The Red Pyramid packet

Prior to Reading Strategy Focus: Background Knowledge

Before reading, try to answer the questions below on the left hand side. Then, as you read, you can add some information on the right hand side. Try to compare your answers to your classmates when you are done.

|Prior to Reading Story |After Reading Story |

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|What do you know about wizards and magic? |

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|What do you know about Harry Potter? |

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Prior to Reading Strategy: Prediction

In the space below write a prediction as to what you think this book will be about. In your prediction, try to include what you think the problem and solution to the story may be.

Answers will vary.

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|Good Readers will try to find meanings from the words… |

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|Word Study |

|In order to better comprehend what they are reading, good readers will try to find the meanings of the key vocabulary in the story. |

|Please refer to the “Word Study” sheet in the back of your packet for the words. Some vocabulary words may have several meanings, so |

|make sure that your definition fits the way you think it would be used in the story. |

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|Good Readers will use context clues… |

Comprehension Guide Directions

Answer the following questions about the book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Whenever possible, please try to use complete sentences.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Have you ever traveled outside the country in which you live? |

|If you could go on an “adventure” to another country, where would you choose? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What secret were the Dursley’s trying to hide?

They didn’t want anyone to find out about the Potters.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Have you ever kept a secret from someone? |

|Would you like to share what it was and why you kept it a secret? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

According to Mr. Dursley, what were the four signs that something peculiar was happening?

1. There was a cat reading a map.

2. There were people dressed in cloaks around town.

3. There were owls swooping past in broad daylight

4. He stumbled into a man wearing a cloak and heard the word “muggles.”

5. Other answers may be acceptable as well.

What was unusual about the owl behavior around town?

There had been hundreds of owl sightings during the daytime when normally owls only come out at night.

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe characters in the stories that they read. Write a description of Albus Dumbledore below.

He was tall, thin, and very old. He had silver hair and beard that were down to his waist. He had on long robes, a purple cloak, and high-heeled buckled boots. He had bright blue eyes. He had glasses and a long crooked nose.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 1 continued…

Why was Professor McGonagall so upset?

She thought that some people were being careless out in the streets in broad daylight not even dressed in Muggle clothes.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions

Good readers make predictions as they read to help them understand the story. Predict why you think people don’t say Voldemort’s name?

Answers will vary, but people were frightened something bad would happen.

How was Voldemort finally stopped?

He tried to kill the Potter’s son but was stopped. His power then broke and he left.

Strategy Focus: Understanding Point of View

Good readers often evaluate different viewpoints that the characters in the story have. Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore had opposite beliefs in regards to whether or not Harry should go with the Dursleys. In the two “speech bubbles” below, describe both of their beliefs.

McGonagall Dumbledore

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe characters in the stories that they read. Describe Hagrid below. In your description, include the words wide, tangles, trashcan, and accent.

He rides a motorcycle. He was extremely tall. He was very wide. He had long tangles of bushy black hair and a thick beard. His hands were as big as trashcan lids, and wore leather boots. He was muscular and talked with an accent.

Strategy Focus: Making Inferences

Good readers use the details from their readings to infer what the author means. Based on what you have read so far, why is Harry Potter something special?


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Where did Harry sleep in the Dursley’s house?

He slept in a cupboard underneath the stairs.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Harry slept in an odd place. Where is the strangest place that you have ever slept? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe the characters in the stories that they read. Describe Harry and Dudley below.

|Harry |Dudley |

| | |

|He was small and skinny. He had a thin face, knobby knees, black |Dudley resembled Uncle Vernon. He had a pink face, very little |

|hair, and green eyes. He wore round glasses that were taped |neck, small blue eyes, thick blond hair and a fat head. Harry |

|together. He had a thin scar on his forehead in the shape of a |thought he looked like a pig in a wig. |

|lightning bolt. | |

Why was Harry so excited to finally go to one of Dudley’s birthday parties? Write your answer on the “birthday balloon” below.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 2 continued…

Strategy Focus: Reading for Details

Good readers often read for details. What were three strange things that happened to Harry?

1. His hair could grow back quickly.

2. A sweater that Harry didn’t want to wear seemed to shrink when Aunt Petunia tried to put it over his head.

3. He ended up on top of a roof one time when being chased by Dudley.

4. Answers will vary.

What was Harry’s dream that almost made Uncle Vernon crash?

Harry dreamed about a flying motorcycle.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Have you ever had a strange dream? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What unusual things happened at the zoo when Harry went into the reptile house?

A snake winked at him and it appeared that Harry understood what the snake was thinking.

The glass in front of a boa constrictor’s cage vanished and the snake escaped.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions

Good readers make predictions as they read to help them understand the story. Why do you think Harry couldn’t ask questions about his parents?

Answers will vary.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


According to Dudley, what was his favorite sport?

Harry hunting.

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

Good readers will extend the meaning of the text. For this activity, you are asked to rank the following sports or activities in terms of how much you enjoy participating in them. Rank the following on a scale of “1” to “1o” (a “10” being very enjoyable). You can even write in your own activity and rank it.

|Activity |Ranking |Activity |Ranking |

|Baseball | |Football | |

|Basketball | |Chess | |

|Tennis | |Hockey | |

|Swimming | |Ping-Pong | |

|Soccer | |Softball | |

|Volleyball | |Horseshoes | |

|Harry Hunting | | | |

Where was Harry going to school and why was he not excited about the clothes he was going to wear?

He was going to Stonewall High School and Aunt Petunia was dyeing some of Dudley’s old things gray for Harry to wear to school.

Strategy Focus: Making Inferences

Good readers use the details from their readings to infer what the author means. Based on what you have read so far, why do you think Uncle Vernon is now having Harry move into Dudley’s second bedroom?

Answers will vary, but the rationale may be what most answer. Based on the letter that they received for Harry, they probably think that they need to treat Harry better and by giving Harry a bedroom, maybe that will make the letters disappear.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|If you were to write a letter to someone without a return address, |

|who would you write it to and why would you write it? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 3 continued…

Strategy Focus: Visualizing

Good readers often draw pictures in their minds as they read. In the box below, draw a picture of what Dudley’s second bedroom looked like. In your picture, label at least three items that Dudley had in this room.

On the “envelope” below, write how one of the many letters to Harry was addressed. If you have time, design a stamp that you think would have been used on one of the letters.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|What do you think was in the envelope for Harry? Why do you think this? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 3 continued…

What was Uncle Vernon’s reaction when he opened the first letter addressed to Harry?

His face went from red to green to grayish white. He was obviously upset and frightened at the same time.

According to the book, one letter arrived on Tuesday, one on Wednesday... Fill in the chart below for the number of letters Harry received on each day.

|Day of the Week |Number of Letters |

|Tuesday |1 |

|Wednesday |1 |

|Thursday |3 |

|Friday |12 |

|Saturday |24 |

|Sunday |30-40 |

What was Uncle Vernon’s plan when the letters were coming through the chimney on a Sunday?

He said they were going away and that they had to pack their bags.

What did the owner of the hotel bring the Dursley’s as they ate their breakfast the next morning?

Another letter addressed to Harry.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Harry, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley ate stale cornflakes and cold-tinned |

|tomatoes on toast for breakfast at the hotel. Does this sound like a tasty |

|breakfast to you? What are some kinds of breakfasts that you like? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What was so special about Tuesday for Harry and why wasn’t he very excited about it?

It was Harry’s eleventh birthday. His birthdays weren’t actually fun. Last year, the Dursleys gave him a coat hanger and a pair of Uncle Vernon’s old socks.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 3 continued…

Uncle Vernon drove them from the hotel to the middle of a forest, got out, looked around, shook his head, got in the car, and off they went again. This was what Uncle Vernon did when they stopped in the middle of a plowed field, halfway across a suspension bridge, and at the top of a multi-level parking garage. Why was Uncle Vernon in such a good mood after they reached the shack that was perched on top of the rock out at sea? Write your answer on the “wave” below.

He thought no one would find them there in the middle of a storm.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|If you had to spend a night in a shack out at sea during a storm, which character would you want to be with- Aunt Petunia, |

|Uncle Vernon, or Dudley? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What happened at midnight when Harry turned eleven?

There was a loud knock at the door of the shack.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions

Good readers make predictions as they read to help them understand the story.

Who do you think is outside the door? Why?

Answers will vary. There was someone to get Harry.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe the characters in the stories that they read. Describe the person that entered the door.

He was a giant of a man. He had a long shaggy mane of hair and a tangled beard. His eyes were like black beetles. He had a rough dialect.

What did the giant do when Uncle Vernon asked him to leave?

He told him to “shut up”, grabbed the gun out of his hands, bent it into a knot, and threw it in the corner of the room.

On the pocket below, write what the giant had in his pocket.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 4 continued…

Why was Hagrid so upset with Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia?

He was mad about the letters, but he was even more upset about Harry not knowing about Hogwarts.

What did Hagrid tell Harry that brought silence in the shack?

He told Harry that he was a wizard.

On the “paper scroll” below, write (in your own words) what the letter said to Harry.

Answers may vary but see page 51 for the actual letter.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 4 continued…

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Are you a “muggle”? If you could be magical, |

|what sort of magical power would you wish you had? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Key Vocabulary

Good readers understand key vocabulary in a story. Define the word “muggle” and use it in a sentence correctly.

A “muggle” is a non-magical person. Sentences will vary.

Strategy Focus: Making Inferences

Good readers use the details from their reading to infer what the author really means. How can you tell that Aunt Petunia was jealous of Harry’s mother?

She thought her sister was a freak, and she didn’t like her sister getting all the attention from her parents. She despised her.

Strategy Focus: Understanding Key Details

Good readers are able to find key details in a text to help them understand the story. Describe in detail Voldemort’s rise to power and his eventual disappearance. Include in your answer the words powerful, killed, Potter’s village, and Harry’s parents.

About 20 years ago, he started looking for followers. He became powerful and killed anyone that stood in his way. Voldemort turned up in the Potter’s village 10 years ago and killed Harry’s parents and tried to kill him, but failed.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|What do you think happened to Voldemort? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Why didn’t Harry believe that he was a wizard?

He had spent his life being bullied by Dudley, Uncle Vernon, and Aunt Petunia and never did anything magical to them.

Why isn’t Hagrid supposed to do magic?

He got expelled and was allowed to stay on as gamekeeper.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


How was Harry going to pay for his wizard supplies?

There was a wizard’s bank called Gringotts.

Where is Gringotts located?

It is hundreds of miles under London.

Harry unfolded a second piece of paper that he hadn’t noticed the night before. On the “paper scroll” below, write down what first year students are required to have at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

On the “book” below, write down at least three book titles that would be required reading for the first year students.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 5 continued…

On the “cauldron” below, write down the other equipment needed for first year students.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions

Why do you think first year students are not allowed their own broomsticks?


What was the reaction of the people in the Leaky Cauldron when they knew it was Harry?

The bartender felt honored and the people were shaking his hand.

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe characters in the stories that they read. Describe Professor Quirrell below.

He teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He stutters, is very brilliant, scared of students, and is afraid of his own subject.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|What is your favorite subject in school? |

|What do you think your favorite subject would be at Harry’s school? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 5 continued…

Hagrid counted bricks in the wall above the trash can to enter Diagon Alley. On the “brick wall” below, shade in the brick that Hagrid would tap three times with the tip of his umbrella to enter Diagon Alley. Start where it says “Begin Here”.

Three up and two across.

What creatures were guarding the money in Gringotts?


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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|What do you think is in Harry Potter’s vault? Why? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What was in Harry’s vault?

Mounds of gold coins, columns of silver, and heaps of little brown Knuts.

Strategy Focus: Math with Magic

Good readers of Harry Potter will be able to figure out weird math problems. Solve the math problems below using the coins used by magicians.

29 Knuts = 1 Sickle 17 Sickles = 1 Galleon

How many Knuts are in 4 sickles? 29 x 4 =116

If Harry had 102 Sickles, how many Galleons would he have? 102/17 = 6

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 5 continued…

How did Griphook open Vault 713?

He stroked the door gently with his finger and it melted away.

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe the characters in the stories that they read. Describe the appearance and behaviors of the boy that Harry met at Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions.

He had a bored, drawling voice. He reminded Harry of Dudley. He wanted to be in Slytherin. He thinks Hagrid is a savage.

What is Quidditch?

It a wizard sport that is like soccer. It is played in the air on broomsticks. There are four balls.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Would you like to play Quidditch? What games do you like to play? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Sequence of Events

Put the following events in order in the way in which they happened in this chapter.

___ Harry visits his vault at Gringotts. 3

___ Harry got his school books at Flourish and Blotts. 5

___ Harry has his uniform fitted at Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. 4

___ Harry visits the Leaky Cauldron. 2

___ Harry and Hagrid enter Diagon Alley. 1

Strategy Focus: Visualizing

Good readers often get pictures in their minds when reading. In the box below, draw and label at least 4 items that were in the Apothecary.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 5 continued…

Why did Hagrid think an owl would be useful for Harry?

The owl could carry his mail.

Unscramble the letters below to spell Hagrid’s first name.



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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Do you think Hagrid’s first name fits him? |

|Can you think of another name that would fit him any better? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What makes up every Ollivander wand?

Unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, heartstrings of dragons

Describe Harry’s wand and how he felt when he first picked it up.

It had holly and phoenix feather. It was 11 inches. When he touched it, he felt a warmth in his fingers and a stream of red and gold sparks shot from the end.

What did Mr. Ollivander think was interesting about the wand that Harry had picked up?

The phoenix that gave its feather to this wand also gave a feather to the wand of the person who gave Harry the scar-Voldemort.

At the end of the chapter, what did Hagrid give Harry?

He gave him a ticket for Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Why was Harry counting down the days until September 1?

That was when he was leaving for Hogwarts.

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

On the ticket below, design what Harry’s ticket may have looked like. Be sure to include where he was leaving from, the cost of the ticket (use the monetary system of wizards), and what his destination was.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Can you think of a time when you counted |

|the hours or days as you waited for something? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What did Harry discover when Uncle Vernon dropped him off at the train station?

There was no Platform 9 ¾.

How did Harry eventually get to Platform 9 ¾?

He walked straight at the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 and went through the wall.

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe characters in the stories that they read. Describe Ron below.

He was tall, thin, gangling, and had freckles. He had big hands, big feet, and a long nose.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 6 continued…

What physical feature of Harry’s did Ron want to see?

He wanted to see the scar on Harry’s forehead.

Why wasn’t Ron happy to be the youngest of five brothers?

He never got anything new. It was all passed down.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you get clothes passed down to you? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Visualizing

Good readers often draw pictures in their minds as they read. On the “piece of candy” below, design a wrapper for one of the candies (Bettie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron Cakes, Licorice Wands) that were on the cart that came to Ron and Harry’s door.

Answers will vary.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|What is your favorite candy? When is the last time you had that type of candy? |

|Do you think Harry would like that kind of candy? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 6 continued…

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe characters in the stories that they read. For this part, on the blank “card” below, you are asked to design the trading card of Albus Dumbledore that Harry found when he opened the Chocolate Frog candy. Be sure to include a sketch or drawing of Dumbledore as well as some other important information about him. Remember to use the information from chapter 6 to help you.

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe characters in the stories that they read. Describe Hermione.

She has a bossy voice, bushy brown hair, and large front teeth, talks fast, and is intelligent.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Do you know anyone like Hermione? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 6 continued…

What three books had Hermione read that included Harry Potter’s name? Write the titles on the three “books” below.

Modern Magical History, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century

Who were the three boys that entered where Ron and Harry were? How did Draco Malfoy want to help Harry?

It was Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco Malfoy. Crabbe and Goyle looked extremely mean- looked like body guards to the pale Draco Malfoy. Draco wanted to help Harry by not making friends with the wrong sort of wizard like the Weasleys (Ron was one) and Hagrid.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Based on the text and your own experiences, what kind of a person is Draco Malfoy? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Predicting

Hagrid and the others clambered up a passageway in the rock with the help of Hagrid’s lamp until they finally reached some damp grass in the shadow of the castle. Then they walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around the huge, oak front door. What do you think will happen next in this story? Write your prediction under the “castle” below.

Predictions will vary.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe characters in the stories that they read. Describe Professor McGonagall.

She was tall, had black hair, and wore an emerald green robe. She was a witch.

Why is the sorting ceremony important?

It is important because the house the student belongs to will be like family. Classes will be together, sleeping quarters together, and free time spent together in the house common room.

How can points be earned and lost at Hogwarts?

Points can be won for a triumph and taken away for breaking rules.

What startled the first years as they waited for the sorting ceremony?

20 ghosts entered the room.

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|Would you have been startled or scared if you were a “first year”? |

|What are you afraid of? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Strategy Focus: Understanding Story Details

Fill in the table below about the four houses of Hogwarts. Underneath each name, write a description of the house according to the thinking cap.

|House |Gryffindor |Hufflepuff |Ravenclaw |Slytherin |

| |Brave at heart, daring, |Just, loyal, patient, true,|Ready mind, wit, smart |Cunning, use any means to |

|Description |nerve, chivalry |unafraid of toil | |achieve their ends |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

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|What house would you want to be a part of? |

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|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What Houses were chosen for Ron, Hermione, and Harry?

All three got Gryffindor.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 7 continued…

Fill-In-The-Blank Puzzle

As you read the rest of chapter 7, answer the questions below. For this puzzle, you can only have one letter per box and some boxes may not be used. After answering all of the questions, unscramble the letters in the shaded boxes to solve the last question.

Neville’s family realized he wasn’t a ________ when they saw Uncle Algie hanging him outside a window by the ankles and when he accidentally let go, Neville bounced when he hit the ground. muggle

Professor _______ had a hooked nose, knew the Dark Arts, and had greasy black hair and sallow skin. He taught potions. Snape

Transfiguration is the ability to turn something into ________ else. something

The first “start-of-term notices” that Professor Dumbledore gave to the first-years was that the _______ is forbidden to all pupils. forest

The other three “start-of-term” notices said that “No magic should be used between classes in corridors”, “__________ trials will be held in the second week of the term”, and “The third floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds”. Quidditch

The first night at Hogwarts, Harry dreamt that he was wearing Professor Quirrell’s turban and it was talking to him. It was saying that he should transfer to Slytherin because it’s his destiny. The hat got heavier and heavier after Harry said “No”. Malfoy was laughing at him. Then Malfoy turned to Snape and there was a burst of _____ light and Harry woke up. green

Now unscramble the shaded letters to form a word that means “ghost”.

Answer: Poltergeist

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Strategy Focus: Understanding the Text

In the table below, describe how each part listed in Hogwarts was unique or weird.

|Hogwarts |Description |

| | |

| |There were 142 staircases at Hogwarts. Some wide, some narrow, some rickety, some that led somewhere |

|Staircases |different on Friday. |

| | |

| | |

| |Doors wouldn’t open unless you asked politely or tickled them in exactly the right place- and doors |

|Doors |that weren’t really doors at all. |

| | |

| | |

| |The people in portraits seemed to move around a lot. The people in the portraits kept going to visit |

|Portraits |each other. |

| | |

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|Coats of Armor |Harry was sure the coats of armor could walk. |

| | |

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| | |

|Ghosts |Ghosts would glide through the door when one opened it. |

| | |

| |

|Phobia Fact… Did you know… |

| |

|Phasmophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of ghosts. |

| |

|Remember, reading is thinking… |

Why didn’t the students want to run into Peeves the Poltergeist?

He dropped wastepaper baskets on the students’ heads, pulled rugs from under their feet, pelted them with chalk, and snuck up behind them and grabbed their nose.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 8 continued…

|Period |Class |Professor |

|1 |Herbology |Sprout |

|2 |History of Magic |Binns |

|3 |Charms |Flitwick |

|4 |Transfiguration |McGonagall |

|5 |Defense Against the Dark Arts |Quirrell |

|6 |Potions |Snape |

|7 |Optional |Optional |

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|What class do you think would be your favorite at Hogwarts? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 8 continued…

Why wasn’t Harry way behind everyone else in terms of his wizardry schooling?

Some of the other students came from Muggle families and, like him, hadn’t any idea that they were witches and wizards. Even students like Ron didn’t have much of a head start.

How was mail delivered at Hogwarts? Write your answer on the “envelope” below.

Owls would stream into the Great Hall during breakfast and would drop letters by their owners.

How did Harry Potter lose two points for Gryffindor?

He told Snape to call on Hermoine for a question and then he was accused of not helping Neville with his potion that went wrong.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Do you think it was fair for Harry to lose two points? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

As Harry and Ron were in Hagrid’s house, Harry picked up The Daily Prophet. Explain in your own words what the article was about.

There was a break-in at Gringotts on Harry’s Birthday. The vault that was searched had been emptied earlier that day (by Hagrid).

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Strategy Focus: Sequence of Events

Good readers are able to put in order events that happen in the story. Place the directions that Madam Hooch gave to the students for flying lessons in order from 1-7.

_____5 keep the brooms steady

_____1 stand by a broom stick

_____6 rise a few feet

_____2 stick out your right hand over your broom

_____7 come straight back down by leaning forward slightly

_____3 mount your broom

_____4 kick off from the ground hard

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|If you were riding a broom, how would you turn right? Left? Stop? Slow down? Yield for another wizard? Parallel park? Ride |

|in a heavy rainstorm? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What did Harry Potter realize he could do without being taught?

He realized he could fly on his broom.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Do you think you could take a broom and fly on it? What about a carpet? Of course you could fly on an airplane and in a hot |

|air balloon. How many things can you think of that would allow you to fly in the air? Can you think of at least 10? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 9 continued…

Who is Oliver Wood and why was he happy to meet Harry Potter?

Oliver Wood was the captain of Gryffindor’s Quidditch team. He was happy to meet Harry because he wanted to make him a seeker.

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

Good readers will extend the meaning of the text. For this activity, on the “jersey” on the left you are asked to design a team shirt that you think Harry would wear for the Quidditch game. On the “jersey” on the right, you are asked to design a jersey that you would wear.

What did Malfoy challenge Harry to? Where was it to take place? Why didn’t Hermione want Harry to face Malfoy?

He challenged him to a wizard’s duel in the trophy room. Hermione was afraid that Gryffindor would lose more points.

Strategy Focus: Character Perspective

Good readers are able to understand a characters’ point of view in a story. Why does Hermione think Malfoy tricked Harry?

She thought Malfoy never intended to meet Harry, but to rather get him caught and have Gryffindor lose more points.

As Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran away from Peeves, they entered a room they weren’t supposed to be in. Describe the creature they encountered below. Seeing the trapdoor that the creature was standing on, what did Harry realize at the end of the chapter?

It was a huge three-headed dog that had three noses, three drooling mouths, saliva dripping, and yellow fangs.

The dog was protecting the grubby little package from vault 713.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 10: HALLOWEEN

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Malfoy was surprised the next morning when he noticed that Harry and Ron were still at Hogwarts. Can you think of a time |

|when you were surprised by something? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

On the” letter” below, explain what Professor McGonagall had written to Harry.

Why was Malfoy full of rage after Professor Flitwick talked with Ron and Harry?

He was upset that Harry got the Nimbus Two Thousand and how Harry said it was thanks to him.

Strategy Focus: Making Connections

Good readers will make connections between what they are reading and their own lives. Harry received a special gift. Share a time when you received a gift that really meant something to you.

Answer will vary.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 10 continued…

Strategy Focus: Visualizing

Good readers draw pictures in their head as they read to better comprehend the story. This is called visualizing. In the “Quidditch Sales Catalog” below, draw the Nimbus Two Thousand on the left page. On the page to the right, write a description about the Nimbus Two Thousand.

Strategy Focus: Visualizing

In the space below, draw the Quidditch Field and stadium that Harry saw. Be sure to write down any details about the stadium and/or field below the drawing.

Answers may vary.

Quidditch Stadium-hundreds of seats raised so could see the field; three golden poles with hoops in the end.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 10 continued…

| |

|Sporting Fact… Did you know… |

| |

|Quidditch is similar to the sport of soccer. While the history of Quidditch is a bit unknown, |

|it is said that early growth of soccer started in England. It may even be true that |

|the first “ball” used was the head of some Danish brigand. It is said that during |

|medieval times, the old form of soccer used to allow kicking, punching, biting and |

|gouging. The main goal was to carry the ball to a target spot. People grew so fond |

|of the game that they would play all day long. Sometimes the competition grew fierce |

|and masses got so wild that there were frequent incidents of violence during the game. |

| |

|Remember, reading is thinking… |

Strategy Focus: Understanding the Text

Wood explained more rules of Quidditch to Harry. Fill in the chart below with the correct answers to the rules.

|Question |Answer |

| | |

|How many players are on each side? |7 |

| | |

|How many “Chasers” are there? |3 |

| | |

|What does a “quaffle” look like? |Bright red ball about the size of a soccer ball |

| | |

|How many points for a “quaffle” |10 |

|going through a hoop? | |

| | |

|What does a “Keeper” do? |Fly around the hoop and stop |

| |the other team from scoring |

| | |

|What is the purpose of the “bludgers”? |Two black balls that try to |

| |knock players off their brooms |

| | |

|What do the two “Beaters” |They try to knock the bludgers |

|do on each team? |toward the other team. |

| | |

|What is the job of the “seeker”? |To capture the Golden Snitch |

| | |

|How many points does a team get if |150 |

|they capture the Golden Snitch? | |

| | |

|What is the record for the |Three months |

|longest Quidditch game? | |

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|What position would you play if you were on a Quidditch team? Why? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 10 continued…

What was Hermione able to do that Ron couldn’t?

She was able to make a feather rise off her desk.

Why did Professor Dumbledore instruct all the students to go back to their dorms during the Halloween feast?

There was a troll in the dungeons.

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

Good readers are able to describe characters in the stories that they read. Describe the troll below.

It was 12 feet tall, skin color of dull granite gray, lumpy body, small bald head, short legs, horny feet, terrible smell, held a club.

Why did Harry and Ron run back to the room after locking the troll in it?

They realized they had locked the troll into the girls’ bathroom where Hermione was.

How did Ron and Harry rescue Hermione?

Harry jumped on the troll and stuck his wand up the troll’s nose. Ron cast a spell that made the troll’s club land on its head.

What was the result of the three students’ actions when the professors arrived on the scene?

Gryffindor was awarded five points. Not many first years had taken on a full grown mountain troll.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Do you think what was awarded to Gryffindor was fair? Why or why not? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Why was Hermione now Harry and Ron’s friend?

She had lied to the professors and she was grateful for Ron and Harry helping her defeat the mountain troll.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 11: QUIDDITCH

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

Good readers will extend the meaning of what they are reading. Hardly anyone had seen Harry play Quidditch because Wood had decided to try to keep him a secret. But the news eventually leaked out that Harry would be playing “Seeker” for the Quidditch season opener on Saturday. For this activity, you are asked to design a poster that would be displayed outside the stadium letting everyone know of Harry and his Seeker role. On the poster, try to include the following:

▪ The event to take place (Quidditch game between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

▪ The day the event will take place.

▪ A catchy title of the poster.

▪ A colorful picture of Harry.

▪ Information about Harry and his role as Seeker.

▪ Anything else you think would be useful information for the poster.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Stop and think… How do you think Harry will do playing Seeker? |

|Can you think of a time when you played a sport or did something for the first time? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 11 continued…

Harry was lucky to have Hermione as a friend. For one thing, she helped him with his homework. Secondly, she lent him a book about Quidditch called Quidditch Through the Ages. In the table below, tell what Harry learned about the identified topics.

|Topic |What Harry Learned |

| | |

|Quidditch |There are 700 ways |

|Foul |of committing a foul. |

| | |

|Seekers |Usually the smallest and fastest players; |

| |Most serious accidents happened to them. |

| | |

| |Referees had been known to vanish |

|Referees |and turn up months later in the Sahara Desert. |

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Harry and Hermione were becoming good friends. |

|What makes a good friend? Can you share |

|some qualities of one of your good friends? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

When Harry pushed open the door, he saw Snape and Filch inside, alone. Snape was holding his robe above his knees. One of his legs was bloody and mangled. Filch was handing Snape bandages. What did Harry believe about Snape and his involvement with what happened on Halloween?

Harry thought Snape had tried to get past the three-headed dog. He also thought Snape let the troll in.

During the Quidditch match, what had happened to Harry and his Nimbus Two Thousand?

It was jerking violently out of control. Harry was dangling from it with only one hand.

What did Hermione do to help Harry get back to his broom?

She cast a spell that made Snape’s robe catch on fire.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 11 continued…

How did Harry get the golden snitch to win the game? In your answer, include the words ground, mouth, sick, coughed, gold, and Snitch.

Harry was speeding toward the ground when the crowd saw him clap his hand to his mouth as though he was about to be sick- he hit the field on all fours- coughed- and something gold fell into his hand- the Snitch!

Strategy Focus: Visualizing

In the space below, draw what you think the Snitch looked like.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Hagrid told Harry that he bought the three-headed dog off of a |

|Greek chappie he met at the pub. Does Fluffy seem like a name for the |

|three-headed dog? What name would you give the three-headed dog? |

|Do you have a one-headed dog with a weird name? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What did Hagrid think of their accusations against Snape?

He was upset and said that Snape would never harm a student.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions

Do you think Snape is out to hurt Harry? Why or why not?


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Why did Harry not go home for Christmas?

He wanted to stay at Hogwarts because he thought it would be the best Christmas ever for him.

Strategy Focus: Predicting

Harry and Ron told Hagrid that ever since Hagrid mentioned the name Nicolas Flamel, they were trying to find out who he was. Hagrid told them that they will have to find out for themselves. Who do you think Nicolas Flamel really is?

Answers will vary.

Why didn’t Harry and Ron ask the librarian, Madam Pince, about Flamel?

They were sure that Snape would hear what they were up to.

What did Harry and Ron do to pass the time during the holidays?

They were able to get the good armchairs by the fire. They ate what they wanted. They thought up ways to get Malfoy expelled. Ron taught Harry wizard chess.

Describe what wizard chess was.

Wizard chess was just like Muggle chess except that the figures were alive.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Do you like to play chess? Would you like to play wizard chess? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

| |

|Chess Fact… Did you know… |

| |

|The first official world chess champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886. |

| |

|Remember, reading is thinking… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 12 continued…

On the “present” or “gift bag” below, write down the gifts that Harry received for Christmas.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Out of all the presents that Harry received, which one would you like the most? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What was on the note attached to the invisibility cloak? Write your answer on the “note pad” below.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 12 continued…

What did Harry have for Christmas dinner? Write your answer on the “chef’s hat” below.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|What is your favorite holiday? What is your favorite holiday meal? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

After the Christmas dinner, Harry and Ron went up to bed. But Harry couldn’t stop thinking about the invisibility cloak and who may have given it to him. So Harry put on the cloak. Where did he decide to go?

He went to the restricted part of the library to look up information on Flamel.

Why did Harry have to leave the library?

One of the books let out some piercing, bloodcurdling shrieks when Harry opened it.

Harry encountered a mirror in one of the rooms. On the “mirror” below, describe what Harry saw when he looked in the mirror.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 12 continued…

Why didn’t finding out more about Flamel appeal to Harry anymore?

He wanted to return to the mirror instead.

What did Ron see in the mirror?

He saw himself as a head boy, and the Quidditch captain holding the cup.

Who did Harry encounter when he went back to look at the mirror?

Albus Dumbledore.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|According to Dumbledore, the mirror shows people the deepest, most desperate desire of their hearts. If this is the case, |

|what would you see in the mirror? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What was the danger of the Mirror of Erised?

Men have wasted away staring into the mirror.

What did Dumbledore say that he saw when he looked into the mirror? Do you believe him? Why or why not?

He saw himself holding a pair of thick woolen socks. Answers will vary.

| |

|Mirror Fact… Did you know… |

| |

|Mirrors are made of glass, silver paint (or foil), and black paint. The silver paint or foil reflects the light that hits |

|it, the black paint prevents light from behind washing out the image and helps protect the reflective surface from damage. |

|The glass also helps protect the reflective surface as well as focus the reflective image. |

| |

|Remember, reading is thinking… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


What were Harry’s nightmares about?

He dreamed about his parents disappearing in a flash of green light, while a

high voice cackled with laughter.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Can you remember a nightmare that you have had? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What were Hermione’s thoughts about what Harry did over the holidays?

She didn’t like that he roamed the hallways three nights in a row, and that he didn’t find out any more about Flamel.

Strategy Focus: Making an Inference

Why do you think Harry and Ron thought it was good for Hermione to lose at chess?

Answers will vary. It kept her humble.

How did Harry finally find out about Nicolas Flamel?

He had read about him on the back of Dumbledore’s card that he had read on the train to Hogwarts.

Hermione told Ron and Harry that Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Sorcerer’s Stone. What is the Sorcerer’s Stone?

It is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It can transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life which provides immortality.

What did Hermione conclude about the three-headed dog?

She believed it was there to protect the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 13 continued…

Fill-In-The-Blank Puzzle

As you read the rest of chapter 13, answer the questions below. For this puzzle, you can only have one letter per box and some boxes may not be used. After answering all of the questions, unscramble the letters in the shaded boxes to solve the last question.

Harry was happy because he knew that with Dumbledore watching the Quidditch game, there was no way that _____ would dare try to hurt him. Snape

Malfoy thought that people were chosen for the Gryffindor team because they were felt _____for. Like Harry Potter with no parents. sorry

Harry’s speed in catching the Snitch had to be a Quidditch ______. record

As Harry leaned against the wooden door of the shed just outside of Hogwarts, he thought about Gryffindor being in the lead. Then a hooded ______ came swiftly down the front steps of the castle, clearly not wanting to be seen. He recognized the figure’s prowling walk. It was Snape, sneaking into the forbidden forest while everyone else was at dinner. So Harry followed him on his Nimbus Two Thousand. figure

In the woods, Snape met up with Quirrell and asked him if he had found a way past the beast yet. When Quirrell told him that he didn’t know what he meant, Snape told him that they would have a little chat soon, when he decided where his ______ were. loyalties

When Harry returned, he told Ron and Hermione about Snape and Quirrell meeting in the forbidden forest. Harry said that he reckoned that there were other things guarding the stone apart from Fluffy, loads of enchantments, probably, and Quirrell may have done some anti-Dark Arts _____ that Snape would need to break through. spells

Now unscramble the shaded boxes to give you the place where Harry met the person he will have to deal with in the end. Answer: Diagon Alley

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 14: NORBERT THE


Every time Harry, Ron, and Hermione passed the third-floor corridor, they would press their ears to the door to check that Fluffy was still growling inside. But how did they know that the stone was still safe?

Snape was sweeping about in his usual bad temper way.

It seemed that Hermione had more on her mind than the Sorcerer’s Stone lately. In fact, she was worried about the exams coming up in ten weeks. Why were the exams important?

They had to pass the exams to get to the second year.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Hermione had been studying for the exams. She started to draw up study schedules and color coded her notes. How do you study|

|for a test? Do you have a certain place that you like to study? Do you like to study alone or with someone? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

In the library, Hagrid told Ron not to “go shoutin’ about” the fact that Fluffy is guarding the Sorcerer’s Stone. Then Hagrid walked away hiding a book behind his back. So Ron told Harry and Hermione that he was going to take a look at what section in the library that Hagrid was in. When Ron came back, he had three books. On the “books” below, write down the titles he had found.

What did Ron say about dragon breeding?

It has been outlawed since the Warlock’s Convention of 1709.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 14 continued…

Who are the only two people that know how to get past Fluffy?

Hagrid and Dumbledore.

Underneath Hagrid’s kettle in the very heart of the fire was a huge black dragon egg. Where did Hagrid tell them how he got it? Write your answer on the “egg” below.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|If you brought home a dragon egg and told your family that you wanted it to hatch, what would their reaction be? If you did |

|get it to hatch, what would you do with the dragon for fun? What would you name it? What would you feed it? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Hermione asked Hagrid what he would do with the egg once it had hatched. What did Hagrid tell her that he had learned from reading, Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit? What kind of dragon did Hagrid have?

He told her “Keep the egg in the fire, ‘cause their mothers breathe on ‘em, see, an’ when it hatches, feed it on a bucket o’ brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour. An’ see here- how ter recognize diff’rent eggs- what I got there’s a Norwegian Ridgeback.”

| |

|Dragon Fact… Did you know… |

| |

|There are two distinct cultural types of dragons- the European dragon, |

|which is ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, |

|and the Chinese dragon. The English word” derives from the |

|Greek word drákōn- serpent of huge size, water-snake. |

| |

|Remember, reading is thinking… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 14 continued…

During breakfast, Hedwig the owl brought a note to Harry. What did it say? What do you think this means for Hagrid (and for Ron, Harry, and Hermione)?

The note told him that the egg was hatching. Answers will vary.

Strategy Focus: Visualizing

All at once there was a scraping noise and the egg split open and the baby dragon flopped onto the table. In the “egg” below, draw what the dragon looked like.

Hagrid was just about to answer Hermione’s question about how fast Norwegian Ridgebacks grow when he noticed someone had been lookin’ through the gap in the curtains. Who did Harry discover had seen the dragon and why would this be a problem?

Malfoy had seen it. Answers may vary, but he would more than likely tell on the three students to try and get them expelled.

Who is Norbert and what was Harry’s idea to take care of Norbert?

Norbert was the name given to the dragon. Harry wanted to send Norbert to Charlie in Romania who is studying dragons.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 14 continued…

What plan did Charlie have in his letter to Ron?

Get the Ridgeback up the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday. Then some of Charlie’s friends will help get him away under the cover of night.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Do you think Harry’s plan will work? |

|What do you think will happen to Norbert? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

How did Harry think he could get himself, Ron, and Norbert to the tower?

He would use the invisibility cloak.

Who caught Malfoy lurking about the tower and what was the result?

Professor McGonagall caught Malfoy, and she will deduct 20 points from Slytherin.

What happened at the end of the chapter?

They were caught by Filch. They had forgotten the invisibility cloak up in the tower.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions

What do you think will happen to Harry, Ron and Hermione?

Answers will vary. Points will be taken from Gryffindor. They may be expelled.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Professor McGonagall was disgusted with the students who were out at night. What was the punishment that she gave them?

Each will get detention and 150 points (50 points each) will be taken from Gryffindor.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Do you think that this was fair punishment? |

|Can you think of a time when you were punished? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Why did Harry become the most hated student at Hogwarts?

He took Gryffindor from first to last in points and even Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were mad because they wanted them to defeat Slytherin.

For detention they were sent to the forest with Malfoy. What were they tracking in the forest?

They were tracking a unicorn.

| |

|Unicorn Fact… Did you know… |

| |

|Among numerous finds of prehistoric bones found at Unicorn |

|Cave in Germany's Harz Mountains, some were selected and |

|reconstructed by the mayor of Magdeburg as a unicorn in 1663. |

|But this so-called unicorn had only two legs and was constructed from fossil |

|bones of a woolly rhinoceros and a mammoth, with the horn of a narwhal. |

| |

|Remember, reading is thinking… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 15 continued…

When they were in the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid told them that nothing would hurt them as long as they were with Fang or himself. To follow the blood trail better, Hagrid told them that Harry and Hermione would travel with him and that Fang will go with Neville and Draco. What did the green and red sparks mean if they were shot into the air with their wands?

Green = found the unicorn red = in trouble

Strategy Focus: Character Traits

In the Forbidden Forest, describe the centaur that came out of the clearing. Write your answer on the “centaur” below.

As they walked on through the dense, dark trees, Harry kept looking nervously over his shoulder. They had just passed a bend in the path when Hermione grabbed Hagrid’s arm as she noticed the red sparks in the air. Hagrid told Harry and Hermione to stay there on the path while he checked on the others. Why were red sparks sent up?

Neville got scared by Malfoy when Malfoy snuck up behind him on purpose and scared him. Neville panicked and shot the red sparks up.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Can you remember a time when you were scared |

|by someone (or you scared someone else)? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 15 continued…


Directions: As you read about the unicorn and the Forbidden Forest, fill in the blanks.

1. As Harry took a step towards the dead unicorn they had found, he froze. He heard a slithering sound. Then out of the shadows, a hooded figure came crawling across the ground like some stalking _________. The cloaked figure huddled over the unicorn and it drank the unicorn ___________. beast, blood

2. _________ let out a terrible scream and bolted- so did Fang. The hooded figure raised its head and looked right at Harry. Harry couldn’t move for fear. Malfoy

3. A pain suddenly pierced Harry’s head. Half-blinded, he staggered back. Then he heard _________ behind him, galloping, and something jumped clean over Harry, charging the figure. hooves

4. Harry fell to his knees and when he looked up, the cloaked beast was gone. A __________ was standing over him. His name was __________. centaur, Firenze

5. The centaur wouldn’t tell Harry what or who the beast was but knew that he was the Potter boy. He told Harry that the forest wasn’t ________- especially for him. safe

Firenze decided to help Harry get out of the Forbidden Forest. As they were passing through a particularly dense patch of trees, Firenze suddenly stopped and asked, “Harry Potter, do you know what unicorn blood is used for?” What did Firenze tell Harry about who would kill a unicorn and what the unicorn blood is actually used for? In your answer, include the words lose, gain, blood, terrible price, defenseless, and cursed.

He told Harry that the only one to kill a unicorn is one who has nothing to lose, and everything to gain. The blood will keep one alive, even if you are an inch from death, but at a terrible price. Because you have slain something pure and defenseless to save yourself, you will live a cursed life.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|After Firenze told him about the curse, Harry wondered, “If you’re going to be cursed forever, death’s better, isn’t it?” |

|What do you think about this? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Who does Harry think wanted the unicorn blood? Why?

He thinks Voldemort wants it because then he can regain his power. Once he gets to the Sorcerer’s Stone he can drink the Elixir of Life and be brought back to full strength and power.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions

When Harry pulled back his sheets he found his invisibility cloak folded neatly underneath them. Who do you think returned the invisibility cloak to Harry? Why?

Answers will vary.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


At the beginning of the chapter, Harry and the other students were taking their written and practical exams. They were also given special quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an Anti-Cheating spell. Fill in the table below as to what each Professor had the students do.

|Professor |Practical Exam |

| | |

|Professor |Had to make a pineapple tap dance across a desk. |

|Flitwick | |

| | |

|Professor |Watched them turn a mouse into a snuffbox- points were given for how pretty the |

|McGonagall |snuffbox was, but taken away if it had whiskers. |

| | |

|Professor |Had students remember how to make a Forgetfullness potion. |

|Snape | |

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Do you think you could pass any of the three practical exams from the table above? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

After the exams were through, Harry had an unsettling feeling. He watched an owl flutter toward the school across the bright blue sky, a note clamped in its mouth. He knew Hagrid was the only one who ever sent him letters. Harry told Ron and Hermione that they must go see Hagrid?

He wanted to know the real story behind the dragon egg and how Hagrid got it.

What did Hagrid tell the cloaked man in the bar about Fluffy?

He told him to calm him down one only needs to play music and Fluffy would fall asleep.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|What sort of music calms you? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 16 continued…

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

Good readers will extend the meaning of what they are reading. For this activity, you are asked to design a compact disc cover with 3-4 songs that you think would calm Fluffy. Be sure to relate the music to what you have read and what you know about Fluffy. Also, be sure to include a musical group name.

Answers will vary.

When Harry mentioned to Professor McGonagall about knowing about the Sorcerer’s Stone, the books she was carrying tumbled out of her arms. Harry went on to tell her that someone was going to steal the stone. Who did Harry mention was going to try to get the Sorcerer’s Stone?

He told her that Snape was going to go through the trapdoor that night. He said that Snape had everything he needed and now he had Dumbledore out of the way to do it.

Out on the stone steps, Harry turned to the others and told them that one of them would have to keep an eye on Snape. Who was to keep an eye on Snape and why did Harry think this person would be fit for the job?

Hermione because she could pretend to be waiting for Professor Flitwick and tell anyone that she was worried about question fourteen b on the exam she took.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Have you ever approached a teacher about something you thought you had incorrect on an exam? Would you be comfortable if |

|watching Snape was your job? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 16 continued…

What was Harry’s plan in regards to the Stone?

He wanted to get to the Sorcerer’s Stone before Snape and Voldemort.

Why did Harry grab the flute that Hagrid had given him for Christmas?

He will use it on Fluffy to calm him down (he didn’t feel much like singing).

| |

|Flute Fact… Did you know… |

| |

|The oldest flute ever discovered may be a fragment of the femur of a juvenile cave bear, with two to four holes, found at |

|Divje Babe in Slovenia and dated to about 43,000 years ago. However, this has been disputed. In 2008 another flute dated |

|back to at least 35,000 years ago was discovered in a cave near Ulm, Germany. |

| |

|Remember, reading is thinking… |

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|What instrument would you bring to calm Fluffy down? |

|Do you play any instrument? Do you have a favorite instrument? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

When Neville dropped the toad and raised his fists at Harry, what did Hermione do to Neville? How did Neville react to the spell?

She raised her wand and cried, “Petrificus Totalus!” and pointed it at Neville. Neville’s arms snapped to his sides. His legs sprang together. His whole body rigid, he swayed where he stood and then fell flat on his face, stiff as a board. She put a spell on him that was the Full Body Bind.

What did Harry do to get Peeves out of the way?

He pretended to be the Bloody Baron.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered the third-floor corridor and pushed the door open. As the door creaked, low, rumbling growls met their ears. All three of the dog’s noses sniffed madly in their direction, even though it couldn’t see them. How did they know that Snape had gotten past Fluffy?

There was a harp lying on the ground.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 16 continued…

Hermione played the flute and calmed Fluffy. Then they climbed down the

trapdoor. As Harry let go, cold, damp air rushed past him as he fell down,

down, down… Then he landed on something soft. When they all were down,

the plant had started to twist snakelike tendrils around their ankles. What is

Devil’s Snare and how did they get out?

It is something that tangles and wraps around people so they can’t escape.

Hermione used her wand to make it loosen its grip.

What did Ron do in the chess game that Harry and Hermione didn’t want him to do?

He sacrificed himself so they could win.

Strategy Focus: Logic Puzzle

After the chess game, Harry and Hermione charged through the passageway and through one door, then another, and then another. There was nothing very frightening in the room, just a table with seven differently shaped bottles standing on it in a line. At the same time, black flames shot up in the doorway leading forward. They were trapped. Hermione then picked up a roll of paper lying next to the bottles and read it. Below or around the bottles on the “table” below, try to identify the seven bottles.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Harry took a deep breath and picked up the smallest bottle and then turned to face the black flames that prevented him from leaving the room. He drained the bottle in one gulp. It was indeed as though ice was flooding his body. He put the bottle down and walked forward; he braced himself, saw the black flames licking his body, but couldn’t feel them- for a moment he could see nothing but dark fire- then he was on the other side, in the last chamber. But there was already someone in the chamber. Who did Harry find in the last chamber?

It was Professor Quirrell.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Did the person who Harry found in the chamber surprise you a bit? |

|Who did you think was going to be in there? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What two pieces of evidence did Quirrell share with Harry to prove that he was the one all along?

He told Harry that he was the one who tried to kill Harry at the Quidditch match, but Miss Granger accidentally knocked him over as she rushed to set fire to Snape. He also told Harry that he had a special gift with trolls.

Why was the Mirror of Erised there?

Quirrell believed the mirror was the key to finding the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Where had Harry first met Quirrell?

Harry remembered shaking hands with him at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley.

Harry’s mind was racing as Quirrell shared information about Voldemort and Snape. In the speech “mirror” below, write down what Harry thought he needed to do.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 17 continued…

Harry tried to edge to the left, to get in front of the glass without Quirrell noticing, but the ropes around his ankles were too tight; he tripped and fell over. Quirrell ignored him. Then Quirrell clapped his hands twice and the ropes binding Harry fell off. When Harry got to his feet, Quirrell told him to look into the mirror. What happened when Harry looked in the mirror? Write your answer on “Harry’s pocket” below.

Quirrell reached up and began to unwrap his turban. The turban fell away. Quirrell’s head looked strangely small without it. As Quirrell turned slowly around, what did Harry discover?

Where there should have been a back to Quirrell’s head, there was a face, the most terrible face Harry had ever seen. It was chalk white with glaring

red eyes and slits for nostrils, like a snake. Harry saw Voldemort.

What did Voldemort tell Harry about the Unicorn blood and Elixir of Life? What did Voldemort want from Harry?

He told Harry that the Unicorn blood strengthened him- the faithful Quirrell drank it for him. He also told Harry that he had the Elixir of Life and that he will be able to create a body of his own.

Voldemort asked Harry to give him the Stone.

What did Voldemort tell Harry about his parents?

He told him that he killed his father first and that he put up a courageous fight. He also said that his mother didn’t need to die- she was only trying to protect Harry.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 17 continued…

Harry felt Quirrell’s hand wrap around his wrist. A needle-sharp pain seared across Harry’s scar; his head felt as though it was about the split in two; then Quirrell let go of him. What caused Quirrell to let go of Harry?

Quirrell’s hands were becoming blistered and he was in tremendous pain.

Strategy Focus: Sequencing

Good readers will try to organize events in order to make sense out of what they are reading. Put the following events in order in which they occurred. Put a “1” next to the first event and so on.

|_____ |Voldemort continued to yell, “KILL HIM! KILL HIM!” 5 |

| |Quirrell told Voldemort that he could not hold on to Harry because of the burning in his hands. 2 |

|_____ | |

| | |

|_____ |Then Harry felt Quirrell’s arm wrenched from his grasp, knew all was lost, and fell into blackness, |

| |down…down…down… 6 |

| | |

|_____ |Voldemort ordered Quirrell to kill Harry. 3 |

| | |

|_____ |Quirrell lunged at Harry and knocked him clean off of his feet. 1 |

| | |

|_____ |Harry realized that Quirrell could not touch Harry’s bare skin without suffering terrible pain- his only |

| |chance was to keep hold of Quirrell, keep him in enough pain to stop him from doing a curse. 4 |

When Harry came to after three days, where was he and who was there to greet him?

It was Dumbledore and he was in the hospital wing at Hogwarts.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Have you ever awaken only to not really know where you were? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

What happened to the Sorcerer’s Stone?

Dumbledore told Harry that Professor Quirrell did not manage to take the Stone. He told him that he arrived in time to prevent it and that the Stone was destroyed.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 17 continued…

Strategy Focus: Extending the Text

Dumbledore told Harry that the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing. As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all- the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are the worst for them. If you had the Stone and could choose any two in the following table, which two would you choose? There is room to add a choice also.

|Choice |√ |Choice |√ |

|Money | |Live Forever | |

|Straight A’s | |Healthy Family | |

|New Car | |Nice House | |

|A Good Friend | |Happy Life | |

|Have a pet back | |Be Famous | |

|Magical Powers | | | |

Harry and Dumbledore continued to talk. Dumbledore told Harry that Voldemort is probably still out there somewhere- perhaps looking for another body to share…he cannot be killed. He left Quirrell to die. Harry nodded and then said, “Sir, there are some other things I’d like to know if you can tell me…things I want to know the truth about.” What was Dumbledore’s response to Harry wanting some truthful answers?

Dumbledore told Harry that the truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution. He told Harry that he would answer his questions.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|Do you agree that the truth is a beautiful and terrible thing? Can you explain? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 17 continued…

In the table below, write Dumbledore’s responses to Harry’s questions.

|Harry’s Question |Dumbledore’s Answer |

| | |

|“Voldemort said that he only killed my mother because |“Alas, the first thing you ask me, I cannot tell you. Not today. Not now. You will know, |

|she tried to stop him from killing me. But why would |one day…” |

|he want to kill me in the first place?” | |

| | |

| |“Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is |

| |love. He didn’t realize that love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves its own |

|“Why couldn’t |mark. Quirrell is full of hatred, greed, and ambition, sharing his soul with Voldemort. It|

|Quirrell touch me?” |was agony for Quirrell to touch a person marked by something so good.” |

| | |

| | |

|“Who sent me the |“Your father happened to leave it in my possession, and I thought you might like it.” |

|invisibility cloak?” | |

| | |

| |“They did detest each other. And then, your father did something Snape could never |

|“Quirrell |forgive. Your father saved Snape’s life. Snape couldn’t bear being in your father’s debt. |

|and Snape.” |That is why he worked so hard to protect you this year.” |

When Harry asked Dumbledore about how he was able to get the Stone out of the mirror, what did Dumbledore tell him?

Only those who wanted to find it, and not use it, would be able to get it.

| |

|Strategy Focus: Extending the Text |

|For this focus, you do not have to write anything down. |

|All you need to do is think about it and be ready to share. |

| |

|If you had the Stone, would you find it hard not to use it? |

|If your favorite candy bar was sitting in front of you, |

|would you have a hard time not eating it? |

| |

|Good readers will think about what they are reading… |

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Chapter 17 continued…

How did Hagrid act when he came to see Harry in the hospital?

Hagrid told Harry that it was all his “ruddy” fault for what had happened to Harry. He was sobbing. He told Harry that he told the evil Voldemort how to get past Fluffy for a dragon egg.

What present did Hagrid give Harry?

He gave him a photo book of wizard photographs that had pictures of his mom and dad.

Slytherin had supposedly won the cup, but Dumbledore awarded more points after the recent events. On the scoreboard below, write the name of each Gryffindor student (Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville), the points awarded, and the reason for each.

Who was there to pick Harry up at the train station?

Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley were there.

Why was Harry going to have a lot of fun with Dudley over the summer?

They didn’t know that Harry wasn’t allowed to use magic at home.

Strategy Focus: Making Predictions

Predict what will happen next for Harry.

Predictions may vary.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

End of Novel Project Choices


You have been granted permission to write the rule book for the game Quidditch. You must include the following: the positions for the players and their specific jobs, how points are awarded in the game, and what is the goal of the game. You can also include a colored drawing of what the Quidditch stadium and field look like.

Game Board

Make up a board game about the story on a larger piece of tag

board. Your game must contain at least ten events that happened in

the story. Your game board must tell the main events of the story.


Throughout the story there were many creatures. Your task would be to write a detailed description of at least five creatures. Then you must draw and color a picture of each of the creatures as well.

The Four Houses

At Hogwarts you could be a member of one of the four houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw. Your job is to write down the students that were mentioned in the story and which house they belong to. Also, describe each house noting the type of students that were part of each house.


Create a collage that is about the events from the story. On the back of the collage, write a paragraph (5 sentences) about why you chose the pictures that you did.


There were many exciting scenes in the story. Your task is to recreate one of these scenes with a shoebox diorama. In the box you must include: the characters involved, and the setting of the event. On the back of the box, you must write up at least a paragraph describing the event from the story.

News Story

Take one of the events from the story, and write it from a Muggle’s perspective. In other words, your job is to report from a Muggle’s viewpoint which would not include any creatures or things that cannot happen in real life. So you have to come up with an explanation for the strange event that occurred.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Word Study Answer Key

| | | | |

|Chapter 1 |Chapter 6 |Chapter 12 |Chapter 16 |

|gossiped p. 2-talked about |punctures p. 89-preforations |drawl p. 195-slow talk |sweltering p. 262-extremely |

|pecked p. 2-small kiss |ruddy p. 90-darn |provoked p. 196-stirred up by |parchment p. 263-documents |

|cloaks p. 3-capes |disgruntled p. 94-unhappy |someone |basking p. 263-lying |

|enraged p. 3-upset |babble p. 94-nonsense noise |disgruntled p. 197-unhappy |briskly p. 271-quickly |

|clutching p. 4-holding tight |billowing p. 96-surging mass of smoke|sheer p. 198-clear |steeling p. 272-willing |

|rooted p. 5-not moving |prefects p. 96-a person appointed to |brandished p. 198-brought out |exasperation p. 273-annoyance |

|spectacles p. 8-glasses |a position of command |tureens p. 203-large deep covered |skulking p. 274-slinking |

|rummaging p. 9-moving around |clambered p. 97-climbed |dishes |wriggling p. 278-to twist |

|irritably p. 10-bothered |prickle p. 107-sharp point sensation |engulfed p. 203-surrounded them |midst p. 280-middle |

|gingerly p. 16-delicately |tinge p. 109-shade |sickle p. 203-a utensil for | |

| |riffraff p. 109-worthless group of |cutting |Chapter 17 |

|Chapter 2 |people |luminous p. 204-radiant, |spasm p. 290-twitch |

|screeched p. 19-screamed |thronging p. 111-crowding |reflecitng light |turban p. 292-a man’s headdress |

|frantically p. 23-rushing | |transfixed p. 210-staring |hygenic p. 296-c lean |

|hoodlums p. 25-troublemakers |Chapter 7 |motionless |detest p. 300-hate |

|sniggered p. 25-sly laugh |drone p. 113-dull noise |entranced p. 213-enchanted, like |sidled p. 303-to move sideways |

|coils p. 27-wrapped in a circle |peering p. 114-looking intently |in a trance |ruddy p. 303-darn |

|gibber p. 29-speak foolishly |lingered p. 114-focused on | |remorse p. 303-regret |

| |ruff p. 115-collar |Chapter 13 |jostled p. 308-bumped |

|Chapter 3 |craning p. 121-to stretch the neck |sinister p. 217-evil | |

|knickerbockers p. 32-type of pants | |alchemy p. 220-form of chemistry | |

|elastic p. 34-stretching |Chapter 8 |fixedly p. 223-directly at | |

|porridge p. 35-like oatmeal |scrawl p. 135-handwriting |spat p. 224-spit | |

|scruffs p. 36-backs |simmering p. 137-cook just below the |prowling p. 225-to go about | |

|trodden p. 39-landed |boiling point |sneakily | |

|tufts p. 41-bunches |ensnaring p. 137-catching | | |

|wrenched p. 41-pried |galoshes p. 140-type of boots |Chapter 14 | |

|ambling p. 44-slow pace | |quill p. 229-feather | |

| |Chapter 9 |shifty p. 229-sneaky | |

|Chapter 4 |wrenched p. 150-to pull with force |stifling p. 231-extremely | |

|glinting p. 46-flash of light |swooped p. 151-flew |stoked p. 233-kept going | |

|grate p. 48-frame of metal bars |peered p. 152-looked |trowels p. 234-tool with a blade | |

|cowering p. 49-crouch in fear |embers p. 155-smoldering remains of a|hitch p. 238-catch | |

|quailed p. 50-shrink with fear |fire | | |

|ashen p. 52-gray, pale |beckoned p. 157-motioned |Chapter 15 | |

|rubbish p. 53-nonsense |flitted p. 157-moved swiftly |alibis p. 242-an excuse to avoid | |

|ranting p. 53-talking |petrified p. 158-scared in one spot |blame | |

|ruefully p. 59-with sadness |groped p. 161-felt, searched |feeble p. 242-weak | |

| | |dreading p. 244-not looking | |

|Chapter 5 |Chapter 10 |forward to | |

|gleamed p. 63-shined |spite p. 165-desire to harm |meddle p. 245-interfere | |

|transfiguration p. 66-changing form |chortled p. 166-to chuckle with glee |leering p. 248-staring intently | |

|cauldron p. 67-extremely large pot |glinting p. 167-to shine |scudding p. 248-move quickly | |

|for cooking |pelted p. 168-to attack with force |straining p. 252-trying to hear | |

|phials p. 67-vial, like a test tube |wafting p. 170-to carry ligtly and |livid p. 256-reddish | |

|sherry p. 68-type of wine |smoothly |foretold p. 257-predicted | |

|flutter p. 69-in awe |askew p. 172-to one side |dappled p. 258-spots | |

|bloke p. 70-guy |griffin p. 173-monster with the head |cantered p. 259-gallopped | |

|apothecary p. 71-medicine store |and wings of an eagle and a body of a| | |

|swarthy p. 72-dark |lion | | |

|hurtled p. 74-rush through |waggled p. 174-shaked | | |

|infernal p. 76-troublesome |berserk p. 176-crazy | | |

|befuddle p. 80-confuse |flailed p. 176-threw out | | |

|minuscule p. 81-tiny | | | |

|stammering p. 81-to speak with pauses|Chapter 11 | | |

|gruffly p. 81- rough voice |conjured p. 181-made | | |

|spindly p. 82-weak, frail | | | |

|pliable p. 82-easy to use | | | |

|gawking p. 86-staring | | | |

|laden p. 86-burdened | | | |

| | | | |


Harry Potter






J.K. Rowling

Comprehension Guide

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is about a young wizard, Harry Potter. The story describes how Harry discovers he is a wizard and how he makes close friends and a few enemies at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With the help of his friends, Harry thwarts an attempted comeback by the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents when Harry was an infant.



Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Comprehension Guide

Good readers use strategies when reading…

• The Dursley’s are the only family he has left.

• It’s the best place for him.

• He needs to grow up away from fame.

• They are less like them.

• They have a mean son.

• A letter wouldn’t be enough explanation.

• He will be famous.

Mrs. Figg, the Dursley’s babysitter, had broken her leg. Harry was excited because usually on Dudley’s birthday, his parents would leave him with Mrs. Figg and she would have him look at her photo collection of all of the cats she had ever owned.

Good readers will make predictions as they read…

Answers may vary but Dudley had a broken, month-old video camera, a working tank, a broken television set, a large birdcage, and shelves full of books that look like they had never been touched.

Answers may vary but some answers include:

Mr. H. Potter

The Cupboard under the Stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


Mr. H. Potter

The Smallest Bedroom

4 Privet Drive

Good readers will pay close attention to the story details…

Copper kettle, package of sausages, a poker, a teapot, several chipped mugs, and a bottle of an amber liquid



Three sets of plain black work robes, one plain pointed black hat, one pair of protective gloves, one winter cloak

The Standard Book of Spells, A History of Magic, Magical Theory, A Beginner’s Guide to Transformation, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, Magical Drafts and Potions, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

Good readers will practice their magical powers…

1 wand, 1 cauldron, 1 set of glass crystal phials, 1 telescope, 1 set brass scale, and an owl or toad

Good readers will practice their math while reading…

Shade here

Begin Here

Barrels of slimy stuff, jars of herbs, dried roots, bright powders, bundles of feathers, strings of fangs, snarled claws, silver unicorn horns, black beetle eyes

Leaving from: Platform 9 ¾

Cost: AWV (should have Galleons, Knuts, or Sickles)

Destination: Hogwarts

Good readers will eat weird candy while reading…

Good readers will understand the characters in the story…

Page numbers may vary depending on the book used, but please see pages 102-103 for details that students could include.

Dumbledore is described wearing half-moon glasses, having a long, crooked nose, and flowing silver hair, beard, and mustache.

He was considered by many as the greatest wizard of modern time. He is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon’s blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel. He enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling.

Good readers will know the corridor is out of bounds…


Class Schedule

Congratulations! You have been accepted into Hogwarts. You are now asked to create your own class schedule. Be sure to include the following classes: Herbology, History of Magic, Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and be sure to include your own choice (recess, lunch, etc.). Remember to include the professor’s name also. Good Luck and welcome to Hogwarts!

Good readers will know the corridor is out of bounds…

Good readers make connection while they read…

She told Harry not to open the parcel at the table because it contained the Nimbus Two Thousand, a type of broomstick. She also told him to meet Oliver Wood tonight on the Quidditch field.

Good readers will pay attention to the details in the story…

The Nimbus Two Thousand is sleek, shiny, mahogany handle, long tail of neat, straight twigs

“Nimbus Two Thousand” written in gold near the top

Good readers will stay away from trolls…

Good readers will extend the meaning of what they are reading…

Answers will vary.

Potter to Play

Gryffindor versus Slytherin

When: Saturday

Where: Stadium


Come one, come all!!

Harry Potter to play Seeker!

Good readers will extend the meaning of what they are reading…


Good readers will make predictions while reading…

A wooden flute from Hagrid; A sweater and fudge from Mrs. Weasley; Chocolate frogs from Hermione; fifty pence from Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia; and an invisibility cloak

Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well.

A Very Merry Christmas to you.

100 fat, roast turkeys; mountains of roast and boiled potatoes; platters of chipolatas; tureens of buttered peas; silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce- and stacks of wizard crackers.

He saw his mom and dad, and his relatives.

Good readers will read instead of looking into the Mirror of Erised…

Good readers will pay close attention to the story details…

A Dragon Keeper’s Guide

From Egg to Inferno

Dragon Species

of Great Britain and Ireland

He told them that he won it in a game of cards with a stranger.

Good readers will read about dragons- not keep one as a pet…

Answers may vary but the dragon wasn’t actually pretty. Harry thought it looked like a crumpled, black umbrella. Its spiny wings were huge compared to its skinny jet body, it had a long snout with wide nostrils, the stubs of horns and bulging, orange eyes.

Good readers will not scare other people…

Waist up a man with red hair and beard. Waist down was the body of the horse with long reddish tail. Hagrid knew him as Ronan.

Good readers will read or listen to music to calm them down…












Good readers will use strategies while reading…

He wanted to look in the mirror and find out where the stone was without Quirrell seeing him.

The reflection smiled at him and then put its hand into its pocket and pulled out a blood-red stone. It winked and put the Stone back in its pocket- and as it did so[pic][?] !*+79:; ................

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