Community Rehabilitation Assessment Guide: work within a ...

Allied Health Professions’ Office of QueenslandClinEdQ

Clinical Education and Training Queensland

Allied Health


Assessment Guide – Work effectively within a community rehabilitation environment

JUNEOCTOBERApril 2017 2016

|Community Rehabilitation Assessment Guide – Work within a community rehabilitation environment |

|Published by the State of Queensland (Queensland Health), September April 20172016Name of publication |

|Published by the State of Queensland (Queensland Health), Month 20XX |

|IBNN or ISBN if needed |

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|[pic] |

|This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit |

|licenses/by/3.0/au |

|© State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 20XX20167 |

|You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the State of Queensland (Queensland Health). |

|For more information contact: |

|Intellectual Property Officer, Department of Health, GPO Box 48, Brisbane QLD 4001, email, phone |

|(07) 3328 9862. |

|An electronic version of this document is available at |


|.au/alliedhealth/html/strategies/allied-health-assistants.htm |

|You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the State of Queensland (Queensland Health). |

|For more information contact: |

|Name of branch/division/unit, Department of Health, GPO Box 48, Brisbane QLD 4001, email generic email address if available, |

|phone main phone number for branch/division/unit. |

|An electronic version of this document is available at |

|Acknowledgement |

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|The Allied Health Professions’ Office of Queensland (AHPOQ) wishes to acknowledge the Queensland Health allied health clinicians |

|who have contributed to the development of these learning support materials. In alphabetical order: |

|Delena Amsters |

|Tracey Comans |

|Claire Connelly |

|Judith Nance |

|Sue Scholtz |

|Allied Health ClinEdQ wishes to acknowledge and extend sincere appreciation to the Queensland Health allied health clinicians who|

|have contributed to the development of these learning support materials. In alphabetical order they are: |

|Delena Amsters |

|Tracey Comans |

|Claire Connelly |

|Judith Nance |

|Sue Scholtz |

| |

|Disclaimer: |

|The content presented in this publication is distributed by the Queensland Government as an information source only. The State of|

|Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information |

|contained in this publication. The State of Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without |

|limitation for liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the |

|information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason reliance was placed on such information. |


The Allied Health Professions’ Office of Queensland (AHPOQ) wishes to acknowledge the Queensland Health allied health clinicians who have contributed to the development of these learning support materials. In alphabetical order:

Delena Amsters

Tracey Comans

Claire Connelly

Judith Nance

Sue Scholtz






Activity 1: What is disability 8

Activity 2: Reflection 10

Activity 3: Models of care 12

Activity 4: The impact of personal factors on client outcomes 17

Activity 5: ICF and the environment 19

Activity 6: Communicating with clients 21

Activity 7: Researching other services in the community 23

Activity 8: Delegating to allied health assistants in a multidisciplinary team 25

Activity 9: Documentation 27

Activity 10: Home visits 29

Activity 11: Minimising risk in the community setting 31

Activity 12: Working in a client’s home 33

Activity 13: Cultural considerations 35

Activity 14: Implementing a program plan 38

Activity 15: Community rehabilitation in practice 40

Activity 16: The impact of chronic disease 43

Activity 17: Self management 45

Activity 18: Questions 47

Activity 19: Scenario 50

Activity 20: Workplace observation checklist 52



Acknowledgement ii

Summary v






Activity 1: What is disability 10

Activity 2: Reflection 12

Activity 3: Models of care 14

Activity 4: The impact of personal factors on client outcomes 19

Activity 5: ICF and the environment 21

Activity 6: Communicating with clients 23

Activity 7: Researching other services in the community 25

Activity 8: Delegating to allied health assistants in a multidisciplinary team 27

Activity 9: Documentation 29

Activity 10: Home visits 31

Activity 11: Minimising risk in the community setting 33

Activity 12: Working in a client’s home 35

Activity 13: Cultural considerations 37

Activity 14: Implementing a program plan 40

Activity 15: Community rehabilitation in practice 42

Activity 16: The impact of chronic disease 45

Activity 17: Self management 47

Activity 18: Questions 49

Activity 19: Scenario 51

Activity 20: Workplace observation checklist 53




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A summary of findings. The title ‘Executive summary’ is best avoided as it is unnecessarily exclusive. [Delete this page if not required]


This guide will outline the assessment requirements to have your competency determined for the following unit:

Work within a community rehabilitation environment

|Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

To demonstrate competency for this unit you must be able to provide evidence that you meet the required industry standards. Please read the information in this guide and complete the assessment activities.

This Assessment Guide contains information about the assessment tasks to be completed as part of demonstrating evidence of your competence as an Allied Health Assistant. These assessment tasks are the same activities as the Learner Guide and must be completed in this Assessment Guide.

It is important that you have an appropriate Allied Health Professional who has agreed to be your workplace supervisor to support you in your study. You may ask your Allied Health Workplace Supervisor to sign and initial your completed Assessment Guide, including the assessment tasks completion checklist, assessment activities and the workplace observation checklist. The assessment activities in this Assessment Guide must be signed off by an Allied Health Professional.

The workplace observation checklist will need to be completed on 2 separate occasions. Please note it is necessary to complete all sections of the workplace observation checklist. Your workplace supervisor may ask you questions to find out your understanding, particularly when it is difficult to directly observe the required skills and knowledge. Similarly, if it is difficult to demonstrate your skills involving direct client care in the workplace, it may be possible to do an assessment in a simulated setting with questioning.

Your workplace supervisor can discuss with you what is required for each assessment task outlined in this guide. If you are unsure of any part of the assessment it is important you contact the workplace supervisor for support.

If you subsequently enrol in the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance, this completed Assessment Guide can form part of your evidence of prior learning in any recognition assessment process. To do this, you will need to send to the TAFE your completed Assessment Guide, including the assessment submission cover form (which can be located towards the back of this guide) and your responses for each

To demonstrate competency for this unit you must be able to provide evidence that you meet the required industry standards. Please read the information in this guide and complete the assessment activities.

This Assessment Guide contains information about the assessment tasks to be completed as part of demonstrating evidence of your competence as an Allied Health Assistant. These assessment tasks are the same activities as the Learner Guide and must be completed in this Assessment Guide.

It is important that you have an appropriate Allied Health Professional who has agreed to be your workplace supervisor to support you in your study. You may ask your Allied Health Workplace Supervisor to sign and initial your completed Assessment Guide, including the assessment tasks completion checklist, assessment activities and the workplace observation checklist. The assessment activities in this Assessment Guide must be signed off by an Allied Health Professional.

The workplace observation checklist will need to be completed on 2 separate occasions. Please note it is necessary to complete all sections of the workplace observation checklist. Your workplace supervisor may ask you questions to find out your understanding, particularly when it is difficult to directly observe the required skills and knowledge. Similarly, if it is difficult to demonstrate your skills involving direct client care in the workplace, it may be possible to do an assessment in a simulated setting with questioning.

Your workplace supervisor can discuss with you what is required for each assessment task outlined in this guide. If you are unsure of any part of the assessment it is important you contact the workplace supervisor for support.

If you subsequently enrol in the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance, this completed Assessment Guide can form part of your evidence of prior learning in any recognition assessment process. To do this, you will need to send to the TAFE your completed Assessment Guide, including the assessment submission cover form (which can be located towards the back of this guide) and your responses for each assessment activity signed off by the appropriate Allied Health Professional. Please keep a copy of the completed Assessment Guide for your own records.


|Unit of Competency |Unit Descriptor |

| |This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge |

|HLTCR401B |required to work with clients to support rehabilitation within |

|Work effectively in community rehabilitation |the community. |


Before you begin the assessment tasks read through this entire guide first. If you are concerned about any part of this guide or feel that you do not understand what you need to do to complete the assessment, please contact your workplace supervisor immediately.

Depending on the type of task, candidates may submit their assessment in any of the following formats:

▪ Word processed


▪ Electronically via CD or Flash drive


▪ Voice recording, video recording or photographic records

The choice to record and store your assessment information is yours.

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|Remember to keep copies of all the assessment work you submit to your TAFE assessor |


HLTCR401B Work effectively within a community rehabilitation environment

Overview of the Assessment Task

The activities in this assessment task address the knowledge and skills required to work with clients to support rehabilitation within the community.

The assessment task consists of 20 activities:

1. What is disability?

2. Reflection

3. Models of care

4. The impact of personal factors on client outcomes

5. ICF and the environment

6. Communicating with clients

7. Researching other services in the community

8. Delegation to Allied Health Assistants in a multidisciplinary team

9. Documentation

10. Home visits

11. Minimising risk in the community setting

12. Working in client’s home

13. Cultural considerations

14. Implementing a program plan

15. Community rehabilitation in practice

16. This impact of chronic disease

17. Self management

18. Questions

19. Scenario

20. Workplace observation checklist


This assessment task must be completed in your workplace where possible. If you are unable to complete the assessment in a current workplace, you may negotiate with your TAFE assessor to undertake the assessment task in a simulated workplace environment.

Submission Details

This task can be recorded in one or a combination of the following formats:

← word processed

← audio

← video

Due Date:

If you have submitted your work with an assessment cover sheet you will be advised that your assessment work has been received.

Marking Criteria

Your TAFE assessor will be looking for your knowledge and skills, including:

← Awareness of cross cultural issues in a community rehabilitation context

← Community advocacy groups

← Community care service providers including managers, supervisors, coordinators, assessment officers and case managers

← Different frameworks, approaches and models of rehabilitation

← Human rights in reference to community rehabilitation

← Importance of client’s interests

← Importance of principles and practices to enhance sustainability in the workplace, including environmental, economic, workforce and social sustainability

← International classification of functioning disability and health

← Occupational health and safety (OHS) issues and requirements, risk assessment and risk management associated with working in client homes and the community

← Philosophy and values of community rehabilitation

← Relevant national and/or state-based community services and programs such as HASSCommonwealth Home Support Program, Community Aged Home Care Packages Program (CACPs), vVeteran’s hHome cCare, Ssupport groups and organisations within the community

← The importance and meaning of home and belongings to clients and the nature and significance of working in the client’s home and community settings

← The importance and practice of participation, social justice and equity

← Understanding of importance of range of rehabilitation requirements

← Understanding of medico-legal and legal implications of working outside the plans, specifically treatment style plan

← Understanding of principles and practices of self management

← Apply language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) competence appropriate to the requirements of the organisation and client group:

– This may include, for example, ability to read and comprehend a rehabilitation plan, develop and implement a risk management plan, report hazards and document client information

– Language used may be English or a community language

← Apply OHS knowledge in home and community settings

← Communicate effectively with relevant people in a community rehabilitation context, including:

– Communication that addresses specific needs of people with disabilities

– Cross-cultural communication

– Verbal and non-verbal communication with clients and colleagues, including members of multidisciplinary teams

← Facilitate client involvement and participation in the rehabilitation process within the context of rehabilitation plans and under supervision of an identified health professional

← Motivate client and build self esteem

← Provide effective and sensitive support to people in community rehabilitation settings

← Take into account opportunities to address waste minimisation, environmental responsibility and sustainable practice issues

← Work within a multidisciplinary team


For Learners and Workplace supervisors

Please indicate that each activity has been completed in the appropriate column.

|Activity Name |Learner initial |Workplace Supervisor |Date |

| | |initial | |

|What is disability? | | | |

|Reflection | | | |

|Models of care | | | |

|The impact of personal factors on client outcomes | | | |

|ICF and the environment | | | |

|Communicating with clients | | | |

|Researching other services in the community | | | |

|Delegation to Allied Health Assistants in a multidisciplinary team | | | |

|Documentation | | | |

|Home visits | | | |

|Minimising risk in the community setting | | | |

|Working in client’s home | | | |

|Cultural considerations | | | |

|Implementing a program plan | | | |

|Community rehabilitation in practice | | | |

|The impact of chronic disease | | | |

|Self management | | | |

|Questions | | | |

|Scenario | | | |

|Workplace observation checklist | | | |

[pic]Activity 1: What is disability

|Activity Number: | |

| |1 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |What is disability? |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Please answer the following questions.

1. Reflect on people with disability you know or have worked with as well as the use of the word ‘disability’ in the descriptions of rehabilitation on pages 21 to 24 of the Learner Guide. What does ‘disability’ mean to you?

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Activitiyes continues on following the next pages

[pic]Activity 1: What is disability (continued)

21. Compare your reflections with what the World Health Organisation (WHO) says about disability: ‘…every human being can experience a decrement in health and thereby experience some degree of disability. Disability is not something that only happens to a minority of humanity.’ (World Health Organisation 2011)

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22. List three common disabilities that occur as people grow older, even without any specific illness or injury, and how each disability can affect the client and their family/carer. You may wish to discuss your answer with your supervising Allied Health Professional.

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[pic] Activity 2: Reflection

|Activity Number: | |

| |2 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Reflection |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

For this task, you are required to consider the scenario and answer the following questions.

Imagine you have had stroke (interruption of blood supply to the brain). Your stroke has left you with high support needs: you are unable to walk; and you need help with bathing, eating and drinking, personal hygiene and communication. You are very aware of your surroundings and recognise all the members of your family and your friends. The time is coming for you to be discharged from hospital. You have not made any significant improvement and your doctor has suggested there are two options open to you:

1. You can return home and be cared for, full-time, by your spouse. Your spouse would have to give up work but would be eligible to receive a carer’s pension.

23. You can move into a nursing home.

Activities continue on following pages

You are 32 years old, with two young children, and your spouse is now the sole breadwinner for your family.

Activity continues on the next page.

[pic] Activity 2: Reflection (continued)

a) Review the human rights for Australians listed on page 27 13 of Learner Guide.

b) What are the human rights implications for the two options you have been given: for you; your spouse and your children?


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[pic]Activity 3: Models of care

|Activity Number: | |

| |3 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Models of care |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Think about the community rehabilitation team you are currently working in (or one which you know of) and answer the following questions. You may wish to refer to your service brochure and attach it.

1. Which types of clients are eligible for the team’s services? (Is the service generalist or specialist?)

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 3: Models of care (continued)

25. How do clients access the service? (referral processes/eligibility)

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26. What types of services are provided?

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 3: Models of care (continued)

27. Who provides the services (what disciplinesprofessions, or types of worker)?

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28. When is the service provided? (At what point along the continuum of care? Time-limited? Whole of life?)

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 3: Models of care (continued)

29. How is the service provided? (Individual or group programs?)

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30. Where is the service provided? (clinic/client’s home/community) Several answers may apply

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 3: Models of care (continued)

31. How would you describe the Model of Care adopted by your service? (Brochures and fact sheets about your service will often contain a description.)

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[pic]Activity 4: The impact of personal factors on client outcomes

|Activity Number: |4 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |The impact of personal factors on client outcomes |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Consider how a personal factor such as age can impact on client functioning after illness or injury. Consider a person who has had a stroke, causing paralysis down one side of their body, some speech and communication impairments, and some memory impairment.

What might this mean for a person who is:

c) 8 years old and at primary school

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 4: The impact of personal factors on client outcomes (continued)

e) 28 years old and the breadwinner in a family

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f) 78 years old and caring for a spouse with dementia

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[pic]Activity 5: ICF and the environment

|Activity Number: | |

| |5 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |ICF and the environment |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

What is the ‘ICF’ and what is it used for?

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 5: ICF and the environment (continued)

Below is a list of categories or domains listed as environmental factors in the ICF:

A. Products and technology

B. Natural environment and human-made changes to the environment

C. Attitudes

D. Support and relationships

E. Services systems and policies

In which category is each of the following?

Place the letter A, B, C, D, or E in the space provided.

1. Meals on Wheels ___

32. Neighbours who bring in the paper ___

33. Set of crutches ___

34. Bathroom grab rails ___

35. Disability Services Act ___

36. A heat wave ___

37. Herbal medicine ___

38. Electric scooter ___

39. Day respite centre ___

40. Shopkeeper who ignores person with disability ___

[pic]Activity 6: Communicating with clients

|Activity Number: | |

| |6 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Communicating with clients |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

In the following situations, do you think effective communication is happening? How might the client feel in these situations? What is one strategy that might assist?

1. You are talking to a person in a wheelchair. You are standing and there are no chairs around.

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 6: Communicating with clients (continued)

41. A client with dementia doesn’t respond when you say hello.

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42. Your client has had a stroke and his speech is slurred and difficult to understand. You ask his wife how he is getting on with his home therapies.

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[pic]Activity 7: Researching other services in the community

|Activity Number: | |

| |7 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Researching other services in the community |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

To fill out the table on the following page:

1. Select an organisation outside of Queensland Health that is relevant to the client group of your community rehabilitation service

43. Locate their website or contact details and research the following

Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 7: Researching other services in the community (continued)

|Type of organisation | |

|(for example, accommodation or | |

|equipment provider) | |

|Services provided | |

|Staff mix | |

|Geographical area covered | |

|Referral sources | |

|Eligibility | |

|Funding | |

|(how is the service funded: federal or | |

|state government or non-government) | |

|Client demographics | |

|(what types and ages of clients are | |

|able to access the service) | |

|Cost to clients | |

[pic]Activity 8: Delegating to allied health assistants in a multidisciplinary team

|Activity Number: | |

| |8 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Delegating to allied health assistants in a multidisciplinary team |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Please answer the following two questions.

1. Make a list of five disciplines professions represented in your community rehabilitation team and list their roles and responsibilities. You may wish to make time to speak with team members and check that your list is complete.

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Activity continued on the next page.

[pic]Activity 8: Delegating to allied health assistants in a multidisciplinary team (continued)

44. What tasks might each Allied Health Professional delegate to you? Again, you may wish to arrange an informal discussion with each Allied Health Professional in your team.

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[pic]Activity 9: Documentation

|Activity Number: | |

| |9 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Documentation |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

With a clinical supervisor, work through scenario 4 from Guideline for Allied Health Assistants Documenting in Health Records

the Allied Health Assistant Guide to Documenting in Health Records:

Mrs Singh is a 72-year-old female who had a mild stroke resulting in mildly slurred speech. She was discharged from hospital earlier this week. She lives independently at home and appears highly motivated to improve her clarity of speech. Her stated goal is to feel comfortable with her speech when interacting socially with her friends.

After the speech pathologist reviews Mrs Singh she asks you to carry out speech drills focusing on multi-syllabic words as per the handouts the speech pathologist provides.

Mrs Singh reports compliance with her home exercise program and her husband notes that her speech has already improved.

Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 9: Documentation (continued)

During the session you work with Mrs Singh through two pages of speech drills focussing on increasing complexity in multi-syllabic words. She participates well, however you note she has difficulties when the words contain four syllables or more. Mrs Singh reports being aware of this.

Mrs Singh is booked in for her next review in three days time, and the Speech Pathologist has asked you to reinforce that she do her home exercise program twice daily.

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[pic]Activity 10: Home visits

|Activity Number: | |

| |10 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Home visits |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Consider this scenario in reference to your local or the DDHHS Procedure for Home Visiting and Personal Safety:

Queensland Health Human Resources Policy Home and Community Visits – Employees:

You are going on a home visit. A risk assessment was undertaken and no safety concerns were identified. As you enter the yard a large snarling dog runs towards you. Your client has a visitor who dropped in unexpectedly and it is the visitor’s dog. The visitor calls out to you, ’don’t worry; his bark is worse than his bite.’

1. What would be the appropriate action for you to take in this situation?

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Activity continued on the next page.

[pic]Activity 10: Home visits (continued)

45. How could this situation have been avoided?

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[pic]Activity 11: Minimising risk in the community setting

|Activity Number: | |

| |11 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Minimising risk in the community setting |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Please answer the following questions relating to minimising risk in the community setting.

1. What strategies are in place in your workplace to maximise your safety during home or community visits? You may consider strategies for occupational health and safety, manual handling, infection control, personal safety, and driver safety.

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 11: Minimising risk in the community setting (continued)

46. What strategies are in place at your workplace, or could be put in place, to enable staff to inform others of their whereabouts?

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[pic]Activity 12: Working in a client’s home

|Activity Number: | |

| |12 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Working in a client’s home |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Consider the following case study and then respond to two potential approaches to the situation.

Case Study: Mrs Thomas

Mrs Thomas is an elderly client using your service who uses a four-wheeled walker to help her to get about. She is a widow who lives alone. Her children and their families all live in various cities around Australia. Although she and her children are close and keep in touch by phone regularly, she does not get to see them very often and generally just for a few days or weeks during school holidays.

Last time you visited her with the Occupational Therapist it was recommended that many of the objects in the entry and hallway of her home be moved in order to make the house safe to navigate. The objects in question are rugs, large pieces of pottery and sculptures she collected on trips with her husband when he was still alive and similar items her children have given her to add to her collection over the years.

Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 12: Working in a client’s home (continued)

On your next visit you notice that the Occupational Therapist’s recommendations have not been acted on. Compare these two approaches to follow-up.

Approach 1: ‘The Occupational Therapist said you need to get rid of all that clutter.’

How do you think this might make Mrs Thomas feel?

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Approach 2: ‘These are very interesting? How did you come to collect them? Have you thought any more about what the Occupational Therapist recommended? With your walker, it seems quite difficult to get through your hallway, so moving some of these objects should make it safer for you and there is a chance you might knock something over and break it. I would be happy to help you move them to a safer spot.’ Are you happy for me to help you move them to a safer spot?

How do you think you might respond to an approach like this if you were Mrs Thomas?

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[pic]Activity 13: Cultural considerations

|Activity Number: | |

| |13 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Cultural considerations |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Follow the link below to find information on religious practices and health care:

Read through the ‘dietary needs’ column for the section on Islam and also the section titled ‘religious restrictions and medication.’

How do you think coming from an Islamic background might affect the following?

A client’s acceptance of ‘Meals on Wheels’?

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Activity continued on the next page.

[pic]Activity 13: Cultural considerations (continued)

g) How might you adapt rehabilitation programs for retraining cooking skills to suit the client?

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h) A client’s compliance with prescribed medications?

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Activity 14: Implementing a program plan

|Activity Number: | |

| |14 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Implementing a program plan |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Obtain a copy of the treatment or program plan used by your community rehabilitation service and answer the following questions. Please attach the de-identified risk assessment.

Alternatively, you can also use the example care plan included in Appendix B of your learner guide.

1. What type of information is in the plan? List ten of its key features.

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 14: Implementing a program plan (continued)

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47. Are Allied Health Assistants involved in delivery of any of the services included in the program plan? Why or why not?

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[pic]Activity 15: Community rehabilitation in practice

|Activity Number: | |

| |15 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Community rehabilitation in practice |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Read the case study below and answer the following questions.

Marianne is 82 years old and has had a stroke affecting her right side and some loss of speech function. She has been discharged home with support from a Transition Care Team. Her goals are to:

← resume knitting and sewing

← do her own shopping

← improve her ability to communicate

← start reading books again

← increase socialisation

These goals have been worked on by the Transition Care Team for a three month period. The review of her care plan showed good outcomes on all goals. Solutions were achieved as follows:

Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 15: Community rehabilitation in practice (continued)

1. Occupational Therapy assessment for hand function followed by re-introduction of knitting. A local craft group was identified. Marianne was introduced to the group and now attends weekly.

48. To go shopping it was necessary to ensure Marianne could get there and that she could communicate her needs. Marianne was assisted to apply for a Community Aged Care CACPs package (CACPs) which she now receives. Marianne goes shopping once a week with a worker. The Speech Pathologist worked on a series of communication cards that allow Marianne to let her worker know what she wants to buy.

49. To improve communication, the Speech Pathologist also prescribed a therapy program that was conducted by the Allied Health Assistant with reviews fortnightly by the Speech Pathologist and discussions after each session. Marianne now has a vocabulary of 30 words.

50. Reading has proved difficult and Marianne’s goal has changed. In conjunction with the local library, a volunteer from Volunteering Queensland and the Australian Aphasia Association (AAA), different talking books have been trialled.

51. All of the above lead to a great deal of increased socialisation. Marianne also goes to a coffee morning with the AAA once a month.

1. How has a holistic approach been taken with Marianne?

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Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 15: Community rehabilitation in practice (continued)

52. How have the values and philosophy of community rehabilitation been upheld?

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53. Which support groups and organisations outside Queensland Health were used?

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[pic]Activity 16: The impact of chronic disease

|Activity Number: | |

| |16 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |The impact of chronic disease |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

Look at the list of common chronic diseases on page 8976 of the Learner Guide. Choose three chronic diseases and describe the impact they might have on a person’s quality of life. You may wish to choose conditions common among clients in the community rehabilitation service where you work.


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Activity continues on the next page.


[pic]Activity 16: The impact of chronic disease (continued)


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[pic]Activity 17: Self -management

|Activity Number: | |

| |17 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Self management |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

List five things that might help a client manage their own care:

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

List five things that might prevent a client from managing their own care:

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 17: Self –management (continued)

List some support strategies that you could use to help a client through their illness.

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[pic]Activity 18: Questions

|Activity Number: | |

| |18 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Questions |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |

Detailed task instructions

For this task you are required to answer questions that relate to your work as an Allied Health Assistant working in community rehabilitation.

1. What are some of the different frameworks or models used in community rehabilitation?

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Activity continues on the next page.

58. Why is it important to follow OHS procedures when working in the community?

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Draw a map, or flow chart, or the team members involved in a client’s community rehabilitation.

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[pic]Activity 19: Scenario

|Activity Number: | |

| |19 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Scenario |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Unit Code: |HLTCR401B |Name: |Work effectively in community rehabilitation |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

For this task you are required to read and respond to the scenario provided.


You are visiting a client who lives alone. When you arrive at the client’s house, you discover that the client has not been attending to self-care tasks, has had several falls, and is not eating proper meals.


How do you manage the situation? Who would you communicate with about this client? What do you think they would do about the situation? Consider the services they would organise? Describe what you would document?

Activity continues on the next page.

[pic]Activity 19: Scenario (continued)

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[pic]Activity 20: Workplace observation checklist

|Activity Number: | |

| |20 of 20 |

|Name of Activity: |Workplace observation checklist |

|Qualification Code: |HLT42507 |Name: |Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

Workplace Supervisor Details

|Name: | |

|Phone: | |Email: | |

|Consultation times: | |Signature: | |

Detailed task instructions

You will be observed working with clients to support community rehabilitation in the community.

Examples include:

← Providing home based therapy (e.g. self care retraining, complex cooking)

← Mobility and community access

← Community integration/leisure tasks (e.g. community groups, community colleges, sport)

You will need to assist with the rehabilitation of clients on at least two occasions to demonstrate competence.

Workplace Observation Checklist

Workplace Supervisor to date and sign

|Essential Skills and Knowledge |1st observation |2nd observation |Comments |*FER |

|The learner demonstrates the following |date & initial |date & initial | | |

|skills and knowledge | | | | |

|Work within the context of community rehabilitation |

|Demonstrates understanding of community | | | | |

|rehabilitation | | | | |

|Identifies potential difficulties when | | | | |

|working in the community | | | | |

|Demonstrates an understanding of your role | | | | |

|within the community setting | | | | |

|Demonstrates an understanding of different | | | | |

|models/frameworks used in community | | | | |

|rehabilitation | | | | |

|Work within a multidisciplinary team |

|Demonstrates an understanding of different | | | | |

|team members roles with the team | | | | |

|Identifies appropriate personal/team | | | | |

|members who need to be involved in the | | | | |

|client’s rehabilitation plan and discuss | | | | |

|with professional | | | | |

|Communicates with team members (including | | | | |

|attending team meetings and individual | | | | |

|discussions) to discuss the client’s | | | | |

|progress/rehabilitation program | | | | |

|Provide holistic support to clients within the context of the rehabilitation plan |

|Identifies the client’s needs | | | | |

|Liaises with professional regarding need | | | | |

|for further input from other/external | | | | |

|services | | | | |

|Assists with the referrals to appropriate | | | | |

|services/team members | | | | |

|Provides client/significant others with | | | | |

|ongoing education | | | | |

|Considers client’s cultural/religious | | | | |

|beliefs and organises interpreters if | | | | |

|required | | | | |

|Encourages and supports client’s | | | | |

|involvement and participation in their | | | | |

|rehabilitation program | | | | |

|Address risk identification, hygiene and infection control issue |

|Demonstrates awareness into potential | | | | |

|safety concerns when working in the | | | | |

|community | | | | |

|Demonstrates familiarly with risk | | | | |

|management plans/strategies of how to | | | | |

|manage the situation if a risk occurs | | | | |

|Works with professional to develop risk | | | | |

|assessments and risk management plans | | | | |

|Follows OHS guidelines at all times | | | | |

|(including maintain adequate level of | | | | |

|personal hygiene, use safety/protection | | | | |

|equipment as required, report any | | | | |

|incidents/broken equipment) | | | | |

|Complete documentation |

|Documents all interactions with the | | | | |

|client/family/significant others in case | | | | |

|notes/medical records | | | | |

|Documents and report any broken devices | | | | |


Candidate is to complete the contact details on this page. Please submit this page and the following pages with your assessment. Your TAFE assessor will record the outcome of your assessment on this document and discuss your results with you.

|Contact Details |

|Name | |

|Work phone | |Mobile phone | |

|Contact address | |

|Contact email | |

|Current work role and/or | |

|work placement | |

| | |

|Qualification |HLT42507 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|RTO Address | |

|TAFE assessor contact details | |

|The assessment requirements for |Please circle your response and sign |

|this qualification were clearly | |

|explained by the TAFE assessor |Yes or No |

|and negotiated to meet my | |

|specific needs | |

| |Signed _____________________________________________________ |


To be completed by TAFE assessor


|HLT07 Health Training Package |

|HLT42507 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance |

|Candidate name: | |

|Workplace and address: | |

|TAFE assessor name: | |

|RTO address | |

|(if applicable): | |

|TAFE assessor contact | |

|Units |Competent (Yes/No) |RPL |Date |Assessor Initial |

|HLTCR401B Work effectively in community rehabilitation | | | | |

|Feedback/Record of discussions with candidate |

|Actions for further assessment if necessary |

|Learner signature | |Date | |

|TAFE assessor signature | |Date | |

Additional Notes

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