Doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1246r1

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2011-11-19 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Stephen McCann |Research in Motion (RIM) UK |200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 |+44 1753 667099 |smccann@ |

| |Ltd |3XE, UK | | |

IEEE 802.11 Interim Meeting – Session #129

Okinawa Conference Center, Okinawa, Japan

September 19th – 23th, 2011

IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday, 19th September 2011

8:05 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19, and 802.22 Chairs called the joint meeting to order (15-11-561-01). IEEE 802.11 attendance is included as Annex A

General announcements:

•      Attendance will be collected via the IMAT

Straw Poll of new attendees: 17

8:19 IEEE patent policy

802.15 WG chair read the IEEE-SA instructions for the WG chair and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the PatCom web site.

Chair asked participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard in the appropriate WG.

802.15 WG chair read IEEE anti-trust policy.

8:23 Financial report by Jon Rosdahl, Clint Chaplin (11-11-1242-00, 15-11-0624-00)

•      July 18, 2011 - $410,004.11

o   IEEE Account: $340,322.79 + $276.90 = $340,599.69

o   Face-to-Face: $48,868.76 + $20,535.66 = $69,404.42

•      September 18, 2011 - $410,004.11

o   IEEE Account: $340,599.69 + $247.24 - $18,515.00 = $322,331.93

o   Face-to-Face: $69,404.42 = $69,404.42

•      Okinawa

o   Registration Income: $209,125

o   Registrants 307

o   Meeting Expense Estimate: $272,570

o   Surplus (Deficit) ($22,669)

8:28 Wireless announcements: (15-11-035-04)

Wireless Network Updates by Rick Alfvin


8:30 Review future sessions

•      November 6-11, 2011, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA

•      January 15-20, 2012, Hyatt Regency, Jacksonville, Florida, USA

•      March 11-16, 2012, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA

•      May 13-18, 2012, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA

•      July 15-20, 2012, Grand Hyatt Manchester, San Diego, CA, USA

•      September 16-21, 2012, Hyatt Grand Champions, Palm Springs, CA, USA

•      November 11-16, 2012, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA

•      Request for Straw poll on mandating 2 / 4 interims being outside of US

o   802.11 chair replied that a straw poll should be delayed until possible venues are available

8:25 Task Group Updates

•      Documents 11-11-1099, 11-11-1100, 11-11-1101 help describe 802.11

•      802.11 by B Kramer (Marvell Semiconductor): 299 voters, 42 potential voters

TGmb- Revision

TGs - ESS Mesh Networking


TGac - VHT L6

TGad - VHT60

TGae - QoS-MAN


TGah- S1G


802.15 by B Heile (211 voters, 19 nearly voters)

WNG: next generation

TG4e: MAC enhancements

TG4f: RFID applications

TG4g: SUN applications







802.18 Mike Lynch (9 voters)

•      comment on Canadian TVWS regulation

802.19 Steve Shellhammer (53 voters)

•      TVWS Coexistence: reviewing comments on draft and beginning resolutions

802.22 Mody (24 voters)

•      working on recommended practice 802.22.2

•      Enhanced MIB and Mgmt Plane 802.22a


8:50 Joint meeting adjourned

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 19th September 2011

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 09:00 Japan Standard Time (JST)

1st Vice-chair: Adrian Stephens Intel

2nd Vice-chair: Jon Rosdahl CSR

Secretary: Stephen McCann Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd

There are 299 voting members of IEEE 802.11

There were 125 people in the room.

1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-11-1099r4)

1. Chair: Any modifications required at this moment?

2. No objection to the approval of the agenda

2. July 2011 Minutes (11-11-1004r1)

1. Review and approve joint minutes from the San Francisco, July 2011 meeting.

2. Any objection to approving the July 2011 minutes 11-11-1004r1 by unanimous consent

3. Moved Stephen McCann, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl

4. Following neither discussion nor dissent these minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

3. Notices

1. No photographs at this meeting and please turn your mobiles to vibrate.

4. Meeting Graphic

1. This is a summary of all room allocations for the week

5. Attendance

1. Welcome to the 2 new participants. There were 17 new participants for the earlier 802 wireless meeting.

6. Treasurers report (11-11-1242r1)

1. Vice-chair: This is a quick summary of the document which was presented earlier in the 802 wireless opening plenary.

2. There will be an update on this later in the week.

7. Call for essential Patents

1. The vice-chair read out the revised PatCom rules and then called for essential patents information, as shown by:


3. There were no issues raised regarding the call for essential patents.

8. Operations Manual (11-09-0002r6)

1. Vice-chair: This is some early information about this document coming up for consideration during the Wednesday mid-week plenary

2. In addition the new 802 rules were updated at the July 2011 EC meeting. These are now available on the 802 website.

3. Chair: We’ll have a 25 minute slot on Wednesday to discuss the operations manual in more detail.

9. Status of all groups (11-11-1100r1)

1. Officer Updates (slide #5)

1. Please can we welcome Joseph Ming as the new TGah secretary.

2. There are several other people who cannot attend this meeting so there are some substitutes.

3. TGs has now finished its work and indeed published. Therefore there is no TGs meeting this week.

4. TGaa has no chair and so David Hunter will chair their session this week.

5. JTC1 also has no chair and so the IEEE 802.11 WG chair will run that session.

6. Please note that some groups are missing secretaries and volunteers are very welcome.

2. Ad Hoc groups

1. We have decided that all non-draft generating groups will now be called “Standing Committees”. This will affect JTC1, Regulatory and SmartGrid.

10. Announcements (11-11-1101r1)

1. LoA database

1. Please note that an update has been made to this database.

2. Buses

1. Please note that there are shuttle buses from this convention centre to downtown Naha,

2. In addition, if you require a bus ride to the airport on Friday, please can you email (Hiroshi) Mano-san.

3. Joint meetings

1. There are none scheduled for this meeting

4. New PARS

1. All the July 2011 PARs approved by the EC have now been approved by NesCom.

2. There were two withdrawals including IEEE 802.23 and also IEEE 802.1Qbh Bridge Port Extensions.

3. P802 overview and architecture PAR has been extended until December 2013

4. P802.1aq PAR also extended until December 2012

5. IEEE 802.18

1. Please note their room assignments. They will start at 13:30 today with looking at the new Canadian rules on TVWS which will have some interest to IEEE 802.11.

6. IEEE 802.19

1. This was introduced at the Wireless 802 meeting earlier today

7. IEEE 802.22

1. Again their agenda was introduced earlier.

8. IEEE 802.23

1. Not more meetings for this group

9. November 2011 meeting

1. Please note the early-bird cut-off date for this meeting.

10. Room Assignments

1. Please note that there have been some room changes and please lookout for changes at the registration desk.

2. Please do not move the tables, as they have had power strips retrofitted to them.

11. Editor’s meeting

1. Please note the start will be at 7.15am to give time to walk here.

12. Breakfast

1. This is provided within the hotels, not in the convention center.

13. Tuesday Social

1. Please note this is on Tuesday and is in the Laguna Hotel some 10 minutes walk from the convention center.

14. Monday Tutorials

1. These will be in this room this evening and will be about various SmartGrid topics.

15. Other topics

1. Please see slide #21 for some other information.

11. Voting status, attendance, meeting network & documentation (11-11-0051r2)

1. This document provides all the information about attendance, documentation and other news about the group.

2. The current member situation is: 111 aspirants, 43 non-voters, 299 voters

3. Please note that there is a new system called “ePoll” that is being tested. It may take over some of the working group ballots (e.g. letter ballots) at some later point.

12. Publicity & timelines

1. 11s and 11z press releases

1. The 11z press release was approved by the EC in July 2011, although it’s not known whether IEEE-SA actually sent this out. An update will be provided on Wednesday.

2. Regarding the 11s press release, an update will also be provided on Wednesday.

2. Timelines

1. No recent changes, but please can all chairs send the secretary any required updates prior to the Thursday evening CAC meeting.

13. Group Summaries (11-11-110r1)

1. Chair: Please look at these slides which show how all the current projects fit within the proposed IEEE 802.11-2012 revision.

1. Editor’s meeting

1. Tomorrow morning at 7.15am, including the ANA status, style guides and numbering situation.

2. Extra notes for the following groups were made:

3. WNG

1. Two presentations are currently scheduled.

4. ARC Standing Committee

1. One meeting this week, chaired by Mark Hamilton

5. TGmb

1. They will review the latest sponsor ballot. Draft 10.0 includes the 11s roll-up.

6. TGs

1. This project has now been completed. Thanks to all the officers who have helped with the longest running project within IEEE 802.11. Dee, Guido and Donald have all helped immensely with this project. The document was published on 10th September 2011 and now you can obtain a free copy in the member’s area. There shall be some awards during the Atlanta November 2011 meeting.

7. TGaa

1. David Hunter will run this group this week at PM1 today. They are currently in sponsor ballot which closes on October 12th 2011.

8. TGac and TGaf held ad-hocs last week in South Korea.

9. Recent Letter and Sponsor Ballots (slide #28)

1. There were 7 ballots completed since the July 2011 meeting.

14. Any Other Business

1. Vice-chair: regarding the Friday airport bus, I have now sent an email to the IEEE 802.11 reflector. Please can you follow this information.

2. How many people want to take the 12:55pm flight from Naha to Narita? The bus should leave around 11:45am.

3. Chair: I think we should finish the closing plenary around 11.00am, so this should not be a problem. Let’s ask for a straw poll count on Wednesday as I’ll have a better idea of how long the Friday closing plenary will last.

15. Recess

1. Meeting recessed at 10:02 JST.

Wednesday, 21st September 2011

IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) opened the meeting at 10:30 JST.

144 people present.

16. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-11-1099r5)

1. Chair: There are some changes required to the agenda, resolving typos and some room changes.

2. Chair: Are there any more adjustments required?

3. Any objection to accepting the changes to the agenda?

4. No objection, so moved and approved.

17. Call for Essential Patents

1. Chair: please can I remind you about Letters of Assurance (LoA) that are required for the IEEE-SA.

2. Also the Call for essential patents from Monday still applies

3. Comment: There was a statement from Qualcomm in TGai regarding a future LoA submission.

18. CAC

1. Reminder about 19.30 Japan Time meeting on Thursday

19. Other Announcements

1. Social: There is no social tonight, as it was last night.

2. No questions

20. Liaisons

1. IEEE 802.18 : Radio Regulatory Tag (11-11-1295r0)

1. Reviewing the Canadian consultation on TV White Spaces use. A response document is being produced.

2. No questions

2. IEEE 802.19 : Co-existence Working Group (11-11-1304r0)

1. All the work is currently occurring in 802.19.1

2. There is now an initial document 802.19.1 Draft 0.0

3. Question (Q): Now that they have a draft. Do we have an opportunity to comment on it from IEEE 802.11?

4. Answer(A): I believe that this is an informal review, so I don’t think they are expecting comments from IEEE 802.11?

5. Chair: Does anyone want to participate in this?

6. No response

7. Q: What impact will this draft have on the work in TGaf?

8. A: There are ongoing discussions between 802.19 and TGaf. Perhaps have a look at 11-11-1272r0 and 11-11-1274r0 for some more detail.

9. Chair: ok, but these documents are exclusive to TGaf?

10. Q: So, should we expect a co-existence assurance from 802.19?

11. A: No, as they are not defining a new physical (PHY) layer.

12. Comment (C): These documents may be useful for 802.19.

3. Bluetooth SIG

1. No update this time

4. Wi-Fi alliance (WFA)

1. There have been no major updates in the WFA since the last report, as WFA has not met since the IEEE 802.11 July meeting.

2. Certifications: security technical, TDLS

3. Technical Group: 60 GHz, VHT5, Hotspot 2.0

4. Various other non-IEEE 802.11 related activities as well.

5. Newer groups: SmartGrid, Power Conservation and TVWS

6. Next face to face meeting is week of October 17th 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan.

7. No questions.

5. IETF (11-11-1308r0)

1. There have been some activities since the last IEEE 802.11 meeting.

2. Activities have occurred in the following groups “paws” regarding TV White Spaces.

3. Next meeting is in November 2011 in Taipei, Taiwan.

4. No questions

6. 3GPP

1. No update this time

7. SC 6 (11-11-1101r2)

1. Update on SC 6 activities

2. CRM = comment resolution meeting

3. Q: The spring 2012 SC6 meeting is at the same time as the next Wi-Fi Alliance meeting. Is there any chance of moving this meeting?

4. A: I have spoken to the host and they will not be able to move the date.

5. Chair: I have also spoken to the Wi-Fi Alliance chair and they are also unable to move their meeting, so there is still a collision.

21. Wednesday tutorial (11-11-1101r2)

1. Chair: I would just like to mention that there is still a tutorial today.

2. C: There is a document that has been uploaded on the server 11-11-1305r0 and also 11-11-1243r1.

22. IEEE 802.11s press release (11-11-0984r8)

1. Regarding the 11s press release, an update has just been received from Shaung Yu, IEEE-SA marketing manager correcting the boiler plate text. This will be updated on the server as document 11-11-0984r9.

2. No questions

23. Operations Manual (OM) (11-09-0002r7)

1. Vice-chair: There have been some updates to this document.

2. Initially there is a new section regarding the mandatory draft review (MDR) that all our drafts have to go through.

3. The other new section discusses the types of balloting and votes that are used in IEEE 802.11.

4. On Friday, I’ll bring document 11-09-0002r8 for approval at the closing plenary.

5. No questions

24. TGad re-circulation ballot

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB 183 on P802.11ad D4.0 as contained in document 11/1113r5, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 5.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11ad D5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

1. Moved by Eldad Perahia on behalf of TGad

2. [TGad vote: Moved: Carlos Cordeiro, Seconded: James Yee, Result: 17-3-5]

3. For: 70, Against: 8, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 89.74%)

25. Room Changes

1. TGad chair: I would like to adjourn TGad.

2. Chair: Is there any objection to adjourning TGad for the week and releasing its rooms.

3. TGad releases the rest of its slots.

4. TGmb requests Thurs AM2 and PM2

5. Chair: Is there any objection to these changes?

6. No objection

7. Chair: so the allocated rooms are TGmb AM2 = “waiting room 0”, PM2 = “make up 1”

8. TGaf chair: I’ve also asked Arinex to change the TGaf room A2 to room A1 on Thursday? This is in progress and I’ll send out an email once this happens.

9. TGac chair: TGac also have room A1 at one of these times.

10. Chair: Therefore TGaf can only have A1 on Thursday AM1

26. Any Other Business

1. Meeting recessed at 11:30 JST.

Friday, 23rd September 2011

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:00 JST by Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor).

46 people present in the room.

27. Agenda (11-11-1099r7)

1. Chair: There have been some changes due to the addition of motions etc.

2. Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda.

3. None seen

28. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)

2. No questions

29. Announcements (11-11-1101r4)

1. Chair’s minutes, reports and web pages

1. Please can you send these to the secretary

2. Please be aware of the Chair’s schedule for the chair’s committee meetings (CAC)

2. November 2011 Meeting (Atlanta)

1. Chair: please note that room allocation plan is being arranged for the November 2011 meeting and this will be distributed soon. The schedule will be tight, so please can all the chairs send in their requests

2. Vice-chair: Please note the REG/TGai joint session has not been highlighted correctly on the draft plan and will be updated shortly.

3. Chair: Please can the chairs remember to update their web pages.

3. Letters of Assurance (LoA) (slide #34)

1. Chair: please remember about the LoA requirements. There have been 19 LoAs received so far in 2011.

4. IEEE Shop

1. Chair: There has been a cleanup of drafts available in the shop, as shown in the slide. Note, that 11.2 refers to the IEEE 802.11T draft document that is archived.

2. The 11s version is actually 12.0, but that will disappear as its now been published.

3. The shop will now point you to the free “Get 802” web site, where documents are freely available 6 months after publication.

4. There should be the addition of 11aa and 11ae shortly.

5. ISO SC6 (slide #37)

1. Chair: we are also continuing to send our new drafts to ISO SC6.

6. Tutorials in November 2011

1. Chair: there is one tutorial request at the moment about an update of SmartGrid activities.

30. Meeting Location

1. Chair: I would like to mention all the hard work from Mano-san.

2. C: Also thanks to one of our members for organizing the bus today.

3. Chair: Can I have a show of hand to see who is in favor of returning to this location again?

4. For: 16, Against: 11

31. Documentation & Attendance (11-11-1342r1)

1. Vice-chair: The system appeared to have run smoothly this week.

2. The presentation also shows the attendance breakdown.

3. C: thank you for this information, it’s very interesting to know where the main interests are.

32. WG Reports

1. Publicity

1. Secretary: This week there was just the 802.11s press release as mentioned on Wednesday, now updated as 11-11-0984r9.

2. No questions.

2. Timelines

1. Secretary: updates to the TGaf and TGai timelines have been suggested by those groups. The web timeline chart will be updated either later today or over the weekend.

2. No questions

33. WG Committee Reports (11-11-1342r1)

1. Technical editor (slide #5)

1. Mention of ANA and style guide.

2. No questions

2. WNG Standing Committee (slide #9)

1. Two presentations this week:

1. The first presentation discussed cheap and quick ad-hoc mode for rural and poor-areas, entitled “Proposed Use Case & Improve ad-hoc mode for 802.11ah/a/b/g/n” (11-11-1138r1). Another presentation on this topic will be made in November 2011.

2. The second was “IP over Congested WLAN” (11-11-1183r1)

2. No questions

3. ARC Standing Committee (slide #12)

1. Issues about the IEEE 802.11 architecture diagram.

2. Hope to have a joint meeting with other 802 groups at the November meeting.

3. No questions

4. JTC1 Standing Committee (slide #17)

1. Discussions about WAPI and various other ISO/IEC issues.

2. Will send a copy of TGac when it initially passes letter ballot, not sponsor ballot, which is slightly unusual.

3. Q: What is N-UHT or E-UHT?

4. A: E-UHT = Enhanced Ultra-High Throughput (802.11ac equivalent). In London (Sept 2010), it was discussed. It’s seen as an 11ac replacement. 11-11-1273r1 has more information about it. It’s likely to become a discussion topic within JTC1/SC6 later this year.

5. Q: Will we have a delegation at the February 2012 meeting in China?

6. A: Yes, possibly 4 people.

5. Regulatory (REG) Standing Committee (slide #26)

1. Discussions about North American issues.

2. Also some discussions about E-UHT, the Chinese project looking at TGac.

3. C: The 802.18 document will become a document to go into the Canadian Delegation

4. Q: What is the co-existence situation between E-UHT and TGac?

5. A: E-UHT is a TDD scheme and therefore it’s unlikely to co-exist with TGac.

6. C: 802.16h concluded that separate frequencies were better than co-existence for these types of schemes.

6. SmartGrid Standing Committee (slide #30)

1. Discussions about NIST PAP2 and a modeling tool.

2. There will be a tutorial at the November 2011 meeting, regarding an update of SmartGrid activities.

3. No questions

7. TGmb (slide #38)

1. Completed comment resolutions on Draft 10.0

2. There will be some teleconference, but these will be arranged around the end of the next re-circulation ballot.

3. The project should be finished in March 2012, with either Draft 11.0 or Draft 12.0

4. There should be no more roll-ups now, before completion of the project.

5. No questions

8. TGaa (slide #42)

1. Currently in 1st sponsor ballot, so there was not much work required this week.

2. Q: How many minutes were spent in the meeting

3. A: After the patent call, about 8 minutes.

9. TGac (slide #47)

1. Worked on LB178 comments this week and during last week’s ad-hoc.

2. Resolved the GCMP problem from earlier meeting.

3. Plan to have a further ad-hoc in San Jose, California, prior to the November 2011 meeting in Atlanta.

4. No questions

10. TGad (slide #51)

1. Completed LB183 comment resolutions and indeed the next the re-circulation ballot has already started thanks to the very efficient vice-chair.

2. WG chair: Note the TGad chair and I are going to the CWPAN meeting in Beijing next week, following the meeting in Singapore back in March 2011.

3. No questions

11. TGae (slide #57)

1. Resolved about 50% of the initial sponsor ballot comments.

2. Continuing to progress well.

3. Q: What’s happened to the TGae editor please?

4. A: He has left his company, but has agreed to stay on as TGae editor.

5. Also thanks to Mark Hamilton and Stephen McCann for helping out as secretary and editor this week.

6. Chair: But for now the list of TGae officers stays the same?

7. A: yes.

12. TGaf (slide #61)

1. Sorry about the mistake on the title.

2. Resolved letter ballot comments.

3. Formally decided to adopt the TGac PHY, but this is done in such a way as to not hinder the TGac work.

4. No questions

13. TGah (slide #68)

1. Completed an initial specification framework document.

2. No questions

14. TGai (slide #73)

1. Continuing to review many technical submissions

2. Also had a tutorial this week on Monday evening.

3. Updated timeline.

4. Plan to have a joint ad-hoc meeting with the Regulatory SC in November on the Monday morning starting at 09:00.

5. No questions

15. Chair: Please note we will have ad-hoc sessions starting at 09:00 on the Monday of the November 2011 meeting.

16. Q: Could TGaf have an ad-hoc slot please?

17. Chair: Ok, we’ll see what we can do.

34. Liaison Reports

1. IEEE 802.15 (11-11-1347r0)

1. A lot of information about the various 802.15 groups.

2. Most of the groups are currently in re-circulation ballots.

3. IEEE 802.15.4m is a new group looking at TV White Space.

4. Q: regarding 15.4m, does this mean they have a draft call for proposals?

5. A: yes.

6. Chair: Will this revision PAR for Body Area Networks come up at the November EC meeting?

7. Chair: Also is it correct than an 802.15 IG has produced a PAR, as opposed to an SG?

8. A: Yes.

9. No questions

35. Coffee Break

1. Chair: We are ahead of schedule by about 15 minutes.

2. I think we have about 30 minutes of work left. If we skip the break, we can possibly finish around 10am. I personally would like to continue at this point.

3. Chair: No objections to that?

4. None seen

36. Working Group Motions (Old Business) (11-11-1343r0)

1. 802.11 Operations Manual (slide #4)

1. Adopt 11-09-0002r8 as the 802.11 Operations Manual

2. Moved: Jon Rosdahl, Seconded: Adrian Stephens

3. Please note that some typos have been corrected in revision r8.

4. For: 32, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)

2. Teleconferences (slide #6)

1. Move to approve the following teleconferences


|Group |Dates |Start Time |Duration |

|TGai |Tuesdays from Oct 4th |10:00 ET |1 Hour |

|TGah |Mon Oct 10 |12:00 ET |1.5 Hours |

| |Mon Oct 31 |10:00 ET |1.5 Hours |

|TGmb |To be announced as required on 10-days notice | | |

|TGaa |Oct 24, 27, 31, Nov 03 2011 |11:30 ET |2 Hour |

|TGac |Oct 27, Nov 17, Dec 8 |20:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Oct 20, Dec 1, Dec 15 |10:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGad |Oct 27, Nov 17, Dec 8 |10:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Oct 20, Nov 3, Dec 1, Dec 15 |20:00 ET | |

|TGae |Wednesdays starting Oct 5 |11:00 ET |1 Hour |

|TGaf |Tuesdays |21:00 ET |2 Hours |

|JTC1 & ARC |Calls to be arranged on 10-days notice as required | | |

|Regulatory AHC |Calls to be arranged on 10-days notice as required |12:00 ET (noon) |1 Hour |

|Smart Grid |Wednesdays starting Oct 5th |14:00 ET |1 Hour |

3. Moved Adrian Stephens, 2nd Ian Sherlock

4. Vice-chair: 10 days notice is allowed in the rules

5. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

3. TGac Ad-Hoc (slide #8)

1. Authorize TGac to hold an ad-hoc meeting on November 2-4 in San Jose, California, with the preferred venue being Cisco Systems, for the purpose of speeding progress on D1.0 comment resolution.

2. Moved by Osama Aboul-Magd on behalf of TGac

3. [TGac vote: Moved: Brian Hart, Seconded: Robert Stacey, Result: 30-0-1]

4. TGac: I do expect a good attendance

5. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

6. C: please note that some of the Cisco buildings have been shut recently, so an accurate count would be very useful please.

7. C: Perhaps we can use the new IEEE 802 ePoll system to do this.

37. myBallot tool change (11-11-1101r4 slide #39)

1. Chair: This tool is supposed to represent the current policies and procedures, but it has been out of alignment. This change to the tool, now allows balloters to change their votes once a ballot has closed.

2. This should eliminate the need for the balloter to email the sponsor and chair of the group to normally do this. This is definitely a step forward as it will assist the chairs and RevCom in their work.

3. There are also other changes in progress, such as balloters being able to provide feedback as to whether they are satisfied or not with the current comment resolutions.

4. No questions

38. IEEE 802 EC November Workshop (11-11-1101r4 slide #40)

1. This will be the second of these workshops, to be held over the weekend of the November 2011 IEEE 802 meeting.

2. Indeed the 802.11 WG chair and vice-chair, will be the chair and vice-chair of this workshop.

3. So if anyone has topics, please let us know.

4. One topic that will come up, is that all projects are now regarded as safety projects which will change some of the initial sponsor ballot options. This will affect projects starting after 31st December 2011.

5. Q: Regarding the change to the ballot categories, is there is any guidance as to what they are?

6. Vice-chair: Remember that the balance is in the sponsor group, which is not the members of the working group who came up with the initial draft.

7. C: The current default categories have been given to us by IEEE 802.

8. Q: Regarding competition and co-operation with other groups, we had so many problems with ITU, due to different IPR rules.

9. C: There have also been problems with 3GPP, who try to ignore IEEE 802 documents due to the perceived “unavailability” of the IEEE 802 documents. This has hampered progress especially in the area of 3GPP-WLAN interworking and also ETSI regulatory issues within TGac.

39. Future Venues (11-11-1101r4 slide #42)

1. Please note that future venues.

2. IEEE 802.16 and 802.21 have confirmed that they will join us at the 2012 January interim. This may become common practice going forward.

3. At the moment not all the contracts for 2013 have been signed at the moment.

4. The July 2013 hopefully will still be held in Geneva and September 2013 in China.

5. IEEE 802.11 is trying to take a more international view of this and we have decided not to be too concerned about the registration costs moving forward.

6. No questions

40. Next Meeting

1. The next meeting (#130) is at the Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA, USA from November 6th – 11th 2011:

2. Please check the registration dates and early-bird rate cut-offs.

41. AoB

1. None

42. Adjournment

1. Chair: I propose to adjourn

2. The meeting is adjourned without objection at 09:56 JST.

Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

|Name |Affiliation |

|Aboulmagd, Osama |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Adachi, Tomoko |Toshiba Corporation |

|Aiello, Roberto |Itron Inc. |

|Ariyavisitakul, Sirikiat |Broadcom Corporation |

|Armstrong, Lee |US Department of Transportation |

|Asai, Yusuke |NTT |

|Au, Kwok |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Auluck, Vijay |Intel Corporation |

|Aust, Stefan |NEC Communication Systems |

|Azuma, Yoshikazu |Ricoh Co., Ltd. |

|Bae, Taehan |Samsung Electronics |

|Bahr, Michael |Siemens AG |

|Bajko, Gabor |Nokia |

|Barber, Phillip |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Baykas, Tuncer |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Buffington, John |Itron Inc. |

|Calcev, George |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Canchi, Radhakrishna |KYOCERA Corporation |

|Cariou, Laurent |France Telecom |

|Carney, William |Sony |

|Chang, Kim |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Chang, Kuor-Hsin |Elster Solutions |

|Chang, Lung-Chung |Industrial Technology Research Institute |

|Chaplin, Clint |SAMSUNG |

|Chen, Bin |Huawei |

|Cheong, Minho |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |

|Coffey, John |Realtek Semiconductor Corp. |

|Cordeiro, Carlos |Intel Corporation |

|de Vegt, Rolf |Qualcomm |

|Demessie, Yohannes |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Dey, Sourav |On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. |

|Dong, Xiandong |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Durand, Roger |Research In Motion Limited |

|Ecclesine, Peter |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Edgar, Richard |CSR |

|Emmelmann, Marc |Fraunhofer FOKUS |

|Erceg, Vinko |Broadcom Corporation |

|Fang, Ping |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Flammer, George |Silver Spring Networks Inc. |

|Ghosh, Chittabrata |Nokia Research |

|Gloger, Reinhard |Nokia Siemens Networks |

|GONG, DANING |China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) |

|Goodall, David |Broadcom Corporation |

|Gottlib, Elad |Silver Spring Networks Inc. |

|Haapola, Jussi |Centre for Wireless Communications / University of Oulu |

|Halasz, David |Aclara |

|Hamilton, Mark |Polycom |

|Hansen, Christopher |Broadcom Corporation |

|Harkins, Dan |Aruba Networks, Inc. |

|Hart, Brian |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Hedayat, Ahmadreza |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Hiraga, Ken |NTT |

|Howard, David |On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. |

|Hsieh, Jing-Rong |HTC Corp. |

|Hunter, David |WireFi Networks Inc. |

|Hwang, Sung |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |

|Ikegami, Tetsushi |Meiji University |

|Inoko, Takuya |Niigata University |

|Inoue, Yasuhiko |NTT |

|Iwaoka, Mitsuru |Yokogawa Electric Corporation |

|Jeong, Byung |ETRI |

|Jetcheva, Jorjeta |Itron, Inc. |

|Jiang, Jing |ZTE Corporation |

|Jin, Sunggeun |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |

|Jin, ZhongYi |Nokia |

|Johnson, Matthew |Itron Inc. |

|Jones, Vince |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Kafle, Padam |Nokia |

|Kennedy, Richard |Research In Motion Limited |

|Kim, Bonghoe |LG ELECTRONICS |



|Kim, Joonsuk |Broadcom Corporation |

|Kim, Suhwook |LG ELECTRONICS |

|Kim, Youhan |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Kim, Youngsoo |Samsung Electronics |

|Kivinen, Tero |AuthenTec |


|Ko, Gwangzeen |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |

|KOIKE, YUKI |Meiji University |

|Koskela, Timo |Renesas Mobile Corporation |

|Kraemer, Bruce |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Kuroda, Masaru |Ricoh Co., Ltd. |

|Kurosaki, Masayuki |Kyushu Institute of Technology |

|Kwak, Joseph |InterDigital, Inc. |

|Lambert, Paul |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Lan, Zhou |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Lanante, Leonardo |KyuTech |

|Lansford, James |CSR plc. |

|Lee, Donghun |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |

|Lee, Jae |ETRI |

|Lee, Jihyun |LG ELECTRONICS |

|Li, Huan-Bang |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Li, Zhiming |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Lin, Wang |ZTE Corporation |

|Lindskog, Erik |CSR plc. |

|Liru, Lu |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Liu, Siyang |China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) |

|Liu, Yenfu |Telligent |

|Liu, Yong |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Loc, Peter |IWT Inc. |

|Luo, Long |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Luo, Yi |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Luo, Zhendong |China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) |

|Lv, Kaiying |ZTE Corporation |

|Lynch, Michael |MJ Lynch & Associates, LLC. |

|Mano, Hiroshi |ROOT, Inc. |

|Materum, Lawrence |Tohoku University |

|Mccann, Stephen |Research In Motion Limited |

|Merlin, Simone |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Millet, Charles |Analog Devices Inc. |

|Mizugaki, Kenichi |Hitachi, Ltd. |

|Montemurro, Michael |Research In Motion Limited |

|Mori, Kenichi |Panasonic Corporation |

|Morioka, Hitoshi |ROOT, Inc. |

|Moriya, Tadahiko |Allied Telesis, Inc. |

|Moskowitz, Robert |Verizon |

|Nakamura, Akira |Tokyo University of Science |

|Nakano, Hiroki |Trans New Technology, Inc. |

|Ngo, Chiu |Samsung |

|Ohta, Masataka |Tokyo Institute of Technology |

|Okada, Hiraku |Nagoya University |

|Owada, Yasunori |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Pandey, Santosh |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Pantelidou, Anna |Renesas Mobile Corporation |

|Park, Jonghyun |LG ELECTRONICS |

|Park, Minyoung |Intel Corporation |

|Perahia, Eldad |Intel Corporation |

|Petranovich, James |ViaSat, Inc. |

|PILLAI, KRISHNA |Broadcom Corporation |

|Ping, Xu |ZTE Corporation |

|Pirskanen, Juho |Renesas Mobile Corporation |

|Popa, Daniel |Itron Inc. |

|porat, ron |Broadcom Corporation |

|Ramasastry, Jayaram |Silver Spring Networks Inc. |

|Reede, Ivan |AmeriSys Inc. |

|Riegel, Maximilian |Nokia Siemens Networks |

|Rison, Mark |CSR |

|Rong, Letian |France Telecom |

|Rosdahl, Jon |CSR plc. |

|Saito, Masato |University of the Ryukyus |

|Sakoda, Kazuyuki |Sony Corporation |

|Sampath, Hemanth |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Sawada, Hirokazu |Tohoku University |

|Schelstraete, Sigurd |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |

|Seok, Yongho |LG Electronics |

|Shah, Kunal |Silver Spring Networks Inc. |

|Shao, Huairong |Samsung Information Systems America, Inc. |

|Shellhammer, Stephen |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Shen, ChungChou |ITRI International Inc. |

|Sherlock, Ian |Texas Instruments Incorporated |

|Shi, Wei |CSR |

|Shimada, Shusaku |Yokogawa Co. |

|Shimomura, Tsuyoshi |FUJITSU |

|Siep, Thomas |CSR plc. |

|Smith, Dwight |Motorola Mobility |

|Srinivasa, Sudhir |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Stacey, Robert |Apple, Inc. |

|Stanley, Dorothy |Aruba Networks, Inc. |

|Stephens, Adrian |Intel Corporation |

|Sum, Chin-Sean |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Sun, Bo |ZTE Corporation |

|Sun, Chen |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Taghavi, Mohammad |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Teo, Joseph |Institute for Infocomm Research |

|Tingleff, Jens |CSR plc. |

|Tong, Fei |Cambridge Silicon Radio |

|Tran, Ha |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Tung, Shing-Wu |Industrial Technology Research Institute |

|UtchiMura, Masao |Mobile Broadband Association |

|Van Zelst, Allert |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Varshney, Prabodh |Nokia |

|Vermani, Sameer |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Victor, Dalton |Silver Spring Networks Inc. |

|Villardi, Gabriel |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Virk, Bhupender |Procubed |

|Waheed, Khurram |Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Wang, Chao-Chun |MediaTek Inc. |

|Wang, James |MediaTek Inc. |

|Wang, Junyi |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Wang, Lei |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

|Wang, Xuehuan |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Ward, Lisa |Rohde & Schwarz |

|Warren, David |Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. |

|Wong, Ian |National Instruments Corporation |

|Wu, Tianyu |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Yamada, Toshihisa |ROOT, Inc. |

|Yamazato, Takaya |Nagoya University |

|Yang, Xun |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |

|Yasukawa, Kazuyuki |Fuji Electric |

|Yee, James |MediaTek Inc. |

|Yee, Jung |Aurora Wireless |

|Yee, Peter |NSA/IAD |

|Yoon, Chanho |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |

|Yunoki, Katsuo |KDDI R&D Laboratories |

|Zhang, Dezhi |ZTE Corporation |

|Zhang, Junjian |ZTE Corporation |

|Zhang, Xin |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Zheng, Jun |Broadcom Corporation |

|zhou, yuan |Institute for Infocomm Research |

|Zhu, Chunhui |Samsung |

Annex B : Working Group Officers


|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Bruce Kraemer |IEEE 802.11 Working Group (WG) Chair |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc |

| |Mail: |c/o:  Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Phone:   |+1 (321) 427-4098 |

| | |5488 Marvell Lane,  | | |

| | |Santa Clara, CA 95054 | | |

| | | |Fax:   |+1 (321) 751-3988 |

| | | |bkraemer@ |

|Jon |Working Group - 1st Vice-Chair / Treasurer |CSR plc |

|Rosdahl | | |

| |Policies & Treasury |+1 (801) 492-4023 |

| | |jrosdahl@ |

|Adrian |Working Group - 2nd Vice-Chair, |Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd. |

|Stephens |Technical Editor and ASSIGNED NUMBERS AUTHORITY (ANA) | |

| |Attendance, Ballots, Documentation & Voting |Tel: +44 1954 204 609 (office) |

| | |Tel: +44 792 008 4900 (mobile) |

| | |adrian.p.stephens@ |

|Stephen |Working Group - Secretary & Publicity |Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd |

|McCann | | |

| |Minutes, Reports, & Communications |+44 1753 667099 |

| | |stephen.mccann@ |


| | |+1-408-527-0815 |

| | |petere@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|CLINT CHAPLIN |WNG Standing Committee - Chair |Samsung Electronics |

| |Wireless Next Generations |+1(408)768-0827 |

| | |clint.chaplin@ |

|DAVID BAGBY |ARC Ad-Hoc - CHAIR |Calypso Ventures, Inc. |

| |802.11 Architecture |+1 (650) 637-7741 |

| | |David.Bagby@ |

|ANDREW MYLES |JTC1 Ad-Hoc - CHAIR |Cisco Systems |

| |ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 |+61 2 84461010 |

| | |andrew.myles@ |

|RICH KENNEDY |REG Ad-Hoc - CHAIR |Research In Motion |

| |802.11 Regulatory Ad Hoc Committee |+1 (972) 207-3554 |

| | |rikennedy@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|DOROTHY V. |Task Group mb - Chair |Aruba Networks |

|STANLEY | | |

| |802.11 Accumulated Maintenance Changes |+1( 630) 363-1389 |

| | |dstanley@ |

|DEE DENTEEER |Task Group s - Chair |Philips |

| |Mesh Networking |+31 40 27 49743   |

| |(802.11s Amendment) | |

| | |dee.denteneer@ |

|GANESH |Task Group aa - CHAIR |Intel Corporation |


| |802.11 Video Transport Streams |+1 (503) 264-0637 |

| | |ganesh.venkatesan@ |

|OSAMA ABOUL-MAGD |Task Group ac - Chair |Huawei |

| |802.11 Very High Throughput < 6 GHz |  |

| | | osama.aboulmagd@ |

|ELDAD PERAHIA |Task Group ad - Chair |Intel Corporation |

| |802.11 Very High Throughput 60 GHz |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

| | |eldad.perahia@ |

|MICHAEL |Task Group ae - Chair |Research In Motion |


| |QoS for Management Frames |+1-905-629-4746 x14999 |

| | |mmontemurro@ |

|RICH KENNEDY |Task Group af - Chair |Research In Motion |

| |802.11 TV White Spaces |+1 (972) 207-3554 |

| | |rikennedy@ |

|DAVID HALASZ |Task Group ah  - Chair |Aclara |

| |Sub-1GHz Operation |+1 330-283-2715 |

| | |dave.halasz@ |

|HIROSHI MANO |Task Group ai - Chair |ROOT Inc. |

| |Fast Link Setup |+81-3-5719-7630 |

| | |hmano@root- |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Stephen |Liaison to 3GPP |Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd |

|McCann | | |

| |  |+44 1753 667099 |

| | |stephen.mccann@ |

|TOM SIEP |Liaison to Bluetooth SIG, Inc. |CSR plc |

| |Special Interest Group promoting Bluetooth technology |+1 214 558 4358 |

| |and qualifying conformant implementations | |

| | |tom.siep@ |

|CLINT CHAPLIN |Liaison to IEEE 802.15 and 802.21 |Samsung Electronics |

| |  |+1(408)768-0827 |

| | |clint.chaplin@ |

|RICH KENNEDY |Liaison to IEEE 802.18 |Research In Motion |

| |  |+1 (972) 207-3554 |

| | |rikennedy@ |

|ELDAD PERAHIA |Liaison to IEEE 802.19 |Intel Corporation |

| |  |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

| | |eldad.perahia@ |

|GEORGE BUMILLER |Liaison to IEEE 802.23 |  |

| |  |  |

| | |g.bumiller@ |

|DOROTHY V. |Liaison to IETF |Aruba Networks |

|STANLEY | | |

| | |+1( 630) 363-1389 |

| | |dstanley@ |

|IAN SHERLOCK |Liaison to Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) |  |

| | |Texas Instruments Inc |

| |  |  +1-972-995-2011 |

| | |isherlock@ |

Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

|WG |TE |11-1246r1 |

|TGMB |TG |11-1241r0 |

|TGAA |TG |11-1496r0 |

|TGAC |TG |11-1348r0 |

|TGAD |TG |11-1220r0 |

|TGAE |TG |11-1359r0 |

|TGAF |TG |11-1353r0 |

|TGAH |TG |11-1358r0 |

|TGAI |TG |11-1350r0 |

|WNG |SC |11-1287r0 |

|ARC |SC |11-1251r1 |

|JTC1 |SC |11-1297r0 |

|REG |SC |11-1373r0 |

|SMARTGRID |SC |11-1268r0 |




This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the September 2011, Okinawa, Japan.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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