Eduspace Multimedia eBook

| |HMH Online Editions |HMH eTextbooks |HMH Apps |iBooks eTextbooks |

|General Overview |Interactive, online edition of a full program |A digital replica of the Print SE that is |Some apps have been developed at HMH that, |A new format of eTextbooks just announced by|

| |that INCLUDES an online version of the student |loaded onto an eReader or Tablet device by |like Online Editions, INCLUDE or INTEGRATE |Apple in January 2012. iBooks are meant to |

| |edition textbook accessed via a “book pages” tab|our Mobile Device Team . Portable, |an eTextbook into the product itself; |be interactive with imbedded video, 3-D |

| |plus other things like TE and ancillary items. |easily-accessed, but with limited |sometimes this causes some confusion with |imagery, animations, etc. They can ONLY be |

| | |interactivity. |customers when talking about “eTextbooks.” |viewed via Apple’s iBooks app on an iPad, |

| | | |The prime example of this product type is |iPhone, or iPod and can ONLY be purchased |

| |The textbook pages are static and do not have |TEs are not available as eTextbooks. |FUSE a HS Math app developed exclusively for|via Apple’s iBookstore. |

| |interactive elements built into them, although | |the iPad. | |

| |there are interactive elements, such as video, | |Like Online Editions, FUSE INCLUDES a |HMH currently does not have any titles |

| |and quizzes, available to the user as part of | |version of the SE in eTextbook format along |available in this format. |

| |the entire online edition set of resources. | |with direct instruction, ongoing support, | |

| | | |assessment, | |

| |Schools purchase or are gratised seats, and | |and intervention—enabling teachers to | |

| |students are assigned a login/password to access| |personalize instruction for each student. | |

| |their unique account. Accounts time-out based | | | |

| |on the length of the subscription, usually | | | |

| |between 1 and 7 years. | | | |

|Features/Functionality |Tab navigation: |ePub: |Scroll, note-taking, highlighting |Not available yet for HMH titles. |

| |The online eTextbook is accessed via the “Book |• Replicates the student page in terms of |Assessments are integrated, with results | |

| |Pages” tab and allows the user to read the eText|content (images and text) |going immediately to the teacher who can | |

| |online within their browser. The eText does not|• Reflows text and images to provide the |differentiate instruction. | |

| |have any interactivity built into it. Users can|best fit for the device’s screen size |Video examples are included. | |

| |access interactive content via other tabs |• Supports features built into eReader and |Modeling and Graphing tools | |

| |separate from the eText itself, e.g., |tablet devices | | |

| |eActivities: References: Student Resources, etc.|• Compatible with all devices except Kindles| | |

| | | | | |

| |Online SE: Contains entire Student edition, all |PDF: | | |

| |Lesson Tutorial Videos, all workbooks and |• Compatible with every eReader and tablet | | |

| |practice activities. NOTE: Videos require Flash.|device | | |

| |Online TE: PDF of the Teacher Edition, all |• Replicates the student page exactly in | | |

| |teaching resources as well as all student |terms of content and layout (including | | |

| |resources. |marginalia) to simplify print-to-digital | | |

| | |transition | | |

| | | | | |

|Is it designed for use on a |No, although depending on the program, some |Yes |Yes |Yes |

|Mobile Device? |Online Editions can work on mobile devices. | | | |

|Is online access needed to |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|access the content? | | | | |

|Is online access needed to use |Yes, although some programs allow for pdfs of |No |No, although some interactive functionality | |

|the content? |sections or lessons to be downloaded and read | |will only occur while online. | |

| |while offline. | | | |

|Software/Hardware needed to |Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome,|ePub: iPad, NookColor, Samsung Galaxy |iPad, iPhone, or iPod device is needed. The|iPad, iPhone, or iPod device is needed. |

|view/read? |Safari) |devices all have eReaders built into them to|app (i.e.Fuse) is downloaded onto the | |

| | |accommodate our files. |device, and the built-in softward allows you| |

| | | |to use the product. | |

| | |PDF: Adobe Acrobat Reader, this file format | | |

| | |works on all devices | | |

|Which devices can this be |Desktop, laptop, netbook computers, iPad using |Any eReader or tablet device, including |iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch ONLY |iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch ONLY |

|viewed on? |Safari browser app, Nook, Kindle Fire |Nook, Kindle, iPad, etc. | | |

|# of titles now available from |All frontlist product, hundreds of titles |Over 100, see list on HMH Central |FUSE (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II), Math |0 |

|HMH | | |on the Spot, Number Stax | |

|How can a sales rep get a copy?|Varies by program. Links to more information |See information on HMH Central |Samples only; see below | |

| |can be found at our HMH Central Site | | | |

|How can a customer get a |Varies by program. Links to more information |Not available at this time. |Interested sales reps or customers can visit| |

|“sample” to preview a title? |can be found at our HMH Central Site | |the iTunes/ App Store, and download a fully | |

| | | |functional and featured free chapter for | |

| | | |each of the Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra | |

| | | |II products. | |

|How does HMH fulfill actual |Customer places order through sales rep or |Customer places order through Sales Rep or |Individuals should go through the App Store | |

|orders from customers? |customer service (SFDC/SAP). System entitles |Customer Service (SFDC/SAP). The Mobile |to purchase the product.  They will be | |

| |user, and either an auto-generated email or a |Device Team will contact the customer and |charged $59.99 and will not be able to | |

| |manual email from DCE give access info. |arrange implementation. |access the Teacher Resource Center. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |K-12 institutions should order through the | |

| | | |Sales Rep or Customer Service (SFDC/SAP).  | |

| | | |They will be charged $49.99 and will be able| |

| | | |to access the Teacher Resource Center. Once | |

| | | |the orders are placed, the customer contact | |

| | | |on the order will receive an email with an | |

| | | |authentication code and steps for activating| |

| | | |their HMH Fuse product. | |

|Subscription-based?/Length of |Yes/subscriptions range from 1-7 years depending|No time-limit. Once you download it, you |No time-limit for the content on the app. | |

|Subscription? |on product. Costs vary accordingly. |have the product forever, however you cannot|Once you download it, you have the product | |

| | |transfer it to another device. |forever. | |

| | | |However, the online functionality and | |

| | | |connection to the teacher is only accessible| |

| | | |for the length of your subscription | |

| | | |(6-years). In addition, within the 6-year | |

| | | |window, we allow the app to be transferred | |

| | | |between devices. But after the subscription| |

| | | |runs out, these features are no longer | |

| | | |available. | |

|How much does it cost? |Varies depending on duration--$15-27 for one |30-45% less than print product. |$49.99/student for Institutions ordering | |

| |year. |Ranges between $10-$50 per SE. |through HMH. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |$59.99 for individuals ordering through the | |

| | | |app store. | |

|Is it gratisable? |Yes. |No. |SE is not Gratisable, but TE can be | |

| | | |Gratised. | |

|Where can I learn more? |Program pages on Sales Central, or |HMH Central Site: |Fuse Microsite: |Apple website: |

| |customer-facing | | |

| |Microsites at . | | |oks/ |

| | |eTextbook Microsite: | | |

| | | | |

| | |.php | | |


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