Los Angeles Mission College


Parthenia Grant, Ph.D.

aka Ruthie O. Grant, Ph.D.

How To Stop Sabotaging

Your Health and Relationships

Email: doctorparthenia@

Phone: 323-218-5344

© 2006-2011

All Rights Reserved

First Edition

This book is written for educational purposes only. The information contained herein should by no means be considered a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical professional, who should always be consulted for any health problem or before embarking upon any health program. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for any adverse effect arising from the use or misuse or application of information contained in this book.

Cover Photo: Adrian Gonzalez




The Ego sees giving as a form of empowering another; it fears the other becoming more than itself. Caroline Myss, PhD, author Defy Gravity

Our demons are the people in our everyday lives, the ones we envy, hate or harm, not because we hate qualities in them, but we hate that they reflect qualities we wish we had or that we do not like about ourselves. We take out on others what we hate. To keep from facing our inner demons, we come up with vengeance or transference of blame. We need chaos to act as a catalyst so that we will not notice the destructiveness and chaos within ourselves. That is what we are really afraid of. We do not want to look at our self hate. - Benjamin Stewart, Director, Kymatica

Consensus thinking has created a reality of self-deception and crisis. – Mark Daniels, Co-Founder, Earth Shift Project


For clarification, a parasite is defined as anything or anyone who lives off of another without benefit to the host. Metaphorically, this includes people and all facets of fear generated by the Ego, that old robber baron of joy and freedom. Benjamin Stewart, Director of the documentary, Kymatica, says that the “Ego is the parasitical false image of the self that distracts us from the freedom we were born with … without complicity, the parasite starves; it needs our fear, denial, repression and projection in order to survive.” Stewart proposes restoring our innate sovereignty and freedom through self-reliance and use of art as a means of salvation.

A Course In Miracles defines the Ego as “a thought system predicated on guilt, separation and judgments of good and evil.” The Course teaches that “interpersonal problems stem from a belief in separation and that the other has victimized us, or when we feel guilty, because we believe we have victimized them.” Martin Luther King, Jr. describes humanity as “somewhat schizophrenic, tragically divided” against itself.” The Course compares the Ego to “the Wizard of Oz, a little man in back of a huge amplifier system ... the Ego seems to be a roaring lion, but is really a frightened mouse that roars at the universe.” Essentially, the Ego’s belief system is that God is “angry at us and is going to punish us because God has been victimized by us through our disobedience and original sin … Death becomes the most glaring witness to the reality of God’s wrath. [It] believes that God created the body, makes it suffer, then punishes the body by destroying it” (Wapnick). In lieu of the fact that shame induces guilt and guilt demands punishment, the Ego creates what the Course refers to as an “Unholy Trinity.”

The intense terror of being separated from Source Energy (God), while feeling both helpless and stupid, can cause the mind to split, repress the memory of oneness with the Divine, then create a hiding place (even if it’s only in the mind, like The Matrix, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” or Leonardo DeCaprio’s Inception) to prevent being found by God, whom the Ego has led the world to believe will exact punishment (as symbolized by the son’s fear of returning home in the “Prodigal Son” story).

The ego also thrives on ignorance. Lack of knowledge can compel individuals to surrender their inborn sovereignty to institutions, flawed premises, co-dependence and unexamined or uninformed assumptions. Contrast that with informed decisions based on investigation of facts, history, and all facets of an issue, verses the Ego’s tendency to rely on faulty premises and/or irrational ideas and its tendency to jump to conclusions.

Stewart states “until the masses wake up to their own complicity and participation in the psychic tyranny prevalent in the world, we will continue to be ruled by [parasites] despots and dictators.” From the moment Stewart’s voice came on the screen, I immediately connected with his premise about the literal and metaphorical control that parasites exert in daily life. Most of what he said validated a lifetime of my own research. Over the years, my dilemma was that the more I knew, the more alienated I felt and the more ahead of the herd I became. I was always setting trends and rarely following any. Today, people will call or email me, sometimes years later, to corroborate something I told them that they thought was crazy at the time but later turned out to be true. No doubt, a lot of the information in this book will fall into that category, but now I won’t even have to say, “I told you so,” because everything I am writing can be readily verified. I bow to whoever came up with the internet. In spite of the fact that there is no dearth of inaccurate information out there on the internet, anyone in search of truth can find it if they dig deep enough.


Clearly, the very definition of a parasite, as delivered herein, lends itself to pseudonyms in that parasites consist of a variety of microbes such as unfriendly or harmful bacteria, viruses, yeast, mold, worms and fungi that are literally capable of eating a human alive while blinding its unsuspecting host to the fundamental nature of life, which is to “follow one’s bliss,” as admonished by Joseph Campbell. In the Christian tradition, Satan/Devil is another metaphor for the Ego. The following quote from The Essene Gospel of Peace attests to the fact that thousands of years ago Christ revealed how to rid the body of parasites, which he alternately refers to as the Devil, Satan, and Beelzebub in this gospel that was banned by the church:

The devils left their bowels in the shape of multitudinous worms which writhed in impotent rage after the angel of water cast them out of the bowels of the Sons of Men … Jesus said, renew yourselves and fast … till Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you … Except you fast, you shall never be freed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. Fast and pray fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your healing … All must be born again of water and of truth … Suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free ... Baptism with water that flow[s] through all your bowels … frees you from … all the abominations and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body … Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river’s foam ... By your fasting and prayer you have called back the lord of your body. And now Satan sees that the true lord of your body returns, and that it is the end of his power. – Essene Gospel of Peace – Book One

The universality of truth is irrefutable. Consider this: the Essene Gospel of Peace remained hidden in caves in the Dead Sea area after the Essenes stashed them prior to their massacre by the Romans at Masada circa 73 AD. The collection of books that make up the Bible was put together at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Note that the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) managed to remain in tact and virtually unchanged due to dedicated Rabbis throughout the ages. At any rate, it is highly unlikely that the 13th century Sufi mystic and poet, Rumi, was aware of the Essene writing quoted above, though he was familiar with the Bible. Thus, I find it fascinating that Rumi’s belief in fasting as a physical and spiritual purification rite would parallel that of the Essenes as reflected below in a quote from The Illuminated Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks:

There’s a hidden sweetness in the stomach’s emptiness … If the belly and brain are burning clean with fasting, every moment a new song comes out of the fire. The fog clears … When you’re full of food and drink, Satan sits where your spirit should. When you fast, good habits gather like friends who want to help. Fasting is Solomon’s ring … Even if you’ve lost all will and control, they come back when you fast. A table descends … Jesus’ table. Expect to see, when you fast, this table spread with other food better than the broth of cabbages.

The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book I, not only stresses the importance of fasting, but is equally adamant about internal cleansing with enemas administered from gourds that are hung from trees. It warns against being satisfied with a body that is only externally clean or a mind that is being quieted and cleansed through prayer and meditation alone. Jesus takes an entirely holistic approach when he states: “think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without ... Purify, therefore, the temple, that the Lord of the temple may dwell therein and occupy a place that is worthy of him” (Szekely 14-15).

The general public is told by most traditional doctors that colonics, enemas and detoxes are dangerous, while encouraging consumption of dead, devitalized foods and prescription drugs that damage and clog up the colon, preventing regular movement of the bowels after each meal. Granted, it would not be necessary to do enemas, colonics and douches if most people’s immune systems were not compromised by a diet of dead, constipative foods, manmade antibiotics and birth control pills. All one has to do is smell the breath of individuals who have distended bellies, or look at the distended bellies of individuals who are not pregnant and know that SOMETHING is clogging up their stomach. Their bellies are literally walking cesspools of fecal impactions in the colon, fermented foods, and toxic gases. It amazes me when people with bloated stomachs tell me they are afraid to get a colonic or an enema. I literally laugh and tell them: “So you’d rather be full of shit, literally! Unbelievable!” They can’t help but join in my laughter because it’s easy to see how insane such thinking is. Those who finally find the courage to get a series of colonics are always amazed at how flat their bellies become, and how much lighter and cleaner they feel. Amazing.

The average individual has no idea that he/she has to clear out the mucous plaque in the intestines and colon (using Bentonite clay, which has a negative charge that attaches itself to the plaque and pulls it out) to restore proper assimilation of nutrients and healthy bowel function.


Fasting is not merely a means of spiritual purification or a discipline; it is a powerful tool that can help individuals move into and maintain states of mindfulness or present moment awareness. This state frees the egoic mind from its obsession with attachments, addictions and denial, which are low level states of consciousness. The present moment is the only place where the ego cannot exist. Why? Because the ego vacillates between being stuck in the pain of the past and being anxious about an imagined future that has not happened yet. Emerson was well aware of the importance of being mindful of the present when he uttered the challenge: “bring the past for judgment before the thousand-eyed present, and live ever in a new day … but man postpones or remembers; he does not live in the present, but with reverted eye laments the past, or … stands on tiptoe to foresee the future. He cannot be happy and strong until he too lives with nature in the present, above time.” Dr. Thomas Hora, says, “God is life and reality is in the timeless now. We do not live in a timeframe. The past is pride; the future is ambition; and the present is vanity. Spiritual existence takes place in the timeless now.”

The longer one fasts, the easier it is to stay in the present moment because proper fasting cleanses the body of toxic sludge, mucous plaque, pounds of dead parasites and old, decayed food, thereby clearing the way for the voice of the divine or higher self to come through. That voice gets drowned out regularly by the incessant demands of millions of hungry parasites screaming and kicking for more food because they multiply every time you feed them and the newborns come in with their mouths open, demanding to be fed. It’s a never ending cycle: feed them and both of you are happy for a hot minute, while you’re eating; then instead of going away in gratitude, the microbes divide their cell walls and multiply into millions of more parasites who need to be fed, now! Fasting, however, starves the parasites to death. The reason why those with an overgrowth of microbes and worms suffer so the first three days of a fast is due to the severity of a “die off reaction” of too many dead parasites in the blood stream at once that are not being released fast enough because the digestive tract and colon are clogged. Thus, it is wise to get a series of colonics first to cleanse the colon while also eating alkaline, fiber rich foods such as fresh fruits that are astringent. Moreover, fiber does the same thing for the colon as the bristles on a baby’s bottlebrush.

It is ironic how fasting is so easily ignored by many on spiritual paths. But then, who can blame them really? It is not easy to entice Americans to give up their favorite past time: eating. Moreover, withdrawals for a food addict can be as difficult as kicking a heroine, crack or alcohol addiction. This is why anyone who has overcome an addiction will attest to the fact that they could not do it by themselves. They had to call upon a higher power for help, which is why the first step of the 12 step programs requires admitting that one is powerless over the addiction and surrendering one’s life over to a higher power. But the pain is so worth the gain in that fasting truly is a fast track to quieting the voice of the Ego so that one can hear the voice of God. I do not label giving up a favorite food for 40 days at Lent or not eating from sun up to sundown as fasting. After all, I know a lot of overweight people who do not eat from sun up to sundown then make up for it at dinner.

My idea of fasting is, at a minimum, going for a full 24 hour period on clear liquids without eating anything that requires digesting while also avoiding dwelling on negative thoughts, speaking negative words and interacting with the outside world in order to clear a space for communion with the God/Goddess within. One full day can ease an individual into the next two days of fasting, which can be a pure, unadulterated war with the ego. That is why choosing a four day weekend would be ideal to shoot for with one’s first fast, then work up from there. Either water only or alkaline liquids such a kombucha, vegetable broth, lemon or lime water, coconut water kefir, or the master cleanse work well. The average person cannot fast for a full 24-hour period without getting headaches, becoming faint, dizzy or irritable. The problem is that it takes several days for the Ego to quit screaming, crying, whacking one up side the head (i.e. headaches) and grumbling loudly in the belly. By the fourth day, however, the Ego ends up lulling itself into a fitful sleep, like a baby after a blind tantrum. Depending on how stubborn the ego is, it can take longer to exhaust the Ego to the point where its voice is but a faint, hoarse whisper that is barely audible. In fact, by that time, (usually the 7th to 9th day), one feels so clear headed, clean and light in body and mind from fasting that there is nothing the Ego has to say that one cares to listen to anyway.


Think about this: when the body’s primary reserves of energy are used up digesting food, (in particular, food the body was never meant to consume or food that is quite difficult to digest such as meat and dead, processed foods), it cannot devote itself to equally important functions like self repair or tuning into higher levels of frequencies, both of which are necessary for raising consciousness. Further, the body cannot easily tap in or tune in to the voice of the Divine when it is in pain or distress because it’s too busy trying to protect itself from an onslaught of heavy metals from cooking utensils and preservatives, artificial or toxic substances sprayed on and put in foods, not to mention putrid, decayed animal flesh. Only when the body temple is kept clean and undefiled does it begin to vibrate at higher frequencies that allow it to move into alignment with its true essence.

Consider this: We live our days, not unlike apes in the forest, foraging for food to feed our minion of parasites who are relentless little pimps. Moreover, eating is a national past-time for Americans with social events planned around food because that’s the best way to entice people to show up. Americans do not miss a meal and when they do, they act like they are starving to death. And it feels like a death when millions of parasites are dying off because they are not being fed. Solution: A big glass of water with a slice of lemon (to raise the pH to higher alkaline levels, which kill parasites) will help flush dead parasites out of the body while providing immediate relief from hunger pains. Instead of drinking alkaline water, most Americans reach for some form of low-level pH, acidic sugar water, which feeds the little pimps. In fact, the bodies of millions of Americans get short circuited by the incessant demands of their parasites to be fed such that their bodies suffer from blood sugar crashes or from too much sugar in the blood. It’s a vicious cycle. Moreover, feeding parasites is a never-ending job because they are invariably hungry or craving something. Parasites are the most relentless pimps on the planet, waking one up in the middle of the night to feed them; forcing one to go out in the cold to forage for the foods that they crave, or sending one stumbling straight to the kitchen out of bed for that cup of coffee or bowl of cereal in the morning before eyes are even fully open. In fact, food takes up an inordinate part of one’s day not to mention the time spent thinking about what one is going to prepare, buy or eat for the next meal.

For nine months, babies live entirely on amniotic fluid in the mother’s womb while growing rapidly and thriving off of that clear liquid. Unfortunately, today, the nutritional value of the average mother’s amniotic fluid is severely lacking in amino acids, minerals and usable vitamins, which weakens the baby’s body and immune system. Moreover, many babies pass through birth canals filled with Candida yeast and are born with oral thrush mouth on the tongue. As a result, the poor little baby begins life being pimped by parasites who greet the world screaming to be fed.

Those with acidic, fungal-based diseases might want to try the Fat Flush Fast, which uses four ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice in a gallon of alkaline water as the fast juice. I use water with a high pH (8.5-9.0) and add fresh lemon because it is astringent and cleansing on the tongue. Most bottled water is acidic. Fiji and Icelandic bottled water have a 7.5 pH (7.0 is neutral pH whereas anything below 7 is acidic). The good news is that Alkaline water machines are now affordable for home use. Those who cannot afford one can use fresh lemon juice, a teaspoon of powdered calcium, or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in filtered water to make the water alkaline. High alkaline levels in the body create an inhospitable environment where parasites cannot survive; they thrive in acidic environments.

Alkaline water is essential when detoxing due to the tongue developing a thick build up of mucous that needs to be scraped off and rinsed out. Plaque also builds up on the teeth, which need to be brushed at least three times a day during a fast to eliminate that fuzzy feeling on the teeth.

Ask anyone who has done a liquid fasted for 40 days, and they will tell you that the energy, clarity and well being they experienced was beyond words. The trick to successful fasting is drinking sea salt water every morning upon rising and at night before going to bed because it not only acts as a laxative but the minerals in sea salt balance critical levels in the blood and prevent blood sugar crashes as well as buildups of dead parasites in the blood by flushing them out.

The discomfort of the healing crisis during the first three days of a fast are replaced later with feelings of liberation, exhilaration and love for life. For instance, on the fourth day of my first ten-day fast, I recall how light and clear headed I felt. I was so full of energy that I wanted nothing more than sunshine, fresh air and water or mint tea. By the seventh day, I was euphoric. And by the ninth day, it became infinitely clear to me that food is no more than a habit or an addiction. At that point, I no longer desired food at all and understood the nature of addiction and enslavement to food. It became clear to me that in the beginning sunshine, air and water were our only necessities for nourishment. At that time, fresh water and air were pure and readily accessible. Today, try to find a natural spring or fresh mountain water in the city. In fact, today one pays more for a bottle of alkaline water than a regular cup of tea, soda or coffee. It is a fact that a body that is purified of parasites can comfortably and easily thrive on prana or Divine energy from the sun and pure spring, mountain or rainwater. The idea of surviving every day on water, sunshine and fruit sounds like a day in hell for the average food addict, but sounds like heaven for me. The original pair lived in a garden of beauty and bounty. In Genesis, man was told to name the animals and eat the fruit of the trees. How far man has fallen.

Even though humanity was given a simple blueprint to free itself from the Ego (i.e., Satan) most continue to wander in the desert, still looking for the Promised Land. Today, the majority of people drift around in a parasitically induced brain fog triggered by addictive, cultural dietary norms. One can only hope that this generation does not end up like the generation of Israelites who left Egypt looking for freedom yet ended up wandering in the wilderness for 40 years without ever seeing the Promised Land.


By now it should be clear that Ego is not limited to the classical Freudian definition; it includes the primitive aspect of the personality that operates primarily from the reptilian part of the brain that is without regard for the harm caused to the authentic self, others, or society. Indeed, the ego owns the domain name to the fear based false self. On an unconscious level, it is shameless, refuses to take responsibility, has no conscience, blames others for the problems it creates, lacks compassion, empathy or insight into itself, and feeds off of causing pain, discomfort and suffering to others as if it were manna from heaven. To clarify further, the Ego also refers herein to anything or anyone that views itself as separate from the whole while generating harm to the individual, society or the planet.

Benjamin Stewart reveals the interconnectedness of the universe through the concept of humanity as “a community of cells within the community of the earth. The cosmos is a single living being composed of parts to the whole.” Stewart also stresses that it is the sense of separation that creates a “void which we fill with materialism or sedate with drugs or addictions.” In fact, drugs and addictions (including food) are powerful tools that the Ego uses to divide, conquer, control and enslave.


Ego, as a parasite, cannot exist outside of its host even though the Ego does an award winning job of convincing the host that he/she cannot exist without the Ego, or even worse, that parasites actually pose no serious threat to the host. After all, everyone has them; besides, humanity and parasites have managed to coexist since the beginning of time. Actually, the foregoing almost sounds like a symbiotic relationship, where both parties benefit, which is certainly not the case with parasites.

While feeding off of a host, parasites behave as if separate from the whole with no regard for the harm caused to the host. Consider the many plagues and scourges parasites have created throughout history such as leprosy, malaria, bubonic plague, flu epidemics and today, cancer. Yes, cancer, but more on that in Chapter 9. All in all, there is nothing beneficial anyone can say about parasites other than pointing out that they help decompose dead bodies, which is but an extension of their voracious appetites.

The brilliant Guy Ritchie movie, Revolver, explains how the ego hides in the last place one would ever look (inside of the self). The film demonstrates how ceasing to run from pain while letting go of attachments can lead to self mastery. The protagonist, Avi, says to Jake, the hero: “we’ve put you at war with the only enemy that’s ever existed … the one who causes all of the pain there ever was in the world … And you think he’s your best friend.” Similarly, Stewart points out that in spite of the fact that “we need chaos and catastrophe to avoid dealing with what we do not like or fear in ourselves.” Notwithstanding, “knowing your own darkness is the best way to deal with the darkness of others.”


One would be wise, therefore, to become ingenious, like Hansel and Gretel. They outsmarted the witch who wanted to eat them, which is what must be done with parasites. The task, however, is not as easy as one might think in that all forms of parasites are smarter than science will admit or that they might imagine. Parasites continue to checkmate science at every move by developing antibiotic resistant strands, mutating, cross-breeding, and building biofilms out of toxins and stolen minerals in the human body, such as calcium, in successful attempts to evade the immune system. The good news is that parasites have never been able to fool Mother Nature or those scientists and natural medicine practitioners who are connected to nature, but more on that in Chapter 9.

Resistance to change is associated with a disheartening truth that the great anthropologist, Margaret Mead, revealed about why it is so difficult to alter our eating habits. Mead points out that it is easier to get people to change their religion than to get them to change their diet. The harsh reality of this statement rings sad but true particularly when one considers how staunchly religious fanatics will hold on to their beliefs. For instance, extremists will:

1. kill those with religious beliefs different from their own;

2. in the very least demonize or persecute those with dissimilar ideologies;

3. go to war to defend their right to their religion, even if they don’t follow it; or

4. refuse to marry someone, they love, if the person does not convert to their religion;

The irony of individuals switching religions more readily than diet ended up inspiring me to investigate this anomaly, particularly in light of the detrimental effects of the Standard American Diet (S.A.D). America’s obsession with eating as a recreational habit has not only been a bad influence on the entire world, who mimic America’s Fast Food habits, but has earned America the infamous title “most obese nation” in the world. The truth of Mead’s statement is reflected in the alarming rise in diabetes which is directly related to diet and can be easily eradicated through a change in diet. This was proven by Dr. Gabriel Cousin’s controlled study in a documentary titled Simply Raw where he brought some of the worst diabetics in the country to his Tree of LIfe retreat in Patagonia, Arizona and eradicated all symptoms in 30 days through diet alone. The truth of Mead’s statement was reflected in how resistant the worst diabetics in the group were to live, organic, plant based food.


A headline on the cover of the July 9, 2009 Daily News in Los Angeles, titled “Obesity Costing California Billions” unveiled the following finding in a study conducted by The California Center for Public Health Advocacy: “obese and overweight adults cost California $41 billion a year in health care and lost time at work.” This is an amount that nearly doubles the “state’s current $23 billion shortfall.” The study “looked at total medical care and prescription costs of conditions related to being overweight, obese and physically inactive, such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. The result is lost productivity for each risk factor.” The devastating effect of obesity on children has prompted a rash of successful lawsuits against fast food chains, like MacDonald’s, costing these fast food chains millions. Now, the same lawyer who filed the class action suit against big tobacco companies and won, is going after fast food restaurants in an effort to get them to disclose on their menus the fat and calorie content of their meals so that unsuspecting teens, children and parents will know that one meal at most fast food chains contains all of the fat and calories that should be consumed in an entire day. Many fast food chains are already following this directive and posting the signs.

Obesity is also linked to parasites secreting substances compelling individuals to over-eat the foods that feed the parasites while starving the body of nourishment, in particular, the vital elements calcium (to keep the body alkaline; when we become too acidic we die) and magnesium to stay calm and to restore energy depleted from the adrenal glands by stress. When the body is being fed empty calories while depleted of calcium and magnesium by dead food and stress, the body keeps sending out hunger signals that are actually distress requests asking for live vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids found in fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and raw seeds and nuts. Parasites proliferate in an acidic environment (stress and dead foods lower pH to acidic levels). Parasites also subvert the body’s need for nutrition into cravings. The host then acquiesces to cravings for processed sweets or meats, which clog the colon and poison the host with uric acid, while draining the adrenal glands resulting in chronic fatigue. In time, diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, lupus, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons, etc. rear their painful little heads.

A study published in 2009 by the Center for Genome Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA, titled “The Effect of Diet on the Human Gut Microbiome: A Metagenomic Analysis in Humanized Gnotobiotic Mice” looked at the effect of transplanting human gut parasites formed from eating the Standard American Diet, into mice. The study found that “switching from a low-fat, plant polysaccharide–rich diet to a high-fat, high-sugar “Western” diet shifted the structure of the microbiota [in mice] within a single day … Humanized mice fed the Western diet have increased adiposity; this trait is transmissible via microbiota transplantation.”

In essence, the mice quickly developed fatty tissue around their guts after transplantation. This type of fat is commonly labeled “love handles” or “pasta pouches.” The implications of this study are far reaching in that it corroborates with other studies that already substantiate that parasites do, indeed, alter the DNA of their hosts. Moreover, the fact that microbes in the above study changed the entire structure of the bacteria in the host mice within a single day has alarming implications as to how quickly parasites can take over a new host upon entering via direct transplantation, saliva, or sexual fluids. In part, this may explain the chaotic, erratic behavior of those prone to sudden anger, irrationality, moodiness, contentiousness, over-reactiveness, or depression.


During my research, I stumbled across a fascinating bit of research about parasites on the Discovery channel that prompted me to search for videos on parasites through YouTube. An intriguing one turned up about snails infested with liver fluke parasites secreted in the snail’s sludge. It revealed that when ants walk across this sludge or eat it, they then carry it home to the nest where other ants become infected. Later, this liver fluke works its way into the brains of the ants by secreting a substance into the brains of the ants that directs the unfortunate creatures to engage in uncharacteristically self-sacrificial death rituals. For instance, normal, uninfected ants will scurry out of the way when they hear a cow coming. The infected ants, however, behave abnormally when they hear a cow coming. For example: instead of running away, to avoid being eaten, the ant will cling to the flowers of the plant that the cows eat, ensuring that they get eaten alive by the cow, which is insane behavior for anything in nature because everything in nature has an innate instinct towards survival or self preservation, not suicide.

Ironically, it is humans who are known to commit suicide, not animals. Mental and emotional states are easily influenced and impaired by morbid thoughts intertwined with a dead diet deficient in enzymes and live amino acids. It is debatable which influences the other more. What is not debatable, however, is that deficient diets combined with chronic, negative thinking are a dangerous combination that harms individuals, others and/or society.

The compelling part of the above scenario is that the ant is unwittingly coerced into sacrificing its life through a mind control substance secreted by the liver fluke so that the fluke can generate the means to move on to its intended destination: the intestines of a cow. Once in the cow, the liver fluke finds its way to the cow’s liver, where it causes the cow to waste away. This type of behavior is characteristic of parasites, but is also observable in humans infected with parasites. They will engage in the most amazingly self destructive and suicidal like behavior, such as unprotected sex with multiple partners, dangerous drug addictions and unhealthy food obsessions that have one thing in common: they ensure the survival and proliferation of parasites at the detriment and early demise of its host. As my grandmother would say, “Now, if that don’t beat all, I don’t know what does.”

For those who are still struggling with the idea that parasites are actually capable of secreting a substance that compels its host to do the bidding of the parasite, at the detriment of the host, go to and search for the video called Parasitic Mind Control. After that short video, search for the Discovery Channel documentary titled: Parasites Eating You Alive. Then, watch the “You Tube” documentary titled Kymatica (it’s an hour and a half long). The director of Kymatica highlights the damage parasitic fear does to society through projection of individual psychosis. It also gives viable solutions. The book you are now reading sheds insight into the correlation between parasitic infections and insane behavior by intelligent people who otherwise appear sane.


While doing the research for my dissertation on personality disorders, I recall being fascinated by a side note an expert mentioned. It was so compelling that I ended up including it in my book I Thought I Was The Crazy One, which became one of the first books for the layman on personality disorders. In essence, this side note pointed out that, for some unknown reason, people with personality disorders, (who just so happen to be some of the most irresponsible and unreliable parents) are compelled to reproduce indiscriminately. Further research revealed that those personality disorders that are not compelled to reproduce themselves are nevertheless prompted to spread their parasites to as many partners as possible, even if they are not compelled to have children. In essence, the compulsion to indiscriminately reproduce does not limit itself to procreation. It also includes haphazardly spreading parasites through kissing; eating and drinking after others; and/or multiple sex partners.

The parasitic program to procreate in personality disorders is evidenced by:

1. Males with children by multiple mothers as well as those with double digit parentage who play no real parental roles in the lives of their offspring;

2. Females with poor parenting skills who continue having children by multiple fathers in the hopes that having a child by the latest male will keep this man around even though that tact did not work with the previous fathers;

3. Poor parents who cannot afford to feed and clothe the children they already have yet keep reproducing;

4. Welfare mothers who won’t stop reproducing yet don’t know the first thing about nurturing or raising children;

5. Teenagers who just “HAVE” to get pregnant and are still children themselves;

6. Sought after males or famous athletes who keep complaining about how their girlfriends (plural) all told them they were on birth control, but ended up pregnant umpteen times, yet these guys won’t get a vasectomy because they “might want to get married one day or one more time” and their prospective wives “might want to have children.” Forget about “them” taking responsibility for birth control or simply using condoms.

This compulsion to procreate herein is not referring to those with the finances, emotional and intellectual capacity to devote the next 21 years of their lives modeling love, discipline, cooperation, and wholeness to their offspring and can afford to have one of the parents at home with the child. Nor does it refer to potential parents who realize that parenting involves directing children onto the “path of the infinite that they might travel swift and far,” as Kahlil Gibran says. Neither does it apply to parents who know that their role is to produce adults who do not need them financially or emotionally because they have been taught self-reliance and self sufficiency.

Granted, there is embedded within the DNA of those who have survived genocide, an unconscious fear of racial annihilation, which compels them to reproduce without concern for global over population. For example, Armenians are quick to remind me that there are less than 2 million of them in America. Although racial extinction is possible, it is not highly plausible due to the Diaspora of groups migrating all over the globe, especially after genocide. Moreover, throughout the ages, natural disasters that have decimated populations have bred the same fear of extinction. However, there is no imminent extinction of any race on the planet today that I can find, unless they are hidden in a remote jungle or island somewhere. Even though genocide continues to be systematically exercised against Native Americans in the US and Canada, they are nowhere near extinction, in spite of the government reservation diet of white flour and white sugar (a new form of genocide) that results in unprecedented numbers of native Americans dying from diabetes.


In lieu of the fact that, in a world with approximately 7 billion people who are consuming the world’s resources 1.5 times faster than the earth can replenish them, in the 21st century, any “compulsive or irrational” desire to procreate today can be viewed as illogical behavior considering the very real possibility of annihilation of humanity due to over population, not to mention natural disasters or parasitic epidemics that quickly spread around the world. Maybe in the 50’s or 60’s, automatic procreation, without thought of population control, made sense. However, today, in spite of the innate biological urge to reproduce, designed to ensure the survival of the species, the human race is NOT in any danger of extinction. Thus, the uncurbed urge to procreate does indeed pose a serious drain on the natural resources of the planet to feed everyone and to dispose of the refuse, pollution and garbage that over population produces. Granted, egotistical people will argue with that fact, but then the ego will debate the color of the moon, as if it mattered to the moon one way or another.


While it is true that most of my generation, including myself, fell for the biological “procreation program,” this is not a sound enough reason to encourage today’s young adults to blindly follow in the programmed footsteps of previous generations. The implications of over-population are not effective reviewed in retrospect. The problem of over-population needs immediate consideration. Adoption would do much to alleviate the unnecessary suffering of children already on the planet. Moreover, the rich could certainly sponsor more orphans and build more orphanages.

In direct contrast to random reproduction of the species by personality disorders, author, James Redfield proposes in The Celestine Prophecy, that families have only the number of children that matches the number of adults at home during the day to give one on one attention to each child. Redfield’s pragmatic suggestion, which essentially boils down to China’s one child rule, could spare new children intense psychological suffering and loss of self-esteem. Sociologically and psychologically, any division of parental love, devotion and attention can create sibling rivalry, leading one child to feel that the other sibling is cherished more. Research has also proven that sibling rivalry can be so intense, in some children, that if the child knew for certain he/she could get away with making the rival disappear, the child would do so. What stops such children is fear of parental disapproval or loss of love. As a result, they settle for ignoring, belittling, resenting, or envying the rival. Siblings who have never experienced rivalry are the exception rather than the rule.

On the other hand, research with “only” children reveals that, in general, by comparison, they are higher achievers than those who had to compete for their share of parental love. Naturally, there are always exceptions. Nevertheless, it is true that only children are not burdened with wondering whether the parent loves the “other” sibling more. Whether intentional good psychology or not, China is breeding children with the “potential” for high self esteem and to become high achievers. Moreover, it is easy for only children to believe that they came into the world “wanted” since everything in limited supply is sought after and thus, more likely to be valued or appreciated. Again, there are exceptions in that many parents are simply incapable of loving, leading the child to believe that he/she is intrinsically unlovable because children lack the cognitive ability to deduce that the parent is simply unable to love.

If the foregoing common sense approach fails to hit home, perhaps one might mull over Thich Nhat Hanh’s gentle reminder to potential parents that they “be fully aware of the responsibility of bringing new lives into the world. Meditate on the world into which you are bringing new beings.” Indeed, individuals today might want to ask themselves how they can justify bringing new life to a planet saturated in ego driven violence, inequity, injustice, corruption, fear, insanity and uncertainty. The focus would be better served following Gandhi’s admonition to first “become the change you want to see in the world” before adding to the world’s problem of over population. I have had friends and family get deeply offended by the fact that I included this particular topic in my book either because they look forward to their children having kids so that they can become doting grandparents, because they already have more than one child and recognize the truth in the research about only children, or they want to have more than one child and have not yet started a family. At any rate, their egos take abject offense to this information. Unfortunately, I have a “no tolerance” policy for feeding people’s ego’s, my own included. Thus, I cannot exclude information that, to me, appears self evident, simply because it offends someone’s need to defend their actions. After all, I had two children and definitely deal with the effects of sibling rivalry between my son and daughter. As we grow in consciousness, exercising poor judgment in one area or another is an inevitable part of personal growth. What’s important, in the future, is that one refrain from persisting in, justifying, defending or making excuses for poor judgment.


Most people are aware that parasites are spread through saliva (kissing), blood, and semen (sex). Other than, perhaps, the obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (in most cases), personality disorders appear compelled to use craft and cunning to spread their parasites, apparently on an unconscious level. For instance, they will innocently stick their used spoon or fork into another’s plate and eat someone else’s food when they have food on their own plate, or drink out of someone else’s glass, spreading their parasites without having to kiss those who do not want to be kissed. It does not bother them that they are also picking up new parasites from the person they are eating or drinking after. Moreover, they will drink out of the milk jug or the juice box in the refrigerator then put their parasites back in the fridge to infect others. On top of that, they will not wash their hands each time after using the bathroom, which leads to them unwittingly contaminating the foods and items they touch. Males are going to get upset with me for revealing this information, but studies have shone by comparing paper towel usage in separate public restrooms facilities for men and women that men wash their hands less frequently than women. Moreover, those who rub their eyes without washing their hands catch and spread infections picked up from not washing their hands.

It is helpful to keep a bottle of hydrogen peroxide under the kitchen sink to wash all fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains with a couple of tablespoons of it in a bowl of water to avoid the problem of eating food that others have touched without washing their hands. To avoid rubbing itchy eyes with my hands, I keep a fresh bottle of eye drops that I make with sea salt and baking soda in my purse to kill airborne microbes such as mold through air conditioning vents and carpeting in public places (See Chapter 9).

The foregoing issues are merely the tip of the iceberg in a much larger problem that is insidious and can affect or infect almost everyone because of the parasitically based program to propagate through any means necessary when intimacy with another is not appropriate or is not an option. The insidiousness of the problem is why every member of a family has to do parasite cleanses simultaneously, including the pet, to prevent re-infection because families tend to eat and drink after each other, use the same toilets and bathtubs, and someone inevitably forgets to wash their hands after scratching their head, picking their nose, or using the bathroom.


An even riskier factor to consider is the compulsion of personality disorders to have sex with multiple partners while in a relationship. This behavior has always struck me as harmful to everyone concerned. Thus, it never rang true when therapists, friends and sex addicts tried to convince me that monogamy was unnatural. From my vantage point monogamy is unnatural for those who are over infested with parasites or are being subjected to parasitic mind control to infect others; the same is true for those with no internal locus of control due to an infestation of parasites on the brain.

I’ve even come across the theory of “monogamous” and “non-monogamous” genes, which makes sense when one takes into consideration that if microscopic parasites can shut down the DNA’s mechanism that tells cancer or rogue cells to self destruct, they most certainly can compel a person to disregard the sanctity of a committed relationship. Of course, there are single people who would argue that as long as they are not “committed,” they can have sex with as many partners as they like, especially if they tell their partners that they are “seeing” others, which means “sleeping” with them. Indeed, consenting adults are free to do what they wish, but it simply seems wiser to delay gratification long enough to get the other person on a parasite cleanse before becoming intimate or to do one immediately after such an encounter. However, saying this to a personality disorder or to someone with no internal locus of control is like saying, “Don’t eat that bowl of ice cream I just sat in front of you; it’s for someone else.” They will argue that if they had not eaten it, the ice cream would have melted before the other person got there anyway; or they will add that they were simply saving you the trouble of throwing the ice cream away.

Once I discovered the nature of mind control substances secreted by parasites, I finally felt validated in my unpopular opinion that it was NOT unnatural to be monogamous. Since puberty, I was intuitively put off by the idea of promiscuity because I had already deduced from 8th grade science, long before popular science began publicizing the fact that individuals not only get infected with the parasites of intimate partners, but with the parasites of their partner’s parents as well as all of the people whom that individual has ever been intimate with, that parasites are transmitted through blood and vital fluids of the body. An infestation of parasites is virtually inevitable in that they are transmitted at birth by infected parents.


Refined carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, white pasta, or peeled, white potatoes all have been stripped of their fiber content and natural vitamins and minerals. One glance at the dead, processed food served in public school cafeterias reveals the alarmingly high ratio of dead meats, sugars and refined carbs on the daily menu, all of which contribute to an overgrowth of parasites. Successful lawsuits have been won against school districts to prohibit them from selling sugar-laden drinks. The trend is continuing to gain momentum that will expand and hopefully end in a larger variety of fresh fruits and salads being served in public school cafeterias. Let’s face it: an apple, banana and iceberg or romaine lettuce on the menu does not constitute delectable choices that can compete with a fast food menu of fried foods and starches.

Most people are unaware that the cellular lining of yeast, mold and fungi all happen to be made of sugar which bears repeating several times throughout this book so that readers understand the nature of the beast they are dealing with. What this means is that all starchy carbs, such as potatoes, corn, rice, pasta and bread convert into sugar, which feeds parasites like yeast, mold and fungi. On the other hand, carnivorous parasites (such as the vast variety of worms) need meat to thrive; each different kind of meat is host to its own type of worm or intestinal fluke. An over proliferation of such creatures is the perfect recipe for obesity, diabetes and underweight (yes, “underweight”... See Chapter 9 and Chapter 13).


The average parent is unaware that Candida is connected to the chronic ear, nose and throat infections in babies and children. The tragedy is that as soon as children get one of these infections, parents naturally run to the doctor, who promptly prescribes antibiotics, which destroy the friendly bacteria in the gut (your secondary immune system) that Mother Nature put there to automatically kill yeast, mold, fungi and bacteria in that the primary immune system (i.e. white blood cells) was not designed to destroy them.

Like any dutiful mother, when my son and daughter were babies and became sick, I too, turned to their pediatricians for help who repeatedly prescribed antibiotics. At the time, I had no idea that I was unwittingly destroying the secondary immune systems of my children and setting the stage for their gut to get hijacked by parasites. Ultimately, yeast, mold and fungi adversely affected the behavior, thought processes and judgment of both my children.

Science in all of its wonder, arrogance, and fragmented approach to problem solving, has yet to come up with an antibiotic that different forms of parasites (which includes bacteria, yeast, mold, fungi and viruses) have not developed a resistant strand to or mutated around, thereby rendering most manmade antibiotics virtually useless in the battle against mutant parasites in that antibiotics can only kill approximately 85% of the parasites they are prescribed to eliminate. The other 15% mutate or become resistant to the drug. On the other hand, a virus laughs hysterically at manmade antibiotics, which have no affect on a virus. The true tragedy of manmade antibiotics, however, is the fact that they destroy the friendly bacteria in the gut which acts as the body’s secondary immune system, thereby leaving the body defenseless against Candida, yeast, mold and fungus taking over any and every organ system in the body, including the brain. In fact, 80% of mental illnesses are associated with parasites on the brain as is Alzheimer’s, which is treatable. What? Yes. (See Chapter 9). The true tragedy is that the average person does not know that there is any danger at all in taking manmade antibiotics.


When the compulsion to propagate or to spread parasites takes over, parasitically driven individuals are in essence, being “pimped” by parasites without knowing it. The focus of parasites is on eating their hosts alive, and then going “forth to multiply” quickly. These microbes are a true menace because they do not go through an egg, larva and adult stage, like worms. When they eat the sweets that feed the lining of their cells that are made out of sugar, they divide and multiply on the spot. Thus, millions of microscopic yeast, mold or fungi can easily turn into 100’s of millions through use of manmade antibiotics, birth control pills, and a daily diet of dead carbs and fried foods that contain carcinogens from oil heated at high temperatures.

So the next time you feel an uncontrollable urge to eat food that you know is not good for you, or to have unprotected sex with multiple partners, ask yourself who is running your program? Are you really in control of your actions? Or, are you being “pimped” by parasites? Keep in mind that parasitically driven individuals have an impaired internal locus of control that makes them impatient and ADHD acting. Ask yourself if you can honestly resist that craving for your favorite ice cream, pastry, meat, fried food; junk food, alcohol, cigarette, sex, etc? Can you actually ignore that voice in your head convincing you of the necessity for instant gratification, and the compulsion to satisfy incessant urges? Ever notice how your body begins to grow restless, uneasy and filled with pain as the cravings kick in? And when the cravings are not satisfied right away, notice how the voice in your head turns into diatribes not unlike those a Pimp would use on his girls, like: “Bitch, didn’t I tell you to get up off your ass and go get my meat, sweets, drugs, cigarettes, etc. … Don’t make me kick your ass; You know I will.” At that point, the quiet voice of reason gets thrown out on the block by Big Pimping Parasite as you rush to do its bidding.

Do not despair; liberation lies in the pages to follow. No, I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. Ultimately, each individual has to make a decision, and inaction is in favor of Big Pimping. The question to ask oneself would be: “Am I going to continue submitting to the bidding of a bunch of ugly, little prehistoric looking creatures, or am I going to summon the courage to cleanse my body temple and make it a worthy place for the Divine to dwell?”

As stated earlier, this book was written for only 1 in 5 or 20% of the population, which amounts to over a billion people. The rest will benefit by the work of that 20% who are awake which essentially amounts to a free ride for the 4 in 5 once a Tipping Point is reached. Out of due respect and gratitude for the sacrifice of the 1 in 5, the 4 out of 5, who are not able or willing to do the work, should, in the very least do their best to refrain from interfering with the work of the 1 in 5. After having failed to liberate themselves from being pimped by parasites, they know very well that the work is hard enough without a bunch of crabs in the bucket trying to pull the 20% back into the water. The good news is that the 4 in 5 are caught up in meeting the insatiable demands of their metaphorical and literal parasites. Thus, as long as the parasite is being fed, it falls right off to sleep where it poses no threat. But watch out when the parasite is hungry: it will bite your head off if you say the wrong thing or get in its way.

A BIT OF PRACTICAL ADVICE: if you have important business to conduct with someone infested with Candida; bring along sweets but review the list of Candida symptoms in Chapter 9 first. If the person is infested with worms; bring meat. Look at his belly; if it’s protruded, he’s full of worms. If unsure, bring both. You’ll be much more apt to accomplish your mission if their parasites are fed. And don’t forget the caffeine to perk them up so that they don’t fall asleep after eating. Just make sure that you keep the conversation focused and on point because their foggy brains have a hard time focusing; it tends to get scattered all over the place or easily distracted. If doing business with the 1 in 5, bring fresh fruits, fresh veggies, raw seeds and nuts. They will be in awe of your thoughtfulness and will be more likely to listen and lean in your direction. When in doubt, bring a bit of all of the above.



• The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book I, not only stresses the importance of fasting but is equally adamant about internal cleansing with enemas administered from gourds that are hung from trees. It warns against being satisfied with a body that is only externally clean or a mind that is being quieted and cleansed through prayer and meditation alone. Jesus takes an entirely holistic approach when he states: “think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace your outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without ... Purify, therefore, the temple, that the Lord of the temple may dwell therein and occupy a place that is worthy of him” (Szekely 14-15).

• The following passage is proof that we were given a blue print a couple of thousand years ago designed to free us from parasitic mind control: “The devils left their bowels in the shape of multitudinous worms which writhed in impotent rage after the angel of water cast them out of the bowels of the Sons of Men … Jesus said, renew yourselves and fast … till Beelzebub and all his evils depart from you … Except you fast, you shall never be freed from the power of Satan and from all diseases that come from Satan. Fast and pray fervently, seeking the power of the living God for your healing … All must be born again of water and of truth … Suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free ... Baptism with water that flow[s] through all your bowels … frees you from … all the abominations and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body … Renew your baptizing with water on every day of your fast, till the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river’s foam ... By your fasting and prayer you have called back the lord of your body. And now Satan sees that the true lord of your body returns, and that it is the end of his power.” – Essene Gospel of Peace – Book One

• The Ego is a metaphorical parasite that fits the definition of a parasite in that it lives off of the host without benefit to the host.

• Parasites can alter human DNA, cause obesity, and secrete a substance that causes the host to engage in self destructive and/or self defeating behavior such as promiscuity, having more children than the person can afford to take care of properly, and food and alcohol addictions. Consider that alcohol is an antidote to the poisonous uric acid produced by eating meat, which feeds carnivorous tape worms; thus heavy meat eaters tend to crave wine with dinner, and those infested with parasitic worms crave meat to feed the worms.



Parthenia Grant, Ph.D. aka Ruthie O. Grant, Ph.D. was born with lupus and fibrocystic disease. After detoxing her body, switching to live, plant based foods, and learning how to love and forgive everyone, all symptoms of lupus, fibrocystic disease, fibromyalgia, sinus infections, and allergies disappeared. She used the same protocol to heal her daughter of lupus when she was 10 years old. Through the protocols in this book, Dr. Grant has helped hundreds of people lose weight, heal their bodies and souls, and find peace within themselves and with others. Dr. Grant is a Wellness Expert for Go Healthy California and Network Talent. She has also served as a relationship expert for Take 5 - Broadminded SM radio 155 and as Hollywood Expert for the BBC’s Radio 1. She is certified and trained in Reike, Theta Healing, Psych-K, The Reconnection and the Yuen Method. 

Dr. Grant is listed in Who's Who Among American Teachers and Montclair's Who's Who Among Collegiate Faulty.  Dr. Grant is a tenured professor of Critical Thinking in the English Dept. at L.A. Mission College, where she has won Professor of the Year and Most Inspirational Professor numerous times. Dr. Grant earned her Ph.D. in social psychology from the International University, her Masters from California State University, Dominguez Hills and her bachelor’s from The University of Houston. She is the author of six books, including the best seller I Thought I Was The Crazy One. Her Show Biz Kids book won an Irwin Award. Dr. Grant earned a fellowship to Oneness University in India where she was initiated into The Oneness Blessing. She is also one of the 40 Founding Members of Don Miguel Ruiz’s Academy of Awareness. Ruiz is the author of The Four Agreements. Contact information: doctorparthenia@ Phone: 323-218-5344.


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