| |one’s own ability and seeking appropriate support and advice when |

| |required. |

|Support |The provision of guidance and learning opportunities to facilitate the |

| |achievement of the practice competencies. |

|Direct Supervision |Observation of the student performing an activity (this may be on a |

| |one-to-one basis or part of group activity) |

|Mentor |An appropriately qualified individual identified to supervise and assess|

| |your practice competence |

| | |

|Sign off mentor |A mentor qualified to sign you off as competent to return to the |

| |professional register |

|Programme Director |The academic leader of the Return to Practice Course. They are the |

| |first contact for queries relating to the module. |

|Practice Placement |A department or practice area which supports your learning in practice. |

|Formative discussion |Constructive feedback given on the student’s progress towards the |

| |learning outcomes |

|Summative discussion |Final summary that provides the student with constructive feedback to |

| |inform their future learning experiences |

| | |

|Tripartite meeting |Meeting between sign off mentor, student and tutor to review progress |

Summaries of meetings

As part of the placement experience it is expected that the mentor and student will have formal initial, mid placement and end of placement interviews. At the initial meeting a learning contract should be agreed with review dates and a summary of the appropriate learning opportunities documented. A formative discussion of progress made towards the learning outcomes and competencies is discussed with the student in the mid-placement meeting with any constructive feedback that provides the student with a clear picture of their strengths and areas for development in relation to the competencies. Midway during the placement the student will arrange a date for a tripartite meeting between tutor, sign off mentor and student. The learning contract should be revised as appropriate and a summary of these meetings should be documented and signed by the mentor and student. The final meeting should contain a summary of the summative assessment that provides the student with constructive feedback that can be used to inform their future learning experiences.

IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE: ALL competencies MUST be initialled by the Mentor/sign off mentor at both formative and summative stages. Failure to do so will result in a fail. The final summative column MUST be signed and dated by the sign off mentor for all competencies in order to verify the pass or fail in each competency. ALL initials and signatures must be fully recorded in the record of signatures.

Step by Step guide to the Assessment of Practice Process (APD)

The process for ‘Assessment of Practice’ can be found on page 37.

Step 1 The student completes the first section of their Learning Contract (p.11)

Step 2 The Mentor and Student read and agree the ‘Learning and Assessment Agreement’ (p. 5)

Step 3 The Mentor and Student agree appropriate learning experiences to support achievement of the learning contract and practice competencies. They complete the second section of the Learning Contract and summarize the discussion in the Record of Meetings (p.13).

Step 4 Set date for ‘Formative’ discussion and tripartite meeting. These meetings should be approximately mid-way through the placement.

Step 5 Ongoing informal feedback will be given to support achievement of competencies.

Step 6 The student ticks on the APD in pencil whether they consider that they are practising the competencies detailed within the APD Independently or dependently for the formative assessment. The mentor confirm this or otherwise by initialling each competency as appropriate at formative and summative meetings.

Step 7 The Mentor uses student self-assessment as a basis for discussion within the Formative assessment. Mentor identifies whether the student is practising Independently or Dependently and summarizes comments to guide student development in the Record of Meetings.

Step 8 Review and update the learning contract based on the discussions within Step 7

Step 9 Date for summative discussion and assessment is planned and documented.

Step 10 The student ticks in pencil on the APD whether they consider they have passed the competencies detailed within the APD, completes the diary of experience to demonstrate competence and writes their summative self-assessment in the box provided (see p 15).

The mentor uses the student self-assessment as a basis for discussion within the Summative assessment. The mentor documents whether or not the student has passed the competencies, i.e. is practising independently, as detailed within the APD and Criteria for Assessment and provides constructive feedback in the box provided. The learning contract should also be signed to say that achievement has been agreed.

Guidance on completion of the APD

|COMPETENCY STATEMENT |Formative Assessment |Summative Assessment |Mentor please provide constructive feedback regarding individual |Final Summative assessment |

| |Midway |placement end |aspects of competence. | |

|Essential skill cluster (ESC, 2010)): |(initials and date) |(initials and date) | |Sign off Mentor Signature and date |

|Care, Compassion and Communication | | | | |

| | | | | |

|NB.Some competences may not be achievable in all areas.| | | | |

|Essential competencies are asterixed. | | | | |

|ESC | | | | |

| |Independent |

| |Demonstrates a working understanding of the wider factors that underpin and impact on effective nursing practice and applies relevant knowledge and skills to |

|Knowledge and understanding |more complex and unexpected situations |

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|Problem-solving skills |Demonstrates sound problem-solving skills and clinical judgement to more complex and demanding clinical problems. |

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|Values and attitudes |Takes an active role in leading own learning experience. Can interact effectively with patients, families and colleagues in more demanding situations. |

| |Acknowledges and works within the boundaries of their knowledge, skills and level of education. Manages and develops their own practice and that of others in |

| |accordance with the NMC (2008) Code of conduct. |

| | |

|Clinical skills |Performs core skills safely and more complex skills with minimal supervision and is able to guide a junior nurse to undertake essential core skills |

Passing / Failing the student

Students are required to pass all practice outcomes/competencies. If at any point the Mentor or student is concerned that the required standard will not be met for either the Formative or Summative assessment reference should be made to the Flow charts on pages 40/41 for advice on appropriate action to be taken.

Orientation to practice placements

The following has been explained / discussed / demonstrated to the satisfaction of both Mentor and student:

| |Mentor initial and date |Student initial and date |

|Layout of the clinical area | | |

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|Procedure in the event of | | |

|Fire | | |

|What to do in the event of a collapse, cardiac or| | |

|respiratory arrest | | |

|Moving and Handling of people and equipment | | |

|Awareness of policies specific to the area of | | |

|practice | | |

|General information, shift patterns, members of | | |

|team etc. | | |

Record of Signatures

This document forms a record of the student’s competence. The ‘sign off’ mentor has overall responsibility for signing the student off as competent at the end of their placement. There may be other individuals involved in the assessment or feedback given to the student. For identification purposes, please write your name, signature and initials along with your job title in the boxes below:

|Name |Signature |Initials |Registration part e.g. RN adult nursing. | |

|Sign – off mentor; | | | |Date of last mentor update; |Date of last triennial review; |

|Others | | | | |

| | | | |Status: mentor/sign off mentor/RN |

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Practice Learning and Assessment Agreement



Area or Practice:

Dates and Duration of Placement:

Roles and Responsibilities:


• Have a clear understanding of the learning outcomes and practice competencies for the module

• Assess your existing knowledge and skill and establish a baseline upon which to build a learning contract

• To take advantage of learning opportunities and to review Learning Contract regularly

• Gain the necessary clinical experience to achieve the Practice Competencies

• To provide evidence of competence in relation to the APD

• Alert Programme Director/Personal Tutor and Sign off Mentor if problems arise with the placement that might prevent progress or satisfactory completion.

• To arrange Tripartite meeting half way through placement.


• Have a clear understanding of the learning outcomes and practice competencies for the module and on the same part of the register as the student.

• Assist in the construction of an appropriate learning contract to enable the development of the student’s practice

• Facilitate learning in line with the agreed plan

• Verify the evidence demonstrated through the APD

• Meet regularly (at least 3 times) to provide constructive feedback on progress

Sign off mentor:

• Review student progress and competences midway and end of placement

• Maintain an overview of achievement and professionalism in line with the standards for entering the professional register (NMC, 2010)

• Initiate tripartite meeting if any concerns.

• Sign the student off as competent to return to the professional register.

Programme Director:

• Discuss the requirements of the module with the student and offer support for the assessment requirements

• Liaise with and support the Mentor

• Ensure adequacy of the learning environment

Date Learning agreement agreed:


Sign off Mentor:

Co mentor:…………………………………………………………………………

Hours to be completed

The numbers of hours a student will need to complete to reactivate their professional registration is determined by the number of years the student has been out of practice. Ultimately, the numbers of hours required will be a decision of the Programme Director in consultation with the student’s practice mentor and the University tutor. The table below provides a guideline.

|Years out of practice |Minimum practice hours required |

|0 - 5 |100 |

|6 – 10 |100 |

|11-15 |150 |

|16 – more |200 |



Student…………………………..Placement………………………...Hours to be completed…………………….

|Week |Hours worked |Supervisor Signature |Student Signature |Running Total |

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Diary of events and skills completed

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Learning contract

|Learning needs to achieve the practice competency: |Specific Actions that will meet learning needs: |Achievement Agreed |

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| | |Achievement Agreed |

|Learning needs to achieve the practice competency |Specific Actions that will meet learning needs: |(Signed and dated by Mentor + |

| | |Student) |

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Date Learning Contract agreed:

Mentor Signature: Student Signature:

Record of Meetings and Feedback on Assessment of Practice

Date for Initial meeting and development of learning contract:

|Summary of discussion: |

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|Mentor signature: |

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|Student signature: |

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|Date: |

Date for Mid-course meeting:

|Summary of Formative Feedback: |

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|Mentor signature: |

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|Student signature: |

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|Date: |

Date for Tripartite review meeting:

|Summary of progress: |

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|Mentor signature: |

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|Student signature: |

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|Tutor signature: |

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|Date: |

|Date for final meeting: |

|Student Self Assessment |

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|Summary of Summative Feedback: |

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|Mentor signature: |

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|Student signature: |

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|Date: |

Criteria for Assessment:

“All nurses must practice autonomously, compassionately, skilfully and safely and must maintain dignity and promote health and wellbeing” (NMC, 2010) (Standards for preregistration nurse education)

| | |Conditions of practice for the achievement of clinical competencies |

|Level of performance |Level of supervision/support |Independent |Dependent |

|Independent |Practices without direct supervision whilst |Practice is consistently safe, accurate & effective within each |Omissions or inaccuracies are evident in performance. |

| |recognising the limits of own ability and seeking |competency. | |

| |appropriate support and advice when required. | |Lacks skill or co-ordination in performance of the |

| | |Performance is skilful, co-ordinated and confident with |competency. |

| | |economical use of time. | |

| | | |Demonstrates a lack of focus on patient needs. |

| | |Focuses primarily on the patient (rather than the task). | |

| | | |Demonstrates inappropriate interpersonal skills. |

| | |Demonstrates responsive interpersonal skills. | |

| | | |Requires directive or supportive cues. |

| | | | |

| | |Is self-directing & offers cues to assist others whilst | |

| | |achieving competency. |Cannot articulate the evidence base for practice. |

| | | | |

| | |Evaluates the use of the evidence base for practice. | |

|COMPETENCY STATEMENT |Formative Assessment |Summative Assessment |Mentor please provide constructive feedback regarding individual |Final Summative assessment |

| |Midway |placement end |aspects of competence. | |

|Essential skill cluster (ESC, 2010)): |(initials and date) |(initials and date) | |Sign off Mentor Signature and date |

|Care, Compassion and Communication | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ESC reference in red | | | | |

| |Independent |Dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |Dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |Depe |Pass |Fail |

| | |ndent | | |

| |Independent |Dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |Dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |Dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |Dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |Dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |Dependent |Pass |Fail |

| |Independent |

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|Sign off mentor name (print): |Full Signature: Date: |

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| |Workplace: |

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Summary of Tripartite assessment meetings

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|(Tutor/Mentor/Student) For use when the mentor has raised concerns |

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Action Plan to be completed if concerns are expressed during the assessment process

|Issue to be addressed |Action to be taken |By whom and by when |

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Raising and escalating concerns for students on placements

Please see the following link:

As part of your induction to the placement you will have familiarised yourself with the placement providers policy for ‘Raising and Escalating Concerns’

Process of Practice Assessment


Assessing my students’ progress


NO (Dependent)

If student is making satisfactory progress in all areas, give constructive feedback to encourage further development.

Update assessment documentation



Personal reflection HAVE I?

• Negotiated a learning contract?

• Clarified my expectations?

• Given feedback?

• Provided the learning opportunity?

• Demonstrated appropriate practice?

• Shared my opinion with colleagues?

• Discussed with programme director/ Practice Educator?



Mentor to address personal responsibilities


Formative assessment- constructive feedback /update assessment / new learning contract


Programme Director to organize resit opportunity


Tripartite process with student, mentor and programme director


• Informal discussion of progress and concerns

• Set up a system to ensure adequate support

• Set a review date

• Notify the Module Leader

Do I have any concerns?

YES (Independent)



Tripartite meeting with mentor, programme director and student

• Renegotiate learning contract

• Identify support system

• Set review date

• Document meeting on Record of Discussion sheet



Are the criteria within the APT being met?

Formal discussion and negotiation of learning contract related to APT with mentor

Agree date of formative assessment and document on Learning Contract

Tripartite meeting with programme director, mentor and student


Introduction to module and practice assessment documentation

Student identifies learning needs to inform Learning Contract



Resit opportunity

Summative meeting and completion of assessment with mentor

Pass / Fail

Reflection on integration of theory with practice and identification of further learning needs






Review and develop learning contract and set date for summative assessment

Formative meeting and completion of assessment

Tripartite meeting

Progress satisfactory?

Undertake self assessment in relation to progress referring to APT and Learning Contract

Student satisfied with progress / opportunities

Student summative self-assessment in relation to progress referring to APT and Learning Contract

Student satisfied with progress / opportunities


Summative meeting and completion of assessment with mentor

Pass / Fail

NO (Dependent)

• Informal discussion of progress and concerns

• Set up a system to ensure adequate support

• Set a review date

• Notify the Module Leader

Tripartite meeting with programme director, mentor and student


Student summative self-assessment in relation to progress referring to APT and Learning Contract

Student satisfied with progress / opportunities



Programme Director to organize resit opportunity




Mentor to address personal responsibilities


Undertake self assessment in relation to progress referring to APT and Learning Contract

Student satisfied with progress / opportunities


Personal reflection HAVE I?

• Negotiated a learning contract?

• Clarified my expectations?

• Given feedback?

• Provided the learning opportunity?

• Demonstrated appropriate practice?

• Shared my opinion with colleagues?

• Discussed with programme director/ Practice Educator?


Formal discussion and negotiation of learning contract related to APT with mentor

Agree date of formative assessment and document on Learning Contract

Introduction to module and practice dentifies learning needs to inform Learning Contract


Are the criteria within the APT being met?

Do I have any concerns?

If student is making satisfactory progress in all areas, give constructive feedback to encourage further development.

Update assessment documentation



Formative assessment- constructive feedback /update assessment / new learning contract


Tripartite process with student, mentor and programme director


YES (Independent)

Tripartite meeting with mentor, programme director and student

• Renegotiate learning contract

• Identify support system

• Set review date

• Document meeting on Record of Discussion sheet




Resit opportunity

Reflection on integration of theory with practice and identification of further learning needs




Review and develop learning contract and set date for summative assessment

Formative meeting and completion of assessment

Tripartite meeting

Progress satisfactory?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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