Interview Questions

Student Profile Form

Name___________________________________ Birthdate: __________________ Per__________

Do you celebrate your birthday?_______________________

Phone#_________________________ Email:__________________________________

Address ____________________________________City _______________________

What languages other than English are spoken in your home? ______________________


Does anyone in your family speak Spanish? (Parents, Grandparents)_______________________


Do you have a job? ____________ If so, what is it? _____________________________________________

Do you plan to go to college after high school? _________________________________________________

What would you most like to do for your lifetime occupation? _____________________________________

Hobbies and special interests?________________________________________________________________

What subjects in school do you like most? ______________________________________________________

What subjects do you like least? Why? __________________________________________________________

Which clubs, sports or other activities do you plan to participate in at Pitman High School?


Favorite TV (Netflix, Hulu) program(s) _______________________________ TV hours per day? ____________

Do you have a computer with internet access or a smart phone?_________ Hours per day online?_____________

Favorite radio station or music app _________________ Favorite band(s)/singer or type of music______________


Favorite Apps________________________________________________________________________________

List the last two movies you saw _________________________________________________________________

Where is the most exciting place you have ever gone on vacation? Or where you are planning on going?


Write a paragraph attempting to answer the question “Who am I?” Write about yourself, your life, defining moments, interests, dreams, goals, etc.

Write a paragraph explaining why you would like to learn Spanish and what you hope to learn this year. If you already speak Spanish tell me how you feel this class would benefit you.

Please let me know if you have a special need that I should know about in order to best accommodate your specific learning style. (Vision, hearing, medical or learning style, etc.).




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