HIPAA 2 – Version 5010 and ICD-10



Business Owner – Medical Assistance Division

Project Manager – Mario Gonzalez (Acting)

Original Plan Date: May 20, 2009

Revision Date: July 23, 2010

Revision: 1.1

table of contents


1. project background 1

1.1 Executive Summary -rationale for the project 1

1.2 Summary of the foundation planning and documentation for the project 1

1.3 Project Certification Requirements 2

2.0 Justification, Objectives and impacts 3

2.1 Agency Justification 3

2.2 Business Objectives 4

2.3 Technical Objectives 4

2.4 Impact on Organization 4

2.5 Transition to Operations 5

3.0 Project/Product Scope of Work 6

3.1 Deliverables 6

3.1.1 Project Deliverables 6

3.1.2 Product Deliverables 7

3.2 Success and QUALITY METRICS 11

4.0 Schedule Estimate 11

5.0 Budget Estimate 13

5.1 Funding Source(s) 13

5.2. Budget By Major Deliverable or Type of expense - 13

5.3 Budget By Project Phase or Certification Phase 14

6.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure 15







6.5 Project management Methodology 18

7.0 Constraints 19

8.0 Dependencies 19

9.0 Assumptions 19

10.0 Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy 20



13.0 Project Charter Agency Approval Signatures 21

14.0 Project Charter Certification Approval Signature 21

Revision History

|Revision Number |Date |Comment |

|1.0 |May 18, 2009 |Initial Draft |

|1.1 |July 23, 2010 |Updated to reflect scope and schedule for the Implementation Phase |

| | | |

| | | |

1. project background

1.1 Executive Summary -rationale for the project

In August 2005, the Medical Assistance Division of the Human Services Department contracted with Affiliated Computer Systems (ACS) for maintenance and development of enhancements of the current Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS). In January 2009, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) mandated two new rules for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Electronic Transaction Standards. One rule is to convert to ACS X12 Version 5010 and the other rule is to implement the new International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, ICD-10. The updated X12 standard, Version 5010, affects certain electronic health care transactions; provides an updated version of the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) standard for electronic pharmacy-related transactions; updated standards for claims, remittance advice, eligibility enquiries, referral authorization, and other administrative transactions; and accommodation of the ICD10 code sets, which are not supported by the current X12 standard.

1.2 Summary of the foundation planning and documentation for the project

The Planning Phase of this project included an assessment of the modifications necessary for the NM Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) to comply with the new 5010 and ICD10 standards. As previously approved by the Project Certification Committee, ACS performed the assessment of the New Mexico Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), also known as OmniCaid, peripheral systems, and related operational functions. An abbreviated assessment was conducted by HSD staff of the Transaction Interface Exchange (TIE), the HIPAA translator that receives 837 claim transactions in the current 4010A1 format. The documents produced during this phase included the following major deliverables:

• Project Management Plan

• Business Rules Comparison Document

• System Impact List Summary

• Operations Impact List Summary

• Gap Analysis and Remediation Options Document

• High Level Remediation Work Plan

Based on the results of the assessment and decisions made by HSD staff, the following elements are included in the scope of the HIPAA 2 Implementation Phase:

• Remediation of OmniCaid, MMIS Data Warehouse, PDCSx2 pharmacy system, Fraud and Abuse Detection System (FADS), and optical character recognition software to correctly process 837 transactions in the new format

• Remediation of OmniCaid to correctly create 835 Remittance Advice transactions in the new format

• Configuration of the ACS translator to replace TIE in conjunction with the testing and implementation of the new transaction formats

• Conversion of files to accommodate new and expanded fields, including changes to accommodate ICD-10 length and format changes

The above tasks will be completed by ACS under the current MMIS fiscal agent contract. The other major aspect of the HIPAA 2 project – remediation of systems for the new ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure code standard – was deferred to the next MMIS contract. That contract is expected to be operational on March 31, 2012 and the ICD-10 mandate is October 1, 2013.

1.3 Project Certification Requirements

Does the project fit into the criteria for certification? Which and how?


|Project is mission critical to the agency |Yes |The project must be completed in a |

| | |fashion to assure continued payments |

| | |to New Mexico contracted health care |

| | |providers whether they are prepared or|

| | |not prepared to use the new Version |

| | |5010 transactions and ICD-10 codes. |

|Project cost is equal to or in excess of $100,000.00 |Yes |The actual Planning Phase costs were |

| | |$720,015. The Implementation and |

| | |Closeout Phase costs are budgeted at |

| | |$2,895,476. |

|Project impacts customer on-line access |Yes |There will be minor changes to 28 |

| | |online windows. |

|Project is one deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the DoIT |Yes |The project is consistent with the |

| | |mission of DoIT, “to provide |

| | |cost-effective and efficient |

| | |enterprise products, services and |

| | |solutions within a secure and reliable|

| | |environment for our customers through |

| | |leadership, strategic planning, |

| | |standards, policy, architecture and |

| | |oversight.” |

|Will an IT Architecture Review be required? |No |DOIT has waived the TARC review. |

2.0 Justification, Objectives and impacts

2.1 Agency Justification


|Number |Description |

|HSD 2.2 |Improve health, developmental and educational outcomes of newborns; link low-income children, seniors,|

| |veterans and disabled individuals to needed health care services [MMIS supports payment of health |

| |benefits for more than half a million New Mexicans. This project is essential to continued payment of|

| |claims for services rendered to these clients, including the Mi Via self-directed waiver which is |

| |specifically mentioned in the HSD strategic plan (Task 2.2 C)]. The addition of the Present on |

| |Admission (POA) indicator will improve cost effectiveness and support quality initiatives by enabling |

| |HSD analysts to identify health care acquired conditions. |

2.2 Business Objectives

Use the following table to list measurable business objectives

|Number |Description |

|Business Objective 1 |Adopt the updated X12 standard, Version 5010 for certain electronic health care transactions, with |

| |a compliance date of January 1, 2012 |

|Business Objective 2 |Update the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) standard, Version D.0, for |

| |electronic pharmacy-related transactions, with a compliance date of January 1, 2012 |

|Business Objective 3 |Reduce the scope of the subsequent ICD-10 remediation by accounting for new and expanded fields |

| |during 5010-required file conversions |

|Business Objective 4 |Smooth transition by providers, Managed Care Organizations and submitters to the new standards and |

| |the ACS translator |

|Business Objective 5 |Capture of new data elements to support additional claims editing and analysis |

2.3 Technical Objectives

|Number |Description |

|Technical Objective 1 |Remediation of OmniCaid for 5010 837 and 835 transactions |

|Technical Objective 2 |Remediation of PDCSx2 for NCPDP D.0 transactions |

|Technical Objective 3 |Remediation of the MMIS Data Warehouse for new and expanded fields |

|Technical Objective 4 |Remediation of FADS for new and expanded fields |

|Technical Objective 5 |Remediation of optical character recognition software to capture additional data elements from |

| |paper claims |

|Technical Objective 6 |Implementation of required changes to ACS translator to comply with 5010 and meet New Mexico |

| |billing requirements |

2.4 Impact on Organization

|Area |Description |

|End user |This project will include changes to 28 online windows and 27 reports, primarily to display additional|

| |fields such as the POA indicator. Claims submitters, including providers, managed care organizations |

| |(MCOs) and State agencies that submit claims to the MMIS, will interface with a new translator and be |

| |required to adopt the 5010 standard. |

|Business Processes |The high level business processes will not change, with the exception of the transition to the ACS |

| |translator. |

|It Operations and staffing |HSD IT staff will continue to support TIE through January 1, 2012. Once 5010 has been mandated, those|

| |staff members will support the Tumbleweed Secure Transport component but will no longer operate and |

| |maintain the HIPAA translation software. |

2.5 Transition to Operations

The transition to operations areas include items that are asked in the certification form to assure that the project has accounted or will account for these matters in its planning and requirements specifications.

|Area |Description |

|Preliminary Operations location and|The MMIS (Omnicaid and related systems) is hosted on an ACS mainframe in Pittsburgh, PA. The ACS |

|staffing plans |translator (ACS B2B) is supported by the Tallahassee Host Data Center site where transactions are |

| |received, batched and routed for transaction processing and to the MMIS. The servers hosting |

| |processing are hosted in ACS’s Tarrytown, Atlanta and Pittsburgh Data Centers. Call center support |

| |will be provided in Tallahassee and Albuquerque. |

|Data Security, Business Continuity |ACS is required to follow HIPAA security standards per its Medicaid Fiscal Agent contract. ACS also |

| |uses security staff to monitor. This includes annual security plans. Standards are reviewed also by |

| |CMS (federal) audits. ACS has a full disaster recovery process and utilizes the same off-site vendor,|

| |SunGard, as DoIT. |

|Maintenance Strategy |Operations and maintenance of all systems and the HIPAA translator will be performed under ACS’s |

| |existing contract with HSD. |

|Interoperability |ACS will develop a new interface between its translator, ACS B2B, and OmniCaid. |

|Record retention |HSD will follow current policies in place regarding agency record retention, although specific rules |

| |have not been established for this application. |

|Consolidation strategy |ACS will assume responsibility for transaction translation with the implementation of the 5010 |

| |standard, with HSD’s TIE application continuing to support 4010A1 formatted transactions until January|

| |1, 2012. |

3.0 Project/Product Scope of Work

3.1 Deliverables

3.1.1 Project Deliverables

|Deliverable |Due Date |

|Project Charter |5/2009, updated 7/2010 |

|Certification Form |5/2009 (Planning) |

| |7/2010 (Implementation) |

|Project Management Plan |5/2009, updated 7/2010 |

|IV&V Contract & Reports |HSD will identify a qualified IV&V contractor from the firms listed on the GSA and have |

| |an agreement in place prior to delivery of the first deliverables in August 2010. The |

| |IV&V focus will be on sound project management practices and system life cycle |

| |deliverables (design, development, testing, etc.) CMS has approved IV&V expenditures in |

| |the amount of $100,000 at a 90% matching rate. |

|IT Service Contracts |No IT service contracts are required for this project. The MMIS changes are being planned|

| |and implemented by ACS, under the current maintenance and operations contract with HSD. |

|Risk Assessment and Management |The risk assessment for is in Section 10.0 below. |

|Project Schedule |The Planning Phase schedule is indicated in Section 4.0 below. |

|Monthly Project Status Reports to DoIT |Following Planning Phase certification in May 2009, the first monthly project status |

| |report were provided in June 2009. |

|Project Closeout Report |February 2012 (originally planned for December 2013, based on the ICD10 mandate of |

| |October 1, 2013; ICD10 has been shifted to the MMIS Re-bid project as a required |

| |enhancement) |

3.1.2 Product Deliverables

Key Planning Phase deliverables are in bold, and have all been approved by HSD. The remaining deliverables are required as part of the Implementation Phase and have been organized to be consistent with CMS approval of the project funding categories. Those due dates are tentative and will be finalized following PCC certification of the Implementation Phase and development of the initial work plan.

|Deliverable |Due Date |

|Project Management Plan (PMP) |5/20/2009 |

|Business Rules Comparison Document |12/3/2009 |

|System Impact List Summary |2/26/2010 |

|Operations Impact List Summary |2/2/2010 |

|Gap Analysis and Remediation Options Document |3/2/2010 |

|Draft Remediation Scope Document |2/26/2010 |

|High Level Remediation Work Plan |3/26/2010 |

|High Level Project Plan |7/30/2010 |

|Project Management Plan |8/31/2010 |

|MS Project Work Plan – Initial Delivery |8/31/2010 |

|Unit Test Environment Set Up |8/31/2010 |

|Requirements Verification |8/31/2010 |

|Detailed System Design (DSD) – Conversion |8/31/2010 |

|DSD – 837 Interface |8/31/2010 |

|DSD – 835 Interface |9/30/2010 |

|DSD – Online Programs |9/30/2010 |

|DSD – Claims Adjudication |10/29/2010 |

|DSD – Claims Reporting |11/30/2010 |

|DSD – Weekly Payment |11/30/2010 |

|DSD – Data Warehouse |11/30/2010 |

|DSD - Miscellaneous |11/30/2010 |

|Coding and Testing – Conversion Programs |11/30/2010 |

|Coding and Testing – 837 Interface Programs |11/30/2010 |

|Coding and Testing – 835 Interface Programs |2/28/2010 |

|Coding and Testing – Online Programs |1/31/2011 |

|Coding and Testing – Claims Adjudication |5/31/2011 |

|Programs | |

|Coding and Testing – Claims Reporting Programs|5/31/2011 |

|Coding and Testing – Weekly Payment Programs |5/31/2011 |

|Coding and Testing – Data Warehouse Programs |5/31/2011 |

|Coding and Testing – Miscellaneous Programs |5/31/2011 |

|System Test Plan |10/29/2010 |

|System Testing – 837 Transactions |6/30/2011 |

|System Testing – 835 Transactions |8/15//2011 |

|User Acceptance Testing – 837 Transactions |7/31/2011 |

|User Acceptance Testing – 835 Transactions |9/30/2011 |

|End to End Testing – 837 Transactions |8/31/2011 |

|End to End Testing – 835 Transactions |11/30/2011 |

|Claims Conversion Implementation Plan |3/29/2011 |

|837 Implementation |10/16/2011 |

|835 Implementation |12/15/2011 |

|Documentation Updates – 837 Transactions |11/30/2011 |

|Documentation Updates – 835 Transactions |12/30/2011 |

|Post Implementation Support – 837 Transactions|12/30/2011 |

|Post Implementation Support – 835 Transactions|1/16/2012 |

|NCPDP D.0 Coding and Testing Complete |3/31/2011 |

|NCPDP D.0 Implemented for New Mexico Medicaid |10/16/2011 |

|EDI Coding and Testing Complete – 837 and 835 |7/29/2011 |

|Transactions | |

|EDI Implemented for New Mexico Medicaid – 837 |10/16/2011 |

|Transactions | |

|EDI Implemented for New Mexico Medicaid – 835 |12/18/2011 |

|Transactions | |

|System Usage Fees Reimbursement |7/30/2010 |

|Operations Readiness |9/30/2011 |

|EFADS Implementation |11/30/2011 |

|Data Warehouse Implementation |11/30/2011 |

|Hardware Acquisition – MMIS |9/30/2010 |

|Software Acquisition – MMIS and OCR |9/30/2010 |

3.2 Success and QUALITY METRICS

|Number |Description |

|Quality Metric 1 |Accurate processing and reporting of claims and encounters submitted in the 5010 837 transaction format. |

|Quality Metric 2 |Accurate processing and reporting of claims and encounters submitted in the NCPDP D.0 transaction format.|

|Quality Metric 3 |Accurate creation and transmission of electronic remittance advices in the 5010 835 format. |

|Quality Metric 4 |Accurate capture and processing of new data elements submitted on paper claims. |

4.0 Schedule Estimate

NOTE: Items in bold have been completed and show actual dates.

|Date |Activities |Organization(s) |

|December 2008 to March 2009|Vendor develops a scope document for HSD to determine the work required to modify |ACS |

| |the NM MMIS to meet Version 5010 and ICD-10 rules. | |

|December 2008 to March 2009|Develop Planning Advanced Planning Document to request Federal Funding Match by CMS.|HSD |

|March 2009 to May 2009 |CMS Reviews Planning APD and determines approval. |CMS |

|May 2009 |NM Project Certification Commission determines certification of planning phase. |PCC |

|May 2009 |CMS determines approval of Planning APD. |CMS |

|July 2009 to March 2009 |Vendor Team performs assessment of system. |ACS |

|March 2009 to April 2010 |Evaluate initial results from assessment to develop Implementation Advanced Planning|HSD |

| |Document. | |

|April 2010 |Implementation APD is submitted to CMS. |HSD |

|May 2010 |CMS Reviews Implementation APD and provides approval of funding. |CMS |

|July 2010 |NM Project Certification Commission determines certification of Implementation |PCC |

| |Phase. | |

|July 2010 to December 2011 |Design, development and testing take place, resulting in implementation of 5010 837 |HSD |

| |and NCPDP D.0 processing in October 2011 and 5010 835 processing in December 2011. | |

|October 2011 to March 2012 |ACS provides translation and operational support for 837 and 835 processing |ACS |

|January 2012 |NM PCC determines approval of Closeout Phase |PCC |

5.0 Budget Estimate

5.1 Funding Source(s)

|PHASE |Source |Amount |Associated restrictions |

|Planning |Laws of 2009, Chapter 124, Section 4, |$74,307 (GF) |CMS approval of each project phase |

| |Human Services Department, (3)(b) |$668,765 (FF) |must be obtained via an Advance |

| |Medical Assistance | |Planning Document. Approval for |

| | | |the Planning Phase was received on |

| | | |May 18, 2009. |

|Implemen-tation |Laws of 2009, Chapter 124, Section 4, |$296,361 (GF) |CMS approval of each project phase |

| |Human Services Department, (3)(b) |$2,599,115 (FF) |must be obtained via an Advance |

| |Medical Assistance | |Planning Document. Approval for |

| | | |the Implementation Phase was |

| | | |received on May 28, 2010. |

|Operations |Laws of 2009, Chapter 124, Section 4, |$75,790 (GF) |CMS approval of each project phase |

| |Human Services Department, (3)(b) |$227,371 (FF) |must be obtained via an Advance |

| |Medical Assistance | |Planning Document. Approval for |

| | | |the Implementation Phase was |

| | | |received on May 28, 2010. |

5.2. Budget By Major Deliverable or Type of expense

The Implementation/Closeout budget is as follows.

|Type of Expense |Total Cost |Federal |State |

|Direct Personnel |$120,000 |$112,000 |$8,000 |

|Contracted Labor (incl. IV&V) |$2,407,677 |$2,166,909 |$240,768 |

|Hardware |$9,263 |$6,947 |$2,316 |

|Software |$36,157 |$27,118 |$9,039 |

|Computer Charges |$322,379 |$290,141 |$32,238 |

|Total |$2,895,476 |$2,603,115 |$292,361 |

5.3 Budget By Project Phase or Certification Phase

|Cost Category |Planning Phase |Implementation Phase |Closeout Phase |Operations Phase |Total |

|Contractor Services (ACS) |$721,597 |$2,675,476 |Incl. in Imp. |$303,161 |$3,700,234 |

|Contractor Services (IV&V)|$0 |$100,000 |Incl. in Imp. |$0 |$100,000 |

|Totals |$743,072 |$2,895,476 |Incl. in Imp. |$303,161 |$3,941,709 |

6.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure


Stakeholders should be a mix of agency management and end users who are impacted positively or negatively by the project.

|name |Stake in Project |Organization |Title |

|Carolyn Ingram |Executive Sponsor |HSD Medical Assistance |Director |

| | |Division (MAD) | |

|Julie Weinberg |Business Owner |HSD MAD |Deputy Director |

|Mark Pitcock |Business Owner |HSD MAD |Bureau Chief |

|Brian Pietrewicz |Technical Sponsor |HSD Information Technology |Acting Chief |

| | |Division (ITD) |Information Officer |

|Mario Gonzalez |Acting Project Manager |HSD ITD |Bureau Chief |

|TBD |IT Project Manager |HSD ITD |IT Project Manager |





|name |Organization |Phone #(s) |Email |

|Mario Gonzalez (Acting) |HSD-ITD |505-476-3948 (O) |Mario.Gonzalez@state|

| | |505-699-8905 (C) |.nm.us |


Mario Gonzalez is HSD-ITD’s Project Management Bureau Chief. He has provided oversight over several successful projects at HSD, including the original TIE implementation in 2003 and the TIE 3.0 project in 2008. He has developed excellent working relationships with CMS staff. Prior to joining HSD, he worked at New Mexico DoIT.


|Role |Responsibility |Name |Functional Area |

|Project Steering Committee |Provide strategic direction |Carolyn Ingram |HSD MAD and HSD ITD |

| |Advise project on policy issues |Brian Pietrewicz | |

| |Resolve inter-divisional issues |Julie Weinberg | |

| |Ensure involvement of participants in order to |Mark Pitcock | |

| |meet deadlines |Mario Gonzalez | |

| |Meet on a monthly basis | | |

| |Guide overall project | | |

|Project Manager |Provide contract and vendor oversight |TBD |HSD ITD |

| |Provide and publish project tracking | | |

| |Report to Project Steering Committee on a | | |

| |monthly basis on project status, issues, and | | |

| |activities | | |

| |Ensure mitigation of project issues and risks | | |

| |Assure Vendor deliverables meet the business | | |

| |and system requirements | | |

| |Ensure seamless communication with the Project | | |

| |Business Lead | | |

|Project Business Lead |Ensure business needs are met |Mark Pitcock |HSD MAD |

| |Collaborate with the Project Manager on Project| | |

| |Steering Committee meeting agendas and meeting | | |

| |materials | | |

| |Lead in reviewing design deliverables and test | | |

| |results | | |

| |Assure Vendor deliverables meet the business | | |

| |requirements | | |

| |Ensure mitigation of project issues and risks | | |

|System Engineer |Translate business requirements into technical |Vendor |Vendor |

| |requirements | | |

| |Develop the system and subsystem design | | |

| |Code and unit test changes required to meet | | |

| |requirements | | |

|Business Analyst |Participate in system analysis, design, |Vendor |Vendor |

| |development, test, and implementation tasks |Darlene Martinez |HSD MAD |

| |Participate in other project activities as |David Sandoval |HSD-MAD |

| |required | | |

|IV&V Team |Deliver IV&V services as per contract |TBD |Contractor |

6.5 Project management Methodology

This project will use the solution development life cycle (SDLC) to plan, define, design, build, and implement the changes to the MMIS and TIE.

7.0 Constraints

|Number |Description |

|1 |Project Phase funding, including CMS approval of Advanced Planning Documents, which describe the phase and its |

| |associated costs. CMS has approved funding for all phases of this project but any increase in costs would |

| |require a request for additional funds. |

|2 |The Version 5010 changes must be implemented by January 1, 2012 |

8.0 Dependencies

|Number |Description |Type M,D,E |

|1 |CMS approval of matching funds (complete) |External |

9.0 Assumptions

|Number |Description |

|1 |There will be adequate resources for the planning phase of this project, including the Project Manager, the |

| |business analysts, and the technical resources. |

|2 |The project team will have the software and reference tools they need in order to plan the changes for this |

| |project |

|3 |NM DoIT will approve the project. |

10.0 Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy

Risk 1 – Delay in Project Start Date

|Description – CMS funding and PCC |Probability - Medium |Impact - Medium |

|certification must be received in time to | | |

|initiate the Implementation Phase by July | | |

|2010 | | |

| |Mitigation Strategy – Preparation of required documents to support receipt of all required |

| |approvals by July 28, 2010 |

| |Contingency Plan – Revision of schedule to accommodate any delays |

Risk 2 – Loss of Key Staff

|Description – Loss of key project staff |Probability - Medium |Impact - High |

| |Mitigation Strategy – Cross-training so that other staff can fill in as necessary |

| |Contingency Plan – Request additional resources and/or schedule changes to reduce the impact to |

| |the project |


11.1 Communication Matrix

Communication channels follow the current contractual and internal HSD channels.

11.2 Status Meetings

Status meetings will be held biweekly. Other standard and ad hoc management meetings will be scheduled as needed and the results will be reported to senior management.

11.3 Project Status Reports

Status reports will follow internal HSD guidelines, unless CMS requires a different format.


IV&V was not required as a condition of Planning Phase certification. HSD will identify a qualified IV&V contractor from the firms listed on the GSA and have an agreement in place prior to delivery of the first Implementation Phase deliverables in August 2010. The IV&V focus will be on sound project management practices and system life cycle deliverables (design, development, testing, etc.) CMS has approved IV&V expenditures in the amount of $100,000 at a 90% matching rate.

13.0 Project Charter Agency Approval Signatures

| |signature |date |

|Executive Sponsor | | |

|Business Owner | | |

|Project Manager | | |

14.0 Project Charter Certification Approval Signature

| |signature |date |

|DoIT / PCC Approval | | |

| | | |

| | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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