1. Purpose - UNSW Global Staff Intranet - Homepage

UNSW Global Pty LimitedMobile Devices PolicyCorporate Service IT AUTOTEXTLIST \* MERGEFORMAT Internal FORMCHECKBOX ExternalResponsible OfficerManager Information TechnologyAuthorisationChief Operating Officer Effective DateMarch 2011Modifications FORMTEXT ?????Superseded DocumentsMobile Devices GuidelinesReview DateMarch 2012Policy IDIT-002-POL TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u 1. Purpose PAGEREF _Toc284263528 \h 22. Scope PAGEREF _Toc284263529 \h 23. Approval and issue of mobile devices PAGEREF _Toc284263530 \h 22. Eligibility PAGEREF _Toc284263531 \h 23. Usage PAGEREF _Toc284263532 \h 34. International usage of mobile data plans PAGEREF _Toc284263533 \h 35. Moving on and off the UNSW Global account PAGEREF _Toc284263534 \h 46. Carrier PAGEREF _Toc284263535 \h 47. Billing and Payment PAGEREF _Toc284263536 \h 58. Security guidelines PAGEREF _Toc284263537 \h 59.?Termination of Employment PAGEREF _Toc284263538 \h 510. Approved mobile devices platforms PAGEREF _Toc284263539 \h 611. Support and Training PAGEREF _Toc284263540 \h 612. Reporting Faults / Lost devices PAGEREF _Toc284263541 \h 613. Record Keeping PAGEREF _Toc284263542 \h 614. Risk Management- Safe Use of Mobile Devices PAGEREF _Toc284263543 \h 61. PurposeThe purpose of this policy is to inform UNSW Global staff of the rules governing the use of mobile devices at UNSW Global.2. ScopeThis policy governs the use of mobile device issued and owned by UNSW Global. Mobile devices include any device with a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) installed. The policy also applies to staff owned mobile devices which are synchronised with the UNSW Global e-mail system. 3. Approval and issue of mobile devicesAcquisition of mobile devices needs the approval of UNSW Global Chief Operating Officer (COO). Business Unit Managers must complete the Mobile Devices Request Form and obtain approval from the COO in writing. (Business Unit Manager include Group Executives and Shared Services Managers).Approved forms must be e-mailed to the IT Helpdesk for procurement. Mobile devices purchased by UNSW Global remain the property of the company. Only Global approved mobile devices are available for purchase. (check with the IT Helpdesk for approved devices)2. EligibilityUNSW Global Staff The issue of mobile devices is based on the responsibilities of the position and the requirement of such a device for staff to complete their duties. Staff are required to be on call after hours and/or when travelling.Staff are away from their desks for a substantial amount of time.Staff may need to be contactable on an ad-hoc basis.Non-UNSW Global staffNon UNSW Global staff are not entitled to company funded mobile devices.Staff using Private Mobile DevicesStaff can access their e-mail from their privately owned mobile device via two methods: Web outlook - access e-mail via https:/mail.nsg.unsw.edu.au Synchronising mobile device directly with e-mail system Web Outlook is the preferred access method. If staff wishes to synchronise privately owned devices with the company e-mail system, the following criteria must be satisfied to have access to the service:Written approval from business unit managers to access the service. Staff member must have an e-mail account on the Global e-mail system. Staff member must have a data plan paid for by him/her. The mobile device must have an operating system supported by UNSW Global with key features including remote wipe across all data on the device. The staff member must agree to allow the data on the device to be wiped if it is lost or the staff member leaves the company.?? (may need to wipe it remotely if the device is not physically available) Security guidelines under section 8 apply in its entirety. Notes:The mobile device owner is responsible for the setup, configuration, and ongoing maintenance of the mobile device. Only limited support is possible for privately owned mobile devices. Staff using private mobile devices for company workStaff can claim for costs incurred using privately owned mobile devices for company related work. However if staff are claiming more than 25% of the total bill as work related it is more cost effective to port the private number to the company account as UNSW Global is entitled to discounted call rates from the preferred provider. 3. UsageMobile devices are issued primarily for business use. Outgoing phone calls, e-mail, and web access should be limited to company related work. The University records usage and call details. Records may be accessed by authorised staff for audit and investigation purposes, and may be subpoenaed as evidence.Personal usage for mobile phone calls is restricted to $20 per month. It is the responsibility of the staff member to reimburse the company if this limit is exceeded.If data costs exceed the `Data Plan’ issued by the company, the excess must be paid by the staff member unless it can be proven it is work related. This must be authorised by the Business unit manager.4. International usage UNSW Global data plans for mobile phones are national plans. When Global Roaming is activated, the associated data plan is opened for international use. International use of these plans is an additional charge and is not included in the monthly download limit. International data charges are considerable. A megabyte of data can cost up to $20. UNSW Global does not recommend the use of mobile devices to access the Internet or e-mail outside of Australia. When Global Roaming is activated incoming as well as outgoing phone calls incur costs. Outgoing SMS (text messages) cost a minimum of A$0.55 per message. There are no costs associated with incoming `text messages’. Web browsing including checking e-mailCosts $20 per MBReceiving phone callsCosts based on country and duration of callMaking phone callsCosts based on country and duration of callSending Text messagesMin A$0.55 per messageReceiving Text messagesNo costRefer to Optus website for more information on Global Roaming 5. Moving on and off the UNSW Global account Staff who wish to transfer (port) an existing mobile number from a private account onto the UNSW Global account need to obtain the approval of the Business Unit Manager. Staff who wish to take the mobile phone number when they leave the company need to obtain approval from the COO. This applies to company issued mobile numbers and mobile numbers that have been transferred from private accounts to UNSW Global account. To transfer phone number from Global to private use - complete CHOWN (change of ownership for digital services) form. The phone number can only be transferred to a Optus personal account. Under the following circumstances staff will not be allowed to take the mobile number with them: Where the mobile number is an advertised contact number Where it is not in the interest of UNSW Global to release the mobile number To transfer a private phone number to Global – complete CAAA (Customer Authorisation Agent Appointment) form. When staff make a decision to port their private number to the company account they must be aware that the company may decide to retain the number based on the above criteria if/when they leave the company. It is not given that the private phone number that is ported to the company account can automatically be allowed to be taken with them. 6. CarrierOptus is the preferred carrier for UNSW and UNSW Global. All mobile account and SIM card connections will be established with the current preferred carrier.7. Billing and PaymentThe purchase of mobile phones, accessories and ongoing call costs will be paid for with funds from the relevant Business Unit Optus, the current telecommunications carrier sends invoices directly to the Business Unit for payment.The Business Unit manager is responsible for verifying and authorising invoices for payment.All mobile phones, SIM cards and accessories become the property of UNSW Global upon purchase and must be returned on termination of employment with the company. 8. Security guidelinesAs some mobile devices have computer like functionality these are subjected to the same level of risks as computers. The size of these devices makes them even more vulnerable as these can be misplaced easily. The following security guidelines are enforced to minimise risks: Mobile devices are secured with a 6 character password.After 8 unsuccessful password attempts the device automatically wipes itself and needs to be reconfigured.The device is set to lock after 20 minutes of inactivity. If device is lost or stolen the content will be wiped remotely by Global IT. The content include all content such as photos, videos, files etc stored on the mobile device. The password to the Global computer network will also be reset. This is to reduce the risk of someone gaining access to the e-mail and other Global data resources using the network login and password stored on the mobile device. Passwords, sensitive or proprietary information must not be stored on mobile devices. IT Policy on `Acceptable Use of IT Resources’ applies to the use of smartphones as these have similar features as computers. If serious vulnerabilities are found on the devices remote synchronising will be disabled and data on the device may need to be wiped.Hacking or circumventing security on mobile devices is prohibited. (ie: no alternate operating systems, no jail-breaking or unlocking of iPhones). Privately owned devices which have been jail broken will not be allowed direct connectivity with the Global e-mail system. 9.?Termination of EmploymentWhen a user ceases employment with UNSW Global their mobile device must be returned to the IT department for reallocation or recycling.If the device is not returned the user will be charged the cost of its replacement. The SIM will be cancelled and the device locked, rendering the device useless.Outstanding personal calls must be paid for on termination of employment.10. Approved mobile devices platformsOnly mobile devices with approved operating systems can be synchronised with UNSW Global e-mail system. Currently the following platforms (Operating Systems) are approved by UNSW Global. Apple iPhone OS 3.0 and aboveWindows Mobile OS11. Support and TrainingGlobal IT will provide basic training on use of mobile devices. It is the responsibility of the staff member to familiarise themselves with the mobile device functionality. Issues relating to use of mobile device functions and account disputes should be reported to the IT Helpdesk. 12. Reporting Faults / Lost devicesImmediately report any damage, loss or theft of mobile device to the UNSW Global IT Helpdesk. Immediately contact Optus on 1300 130 756 if theft / loss occurs outside of business hours.Replacing lost phones must be approved by the relevant Business Unit manager.13. Record KeepingA mobile device register is maintained by UNSW Global IT department. Information such as description of device, IMEI or Serial Number, Mobile Number, etc are recorded in the register. 14. Risk Management- Safe Use of Mobile Devices This policy should be read in conjunction with the mobile phone manufacturer’s manual It is illegal in NSW to use hand held mobile phones whilst driving, riding or stationary at traffic lights. Hands-free equipment should be used if available. You many incur fines and loss of demerit points if caught using your mobile phone whilst driving. It is the personal responsibility of the user to pay these fines. Please refer to the following RTA website for further information ................

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