
APPLEBerta Udías Sellers3452495189230Rationale of my choiceThe 21st Century is characterized because of the advance and expansion of the digitalization and the control of the information. It is also known as the era of the information with new programmes as the social networks that exchange that information. These years offer the citizens new devices as the flash memories and a major intensity in the expansion of the mobile telephony. In the technology field highlights the apparition of the digital terrestrial television and the low cost to access to the Internet. Apple is a company that has contributed with the development of this technology. This company also has created design. Steve Jobs (co-founder) realized that customers were more likely to purchase products with special design.Moreover, has revolutionized the music world with the creation of iTunes. Because of this, discs sales declined considerably.-21526530480Apple was not the precursor of the mobile phones with tactile screen but was the first to launch to the market the star product that surprises everyone: the iPhone. After that, many other companies like Samsung have been trying to copy the model of this smartphone. My generation and the younger ones we have grown alongside technology so for us is a part of our life. We have been slowly seeing the progress and the improvements of many new products. Therefore, I chose this company because it has revolutionized our age and because I admire his future vision. Apple is a company that has always one step ahead and look to the future instead of staying in the success of the moment.Furthermore, study and develop the privacy policy of the company may help me to know part of that success that they have achieved. Because, its strategy of secrecy has been one of its biggest strengths. Apple has remained low key the specifications for its new products. Steve Jobs felt the anxiety that caused in consumers the secrecy and looked the increasing of their number of followers. Now, many companies are trying to follow the example and be more reserved. In the future all or most of the companies will act in the same way.Another reason why I select this company is because in my house we have many products that they sell to customers. For example, I bought some years ago the iPod Touch and I found that this machine has many functions and I use it a lot. Also, this iPod can replaces other machines that I have so I use in one everything that I need. Analysis and findingsI am going to focus in the internal policies of the company Apple which provides insight on how the company handles the information and its policies in regard to social media and Internet. Every employee should obey the right discipline of the company and if not the company relationship would go to an end. I think that these policies are very efficient in this type of companies because they have to keep in secret many methods and there are many people working. So, consider these points and implement them is essential for the proper functioning of the company.Resume of the policyAn Apple employee can create an account in some social network like blogs or other form of online publishing or discussion. However, the activities that affect the job performance of the employee, of the others employees and of the Apple’s business should be under supervision of some policies. The employees must be thoughtful about how they present themselves in online social networks. They should separate their private and their public life and their personal and professional life. If they identify themselves as an employee of Apple they must be aware that in that moment they are connected to the company and their information should be restricted. The Apple email cannot be used for personal use. It is given for them to personal work.The employees have to be respectful with three different things:The privacy of the co-workers: Apple is a global organization whose employees and customers reflect a set of customs or values, that’s why everyone has to be itself and respect the others. The privacy: Social networks and other tools should not be use to internal communications. You have to discuss with your colleagues about the permission of publishing or posting. Respecting those things the employees help to maintain the professional work environment at Apple.The privacy of the customers: the employee should not use the customer’s information for any purpose. They cannot contact with them for social reasons or soliciting outside business.The copyright: it is critical that the employee comply with all laws governing copyright and fair use of copyrighted material owned by others.They have to use a disclaimer. There are only a few people that are designated by the company for speaking on behalf of Apple. Therefore, if the employee is not one of those they must be clear when speaking via Internet making clear that they are writing for themselves and not for Apple.As an employee you have to protect the confidential information. This obligation is laid out in places like the Intellectual property Agreement that they signed. Confidential, Proprietary and Trade Secret Information:Apple takes steps to protect its own confidential information and respects the confidential information of others. In the other side, Apple expects that all the employees take responsibility for protecting these sources of confidential information. Employee Personal Websites:Sometimes, an employee can be the first to see and touch a new Apple product. While you may create personal websites you may not upload photographs, articles or comments about them.Speculating on rumors:When someone began to work for the company he has to agree to keep Apple’s confidential information within the workplace, including the information you receive from an internal Apple source. They have to be cautious of conversations with other employees. Customers can overhear these conversations and they can lead to misinformation. Apple hopes to protect the customers from making decisions based on information that is incomplete. They cannot deny or confirm any information to the customers even if they pressure them. The way the company do business worldwide:Apple conducts business ethically and in full compliance with laws and regulations. This applies to every business decision in every area in which the company exists. Apple’s principles of business conduct:The success of the company is based on creating innovative, high-quality products and services and on demonstrating integrity in business interaction. The principles of business conduct define how they do business worldwide, these are: honesty, respect, confidentiality, community and compliance.The employee’s responsibilities:All individuals are expected to comply with the policy and principles and with all legal requirements. Apple retains the right to discipline or end working relationships which the employees that not comply.Implications of the findingsI choose two categories to focus concerning to the Apple’s policy. The first one is the employees and the second the company.The employeesThis policy is directed almost entirely to the employees. As I mentioned above, it is important that employees know what to do if they become part of the company. Also, being a company as large and successful as Apple they have to take care about how they express in social networks and the Internet in general.235331050165The most important and most difficult fact, in my opinion, is to separate the personal and the professional. Sometimes a person is very involved in his work to the point that he/she does not know where it ends his/her working life and where begins his private life.Employees also have to respect not only his job and the company, but also their peers for doing the work environment as comfortable as possible.An important fact is how the employees use social networks if they use it as individual users they should be aware that they cannot publish anything in relation to the company that may harm it. If it is as a representative of the company they must publish always looking at the good of the company. In this way, Apple does not suffer the consequences if the information is not entirely true.The company8890482600The company must create such policies for the company to work in the right way and to not have failures that may result in the loss of customers or the closing of the company. Apple must inform employees of the risks that may result in disobedience to this policy.One of the strengths of Apple is that besides creating innovation and new products, the company tries to have a good atmosphere of camaraderie. This is achieved including the policy in respect of all with all, between peers or also with suppliers or customers.In addition, the company is responsible for informing employees of what their powers and duties in the company. For example, if an employee must update the company website Apple should teach it in an objective manner without considering their personal vision.In my opinion, I think this policy should be obeyed by both Apple and its employees in this way the organization will continue to have the same success as now. ................

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