What Economics Is About


Thinking like an Economist

Why are some people and nations wealthy and others poor? This simple sounding question has no easy answer. In fact, over the past two centuries, some of the world’s best thinkers have wrestled with it. Their answers have generated many of the ideas and principles at the heart of the social science we call ECONOMICS.

Economics – ___________________________________________________________________________



The first person to consider this question was Adam Smith, a political economist and philosopher who authored the book The Wealth of Nations. In his book, Smith argued that competition is the key to a healthy ECONOMY.

Economy – ___________________________________________________________________________



Nations prosper when buyers and sellers are free to do business in the marketplace without government interference. In the United States, Adam Smith is revered today as the father of modern economics. Smith observed that people want not only the basic necessities of life – food, clothing, and shelter – but also things that make life easier, or more convenient, and that entertain them. The more of such things they have, the richer they are, at least in economic terms.

When people think about economics, they see, numbers, charts, graphs, and equations. But that is not what economics is all about. In their popular book Freakonomics, economist Steven Levitt and journalist Stephen Dubner argue that economics is about “stripping a layer or two from the surface of modern life and seeing what is happening underneath”. When economists do this, they uncover curious mysteries and enigmas. These economic enigmas are puzzles that are explained through an economic analysis.

Economic Enigma #1: Why does popcorn cost so much in a theater?



Economic Enigma #2: Why do prices often end in 99 cents?



Economists divide their study of how people use their scarce resources into two main branches.

Micro Economics –



Macro Economics –



Economists have developed principles that represent an economic way of thinking about the world.

|Principle |What Does This Mean? |Examples |

|People Choose | | |

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|All Choices Involve Costs | | |

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|People Respond to Incentives in | | |

|Predictable Ways | | |

| | | |

|Economic Systems Influence Individual | | |

|Choices and Incentives | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Voluntary Trade Creates Wealth | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|The Consequences of Choices Lie in the | | |

|Future | | |

| | | |

| | | |

What Tools do Economists Use?

Economists try to solve the economic enigmas that exist in our society. To do this they examine economic events, try to simplify them, and to figure out how a given economic decision can affect their work. In order for them to have some success, they need a set of tools. The three they use the most are:

1. Scientific Method -



2. Graphs -



3. Economic Models -



Good economic models are useful for both explaining and predicting how the economy operates. Remember, humans make decisions based on their own best interests. You have had a brief introduction to the principles and tools that help economists look at the world in a special way. In this unit you will use those principles and tools to develop your own understanding of how the world works. In the process you will become a better consumer and citizen.


Every society is endowed with _______________________ which are used to __________________ the goods and _________________ that enable it to survive and prosper. These resources, called _________________, can be classified into three groups: natural resources, human resources, and capital resources.

Define and give examples of the following:

Natural resources: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Human resources: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Capital resources: _______________________________________________________________________________________


The study of economics explains how productive resources are used to provide the goods and services that satisfy human wants.

When are goods and services LIMITED? _______________________________________________________________________________________

When are goods and services UNLIMITED? _______________________________________________________________________________________

Define SCARCITY: _______________________________________________________________________________________


Answer the following questions by putting a Yes if it is a SCARCE resource or No if it isn’t.

• Trees in a forest while walking through a forest ____________

• Playstation 3 during the holiday season ____________

• iphone 5 at the Apple store in November ____________

• Apples at a supermarket ____________

• Sand on a beach while walking on a beach ____________

Scarce goods and services command a ____________ in the ____________________. The price indicates how scarce a good is relative to other goods. The higher the price of a good, the more ________________ it is.


What are the 3 Basic Questions Every Society Must Answer?


2. _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________


Because of scarcity, any time a choice is made, there are alternatives that _________________________. The value of the next best alternative is called ____________________________________________.

Read the scenario and answer the question:

I come home from school with a lot of math and science homework. I know it will take me 2 hours to get it done. After school I have track practice that goes from 3-4 and later my friends are going out to a movie and dinner from 4:30 – 9. I want to go out with my friends and skip doing my homework. What is the opportunity cost if I follow this plan? _______________________________________________________________________________________


Both ________________ and _______________ incur opportunity costs when making decisions. Define the following:

Producers: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Consumers: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Answer the following questions:

1. Sally goes to the Apple store to but and ipod. Who is the producer? __________________

2. Johnny buys a stereo from Sony. Who is the consumer? __________________

3. Ralph hires a plumber to fix his toilet. Who is the producer? ___________________

The “cost” of buying an item is not really its price; rather it is… _______________________________________________________________________________.

Answer the following questions:

1. My mom gives me 20 dollars to do whatever I want with it. I want to get something to eat or I can use it to buy a used video game. I decided to use it to buy a double cheeseburger meal with fries and a drink for $7.75. Due to this I do not have the $15 I need to buy the game I want. What was the true cost of my meal? ________________________________________________

2. Dell only has enough money to make either MP3’s or laptops. The company decides to make MP3 players over laptops because they expect more people to buy and use them. What is the true cost of their business decision? _______________________________________________________________

The concept of opportunity cost also relates to the use of ______________. Since time is scarce, the time spent doing one activity cannot be spent _______________________________.

Answer the following questions:

1. I decide to spend time with my mother over listening to Justin Beiber on my ipod. What is the cost of my decision? _______________________________

2. I decided to go to a basketball game with my friends instead of going out to dinner with my Valentine? _________________________________________

Because of this, economists tell us, there is “_________________________________________________.”

What do you think that means in regards to opportunity cost? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





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|Traditional | | |

|Economies | | |

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|Command | | |

|Economies | | |

|(Centralized) | | |

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|Market | | |

|Economies | | |

|(Decentralized) | | |

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|Mixed | | |

|Economies | | |

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Economic activity is directed toward a distinct goal: ___________________________________________


Production –


Input -


Output -



Division of Labor -


Specialization -


How does specialization result in a higher degree of interdependence?




Money –


Barter –


Why is using money better than bartering? Summarize the example given using the term “transition costs”.





Money serves as a ___________________________ a _____________________________ and a medium of _________________.






In the United States the basic money supply is known as M1 and M2.

M1: __________________________________________________________________________________

M2: __________________________________________________________________________________


Since all countries have limited productive resources, they need to determine WHAT, HOW, and for WHOM to produce. Market economics rely on the _____________________ to accomplish this task.

Prices as Guides: Selling Tennis Rackets!

In a market economy, changing prices in the marketplace guide economic activity by coordinating the diverse interests of millions of individuals in their roles as producers and consumers.  Read the example about the tennis rackets. Draw a demand curve to show the change in demand when a new craze for tennis hits Berwyn. Your graph should have the original demand curve and the new demand curve to show the change.

Note: the PRICE in tennis rackets coordinated the independent desires of consumers and producers. The rise in tennis racket prices showed the tennis racket makers that they would make more profits if they made more rackets.

Pricing is efficient because people get to choose what they want to buy and sellers get to choose what they want to sell. This happens through competition.

Competition - __________________________________________________________________________


Efficiency - ____________________________________________________________________________


Final Thought: The government does not need to be involved (regulate) in pricing goods like tennis rackets. If a buyer is willing to pay a high price for a tennis racket, then the seller can get that high price.

Read Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Explain the metaphor of the invisible hand in your own words






Price Controls – When the government intervenes in a market economy to set prices, the results are predictable:

Surplus - ______________________________________________________________________________

Shortage -______________________________________________________________________________

Market Clearing Price/ Equilibrium Price - ________________________________________________



Products Market -



Productive Resources Market -



Wage/Salary -



The Financial Capital Market -



Supply -



Demand -





The government in any society plays a role in dealing with the basic economic problem of scarcity. In the United States, the government performs the following roles:

|Different Roles of Government |Explanation |

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|Provides a Legal Framework | |

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|Ensures Competition | |

| |Monopoly – |

| | |

| |Oligopoly - |

| | |

|Provides Public Goods | |

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| | |

|Controls Externalities | |

| |Negative Spillover - |

| | |

| |Positive Spillover – |

| | |

|Redistributes Income | |

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Stabilizes Economy:

Recession ______________________________________________________________________________

Inflation _______________________________________________________________________________

What causes long-term inflation?__________________________________________________________


What does the government do to keep the economy stable? ____________________________________


What does the Federal Reserve Bank do? ___________________________________________________


Growing Role of Government: The role of the U.S. Government has grown over the last century, and the government has assumed a larger role in certain parts of the economy. Do you think the government should assume all of the roles identified above? Why or why not?












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