PREVIOUS CODE - Vacoas-Phoenix


RS | |

|LAN |Land Surveyors |74141 S1 |Business and /or Management Consultancy Or Professional Service (Including Medical & |5,000 |

| | | |Para-Medical Practitioners And Opticians) Individual | |

|MA11 |Manufacturer Of Furniture & Cabinet Ware – Having Not More Than 5|36104 IN1 |Manufacturer of furniture & cabinet (employing less than 10 persons) |1,500 |

| |Assistants | | | |

|MA12 |Manufacturer Of Furniture & Cabinet Ware – Having More Than 5 |36101 IN2 |Manufacturer of furniture & cabinet - (employing 10 persons or more) |6,000 |

| |Assistants | | | |

|MA14 |Manufacturer Of Gold & Silverwares |52370 C1 |Importer/ manufacturer/seller of gold & silverwares & other precious and or stones |4,000 |

|MA15 |Manufacturer Of Gold & Silver Wares – Having The Right To Sell |52370 C1 |Importer/ manufacturer/seller of gold & silverwares & other precious and or stones |4,000 |

| |Imported Jewellery | | | |

|MA16 |Manufacturer Of Handicraft Products – Having Less Than 5 |52403 C1 |Manufacturer and /or seller of handicraft product (employing less than 10 persons) |1,000 |

| |Employees | | | |

|MA17 |Manufacturer Of Cider, Perry & Alcoholic Beverages |15510 SG | Manufacturer/distiller/bottler of alcoholic & non alcoholic drinks and /or vinegar |25,000 |

|MA20 |Manufacturer Of Non Brewed Condiment |15500 IN1 |Food processing industry (employing less than 10 persons) |5,000 |

|MA28 |Manufacturer Of Matresses |36109 IN1 |Manufacturer of Mattresses |8,000 |

|MA30 |Manufacturer Of Ship Models |52402 C2 |Manufacturer and/or seller of handicraft (employing 10 persons or more) |6,000 |

|MA34 |Manufacturer Of Country Liquor, Fortified Country Liquor |15510 SG |Manufacturer/distiller/bottler of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks and/ or vinegar |25,000 |

|MA38 |Manufacturer Of Perfumes Spirits And Cosmetics |37000 SG |Industry not classified elsewhere in this part (employing less than 10 persons) |3,000 |

|MAN |Manufacturer Of Food |15501 IN1 |Manufacturer Of Food Items |500 |

|MAN 1 |Manufacturer of food items – having not more than 10 employees |15500 IN1 |Food processing industry (employing less than 10 persons) |5,000 |

|MAN2 |Manufacturer Of Food Items – |15499 SG |Food processing industry (employing 10 persons or more) |15,000 |

| |Having Not More Than 25 Employees | | | |

|MAN3 |Manufacturer Of Food Items – |15499 SG |Food processing industry (employing 10 persons or more) |15,000 |

| |Having More Than 25 Employees | | | |

|MAN9 |Manufactuer Or Seller Of Slabs, Bricks, Tiles, Cement Blocks – |26991 SG |Block/slab/tile/ceramic making stone/coral crushing an other related activities |3,000 |

| |Less Than 5 Assistants | |employing less than 10 persons | |

|MAR |Marine Surveyor |74141 S1 |Business and/or Mgt Consultancy or Professional Service (including medical and para |5,000 |

| | | |medical practitioners and opticians) Individual | |

|MAS |Massage Parlour |93022 C1 |Beauty care center |1,500 |

|MAT |Matrimonial Agency |93090 S1 |Matrimonial Agency |3,000 |

|MED4 |Medical Clinic |85201 SG |Medical Clinic |25,000 |

|MED5 |Medical Laboratory |85199 C2 |Medical Laboratory and/or X-Ray and Scan Centre |5,000 |

|MET |Metal, Welding, Electrical and other allied trades workshop |28110 IN1 |Aluminium, metal, welding, panel beating and/or paint workshop |2,000 |

|MOT |Motor Surveyor |74141 S1 |Business and/or Mgt Consultancy or Professional Service (including medical and |5,000 |

| | | |para-medical practitioners and opticians) individual | |

|NIG |Night club keeper except night clubs located in leisure & ENT. |92190 SG |Night club keeper except night clubs located in leisure & ENT. Centres App. by the |15,000 |

| |Centres App. by the Ministry of Tourism | |Ministry of Tourism | |

|OPT |Opticians |74141 S1 |Business and/ or Mgt Consultancy or Professional Service (including medical and para |5,000 |

| | | |medical practitioners and opticians) individual | |

|OWN |Owner of goods vehicles – carrier’s ‘A’ (per vehicle) |60221 C1 |Taxi/Carrier A (per taxi) |500 |

|OWN 1 |Owner of goods vehicles – carrier’s ‘B’ (per vehicle) |60232 C1 | Owner of goods vehicle (Carrier’s B) per vehicle |500 |

|OWN 2 |Owner of bus for public transport – up to 10 buses (per bus) |60211 SG |Owner of bus public transport (per bus) |500 |

|OWN 3 |Owner of bus for public transport – more than 10 buses – flat |60211 SG |Owner of bus public transport (per bus) |500 |

| |rate | | | |


| | | | |RS |

|OWN 4 |Owner of snooker/pool/billiard house (per table) II |92411 SG |Billiard/pool/bowing house or snooker (per table or alley) |2,000 |

|OWN6 |Owner of a place of amusement (per amusement machine) |92500 SG |Coin operated gaming/amusement machine (per machine) |5,000 |

|PAN |Panel beating and paint workshop |28110 IN1 |Aluminium,metal welding, panel beating and/ or paint workshop |2,000 |

|PAS |Pastry shops |15411 IN1 |Bakery and/or pastry shop/manufacturer |2,000 |

|PHA |Pharmacies – Wholesale |52310 C1 |Pharmacy |6,000 |

|PHA1 |Pharmacies – Retail |52310C1 |Pharmacy |6,000 |

|PHA 2 |Pharmacy (Ayurvedic) |52311 C1 |Seller of traditional medicines/Ayur vedic products |500 |

|PHO |Photographer |74940 C1 |Photographer/Photo Studio |1,500 |

|PHO1 |Photo Studio |74940 C1 |Photographer/Photo Studio |1,500 |

| | | | | |

|PHOT |Photocopy service |52111 C1 |General Retailer foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuff |2,000 |

|PLA |Plant Nursery |01229 C1 |Plant Nursery |1,000 |

|PLAC |Place for public entertainment other than cinema halls |70101 SG |Multi purpose hall including wedding hall |6,000 |

|POU1 |Poultry pens (above 500 birds) |01222 SG |Poultry pen (500 birds and above) |10,000 |

|PRI |Printer-up to 5 employees |22211 IN1 |Printing Industry (Employing less than 10 persons) |1,500 |

|PR12 |Private Club |91990 SG |Private club |2,500 |

|PR13 |Private Security Agency |74920 C2 |Private Security Service Provider |10,000 |

|RE11 |Retailer of manufactured tobacco & non alcoholic beverages, |52111 C1 |General Retailer foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuff |2,000 |

| |pastries, confectioneries & cakes | | | |

|RE12 |Retailer of drapery & Haberdashery |52111 c1 |General Retailer foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuff |2,000 |


| | | | |RS |

|RE13 |Retailer of Gold and Silver Wares |52370 C1 |Importer/ Manufacturer / Seller of Gold and Silver Wares and other previous metals |4,000 |

| | | |and or stones | |

|RE 17 |Retail Dealer of General merchandise in markets & fairs |52111 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non-foodstuff |2,000 |

|RE 27 |Retailer of Beer, Cider, Rum & Liquor (On & Off) in Gaming House |52202 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (including liquor) and non-foodstuff |6,000 |

|RE 28 |Retailer of Beer, Cider, Perry, Rum & other alcoholic beverages &|52202 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (including liquor) and non-foodstuff |6,000 |

| |Liquor (Off) | | | |

|RE 29 |Retailer of Beer, C Liquor, F Country Liquor, Shandy, Cider, |52202 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (including liquor) and non-foodstuff |6,000 |

| |Perry & other Alcoholic beverages | | | |

|RET |Retailer of Groceries |52111 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non-foodstuff |2,000 |

|RET1 |Retailer of Manufactured Tobacco |52111 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non-foodstuff |2,000 |

|RET 2 |Retailer of Beer, Cider, Perry, Rum and other alcoholic beverages|52202 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (including liquor) and non-foodstuff |6,000 |

| |and Liquor On & Off | | | |

|RET 3 |Retailer of Beer, Cider, Perry, Rum and other alcoholic beverages|52202 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (including liquor) and non-foodstuff |6,000 |

| |and Liquor off only | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |


| | | | |RS |

|RET 4 |Retailer OF Beer, cider, Perry, Ale and porter On and Off |52202 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (including liquor) and non-foodstuff |6,000 |

|RET 5 |Retailer of Beer, Cider, Perry, Ale and Porter Off only |52202 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (including liquor) and non-foodstuff |6,000 |

|SAW |Sawmill |20100 SG |Sawmill |4,000 |

|SE 01 |Seller of vegetables & fruits |52523 C1 |Seller of fruits/vegetables | 500 |

|SE 02 |Seller of photographic materials |74940 C1 |Photographer / Photo Studio |1,500 |

|SE 03 |Seller of cakes, confectioneries and pastries |52111 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non-foodstuff |2,000 |

|SE 04 |Seller of poultry and eggs |52530 C1 |Seller of poultry, meat, fish and allied products |1,500 |

|SE 05 |Seller of fish & Crustacea |52530 C1 |Seller of poultry, meat, fish and allied products |1,500 |

|SE 06 |Seller of meat in market |52530 C1 |Seller of poultry, meat, fish and allied products |1,500 |

|SE 08 |Seller of records & cassettes |22300 C1 |Establishment for recording/sale/hire of audio video, cassette, compact discs and |4,000 |

| | | |other recording/ storage devices | |

|SE 09 |Seller of ready-made garments |52321 C1 |Dealer in ready made goods |3,000 |

|SE 11 |Seller of lotteries in van |52404 C1 |Seller of newspapers / magazines / Lotteries in Kiosque |2,000 |

|SE 12 |Seller of cakes, confect. Pastries & Non alcoholic beverages |52111 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non-foodstuff |2,000 |

|SE 13 |Seller of vegetables & fruits in van |52596 C1 |Seller of foodstuff and non-foodstuffs (mobile) except on public beaches | 500 |

|SE 14 |Seller of dholl puree/ cakes on bicycle, Tricycle, Motorcycle |52596 C1 |Seller of foodstuff and non-foodstuffs (mobile) except on public beaches | 500 |


| | | | |RS |

|BREW |Brewer |15510 SG |Manufacturer/distiller / Bottler of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks |25,000 |

|BUI |Builder of coach |34203 IN2 |Builder of coach |15,000 |

|BUT |Butcher’s shop |52530 C1 |Seller of poultry, fish, meat and allied products | 1,500 |

|CAT |Caterer |55204 C1 |Caterer/Canteen employing less than 10 persons |2,000 |

|CIN |Cinema Hall (Manager or Owner) |92120 SG |Cinema Hall/Multiple per screen |5,000 |

|CLO |Clock and Watchmaker |52401 C1 |Maker/ Seller of clocks and watches | 700 |

|COIN |Coin operated gaming machine per machine |92500 SG |Coin operated gaming/amusement machine (per machine) |5,000 |

|COL |Collector Pool bettings |92501 C1 |Pool promoter collector |2,500 |

|COL1 |Cold Room -0 - 46.45 mt sq (for storage and hire only) |63022 IN1 |Cold room and refrigeration plant (for storage and hire only) (0-46.4 m2) |5,000 |

|COL2 |Cold Room -0 - 46.46 - 92.90 mt sq (for storage and hire only) |63023 IN1 |Cold room and refrigeration plant (for storage and hire only) (46.46-92.90 m2) |8,000 |

|COL3 |Cold Room above 92.90 mt sq (for storage and hire only) |63024 IN2 |Cold room and refrigeration plant (for storage and hire only) (92.90 m2 above) | 10,000 |

|COLD |Cold Storage |52111 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non-foodstuff |2,000 |

|COM |Commission agent |74141 S1 |Business and/or / Management Consultancy of professional service including medical |5,000 |

| | | |and Para-medical practitioners and opticians) (individual) | |

| | | | | |


| | | | |RS |

|COMA |Company having registered office in administrative area of Vacoas|75003 S1 |Registered office of company |4,000 |

| |- Phoenix | | | |

|CON1 |Contractor for Hire of scaffolding Equipment & Accessories |71220 C2 |Contractor for hire of scaffolding equipment, tubular tent & accessories |5,000 |

|CON2 |Contractor for hire of decorative items and equipment |71309 C1 |Contractor for hire of audio equipment / decorative items |3,000 |

|CONS |Consultancy Services |91120 S2 |Business and/or Management Consultancy or Professional service (including medical and| 15,000 |

| | | |Para-medical practitioners and opticians) (firm) | |

|COT1 |Contractor of Buses - per bus excl. contract buses for the |71111 C2 |Contractor of motor vehicle per motor vehicle excl. contract motor vehicle for the |1,500 |

| |conveyance of tourists | |conveyance of tourists | |

|COT2 |Contractor of - per car excl. contract cars for renting to |71111 C2 |Contractor of motor vehicle per motor vehicle excl. contract motor vehicle for the |1,500 |

| |tourists | |conveyance of tourists | |

|COT3 |Contractor of plants and equipment |71290 IN2 |Contractor for hire of construction Plants & Equipment |5,000 |

|CYB |Cybercafe |72400 C1 |Cybercafé |2,500 |

|DAY |Day Care Centre |85310 S1 |Day care Centre |3,000 |

|DE10 |Dealer in computer hardware only |72900 S1 |Computer / ICT Related activities |7,500 |

|DE11 |Dealer in aquarium, pets and related articles |52111 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuff | 2,000 |

|DE15 |Dealer in new motor vehicles and new vehicles spare parts |50100 C2 |Dealer in motor vehicles & spare parts |25,000 |

|DE16 |Dealer in new motor vehicles spare parts |50300 C1 |Dealer in motor vehicles spare parts & tyres |7,000 |

|DE17 |Dealer in second hand motor vehicles spare parts |50300 C1 |Dealer in motor vehicles spare parts & tyres |7,000 |

|DE18 |Dealer in auto cycles, motor cycles & acc. having right to re |50401 C1 |Dealer in auto cycles, motor cycles & acc. (excluding rental to tourists) | 4,000 |

| |same excluding rental to tourists | | | |

|DE19 |Dealer in motor cycles and auto cycles (spare parts only) |50401 C1 |Dealer in auto cycles, motor cycles & acc. (excluding rental to tourists) | 4,000 |

|DE20 |Dealer in wholesale liquor |51221 C2 |Distributor / dealer of liquor and/or manufactured tobacco | 15,000 |


| | | | |(RS) |

|SE 15 |Seller of Breads & Curry, Dhollpuree & cakes |52111 C1 |General Retailer - foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non-foodstuff |2,000 |

|SE 16 |Seller of seasonal fruits |52523 C1 |Seller of fruits / vegetables | 500 |

|SE 17 |Seller of fresh chicken & Eggs |52530C1 |Seller of poultry, meat, fish & allied products |1,500 |

| SHOW |Showroom |75002 C2 |Showroom |4,000 |

|STO3 |Store – Less than 100 square metre |63027 IN1 |Store and warehouse (between 50-100 m2) |8,000 |

|STR |Street Vendor |52596 C1 |Seller of foodstuff and non-foodstuff (mobile) except on public beaches |500 |

|SUP 1 |Supermarket |52113 C2 |Supermarket |15,000 |

|TAI |Tailor – having not more than 3 employees |18110 S1 |Tailor (employing less than 10 persons) |500 |

|TAI 1 |Tailor – having more than 3 employees |18102 C1 |Tailor (employing 10 persons or more) |4,000 |

|TAI 2 |Tailor | | | |

|TAX 1 |Taxi car owner (per taxi) |60221 C1 |Taxi/Carrier A (per taxi) |500 |

|TEA |Tea hotels or tea shops |52111 C1 |General Retailer – foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuff |2,000 |

|TEX |Textile, Gar & Knit manufacturing industry having 1-49 employees |17291 SG |Textile industry with or without spinning, weaving, washing, knitting, bleaching, |5,000 |

| | | |dyeing and printing (employing less than 50 persons) | |


| | | | |(RS) |

|TEX 1 |Textile, Gar & Knit manufacturing industry having 50-150 |17290 SG |Textile industry with or without spinning, weaving, washing, knitting, bleaching, |10,000 |

| |employees | |dyeing and printing (employing 50 to 150 persons) | |

|TEX 2 |Textile, Gar & Knit manufacturing industry having 151-500 |17292 SG |Textile industry with or without spinning, weaving, washing, knitting, bleaching, |25,000 |

| |employees | |dyeing and printing (employing more than 150 persons) | |

|TEX 3 |Textile, Gar & Knit manufacturing industry having above 500 |17292 SG |Textile industry with or without spinning, weaving, washing, knitting, bleaching, |25,000 |

| |employees | |dyeing and printing (employing more than 150 persons) | |

|TIM |Timber Merchant |52351 SG |Timber dealer, processing and storage |5,000 |

|TIN |Tinsmith |28110 IN 1 |Aluminium, metal welding, panel beating and/or paint workshop |2,000 |

|TOB |Tobacco Shop |52111 C1 |General Retailer – foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuff |2,000 |

|TOT |Tote Organiser |92503 C2 |Operator of totalisator |1,000,000 |

|UND |Undertaker – having no funeral vehicles |20231 C1 |Undertaker |1,000 |

|UPH |Upholsterer |36110 IN 1 |Upholsterer |1,500 |

|VIC |Vic selling cooked food to be consumed on & off premises |55206 C1 |Victualler |2,000 |

|VIC 2 |Victualler selling cooked food (off only) |55206 C1 |Victualler |2,000 |

|VIC 3 |Victualler selling take away food |55206 C1 |Victualler |2,000 |

|VID |Video Club |22300 C1 |Establishment for recording/sale/hire of audio, video cassette, compact discs and |4,000 |

| | | |other recording/storage devices | |

|VOC |Vocational and Professional Training Organisation |91120 S2 |Business and/or management consultancy or professional service (including medical and|15,000 |

| | | |para medical practitioners and opticians) (firm) | |


| | | | |(RS) |

|VUL |Vulganisation Workshop |50202 C2 |Workshop for vulganization, retreading and repair of tyres and wheel balancing |3,000 |

|WAR |Warehouse – (0-46. 45 square metre) |63025 IN 1 |Store and Warehouse (less than |2,500 |

|WAR 1 |Warehouse – (46. 46-92. 90 square metre) |63027 IN1 |Store and Warehouse (between 50-100m2) |8,000 |

| | | | | |

|WAR 2 |Warehouse – (above 92. 90 square metre) |63026 IN 2 |Store and Warehouse (more than100m2) |20,000 |

| | | | | |

|WAS |Washing & Lubricating of vehicles |52603 IN 1 |Workshop for repair of chemical appliances, refrigerators and other electrical |1,500 |

| | | |mechanical appliances and washing of vehicles | |


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| | | | | |

|WHO |Wholesale dealer |51900 C2 |Merchant/Wholesale dealer |8,000 |

|WHO 1 |Wholesale dealer in liquor, rum & compounded spirits |51221 C2 |Distributor/Dealer of liquor and/or manufactured tobacco |15,000 |

|WOR |Workshop for retreading tyres, rep. of chem., elec. & elec. |52603 IN 1 |Workshop for repair of chemical appliances, refrigerators and other electrical, |1,500 |

| |Appliances | |mechanical appliances and washing of vehicles etc. | |

|WOR 1 |Workshop for repair of bicycles, motorcycles & autocycles |35920 C1 |Repair/Assembly for repair of bicycles and motorcycles |1,000 |

|WOR 2 |Workshop not elsewhere classified |52609 C2 |Workshop not elsewhere classified |1,500 |

|WOR 3 |Workshop metal work and welding |28110 IN 1 |Aluminium, metal, panel beating and/or paint workshop |2,000 |

|WOR 4 |W. shop for rep. of chem.. appl. Refrigerators & oth. Electrical.|52603 IN 1 |Workshop for repair of chemical appliances, refrigerators and other electrical, |1,500 |

| |Mech. Appliances etc. | |mechanical appliances and washing of vehicles etc. | |

|XRAY |X-RAY and Scan Centre |85199 C2 |Medical Laboratory and/or X-Ray and Scan Centre |5,000 |


| | | | |(RS) |

|ADV |Advertising Agency |91120 S2 |Business and/or Management Consultancy or Professional Service (including medical and|15,000 |

| | | |para-medical practitioners and opticians) (firm) | |

|AG1 |Agent in land and building |70100 S1 |Agent in land and/or building or Estate Agency |10,000 |

|AG3 |Agent in locally registered motor vehicles |50100 C2 |Dealer in motor vehicles and spare parts |25,000 |

|AGE2 |Agency for import and export |51107 S1 |Agent for import and export |4,000 |

|ARC |Architect – having not more than five years registration |74141 S1 |Business and/or management consultancy or professional service (including medical and|5,000 |

| | | |para-medical practitioners and opticians (individual) | |

|ARC1 |Architect – having more than five years registration |74141 S1 |Business and/or management consultancy or professional service (including medical and|5,000 |

| | | |para-medical practitioners and opticians (individual) | |

|ASS |Assurance or insurance agency |66040 S1 |Assurance or insurance agency |15,000 |


| | | | |(RS) |

|AUC1 |Auctioneer – keeping no auction room |51104 C1 |Auctioneer – keeping no auction room |3,000 |

|AUT |Automotive workshop with right to repair vehicles having less |50201 IN1 |Automotive workshop employing less than 10 persons |2,500 |

| |than 4.0 Tons unladen weight having not more than 5 employees | | | |

|AUT1 |Automotive workshop with right to repair vehicles having less |50200 IN2 |Automotive workshop employing less than 10 persons or more |4,000 |

| |than 4.0 Tons unladen weight having more than 5 employees | | | |

|AUT2 |Automotive workshop with right to repair vehicles having less |50201 IN1 |Automotive workshop employing less than 10 persons |2,500 |

| |than 4.0 Tons unladen weight having not more than 5 employees | | | |

|AUT4 |Automotive workshop with right to repair vehicles having less |50200 IN2 |Automotive workshop employing less than 10 persons or more |4,000 |

| |than 4.0 Tons unladen weight having more than 5 employees | | | |

|AUT5 |Automotive workshop with right to repair vehicles having more |50200 IN2 |Automotive workshop employing less than 10 persons or more |4,000 |

| |than 4.0 Tons unladen weight | | | |

|BAK |Bakery and Pastry |15411 IN1 |Bakery and/or Pastry - Shop/manufacturer |2,000 |

|BAN1 |Banker Branch |65190 S1 |Banker (Branch) |50,000 |

|BEA |Beauty Salon |93022 C1 |Beauty Care Centre |1,500 |

|BEA1 |Beauty Parlour |93022 C1 |Beauty Care Centre |1,500 |

|BON |Bonded Warehouse |63021 IN1 |Bonded Warehouse |20,000 |

|BOO |Bookseller, Librarian and Stationery shop |52321 C1 |Dealer in ready made goods |3,000 |

|BOT1 |Bottler-Non alcoholic |74950 IN1 |Bottler |20,000 |

|BOT2 |Bottler - Alcoholic |74950 IN1 |Bottler |20,000 |

|BRE |Breadseller |52595 C1 |Breadseller |500 |


| | | | |RS |

|FIR 3 |Firm of engineers |91120 S2 |Business and/or Management Consultancy or Professional Service (including medical |15000 |

| | | |and para-medical practitioners and opticians) (firm) | |

|FIR 6 |Firm of consultants |91120 S2 |Business and/or Management Consultancy or Professional Service (including medical |15000 |

| | | |and para-medical practitioners and opticians) (firm) | |

|FLO |Florist |52392 C1 |Florist |1500 |

|GAM |Gaming House holding “A” license |92497 SG |Gaming House holding “A” licence |25000 |

|GAM 1 |Gaming House holding “B” license |92493 SG |Gaming House holding “B”/”C” licence |18000 |

|GAM 2 |Gaming House holding ”C” license |92493 SG |Gaming House holding “B”/”C” licence |18000 |

|GAM 3 |Gaming House holding casino license |92498 SG |Gaming House holding casino licence |250000 |

|GAS 1 |Gas Seller – Retail |52397 C1 |Gas Seller – Retailer |500 |

|GRE |General Retailer Foodstuff only |52111 C1 |General Retailer Foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuf |2000 |

|GRE 1 |General Retailer Foodstuff and non foodstuff |52111 C1 |General Retailer Foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuf |2000 |

|GRE 2 |General Retailer non foodstuff only |52111 C1 |General Retailer Foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuf |2000 |

|GRE 3 |General Retailer Foodstuff and non foodstuff with or without |52202 C2 |General Retailer Foodstuff (excluding liquor) and non foodstuf |6000 |

| |liquor, rum, beer and other alcoholic drinks off | | | |

|GYM |Gymnasium excluding those on hotel premises and in leisure & |93091 C2 |Health club, sports centre and/or wellness centre (including gym centre), excluding |1500 |

| |entertainment centers app by the ministry of tourism | |those on hotel premises in leisure and entertainment centers approved by the | |

| | | |Ministry of Tourism | |

|HA3 |Hairdresser |93022 C1 |Beauty Care Centre |1500 |

|HAI |Hairdresser having not more than one assistants |93022 C1 |Beauty Care Centre |1500 |

|HAI 1 |Hairdresser having more than one assistants |93022 C1 |Beauty Care Centre |1500 |


| | | | |RS |

|DE21 |Dealer In Imported Second Hand Motor Vehicles and Spare Parts |50100 C2 |Dealer In Motor Vehicles and Spare Parts |25000 |

|DE22 |Dealer In Second Hand Goods (Imported or Local) |52321 C1 |Dealer in Readymade goods |3000 |

|DE23 |Dealer In Firewood/Charcoal &Similar Household Comestibles |52111 C1 |General Retailer Food stuff (excl. liquor)and non food stuff |2000 |

|DE24 |Dealer Of Pesticide, Herbicide & Other Chemical Products |24210 SG |Formulation, Packing & Dealing in Pesticides, Herbicides, Fertilizer & Other Listed |4000 |

| | | |Chemical Products | |

|DE26 |Dealer In Chemical Fertilizers |24210 SG |Formulation, Packing & Dealing in Pesticides, Herbicides, Fertilizer & Other Listed |4000 |

| | | |Chemical Products | |

|DE27 |Dealer In Second Motor Vehicles & Secondhand Motor Vehicles Spare|50100 C2 |Dealer In Motor Vehicles and Spare Parts |25000 |

| |Parts | | | |

|DE28 |Dealer In New Motor Vehicles & New Motor Vehicles Spare Parts |50100 C2 |Dealer In Motor Vehicles and Spare Parts |25000 |

|DEA |Dealer In Bicycles & Bicycles Accessories With Right To Repair |52398 C1 |Dealer In Bicycles & Bicycles Accessories (excl. rental to tourists) |2500 |

| |Same (Having Not More Than 2 Assistants) Excluding Rental To | | | |

| |Tourists | | | |

|DEA0 |Dealer In Mechanical Engines And Accessories |51500 C2 |Dealer In Commercial And Industrial Equipment And Accessories |6000 |

| | | | | |

|DEA1 |Dealer In Bicycles & Bicycles Accessories With Right To Repair |52398 C1 |Dealer In Bicycles & Bicycles Accessories (excl. rental to tourists) |2500 |

| |Same (Having More Than 2 Assistants) Excluding Rental To Tourists| | | |

|DEA 5 |Dealer in Vacoas bags |52321 C1 |Dealer in readymade goods |3000 |

|DEA7 |Dealer In Electric And Electronic Appliances And Accessories |52330 C1 |Dealer In Electric And Electronic Appliances And Accessories Thereof |6000 |

| |Thereof | | | |

|DEA8 |Dealer in Computer Hardware And Software |72900 S1 |Computer/ICT Related Activities |7500 |

|DEA9 |Dealer In Furniture And Cabinet Ware |52321 C1 |Dealer In Ready Made Goods |3000 |

|DEN |Dental Mechanic |33112 C1 |Dental Mechanic |3000 |


| | | | |RS |

|DIS1 |Distributor of general merchandise |51399 C1 |Distributor of general merchandise excluding liquor and/or manufactured tobacco |3000 |

|DIS3 |Distiller and Bottler |15510 SG |Manufacturer/Distiller/Bottler of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks and/or vinegar |25000 |

|DR |Driving School |80901 S1 |Driving School |4000 |

|DYE |Dyeing, washing and bleaching plant |17292 SG |Textile industry with or without spinning, weaving, washing, knitting, bleaching, |25000 |

| | | |dyeing and printing employing more than 150 persons | |

|EST |Establishment for preparation, packing and storage of butter and |15500 IN1 |Food processing industry (employing less than 10 persons) |5000 |

| |milk | | | |

|EST 1 |Establishment for packing of foodstuffs |74951 IN1 |Packing enterprise of foodstuff and/or non foodstuff |2000 |

|EXH |Exhibition centre with right to sell articles exhibited therein |52399 C2 |Exhibition centre with right to sell articles exhibited therein by retail |5000 |

| |by retail | | | |

|FIL 1 |Filling Station with right to sell fuel, vehicle spare parts & |50500 SG |Filling Station |10000 |

| |accessories & provided minor Mechanical repair facilities | | | |

|FIL 2 |Filling Station with right to sell fuel only |50500 SG |Filling Station |10000 |

|FIR |Firm of accountants – not chartered or incorporated |91120 S2 |Business and/or Management Consultancy or Professional Service (including medical and|15000 |

| | | |para-medical practitioners and opticians) (firm) | |


| | | | |RS |

|HAR |Hardware Shop With The Right To Sell Cement, And Iron And Steel |52340 C2 |Hardware Shop With The Right To Sell Cement, Iron And Steel Bars |7500 |

| |Bars | | | |

|HAR1 |Hardware Shop Not Having The Right To Sell Cement, And Iron And |52341 C1 |Hardware Shop Not Having The Right To Sell Cement, Iron And Steel Bars |6000 |

| |Steel Bars | | | |

|HAW |Hawker Of Any Goods Wares, Merchandise Except Gold And Silver |52596 C1 |Seller Of Food Stuff And Non Food Stuff (mobile), Except On Public Beaches |500 |

| |wares, tobacco, liquor and timber | | | |

|HAW3 |Hawker In Van/Lorry |52596 C1 |Seller Of Food Stuff And Non Food Stuff (mobile), Except On Public Beaches |500 |

|HAW4 |Hawker On motor Cycle, Auto cycles, Tricycles & Bicycles (except |52596 C1 |Seller Of Food Stuff And Non Food Stuff (mobile), Except On Public Beaches |500 |

| |on public beaches and after 1km from any public market & fair) | | | |

|HYP |Hypermarket |52112 SG |Hypermarket |30000 |

|ICE1 |Ice Cream (Manufacture, Storage And Sale) |15500 IN1 |Food Processing Industry (Employing Less Than 10 Persons) |5000 |

|IND |Industry Not Elsewhere Classified Having Not More Than 10 |37000 SG |Industry Not Classified Elsewhere in this part (Employing Less Than 10 Persons) |3000 |

| |Employees | | | |

|IND1 |Industry Not Elsewhere Classified Having Not More Than 50 |36999 SG |Industry Not Classified Elsewhere In This Part (Employing 10 Persons Or More) |8000 |

| |Employees | | | |

|IND2 |Industry Not Elsewhere Classified Having Over 50 Employees |36999 SG |Industry Not Classified Elsewhere In This Part (Employing 10 Persons Or More) |8000 |

|JOB |Job Contractor-Category A (Having Office, Workshop And Equipment)|45202 IN2 |Job Contractor (Grade A Or B) |15000 |

|JOB1 |Job Contractor-Category B (Having No Office, Workshop And |45203 S1 |Job Contractor (Other Than Grade A Or B) |3000 |

| |Equipment) | | | |

|JOB2 |Job Contractor Having Office Only |45202 IN2 |Job Contractor (Grade A Or B) |15000 |


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