Change4Life Sugar Smart ...

Change4Life Sugar SmartSocial media toolkit - Schedule Week 4 – W/C 25 JanuaryJanuary 2016 SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW On 4 January, the campaign will launch with television, radio, digital and outdoor advertising, with support from a national PR and social media campaign.The social media launch will comprise of the following elements: New video content ‘SugarBoy’ which shows a five-year-old boy made out of 5,543 sugar cubes (representing the amount of sugar cubes that the average child consumes each year), to raise awareness of the health harms that too much sugar does to children’s bodies now and in the futureActivity to promote our new Sugar Smart app, a barcode-scanning tool that families can use to help them understand how much sugar is in everyday food and drink, and allow them to make lower-sugar choicesFollowing the launch, there will be a drumbeat of social media activity to engage and educate parents over the following weeks with the aim of motivating them to make the changes they need to cut down on their sugar consumption. This document will be updated week by week with the upcoming themed messaging.The following assets and content will be employed during January and February by Change4Life:January content: SugarBoy - New video content ‘SugarBoy’ which shows a five-year-old boy made out of 5,543 sugar cubes (representing the amount of sugar cubes that the average child consumes each year), to raise awareness of the health harms that too much sugar does to children’s bodies now and in the futureTalent-led mini series ‘Introducing the Sugar Smart app’ – This is the first in the new mini series of video content, presented by a celebrity mum, Jamelia, alongside Amanda Ursell, a well-known nutritionist. These videos will be posted on the Change4Life Facebook page, Change4Life YouTube channel, NHS Choices Video Gallery and Instagram. Each edit is available for social and will cover:Introducing the Sugar Smart app - celebrity mum and nutritionist using the appSweet tricks – providing advice to mums to help them become aware of sugar consumptionSugar Substitutes – helpful Sugar Swaps for mums to reduce family’s sugar consumptionChannel Mum – a mini diary following a mummy vlogger for five days, looking at how she uses the Sugar Smart app to make healthier choices. The videos will provide guidance on using the app, use around the home and when shopping. This will show both children and mum using the app and will encourage repeat use throughout the week. Please note that this is different to the Channel Mum activity outlined in the PR section of the toolkitReading Mums – mini video series following the mums who took part in the Reading University Sugar Swaps Challenge in January 2015 to reduce their sugar consumption. The videos will follow up with the mums one year on to see whether they have made long-term changes to their diets. Please note that the mums are not all based in Reading and there may be case studies from your area available for local media. Please email Change4Lifepressoffice@ for further detailsApp stop motion – a series of five videos about the new Sugar Smart app and how to use itFAQ videos – a number of videos answering FAQs about the app and the topic of sugar consumption. The videos will feature Jamelia and Amanda answering common questions to parents. Example questions: ‘How do I use the app?’, ‘Why does that app talk about sugar cubes and not teaspoons?’, ‘How can I get my kids to change from the foods they love that are too high in sugar?’Understanding sugar GIFs – a series of short looping graphics focused on explaining some key stats and facts around sugar, with a particular focus on the recently-updated government guidelinesFebruary content: Channel Mum – a collection of trusted mummy vloggers will tackle sugar myths and challenges through the social platform. This activity will mirror the talent-led mini series but will feature real mums rather than a celebrityThe purpose of all social activity throughout Change4Life Sugar Smart will be:Drive app downloadDrive repeat app useDrive traffic to the campaign websiteGenerate reappraisal of sugar by parents The social media calendar will have a weekly theme, including:W/c 4 January – App launchW/c 11 January – Drinks W/c 18 January – Breakfast W/c 25 January – After school snacks (available week before on CRC)W/c 1 February – Puddings (available week before on CRC)The content has been clearly labelled in the toolkit to match the assets available for download on the PHE Campaign Resource Centre: SUGAR SMART ACTIVITY TIMELINETo help us reach as many people as possible it would be great if you could be a part of the campaign by disseminating the key information through your own social media channels. Content will be posted from Change4Life across Twitter and Facebook please follow these accounts to keep up-to-date with the latest information:Twitter: Facebook: Campaign hashtag: #SugarSmartWe will provide you with the app videos, graphics, and the FAQs, for you to upload natively to your Facebook and Twitter profiles. The rest of the content is available from our owned channels for you to share. All information and assets needed will be available via the PHE Campaign Resource Centre under the Change4Life Sugar Smart tabs; you will need to sign-in to view these pages. . Before posting, please check that all posts are in line with the campaign key messages which are also available on the Campaign Resource Centre. This schedule will be updated week by week with the upcoming messages. SOCIAL MEDIA KEY DATES Please align your social media posts to the following timeline of activity and assets across the Sugar Smart campaign.January 2016W/c 4 January – Launch weekCampaign launch with SugarBoy video contentStop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app30’’ TV adMini series with celebrity mum – Introducing the Sugar Smart appW/c 11 January – Drinks weekStop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app (drinks focus)10’’ TV adW/c 18 January – Breakfast weekStop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app (breakfast focus)Channel Mum video diary 1 Reading Mums videos 1&2W/c 25 January – Afterschool snacks weekMini series with celebrity mum – Sweet Tricks – posts and assets to be added shortlyStop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app (snacks focus) – posts and assets to be added shortly10’’ TV ad – Ninja MumsReading Mums videos 3&4 – posts and assets to be added shortlyW/c 1 February – Puddings weekMini series with celebrity mum – Substituting SugarStop motion video showcasing Sugar Smart app (puddings focus)Channel Mum PR activity (TBC) ASSETS AVAILABLE ON THE CAMPAIGN RESOURCE CENTRE (CRC)VideoImagesSugar Boy video SFVS Delivery ImageSugar Boy video – cut down versionFood Detectives ImageStop motion video - Sugar Smart app launchSophie’s Sugar Smart Day ImageStop motion video - Sugar Smart app drinksSugar Smart Pack ImageStop motion video - Sugar Smart app breakfastCola ScanStop motion video - Sugar Smart app snacksUndercover InvestigationStop motion video - Sugar Smart app puddings5 A Day Juice30’’ TV adSophie’s Choice10” TV ad – CowmumSugar Sophie10” TV ad – Ninja MumSugar TrumpsMini series – Introducing Sugar Smart app5 a DayMini series – Sweet TricksSugary CerealMini series – Substituting SugarSugar Smart PromiseChannel Mum video diary 1Sophie’s Breakfast ChoiceChannel Mum PR activity (TBC)Mega Mushroom ImageReading Mums Breakfast videoLet’s get Sugar Smart imageReading Mums Drink Swaps videoSophie’s Snack ChoiceReading Mums After-school Swaps videoFruit and VegReading Mums Pudding Swaps videoUndercover InvestigationGuidelines videoSugar Trump Win Food Detectives Stop MotionSnack ChoiceSugar Smart PackDrop Scone ImageSOCIAL MEDIA COPYPlease embed all video in your posts or alternatively link to the YouTube channel. <change4life> For help with embedding video please contact FacebookTwitterAssets & LinkOur Sugar Smart app is a great way to keep on top of your family's sugar intake - what surprises have you found?Asset: 10” TV ad – Ninja MumLink: #SugarSmart with our app - what surprises have you found? Asset: 10” TV ad – Ninja MumVideo: 10” TV ad – Ninja Mum Link: Carrot and Sultana Drop Scones are a perfect after-school snack - and they're Sugar Smart, too!Find the recipe here: Link: : Drop Scone Image These #SugarSmart Drop Scones are perfect for an after-school snack Link: : Drop Scone ImageImage:Drop Scone Image Link: top tips have you got for cutting down on sugary snacks after school? If you're finding things tricky, remember, we've got lots helpful hints on our website!Link: back on sugary snacks after school with these #SugarSmart tips: Link: Asset and Post to be scheduled for Thursday including After-school GIF TBCTeacher Facing Posts FacebookTwitterAssetSophie has just had a busy day and is now thinking of an after school snack, her mum gives her the choice between chocolate or making some reduced-fat hummus with carrot and cucumber. What should she choose? Use Change4Life’s interactive story – Sophie’s Sugar Smart Day to get your KS1 pupils thinking about making healthier snack choices, part of their Food Detectives teaching resources.Asset – Sophie’s Snack ChoiceLink: KS1 pupils pick healthy after school snacks like Sophie with #FoodDetectives resources:Asset – Sophie’s Snack ChoiceLink to: Image: Sophie’s Snack ChoiceLink to: , get your KS2 pupils thinking about fruit and veg they can have as a healthy after school snack. They can record their favourites on Change4Life’s Fruit and Veg Favourites activity, part of their new Food Detectives teaching resources.Asset – Fruit and VegLink: your KS2 pupils thinking about their Fruit and Veg Favourites with #FoodDetectives. What do they like for snacks?Link to: and VegLink to: pupils pick healthy after school snacks with Change4Life’s #FoodDetectives resources.Asset – Food Detectives Stop Motion VideoLink: : Food Detectives Stop Motion VideoLink to: students to become #FoodDetectives to snoop on fruit and veg itemsAsset: Undercover InvestigationLink to: : Undercover InvestigationLink to: Facing Posts FacebookTwitterAssetThis week in school, children have been learning how to become sugar smart. Look out for Change4Life’s KS1 Sugar Smart Trumps homework task and help your children design their cards to learn about some great ways to swap sugary after school snacks for healthy alternatives. They have some great ideas on the Change4Life website.Asset – Sugar Trump WinLink to: Trump Win Link to: or carrot and cucumber sticks with reduced-fat hummus? What is a healthier and more satisfying after-school snack? Help your children make a pledge to eat healthier snacks with Change4Life’s Sugar Smart Promise homework activity for KS2. They’ve got lots of great swap ideas on the Change4Life website.Asset – Snack ChoiceLink to: or veg with reduced-fat hummus? What will win at #SugarSmart Trumps? Find out with Change4Life's KS1 homework! Link: ChoiceLink: after school snack pledges can your children make? Look out for ChangeLife's KS2 homework #SugarSmart Promise.Link: out for the #SugarSmart pack in your child’s bookbag, it has some great after-school swap ideas for their homework!Image: Sugar Smart Pack ................

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